Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine - fountain in downtown
Kryvyi Rih city in central Ukraine - a fountain in old downtown.
35 years back. Krivoy Rog. 2014
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Kryvyi Rih
Kryvyi Rih or Krivoi Rog is a city in the Dnipropetrovsk region of Ukraine; it is the 8th most populous city in the country. It lies within a large urban area, administratively, incorporated with Kryvyi Rih Municipality as a city of region significance. It also serves as the administrative center of the district although it is not part of it. The city extends for 126 km from north to south.
Standing on the Saksahan and Inhulets river, Kryvyi Rih has been a major settlement for most of its history, going back to its founding as a postal city in 1775 by the Cossaks. A military settlement until 1860, it was part of Kherson, although it was incorporated during the 20th century with areas of Yekaterinoslav. The township began to expand at an astonishing rate at the beginning of the 1880s. Kryvyi Rih's urbanization was unplanned; French and English investment was brought on by a boom in metallurgy, iron mining and investigation of rich deposits of iron ore. The building of the Yekateryninska Railway in 1884 built for transportation of ore to Donbas transformed Kryvyi Rih into a major industry town that culminated in city status in 1919. Nationalization and investment spurred by soviet authorities led to extensive growth. In 1934 Kryvorizhstal was built, the first of more than 500 factories. The city also gave rise to the foundation of Kryvyi Rih National University. Financially, the city's growth after the nazi occupation increased due to economic reforms. Also, investment spurred by Ukrainian Independence, market economy and the 2014 revolution led to extensive regeneration, particularly in the city centre.
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December dreams in KR |Krivoy Rog|
Криворожский ботанический сад
Криворожский ботанический сад НАН Украины - это государственное научно-исследовательское учреждение в составе Национальной академии наук Украины.
Первоначальное решение о создании ботанического сада в Кривом Роге (Криворожского опорного пункта Донецкого ботанического сада) было принято президиумом Академии наук Украинской ССР в декабре 1972 года и утверждено в 1975 году. В 1980 году под будущий ботанический сад был выделен земельный участок площадью 52,4 га. В соответствии с распоряжением № 115 президиума Академии наук УССР от 25 июня 1981 года «О создании криворожского отделения Донецкого ботанического сада» начались работы по его созданию, само отделение было открыто в 1989 году.
20 мая 1992 года Президиум Академии наук Украины принял постановление № 144 «О создании на базе криворожского отделения Донецкого ботанического сада самостоятельного учреждения в системе Академии наук Украины — Криворожского ботанического сада». Ботанический сад расположен на левом склоне Приворотной балки.
В составе Криворожского ботанического сада НАН Украины действуют такие отделы:
- оптимизации техногенных ландшафтов;
- интродукции и акклиматизации растений;
- природной флоры;
- физиологии растений и биологии почв;
- разведение растений для последующей их высадки в грунт на территории парков, аллей, озеленения отвалов карьеров (на это были выделены средства из природоохранных фондов).
Коллекционный фонд Криворожского ботанического сада составляет:
- древесных и кустарниковых растений — 665 видов и форм, 120 сортов;
- цветочно-декоративных — 811 видов, форм и copтов;
т- ропических и субтропических — 890 таксонов;
- лекарственных — 170 видов;
- редких и исчезающих — 165 видов;
- почвопокрывающих — 124 вида;
- растений естественной флоры — 520 видов
Съемки ролика в Кривом Роге
Karpov first
Karpov Sergey first edit
Ukraine, Krivoy Rog.
Edit: Melnik Ruslan
Music: Electric Wizard -- Scorpio Curse
Krivoy Rog - MiniDH - 51.6
г. Кривой Рог - 17.04.2016- Соревнования по дисциплине MiniDH - категорию любители, время -51,6 - первое место первые соревнования на новом Nukeproof Pulse Dh Pro. Хорошая была трасса - Спасибо ребятам!
FashionPa ballet ___Ukraine!
Krivoy Rog city. +380675640197
56 Do More Ukr Drumila Das 17 Mar 2013 Krivoy Rog
Ukraine Kiev und Krivoy-Rog zum Jahresende dns2world
Impressionen aus den Städten Kiev und Krivoy-Rog der Ukraine im Winter.
Спасо-Преображенський кафедральний собор, Кривой Рог, Украина, часть 2.
Savior-Transfiguration Cathedral, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine.
Ukraine today. Krivoy Rog
Соревнования юниоров в Кривом Роге. На льду кажутся большими и взрослыми, а в жизни совсем малыши 7-10 лет.
Этот ролик обработан в Видеоредакторе YouTube (
Flowers Delivery in Krivoy Rog
Krivoy Rog is an industrial city in Dnipropetrovsk region. This city is full of beautiful ladies. Send fresh flowers and gifts for any occasion with premium service for the best prices. Check flowers delivery in Krivoy Rog at
57 Do More Ukr Bh.Sergey 17 Mar 2013 Krivoy Rog
Кривий Ріг -- моє місто I Krivoy Rog
Матеріал з Вікіпедії — вільної енциклопедії.
Кривий Ріг — місто в Дніпропетровській області; найбільше місто України, яке не є обласним центром. Населення близько 655 тис. мешканців. Великий індустріальний та культурний центр України; центр Криворізької агломерації. У червні 2011 року Кривий Ріг посів 18-у позицію у списку 55-и найкращих для життя міст України за версією тижневика «Фокус»[3], а в липні 2010 — 28-у[4]. Відстань до облцентру становить 146 км (автошляхом Н11). Кривий Ріг — найдовше місто в Україні.
The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy 95
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
whatsapp +380688378143
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy is a classical higher educational establishment of European level, an educational and research facility, one of the country’s centres of education, science, culture and spirituality.
The University holds the leading position among the educational institutions of the region, increases its rating in the world of science, it generates cultural-educational and social-patriotic initiatives, helps the local citizens to reveal new horizons of thinking and intellectual existence.
The essence and the goal of educational process at Cherkasy National is to provide state-of-the-art education, that gives the graduates the knowledge, skills and competences necessary to start a career in scientific and professional areas, to carry out research that would make a considerable contribution into the development of science and economy and foster the development of Cherkasy region, Ukraine and the world.
Students of Cherkasy National University are pragmatic, easy-going, determined, proactive, patriotic and romantic. They easily embrace the principles of academic mobility, value their identity and student fellowship, they treat education as a means of personal growth and socialization, they learn to think on a globally international scale. The University creates a common space for the students to express their creativity in study and in science.
The University has established itself as a higher educational establishment of European standards.
The pages of a century-old University history contain records of academicians and honoured instructors, heroes of war-time and peace-time deeds, artists and Olympic champions.
Our daily educational, research, and organizational activity justifies the truth honoured by time and experience: education received at Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy ensures success.
he Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
Over the decades the BKNUC has witnessed rapid development in terms of student enrolment and program diversification.
The University holds its main objective in providing the highest level education and research in the fields of
natural sciences, social sciences,
and the humanities.
Information for foreignersand stateless persons who plan tostudy at Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University
Exploring the University:
1. Motto:Cherishing the traditions, Shaping the present, Advancing into the future…
2. Status - The Classic National University
3. Age – about 100 years.Founded in 1921, BKNUC was the Land of Cherkashchina’s first state-supported institution for higher education.
4. Location: - the Bohdan Khmelnytsky University is situated in the city of Cherkasy which is one of 24 regional centers of Ukraine.
5. The University carries out its mission of -
- Meeting the educational needs of the population of the Cherkasy region and Ukraine in the widest possible range of specialties;
- Providing qualified personnel for the social and economic sectors of the region and Ukraine as a whole;
- Bringing up socially active and politically responsible citizens who are in demand for an open, self-organized and civil society to be built;
Its appointment the Bohdan Khmelnytsky University has been implementing through the introduction of advanced international experience and the integration of the Ukrainian experience into a global education system.
Today the University has established itself as a higher educational institution of the European model. This was due to persistent daily work aimed at the development of schools, improvement of scientific and educational potential, forging greater links of science with practical activities, implementation of modern educational technologies, introduction of progressive forms and methods of cooperation in education, creation of social infrastructure.
6. Structurally Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy is:
- 8 Education and Research Institutes
- of Economics and Law,
- of Foreign Languages,
- of History and Philosophy,
- of Pedagogical Education, Social Work and Art,
- of the Ukrainian Philology and Social Communications,
- of Physics, Mathematics, and Computing and Information Systems,
- of Natural Sciences,
- of Physical Education, Sports, and Health,
and 2 Faculties
- of Computer Science, Intelligent and Control Systems,
- of Psychology
whichoffer programs leading to the baccalaureate, master's, and specialist degrees.
Under the University umbrella there are:
- 8 special research institutes;
- 7 research centers and research laboratories;
- 4 academic councils for the defense of PhD and Doctor of Science thesesin 8 specialties;