Kullen Lighthouse in Sweden
The Kullen Lighthouse (Swedish: Kullens fyr) is an operational lighthouse in Scania, located by the mouth of Öresund, at the point of Kullaberg peninsula, in Höganäs, on the south-west coast of Sweden. Kullen is one of the most prominent landmarks along the Swedish coastline, and with its 1000 Watt electric bulb in a huge lenshouse, also the most powerful lighthouse in Scandinavia, overlooking one of the world's most heavily traveled waters.
The lighthouse is 15 meters tall and its focal plane is located 78.5 meters above sea level making it the highest located lighthouse in Sweden. Every 5 seconds, the Kullen Lighthouse flashes white for 0.3 seconds with 27 nautical miles reach.
Kullen is the oldest lighthouse location in Scandinavia founded 1561 by the Danish king Fredrik II
This lighthouse was a Parrot lighthouse with an iron casket 20 feet above ground.
1563 there was a new stone tower with 12 candlelight as source for light but already 1585 it was replaced with a covered lantern and from 1624 coal was used for light.
During the centuries wood, candlelights, coal, oil, kerosene and electricity have been used to send out a beam that reached 50K as a minimum.
The present lighthouse is built in stone and brick and has three large 1 order Fresnel lenses in a lense house that rotates four times per minute, hence giving twelve flashes per minute. Based on Augustin-Jean Fresnel's design, the lense house was constructed by the French company Barbier & Barnard and delivered in the summer of 1900. It consists of three lenses of 2.58 m in diameter, weighs 6 metric tons and originally rotated on a base filled with 50 liters of mercury. The mercury was replaced in September 2016 with two bearings. The Kullen lighthouse was automated in 1979 and is remote-controlled by the Swedish Maritime Administration's check at Norrköping. The last keeper left in 1996.
Nature Reserve Mölle(Höganäs) LightHouse Skåne County
The Kullen Lighthouse is an operational lighthouse in Scania, located by the mouth of Öresund, at the point of Kullaberg peninsula, in Höganäs, on the south-west coast of Sweden.Kullen is one of the most prominent landmarks along the Swedish coastline. The lighthouse is 15 meters tall.
Kullen Lighthouse - Good Food & Great Nature
The Kullen Lighthouse is an operational lighthouse in Scania, located by the mouth of Öresund, at the point of Kullaberg peninsula, in Höganäs, on the south-west coast of Sweden.
Trip to Kullaberg Lighthouse Sweden
Hoganas Sweden / Höganäs Sverige
Höganäs Municipality (Höganäs kommun) is one of 290 municipalities of Sweden, in Skåne County in the southern part of the country. Its seat is located in the city of Höganäs.
The rural municipality Höganäs, in which the first municipalsamhälle (a kind of borough managing matters of urban character) of Sweden had been established in 1875, received the title of a city in 1936. In 1967 it was merged with Väsby. The present municipality was created with the reform in 1971 when the city was amalgamated with Brunnby and Jonstorp.
The municipality is located on the Kullen peninsula, the extreme part of which is known as the nature reserve Kullaberg hill, with the picturesque villages of Mölle and Arild. The nature reserve is an Important Bird Area of Sweden and a location of several rare plant species.
The Kullen Lighthouse, the most powerful lighthouse in Scandinavia, is located on the western point of Kullaberg. The nature reserve is also home to a series of wooden structures along the coastline, which were begun by artist by Lars Vilks in 1980, and which have become known as Nimis. This is a tourist attraction despite being unauthorised by the Swedish authorities and therefore not marked on maps or signposted.
There are 7 urban areas (also called a Tätort or locality) in Höganäs Municipality.
In the table the urban areas are listed according to the size of the population as of December 31, 2005.
# Urban area Population
1 Höganäs 13 370
2 Viken 3 753
3 Nyhamnsläge 1 800
4 Jonstorp 1 771
5 Mölle 725
6 Arild 537
7 Mjöhult 264
8 Ingelsträde 238
Kullens fyr lighthouse kullen
Höganäs Litta Från Ovan
Höganäs Litta Från Ovan (Höganäs a little from above)
Mitt första försök till en film tagit med drönare. Andra dagen jag ägde drönaren och första gången jag klipper en film så håll till godo!
My first attempt to make a drone vid. My second day flying the drone and my first attempt to make a vid.
Please come with tips and feedback!
Contact: Kribban@live.se
Drone; Phantom 3 4K
Made with Lightworks
Location: Höganäs South of sweden
Kullen och Mölle från ovan
HighAbove PR Movie 03
Kullaberg i Skåne - sommaren 2015
Drive to Kullens Fyr, Mölle.
My Video of our weekend trip to Kullens lighthouse, located in the pretty little harbour town of Mölle in Skåne, Sweden.
Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia :
The Kullen Lighthouse (Swedish: Kullens fyr) is an operational lighthouse in Scania, located by the mouth of Öresund, at the point of Kullaberg peninsula, in Höganäs, on the south-west coast of Sweden. Kullen is one of the most prominent landmarks along the Swedish coastline, and with its 1000 Watt electric bulb in a huge lenshouse, also the most powerful lighthouse in Scandinavia, overlooking one of the world's most heavily traveled waters.
#360video Kullaberg Sweden
Kullaberg är namnet dels på en bergskam, belägen längst ut på halvön Kullen i nordvästra Skåne, dels på naturreservatsbildningar som ligger på och i anslutning till Kullaberg. Området hör till Brunnby socken i Höganäs kommun. Bergskammen (och reservaten) sträcker sig från Kullanäs (vid Kullens fyr) i nordväst till Arild i sydöst, en sträcka på knappt åtta km. Kullaberg är som bredast 1,5 km vid Kockenhus och Björkeröd. Ytan är 932 ha.[1] Från berggrundsgeologisk synpunkt sträcker sig dock Kullaberg ner till Svanshall, en sträcka på ytterligare sju km, och når en bredd på cirka två km.[2] Kullaberg gränsar mot Öresund i sydväst och mot Skälderviken i norr. Kullaberg når en högsta höjd av 187,5 meter vid Håkull. Mot Skälderviken är kustbranterna särskilt höga, som mest drygt 60 meter. Berget korsas av tvärgående sprickor och genom havets nötning har det på många håll bildats grottor, vikar och dalar. Vid stranden ses raukar och stenpelare.
Kullaberg lågsniff
Daniel och jag tog en tur förbi Kullen och gjorde en lågsniff över vattnet. Bedårande vackert! Resan avslutas med en touch and go och ytterligare en lågsniff. Denna gången över vår flygklubb; Ljungbyheds Flygklubb
Lite grann från ovan...
Spana in vårt paradis från ett högre perspektiv och bli påmind om hur lyckligt lottade vi är. Maffiga vyer, oändlig kuststräcka, vingårdar, småstadscharm, karga berg och salta bad – allt finns här.
Kullen, Sverige
Sverige, Kullen, august 2013
Flygtur i Arild | Emrahus AB
Detta är en längre version av vår flygfilm, där vi filmat över Arild och området i Blossalyckan där vi har 11 tomter. Läs mer på
h e m s i d a -
i n s t a g r a m -
t w i t t e r -
b l o g g -
f a c e b o o k -
Climbing 2017 Kullaberg
Climbing session in Kullaberg in south Sweden late summer 2017 with a bunch of fantastic climbers from around the world.
Kullaberg fyr 1jan 2014 part1
Höganäs, Sweden 23 September 2017
Shallow water scubadiving from the beach of Margreteberg, Höganäs, Sweden.
Pomatoschistus minutus, Carcinus maenas, Crangon crangon and Myoxocephalus scorpius
Music: The Making of Thumbs Up - Joe Bagale
Road Trip Action - Mölle
Mölle är en tätort på Kullahalvön i Brunnby socken i Höganäs kommun, Skåne län. Samhället var från början ett fiskeläge, men kom att spela en stor roll i den framväxande turismen i Sverige i slutet av 1800-talet. Till detta bidrog – och bidrar – Mölles natursköna läge invid Öresunds norra utlopp, med Kullaberg som bakgrund. Gemensamhetsbad för män och kvinnor introducerades i Ransvik i början av 1900-talet. Storhetstiden som turistort inträffade strax före första världskriget, men även under mellankrigstiden var turistströmmarna stora. Fortfarande är Mölle en populär turistort med en tredubbling av invånarantalet under sommarmånaderna.
År 1885 invigdes Skåne–Hallands Järnväg. Man kunde då lätt ta sig med tåg till Höganäs, och därifrån med häst och vagn till Mölle. Året därpå, 1886, fick Mölle en fast ångbåtsförbindelse med Helsingborg via Viken. År 1907 startade Sveriges första reguljära busslinje, som gick mellan Höganäs och Mölle. Bussarna kunde dock bara ta tio sittande personer, och den kapaciteten var för liten. Man byggde därför en järnväg mellan Höganäs och Mölle, Möllebanan, som invigdes år 1910. Snart gick det t.o.m. direktvagnar mellan Berlin och Mölle.
Dagens hamnanläggning började byggas 1878 och stod färdig 1881. Hamnen består av Stora hamnen, inkluderande gästhamn, och Lilla hamnen. En rad lägre byggnader och bodar omgärdar hamnen. I byggnaderna ligger bl.a. kiosk, matställen, hamnkontor och bokaffär. Ett blickfång i hamnen är Mölles äldsta hotell, Hotel Kullaberg, vackert restaurerat på 1990-talet. I hamnen ligger också Ruffen, en bod som är samlingplats för ortens båtfolk. Längst ut på den större piren ligger Mölle fyr.
Mölle is a locality situated in Höganäs Municipality, Skåne County, Sweden with 715 inhabitants in 2010. It is best known for its scenic harbour and its location adjacent to the Kullaberg Nature Reserve. Its harbour, situated on the Kattegat Strait, provides services for marine fishing, watersports outings and tour excursions along the coast, especially the rocky shore of Kullaberg to the north. Fodor characterizes Mölle as a small town set in spectacular isolation on the dramatic headland of the Kulla Peninsula. As a historic seaside resort, Mölle has hosted numerous technical and professional conferences such as: the Swedish Network of European Economists, Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory; and the Royal Society (United Kingdom) of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Mölle was a lively 19th century fishing village, some of whose stately buildings survive to the present. It was earlier and still is today an enclave of relatively affluent residents, who initially made their fortunes from fishing. There are extant two sizeable 19th century hotels, which are perched high above the harbour. Other historic buildings surviving are the 1910 Villa Italienborg, built by a scrap dealer whose architectural ideas derived from a visit to the Italian Riviera. Villa Africa is a two story historical residence erected by a Mölle sea captain to woo his bride to move from South Africa. The harbour has been constructed from a rock jetty that further encloses a natural bay and provides slips for approximately 130 small and medium sized boats. Mölle's harbour is the economic and social center of the town, especially in summertime, when townspeople and visitors gravitate to the waterfront for walking, dining, shopping, socializing and engaging boats for day trips. In the warmest months swimmers can occasionally be seen in the cool waters of the harbour.
The harbour is also noteworthy because it commands a central position on the Kattegat Strait, one of the busiest parts of the Baltic Sea region. This strategic importance is magnified by the proximity of Mölle to the historic Kullen Lighthouse on the Kullaberg Peninsula, which is the brightest lighthouse in Sweden.
Kamera: Go-Pro Hero3, Canon Legria.
Musik: Free music for background and produktions.