Kokuzou Jinja enshrines Kuninomiyatsuko Hayamikatamanomikoto, his empress's Amemiyahimenomikoto, and their child's Takahashinokami & Hinomiyagami. Kuninomiyatsuko Hayamikatamanomikoto chiefly enshrined is the first child of Takeiwatatsunomikoto enshrined to Aso Jinja. It is called Kitamiya from being in about 4km from Aso to the north. Kuninomiyatsuko Hayamikatamanomikoto is the god who develops Aso with Takeiwatatsunomikoto, and develops agriculture in the ground. In this shrine, the Shrine rituals that prays for the safety of agriculture through year as well as the Aso Jinja is managed. 国造神社 « 大和心 ぶろぐ