FINLAND above Kuopio 4K
4K Kuopio ilmasta kuvattuna dronella Finland Kuopio harbor
more 4K Aerial videos from Finland - Bird`s Eye view
Kuopio on Suomen kaupunki ja Pohjois-Savon maakuntakeskus, joka sijaitsee Kallaveden rannalla Pohjois-Savon maakunnassa. Kaupungin väkiluku on noin 118 000, ja sen pinta-ala on 4 326,36 km², josta 1 085,33 km² on vesistöjä.
Väkiluku: 117 331 (2016) lähde: Wikipedia
music: Ilotana by zero-project
video © 1HarryH
Kallavesi Lake cruise, Kuopio Finland
Kuopio city center harbor, Kallavesi Lake, Finland 10.7.2015
Rainy Windy Cold Day.
Asuntomessut Saaristo Kaupunki Saaristokaupunki Katu Saaristokatu Saari Island asunto Messut City Harbor Satama Koti Market Place Ship Ships Boat Boats House Home Cottage Sauna Mökki Kesä Kesämökki Summer Koti Talo Beach Ranta Tontti Kaupunki Kuopion Sun Aurinko rock Pilvet Ukkonen Thunder Sky Taivas Salamoi Tourist Turisti kylä Vänäri Puijo Puijon Torni Tower M/S Queen R Otso Laiva cock 2019 laivat Sataman Juhlat Viini Suomen Lippu Savo Savolainen 2018 water Bar Pub alue area savonia Restaurant street flag Finland Finnish food rockcock ruoka halli sota war tori ahti day otso sea talo sade rain wind tuuli cold uima weather jalkapallo 2016 stadium KuPS stadion rainy car 2017 cars ui road laituri uusi new nordic design houses new uusi avajaiset ravintola saana hirsi mökki saaret reitti track vene kivi arena areena
Finnish military vehicles in Kuopio 6.12.2017
No onkos tullut sota nyt talven keskelle
Ajoneuvoja Kuopion itsenäisyyspäivän paraatissa 6.12.2017
2017 itsenäisyyspäivän paraatin jälkihöyryt
Art at Kuopio University Hospital, Finland ⚕️ KYS Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala ????
Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala, Kuopio Finland EU, 15.10.2019.
on yksi Suomen viidestä yliopistollisesta sairaalasta. Sen päätoimipiste sijaitsee Kuopiossa Puijonlaakson kaupunginosassa lähellä Itä-Suomen yliopiston Kuopion Savilahden kampusta. vastaa vaativasta erikoissairaanhoidosta Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiirissä ja erityistason sairaanhoidosta Etelä-Savon, Itä-Savon, Keski-Suomen, Pohjois-Karjalan ja Pohjois-Savon sairaanhoitopiireissä. Siellä toimivat kaikki lääketieteen erikoisalat ja opetussairaalana se tekee läheistä yhteistyötä Itä-Suomen yliopiston kanssa. Kuopion jälkeen sairaanhoitopiirin palveluita jäsenkunnista käyttää eniten Siilinjärvi, Varkaus ja Iisalmi. L'hôpital universitaire de Kuopio (finnois : Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala, sigle KYS), est l'un des cinq hôpitaux universitaires de Finlande. Academisch ziekenhuis Kuopio (Fins: Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala (KYS)) is een universitair ziekenhuis in. Университетская больница Куопио предлагает полный спектр медицинских услуг. Наша цель – профессиональная и качественная забота о здоровье пациентов и помощь на всех уровнях системы здравоохранения. Мы занимаемся исследовательской деятельностью, которая играет важную роль на мировом уровне, а также проводим обучение специалистов в сфере здравоохранения. Мы предлагаем следующие виды медицинского обслуживания: несрочный осмотр врача-специалиста и круглосуточное дежурство. Пациентам, нуждающимся в неотложной помощи, будут оказаны медицинские услуги независимо от гражданства. Для того, чтобы попасть на прием к врачу-специалисту в случае, не требующем срочного лечения, необходимо направление. Направление может выписать врач поликлиники, врач обслуживающий трудящееся население или же частный врач. Стоимость приема и порядок проведения несрочного медицинского осмотра зависят от гражданства пациента. На нашем сайте Вы можете найти дополнительную информацию на английском языке. ufo alien ship flying saucer youtube video movie new x-files episode full hd picture statue sculpture Brainwave Aivoitus Evolution Evoluutio Streams in the rock Primavera Purot kalliossa arctic nordic eu yliopisto sairaalat suomi suomessa savo savolainen All people who fall ill or are injured in Finland are entitled to emergency medical and dental care, irrespective of their home country. Each patient is treated until they can travel safely back to the home country that is primarily responsible for their medical care and costs incurred. Fees charged for the treatment are specified according to the patient's home country. The arrangement of medical care services can be based on European Union legislation or other social security or medical care contract that is binding on Finland. A social security agreement with Quebec, Canada, covers medical care for those residing temporarily in Finland due to employment or studies. The contract also covers their family members. Thus, fees are the same as for Finns. In the case of emergency and non-emergency care, the citizens of EU Member States, EEA states and Switzerland and foreigners living in Finland will be charged the same fees as people residing permanently in Finland. An agreement signed with Australia covers emergency medical care for those residing temporarily in Finland, in which case they will be charged the same fees as Finns. People from countries other than EU Member States or contract countries pay for the actual costs of the treatment, both for emergency and non-emergency care. Patients from countries other than the EU Member States or contract countries seeking non-emergency medical care must enquire about the possibility of treatment and agree on the arrangements in advance. Treatment costs must be paid prior to being treated. high North Savo Startup Fund level ely care keskus puijo keskusta torni tori puijon satama harjula harbor harjulan airport niuva hotelli julkula hotel julkulan food restaurant lähellä
Pirate Ship at Kuopio Pirttiniemi harbor
Kuopio Suomi Finland 2.9.2016
~3 kilometers from the Kuopio city center (~1,9 miles)
Saimaan vesistön karttasarja M, Savonlinna-Kuopio, karttalehti nro: 234
Lat. 62° 54,20' P Long. 27° 43,95' I (Kartta)
Kuopion Pursiseuran kotisatama sijaitsee n. kolmen kilometrin etäisyydellä keskustasta. Pirttiniemestä löytyy seuran omien venepaikkojen lisäksi 40 vierasvenepaikkaa, matkustajalaivalaituri, veneiden nostoluiska ja huoltolaituri, joka on varustettu hiabilla (2 tn) ja mastonosturilla. Pirttiniemessä on käytössä septin tyhjennyslaite, josta jätevedet ohjataan kunnalliseen viemäriin. Laitureilla on vesi (järvivesi) ja sähkö. Juomavesipisteitä on kaksi. Pirttiniemessä sijaitsee myös Luotsi-toimintakeskus, jossa on mm. seuran toimisto.
Iivarinsalon tukikohta, n. 6 mpk
Jänissalon tukikohta, n. 19 mpk
Vehmersalmi (Millibaari), n. 13 mpk
Kuopion Pursiseura ry harbour kallavesi lake lakes saimaa satama purjevene purjeveneet sail boat boats sailboat sailboats sailing row rowing tax vs overhead power lines Vesitie 17 vieras vene vierasvene test vierasvenesatama keskusta kuopion pasi kuopiossa song veneet kallasj 2017 uusi new kid apple of at in on of off hte a an sky näyttely messut fine billion mersedes-benz billions fair show bella buster fiskars yamaha honda mercury 2 4 two eu four stroke ufo iphone tyttö flying saucer secret near russia european union russain border osoite address ad commercial tv radio sparrow car auto cars eu european own personal home american euro dollar illuminati owns you yacht poika interview power airport director cyberlink 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 kamera sony full hd zoom hdr 160x 160 190 170 alien hotel rum ship aircraft forest woods lapsi inferno 31 bellona 23 x- 302 forgus arctic nordic aamu 362 hieno clip rommi clips myydään kauppa zoom -8 hilton päivä beneteau thru through oceanis 323 clipper sunwind sun god minun wind tuuli 26 volvo penta hv albin paris scampi finn express 74 break boström b31 strong strom yanmar london vindö coupon 30 albin shooting ballad puuvene puu wood woodship woodboat sydney steam steamship steamships mahonkivene perkaus perkaa coupons viheraho antilla gt-kryssare ruoriohjaus trap ruori ohjaus dufour 425 55 50 60 70 40 45 suzuki c&c 28 trapper speed 400 jeanneau free od 35 sk saaristoristeilijä saaristo risteilijä speeding 22 evinrude accent 26 40 muu merkki 430 avance 33 flyer 31c/r kubota 21 2005 2010 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2105 2006 2007 2008 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 etap how 21i king kings win 33 terhi terhisail 375 lohi 25 fiigulf fg33 27 30 folkboat folk pro vin ticket swedish sweden swede finnish finland Norwegian Cruise Line Getaway sverige finnkampen level tampere avance 245 fisk fisksättra to laser caribbean race standard guy 27 still size 525 optimisti omavalmiste arteno h35 mitsubishi norlin 2.4 mr elise fur mix remix techno trance albin albino tall jack vigger valkoinen sininen steal internet video youtube movie diesel north blue white h selva 33 macgregor 26 m artina l ketsi scanmar 35 comet bulding moon sun taivas aurinko kuu tähti gasoline star my day summer restaurant autumn syksy bible purjehdus purjehtimassa pirates burger erä retki shop liike kauppa store vision 44 31 gooddal f18 hornet catamaran dehler german cws top gear buy cheap expensive kallis halpa risteilijä laituri swan korea fuel swans joutsen suomen turku turussa perkins dufour lacoste octaine 42 farr 28 alumiini aluminium bukh 1981 balans balance 65 kemiön s sunbeam 34 29 monarkartina 29 winga china sulkavene high sulkamaxi maxi68 69 granada 24 me 1978 special 1986 mastonkaadolla masto kaato r perfomance westerly riviera 35 1989 h-star 1984 ohlson festival 29 fantasy inside fantasia joe one chinese sparkman & stephens 38 baltic sea 42 nordic nordship 808 nanni hallberg-rassy 31 monsun vikla kid devil kids lasten x-yachts x 332 h-35 go5 guy artekno cr 31 film illuminati guyline line somalian 3800 scanmar 345 malbec 290 johnson mistinguette jon 33 marieholm 261 bavaria bmw vision 42 elan 33 hanse 355 still keihäs chainsaw najad 340 paikka vanepaikka montreal kaupunki pleas kaupungin uudet haussa maksu liian lika lian poisto talvi säilytys guilty talvisäilytys avajaiset myrsky fight sade kaste real life el galeon spanish merchant sleep bed sail big huge small tiny lil little wife seven seas judge scariest top ten superheroes ottelu war wars ultimate court girlfriend pirates pirate's minecraft hello kitty fastest shark aussia attack simulator noa victoria saint augustine Johnny Depp competition 86 commandeering world's end beach ranta pool hunt sunseeker australia escape nopein car cars from Disney arrival port price royal australian captain ruotsi brand curse black fats pearl entrance mod endeavour adventures young blackbeard stranger tides king england carey english made in hole holy hero super pictures
#GoProHero5Black #kuopio #dashcam
Kuopio The Movie
Most amazing weekend in Kuopio with homies.
Jacuzzi Boys - Glazin'
Joose Keskitalo - Suuri tulva
Allah-las - Follow you down
Saarijärvi citypart, Kuopio, Finland
October 3th 2010.
Driving from harbour to Itkonniemi citypart, Kuopio, Finland
October 3th 2010.
Kuopio by maydayevening, Finland
A real life document made in the city of Kuopio, Pohjois-Savo district, Eastern Finland 30.4.2011. Jormaattori is doing the driving and Zugram is doing the narration ;)
Sauna ferry at Kuopio city center harbor - Floating Sauna in Finland
Kuopio Finland, Saturday, windy afternoon 1.7.2017.
float floating ship boat arctic Saunas nordic man men women teen teens girl girls bikini beach naked in at on out off of kind the a an kid kids sauna finnish finn new uusi mies nainen tyttö poika honda yamaha two four ktm stroke home shell made us volvo usa cheap expensive speed high low honda oil esso yamaha 2 4 two four stroke engine motor test station testissä testasin testissä tm sea lake gas gasoline fuel puu sähkö log home logs homes news koti hullu järvi järvellä taimen kuha lohi boat ship iso big cruise yacht new perämoottori gas gasoline used made neste by motor fuel sky
Celebrating Finland's centenary – Kuopio
Our countdown to Independence Day continues! Let’s pay a visit to Kuopio.
Springsights from Petonen city part, Kuopio, Finland
25.4.2011 The second easterday.
a minute in Kuopio
a little walk in Kuopio
International Grand Markets in Kuopio (Finland)
Kuopio city center market place, Finland Friday noon 19.8.2016
Mostly food but a lots of other stuff too, +150 sellers from +35 countries
Kansainväliset suurmarkkinat Kuopio
The participation of TMK (the Service Centre for Finnish Outdoor Markets) in joint European projects has borne fruit. Finnish traders have ventured into the European Market events of Central Europe as well as the discerning Christmas markets of Germany. In return, German, English, Italian and Dutch traders have visited Finland to sell their wares at different venues.
International Markets
International Market events are the pinnacle of markets. Only a handful of selected traders selling high quality, specialist products are permitted to participate from each country or specific region. Dealing directly with vendors is quite an experience for the average consumer e.g. purchasing pasta from an Italian trader or buying chocolate from a Belgian vendor trading from their elaborately decorated catering units. A group of around 250-traders, dealing in high quality produce, tour the International Market events. Continuously on tour with them is Jari Mäkelä, an entrepreneur from Pori, Finland, who specializes in Finnish handicrafts and products from Lapland e.g. linen products, knitwear, witch drums and reindeer bone necklaces and hides. Currently, Mäkelä mainly tours the markets in Italy, Holland and England.
Experiences from the market places of Europe
According to Jari Mäkelä, only vendors who take their business seriously and deal in national specialities are permitted to participate. The organizers of the European Market, Italian FIVA and EMF from Holland were excited about getting a Finnish trader and matters were dealt with swiftly. “Passable English” was enough to take care of all the practicalities.
The first European Market was held in Enschend, Holland and everything went well despite preliminary tensions. The market was located in the city centre and a dance festival held in conjunction guaranteed plenty of customers. According to Mäkelä, his 4×8 metre stand was continually photographed and created interest with the local TV station and press as well. Trading was busy and many new associations were formed proving the idea for a European Market was a success.
The first Finnish International market outdid expectations
Participating traders contacted Jari Mäkelä and asked him to organize a International Market in Finland. It was considered strange that Finnish traders were able to take part in Italian market events but Italians were unable to do so in Finland. Mäkelä then contacted Ari Kallas of the Service Centre for Finnish Outdoor Markets to suggest that the traders in question participate in events in Finland from July to August 2012. Two events were chosen as trial runs. The International Market in Tampere 19-21.7.2012 and the Kotka Maritime Festival 26-29.7.2012, both exceeded expectations and raised interest in Finland and the International market event. Fulfilling these expectations we arranged five-week International Market tour at Finland in 2013 and eight-week International Market tour in 2014. Both tours were big success.
outdoor Kansainväliset Fair Markets satama meal harbor Finnish finn food ruoka katu street markets cafe club breakfast satama night my vouyer day hotel king hotelli atlas truck mcdonads yllätys mcdonald's event size best burger hall building ufo puijo puijon flying torni gun moomin big large kiini small russian little ski jumping vene ase hill hills saucer skijumping kys very auki sky man secret normal summer sokos anttila s-market sauce open apaja italian tori alien truck dog trucks kauppa halli van ship kind commercial estonian kauppahalli national kahvila african cafeteria lukio paras aircraft french veljmies chinese danish ad patsas song oksapoika jet siskotyttö walk avaruus fries oriental pubi game taide art museo radio museum alus country hevos asian belgian taivas ale song new stop uusi church bell near aurinko thai kello torni greek sony hrd 160x kuu zoom test car testi moon syrian tv full ravintola hd turkish valio jäätelö sun mega kioski iranian behind yle cow mountain competition kebab lehmä american pomppulinna horse show varkaus hevonen drive pizza indian ravintola kisa rosso harald mualimannapa next 2017 pilkki bells swedish painting paintings super show päivä mr. päivät buy in on at of curry off norwegian Kansainväliset suurmarkkinat Kuopio out the an a thru through markinat juusto sausage cheese chili soup border kuopion savo savolaiset anttilan katto german kuva pean picture internet control video youtube movie step bar pub
Kuopio: Kulmat syynissä
11 min edit Savon Sanomissa kesällä 2015 julkaistusta kymmenosaisesta Kulmat syynissä juttusarjasta
Kuopio harbor thursday afternoon, june 2013
Kuopio city center Finland ~2pm 27.6.2013