Historical mosques from the Seljuks and Ottomans in Kayseri Turkey (Tarihi camiler Kayseri)
The mosques from the Seljuks and Ottomans in Kayseri. Emir Sultan Mosque, Hacı Kılıç Mosque, Hasinli Mosque, Hatıroglu Mosque, Hunat Mosque, Kalaycıoğlu Mosque, Kurşunlu Mosque, Şehy Tennuri Mosque, Mosque Kebir (Grand Mosque), Han Mosque, Lala Muslihiddin Mosque, Burunguz Mosque, Abdullah Seyh Mosque, Ali Hoca Mosque, Asmali Msjid, Battalgazi Mosque, Bozatli Pasa Narli Masjid, Bulgurcu Mosque, Candir Mosque, ... More than 50 mosques.
Some historical mosques from the Seljuks and Ottomans in Kayseri Turkey (Photo Slideshow)Tarihi cami
The mosques from the Seljuks and Ottomans in Kayseri. Emir Sultan Mosque, Hacı Kılıç Mosque, Hasinli Mosque, Hatıroglu Mosque, Hunat Mosque, Kalaycıoğlu Mosque, Kurşunlu Mosque, Şehy Tennuri Mosque, Mosque Kebir (Grand Mosque), Han Mosque, Lala Muslihiddin Mosque
Bindallı Kayseri Kurşunlu Camii - S.Burhanettin AKBAŞ
Kayseri Erciyes TV Bindallı Kayseri Kurşunlu Camii - S.Burhanettin AKBAŞ
Kayseri çekimlerinden..görülmesi gereken yerler
Kursunlu Waterfall,Turkey 2006
A beautifull waterfall in Antalya, Turkey.
TRT Al-Arabia - Orası/Kurşunlu Cami Ve Külliyesi - هناك – جامع كورشونلو
Sinaner Tasarım Akademisi - Kayseri Camii ve Rekreasyon Alanı
1. KIZKALESI CASTLE ,MERSIN 36°27'24.37N 34° 8'54.07E
2. BÜYÜKADA GREEK ORPHANAGE,ADALAR 40°51'39.97N 29° 7'23.17E
3. PARKORMAN DOOR,DIYARBAKIR 37°55'59.80N 40°11'33.35E
4. MUSEUM,ECEABAT 40°12'25.90N 26°16'54.04E
5. ZAGNOS CASTLE,TRABZON 41° 0'16.56N 39°43'0.68E
6. DENEME,ADALAR 40°52'27.30N 29° 7'41.83E
38°25'9.81N 27° 7'42.27E
8. HIZMALI BRIDGE,SANLIURFA 37° 9'27.87N 38°47'1.83E
41° 1'45.44N 28°56'57.59E
1'15.15N 34°36'50.51E
11. AYA NIKOLA CHURCH,ADALAR 40°52'38.31N 29° 5'59.02E
12. ANCIENT THEATRE PERGE,ANTALYA 36°57'27.83N 30°51'1.95E
13. ANZAK ANITI,ECEABAT 40°13'48.93N 26°17'16.69E
14. KUMLUCA KEMER YOLU,ANTALYA 36°31'32.13N 30°33'6.27E
15. BURMALI CAMII,EDIRNE 41°40'40.88N 26°33'12.09E
16. ASPENDOS AQUEDUCT FIVE,ANTALYA 36°57'9.37N 31°10'2.62E
17. ASSOS ALARGA,TURKEY 39°29'26.22N 26°20'13.69E
18. SANLIURFA CASTLE WALLS, SANLIURFA 37° 8'44.71N 38°47'1.57E
19. HAGIA SOPHIA MOSQUE,ISTANBUL 41° 0'30.33N 28°58'48.00E
40° 2'59.97N 26°13'8.63E
23. KALENDER BABA TÜRBESI,KONYA 37°52'45.76N 32°29'39.74E
24. YUSUF PASHA MOSQUE,SANLIURFA 37° 9'18.01N 38°47'28.63E
25. IZMIR MANSION(THE HOST)MOSQUE,IZMIR 38°25'8.59N 27° 7'45.84E
39°56'12.83N 32°51'55.64E
27. SÜLEYMAN CAMII,DIYARBAKIR 37°54'53.61N 40°14'31.13E
28. ŞEHREKÜSTÜ CAMII,BURSA 40°11'15.45N 29° 3'38.37E
29. TWIN MINARET MADRASAH,ERZURUM 39°54'20.28N 41°16'42.18E
41° 0'25.30N 28°58'43.20E
31. KURŞUNLU CAMI,KAYSERI 38°43'19.95N 35°29'6.39E
32. ADLIYE CAMII ,BODRUM 37° 2'3.60N 27°25'49.08E
33. ZAL MAHMUD PASHA'S TOMB,ISTANBUL 41° 2'41.23N 28°56'10.04E
34. IHRAMCIZADE-CAMII,SIVAS 39°45'32.44N 37° 3'5.22E
35. FIRUZ AGA MOSQUE,ISTANBUL 41° 0'28.37N 28°58'33.92E
36. AZIZIYE CAMI,KONYA 37°52'11.92N 32°30'2.66E
37. MONUMENT,ISTANBUL 41° 2'13.24N 28°59'6.42E
Ezan- ŞABANLI KÖYÜ- Kayseri
Hunat Hatun Külliyesi Kompleksi Ve Mimarisi Kayseri 4K UHD
ISBN 978-605-88104-0-2
Hunat Hatun Külliyesi Kompleksi Ve Mimarisi Kayseri 4K UHD
Hunat Hatun Külliyesi, I. Alaeddin Keykubad'ın eşi, II. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in annesi Mahperi Hunad Hatun tarafından 1238'de Kayseri şehir merkezinde yaptırılmış olan külliyedir. Hunad Hatun, kayınpederi I. Gıyaseddin Keyhüsrev'in genç yaşta ölen kız kardeşi Gevher Nesibe Hatun'un vasiyetiyle 1206 yılında Kayseri'de inşa olunan ilk tıp okulu ve hastanesi, Şifâiyye olan Gevher Nesibe ve Gıyasiyye Şifaiyyesi'nden etkilenerek kendini hayır işlerine verdi.
Kesme taştan inşa edilmiş olan Hunad Hatun Külliyesi cami, medrese,hamam ve türbe bölümlerinden oluşur. Külliye camiinin minaresi II. Abdülhamit tarafından yaptırılmıştır. Külliyenin dikdörtgen planlı medresesi bugün Kayseri Etnoğrafya Müzesi olarak kullanılmaktadır. Külliyenin piramit külahlı sekizgen türbesinin içinde üç sanduka mezar bulunmaktadır. Külliyenin hamamı çifte hamamdır. Hamamın hem erkekler bölümünün kubbesi hem de kadınlar bölümünün kubbesi tuğla ile inşa edilmiştir. Külliyenin hamam bölümünde yapılan son restorasyon sırasında bazı çiniler ortaya çıkarılmıştır.
Külliyenin merkez yapısı camidir. Giriş kapısının hemen üstündeki süslemeler muhteşem sanat rölyefleridir. Batı ve doğu kapılarının üst kısmında mermer kitâbeler bulunmaktadır. Cami, mihraba paralel 8 sahandan oluşmaktadır. Mihrap önü kubbesi bulunan cami Malatya Ulu cami planını yansıtmaktadır. Erzurum Ulu cami mihrap önü gibi bir genişleme söz konusudur. Yapının taç kapı ve mihrap kısmı süslemeli olup geometrik bezeme kullanılmıştır.
Medrese ise dıştan kale görünümünde iken zamanla burçları yıkılmıştır. Tek katlı iki eyvanlı açık avlulu medrese plan tipindedir. Ana eyvanı süsleme kuşağı çevrelemektedir. Medresede de geometrik süslemeler hakimdir. Aslan başı şeklinde çörtenlere sahiptir. Bütün külliyede kesme taş malzeme kullanılmıştır.
1929 yılından itibaren, Vali Fuad Beyin direktifiyle müze olarak kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Uzun yıllar Arkeoloji müzesi olarak kullanılan Medrese, 1969 yılında Gültepe'de inşa edilen yeni Arkeoloji Müzesi'nin hizmete girmesinden sonra, 1998 yılına kadar Etnografya Müzesi olarak kullanılmıştır.
1998 yılında müze Güpgüpoğlu Konağı’na taşınmış ve Medrese Kayseri Valiliği tarafından bakım ve onarımı yapıldıktan sonra Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğü’ne devredilmiş ve hediyelik eşya çarşısı olarak hizmete girmiştir. Halen hediyelik eşya çarşısı olarak kullanılmaya devam etmektedir. Türbede ise farklı bir özellik olan mukarnaslı kaidesi ilgi çelici özellik yansıtmaktadır.
Kamera/Metin Yazım : Mehmet SÖKMEN
Seslendirme : Rüksan SÖKMEN
Çekim Tarihi : 30.07.2015
Prodüksiyon Yapım Tarihi: 23.09.2015
Video Prodüksiyon Yapım,
Yayın Ve Yönetmeni: Mehmet SÖKMEN - 0532 525 84 93
web: mehmetsokmen.tv
Maglaj Kurşunlu Cami
Osmanlı mimarisinin güzel örneklerinden biri olan Bosna Hersek’teki Kurşunlu Cami, 1560’ta Kalavun Yusuf Paşa tarafından yaptırıldı. Osmanlı döneminden kalma bu önemli eser, Bosna Hersek’te ulusal anıt olarak kabul edilen Cami, TİKA ile restore edildi.
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Turkey-Sivas Part 37
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Sivas Population:338.000
Sivas, is a city in central Turkey and the seat of Sivas Province. According to a 2011 estimate, its urban population is 655,297.
The city, which lies at an elevation of 4,193 feet (1,278 m) in the broad valley of the Kızılırmak river, is a moderately-sized trade center and industrial city, although the economy has traditionally been based on agriculture. Rail repair shops and a thriving manufacturing industry of rugs, bricks, cement, and cotton and woolen textiles form the mainstays of the city's economy. The surrounding region is a cereal-producing area with large deposits of iron ore which are worked at Divriği.
Sivas is also a communications hub for the north-south and east-west trade routes to Iraq and Iran, respectively. With the development of railways, the city gained new economic importance as junction of important rail lines linking the cities of Ankara, Kayseri, Samsun, and Erzurum. The city is linked by air to Istanbul.
Sivas has a continental climate with warm and dry summers and cold and snowy winters. The driest months are July and August and the wettest are April and May.
A cultural hub as well as an industrial one, Sivas contains many examples of 13th-century Seljuk architecture. The Mavi Medrese from 1271, the Şifaiye Medresesi from 1218 and the Çifte Minare Medresesi from 1271, with its intricately carved facade and minarets, are among the most noteworthy monuments. The oldest surviving mosque is the Grand Mosque (Ulu Camii) completed in 1196 is famous for its simplicity. The city is also famous for its Medreses (Islamic seminaries). Gök Medresesi (the Celestial Madrasa; depicted on the obverse of the Turkish 500 lira banknote of 1927-1939ĺ and Mavi Medrese, Sifaiye Medresesi, on the other hand, was completed earlier, on the eve of the second wave of Turkic immigration to Anatolia, in 1218 and the with its intricately carved facade and minarets are among the most noteworthy edifices carries on the traditional Seljuk Medrese plan.
The city also contains some fine examples of the Ottoman architectural style. Kurşunlu Hamamı (Leaden Bath) which was completed in 1576, is the largest Turkish bath in the city and it contains many details from the classical Ottoman bath building. Behrampaşa Hanı (Caravansaray), was completed in 1573 and it is famous for the lion motifs around its windows.
Atatürk Congress and Ethnography Museum (Atatürk Kongre ve Etnografya Müzesi) is a museum with two sections. One is a dedicated to the Ottoman heritage of Sivas. The other is to the Sivas Congress, one of the pivotal moments in the Turkish national movement.
Street leading up to Hükümet Meydanı
The modern heart of the city is Hükümet Square (Hükümet Meydanı, also called Konak Meydanı) located just next to the Governor's mansion. This area is also home to many of the city's high end hotels and restaurants. The city's shoppers usually head to Atatürk Avenue.
Sivas is also famous for its thermal springs which have a respectable percentage in the city's income. People believe that the water of these thermal springs can cure many illnesses. The most famous thermal areas are, Sıcak Çermik, Soğuk Çermik and Kangal Balıklı Kaplıca.
Buruciye Madrasah
Çifte Minareli Madrasah (Double Minaret Madrasah)
Gök Madrasah (Blue Madrasah)
Şifaiye Madrasah
Specialies of Sivas are Tarhana (a soup made using sour yogurt) and Kelecos (a sour potato soup made with yoghurt). One distinct feature of Sivas cooking is the use of Madimak which is a local herb similar to Spinach. Sivas kebabı is a variety of Kebab originating from Sivas
Turkey Antalya tourism city tour travel guide
Sivrihisar Ulu Camii - Dünden Bugüne Ahşap Camiler - TRT Avaz
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Turkey-Sivas Part 38
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Sivas Population:338.000
Sivas, is a city in central Turkey and the seat of Sivas Province. According to a 2011 estimate, its urban population is 655,297.
The city, which lies at an elevation of 4,193 feet (1,278 m) in the broad valley of the Kızılırmak river, is a moderately-sized trade center and industrial city, although the economy has traditionally been based on agriculture. Rail repair shops and a thriving manufacturing industry of rugs, bricks, cement, and cotton and woolen textiles form the mainstays of the city's economy. The surrounding region is a cereal-producing area with large deposits of iron ore which are worked at Divriği.
Sivas is also a communications hub for the north-south and east-west trade routes to Iraq and Iran, respectively. With the development of railways, the city gained new economic importance as junction of important rail lines linking the cities of Ankara, Kayseri, Samsun, and Erzurum. The city is linked by air to Istanbul.
Sivas has a continental climate with warm and dry summers and cold and snowy winters. The driest months are July and August and the wettest are April and May.
A cultural hub as well as an industrial one, Sivas contains many examples of 13th-century Seljuk architecture. The Mavi Medrese from 1271, the Şifaiye Medresesi from 1218 and the Çifte Minare Medresesi from 1271, with its intricately carved facade and minarets, are among the most noteworthy monuments. The oldest surviving mosque is the Grand Mosque (Ulu Camii) completed in 1196 is famous for its simplicity. The city is also famous for its Medreses (Islamic seminaries). Gök Medresesi (the Celestial Madrasa; depicted on the obverse of the Turkish 500 lira banknote of 1927-1939ĺ and Mavi Medrese, Sifaiye Medresesi, on the other hand, was completed earlier, on the eve of the second wave of Turkic immigration to Anatolia, in 1218 and the with its intricately carved facade and minarets are among the most noteworthy edifices carries on the traditional Seljuk Medrese plan.
The city also contains some fine examples of the Ottoman architectural style. Kurşunlu Hamamı (Leaden Bath) which was completed in 1576, is the largest Turkish bath in the city and it contains many details from the classical Ottoman bath building. Behrampaşa Hanı (Caravansaray), was completed in 1573 and it is famous for the lion motifs around its windows.
Atatürk Congress and Ethnography Museum (Atatürk Kongre ve Etnografya Müzesi) is a museum with two sections. One is a dedicated to the Ottoman heritage of Sivas. The other is to the Sivas Congress, one of the pivotal moments in the Turkish national movement.
Street leading up to Hükümet Meydanı
The modern heart of the city is Hükümet Square (Hükümet Meydanı, also called Konak Meydanı) located just next to the Governor's mansion. This area is also home to many of the city's high end hotels and restaurants. The city's shoppers usually head to Atatürk Avenue.
Sivas is also famous for its thermal springs which have a respectable percentage in the city's income. People believe that the water of these thermal springs can cure many illnesses. The most famous thermal areas are, Sıcak Çermik, Soğuk Çermik and Kangal Balıklı Kaplıca.
Buruciye Madrasah
Çifte Minareli Madrasah (Double Minaret Madrasah)
Gök Madrasah (Blue Madrasah)
Şifaiye Madrasah
Specialies of Sivas are Tarhana (a soup made using sour yogurt) and Kelecos (a sour potato soup made with yoghurt). One distinct feature of Sivas cooking is the use of Madimak which is a local herb similar to Spinach. Sivas kebabı is a variety of Kebab originating from Sivas
Antalya skyline, April 2018
Çekimler dji mavic air ile yapılmıştır.