Citadelle de Québec, Québec , Canada, North America
Fort George is the fortified summit of Citadel Hill, a National Historic Site of Canada in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. First established in 1749, during Father Le Loutre's War to protect the protestant settlers against raids by the French, Acadians, and Wabanaki Confederacy (primarily the Mi'kmaq), it was successively rebuilt to defend the town from various enemies. A series of four different defensive fortifications have occupied the summit of Citadel Hill since this time, with the construction and levelling resulting in the summit of the hill being dropped by ten to twelve metres. Whilst never attacked, the Citadel was long the keystone to the defence of the strategically important Halifax Harbour and its Royal Navy Dockyard. Today the fort is operated by Parks Canada and is restored to the Victorian period. There are re-enactors of the famed 78th (Highlanders) Regiment of Foot and the 78th Highlanders (Halifax Citadel) Pipe Band who were stationed at Halifax for almost three years (1869-1871). The first major permanent fortification appeared on Citadel Hill in the American Revolution. The possibility of attack during the Revolution required a larger fortification to protect the city from an American or French attack. Built in 1776, the new fort on Citadel Hill was composed of multiple lines of overlapping earthen redans backing a large outer palisade wall. At the center was a three-story octagonal blockhouse mounting a fourteen-gun battery and accommodating 100 troops. The entire fortress mounted 72 guns. Citadel Hill and the associated harbour defence fortifications afforded the Royal Navy the most secure and strategic base in eastern North America from its Halifax Dockyard commanding the Great Circle Route to western Europe and gave Halifax the nickname Warden of The North. The massive British military presence in Halifax focused through Citadel Hill and the Royal Navy's dockyard is thought to be one of the main reasons that Nova Scotia the fourteenth British colony remained loyal to the Crown throughout and after the American Revolutionary War. Neither French nor American forces attacked Citadel Hill during the American Revolution. However, the garrison remained on guard because there were numerous American privateer raids on villages around the province, as well as naval battles just off shore, such as the Naval battle off Halifax. The French Revolutionary Wars that began in 1793 raised a new threat to Halifax. A new citadel was designed in 1794 and was completed by 1800. The top of the hill was leveled and lowered to accommodate a larger fortress on the summit. It resembled the outline of the final Citadel, comprising four bastions surrounding a central barracks and magazine, but used mainly earthwork walls. One bastion was constructed with labour from Jamaican Maroons. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent commissioned a clock tower in 1800 prior to his return to England. The Town Clock opened on October 20, 1803 at a location on the east slope of Citadel Hill on Barrack (now Brunswick) Street and has kept time for the community ever since. The Third citadel received hasty repairs and a new magazine during the War of 1812 in case of an American raid but a new fortification was not constructed as naval superiority provided by the British Royal Navy precluded any chance of an American siege. The current star-shaped fortress, or citadel, is formally known as Fort George and was completed in 1856, during the Victorian Era, following twenty-eight years of construction. This massive masonry-construction fort was designed to repel a land-based attack by United States forces and was inspired by the designs of Louis XIV's commissary of fortifications Sébastien Le Prestre, Seigneur de Vauban a star-shaped hillock citadel with internal courtyard and clear harbour view from armoured ramparts. Between 1820 and 1831 the British had constructed a similar albeit larger citadel in Quebec City known as the Citadel of Quebec. Fort George was constructed to defend against smoothbore weaponry; it became obsolete following the introduction of more powerful rifled guns in the 1860s. British forces upgraded Fort George's armaments to permit it to defend the harbour as well as land approaches, using heavier and more accurate long-range artillery. Fort George's two large ammunition magazine's also served as the central explosive store for Halifax defences making Citadel Hill, according to the historian and novelist Thomas Head Raddall, like Vesuvius over Pompeii, a smiling monster with havoc in its belly. By the end of the 19th century, the role of Fort George in the defense of Halifax Harbour evolved to become a command centre for other, more distant harbour defensive works, as well as providing barrack accommodations.
La Citadelle de Québec: forteresse vivante
Préparant une exposition sur la Citadelle de Québec, le photographe Éric Côté nous entraîne à la découverte de cette forteresse méconnue des Québécois. Il en explore tous les attraits, telles les reconstitutions de batailles avec figurants, les visites guidées racontant l’évolution du site sous les régimes français et britannique avant d’être sous contrôle canadien et les cérémonies estivales du changement de la Garde en rouge qui attirent chaque année les touristes du monde entier. Ses rencontres avec des historiens font revivre la construction de la citadelle actuelle au XIXe siècle, les conférences de Québec durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et l’apport de personnages importants tels Lord Dufferin et Georges Vanier. Par-dessus tout, c’est la vie quotidienne de la forteresse que s’amuse à croquer le photographe : militaires se préparant aux cérémonies du changement de la garde, enfants qui regardent la parade, artisans faisant la confection des chapeaux et des uniformes, jusqu’au chevrier-major faisant la toilette du bouc Batisse, mascotte du Régiment. Autant d’instantanés qui révèlent, avec la beauté du site, l’humanité des gestes et la vitalité des lieux.
Québec, Changing of the Guard, Citadelle - Canada HD Travel Channel
The Citadelle of Quebec City is the only remaining defense system in North America. Today it hosts a garnison of the Canadian army, nevertheless it can be visited.
During the summer, the changing of the guard in typical British style takes place every day, but never without the mascot of the Canadian Royal 22nd Regiment, Batisse, the Royal Goat with gilded horn protectors. It is a direct descendant of the royal goat herd of Queen Victoria, which was once given to the Queen by the Shah of Persia. The original native country of Batisse was the highland of Tibet. The goat made a peaceful impression, presumably unaware the honor that has been given to it.
please read more:
Die Zitadelle von Québec ist Nordamerikas einzige erhaltene Wehranlage. Sie beherbergt auch heute noch eine Garnison der kanadischen Armee, kann aber trotzdem besichtigt werden.
Auch hier finden im Sommer täglich ein Wachwechsel in typisch britischem Stil statt, aber nie ohne das Maskottchen des 22. kanadischen königlichen Regiments, Batisse, ein Ziegenbock mit vergoldeten Hornschützern. Er ist ein direkter Abkömmling des Ziegenbocks der königlichen Herde von Queen Victoria, der der Queen einst vom Schah von Persien geschenkt wurde. Die ursprüngliche Heimat von Batisse war das Hochland von Tibet. Der Ziegenbock machte einen friedlichen Eindruck, aber vermutlich weiß er die Ehre nicht zu schätzen.
Weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Citadelle of Québec - Canada HD Travel Channel
The Citadelle of Quebec, a National Historic Site of Canada, is part of the fortifications of the city and is located in the Historic District of Old Québec, which is designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site together with the fortifications in 1985.
In the Citadelle of Quebec one can visit the Royal 22e Régiment Museum with artifacts of Canadian military historical significance. Among other, the stuffed ancestor of the brave Batisse, the Royal Goat of Quebec, is displayed.
Right in front of the fort walls, the decisive battle for supremacy in Canada took place. In the battle which only lasts twenty minutes, the French suffered a defeat which ultimately led to the loss of the provinces.
Inside the citadelle, the Governor General of Canada has a second office, in addition to his official service based in Ottawa.
The historic heavy guns you see throughout the city bear witness of Quebec's strategic importance.
Je me souviens, I remember, is the heraldic motto of Quebec and to read on any number plate. However, only at the rear of the car. A second license plate for the front of the car is regarded as an unnecessary luxury here. What is the point, asked a policeman there is no radar speed check.
please read more:
[Die Citadelle de Québec, eine National Historic Site of Canada, ist Teil der Befestigungsanlagen der Stadt und befindet sich im historischen Viertel der Altstadt von Quebec, die 1985, zusammen mit den Befestigungsanlagen, zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe erklärt wurde.
Innerhalb des Forts von Québec befindet sich das Museum des Königlichen 22ten Regiments, welches umgangssprachlich auch als Van Doos bezeichnet wird. Hier kann man u. a. den ausgestopften Urahnen des wackeren Batisse, des Regimentsmaskottchens, sehen.
Direkt vor den Mauern des Forts fand einst die entscheidende Schlacht um die Vorherrschaft Kanadas statt. In einem nur zwanzig Minuten andauernden Gefecht erlitten die Franzosen eine Niederlage, die letztendlich zum Verlust der Provinzen führte.
Auf dem Gelände hat der Generalgouverneur von Kanada ein Zweitbüro neben seinem offiziellen Dienstsitz in Ottawa.
Den schweren Geschützen, die von Québecs strategischer Bedeutung zeugen, begegnet man noch fast in der ganzen Stadt.
„Je me souviens, ich erinnere mich, ist der Wappenspruch der Provinz Québec und auch auf jedem Nummernschild zu lesen. Allerdings nur am Heck der Autos. Ein zweites Schild für die Vorderfront wird hier als unnötiger Luxus betrachtet. „Wozu soll das gut sein meint ein Polizist „Radarkontrollen gibt's hier nicht.
Weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
Taking a Tour of Citadelle of Quebec - Canada
The Citadelle of Quebec (French: Citadelle de Québec), also known as La Citadelle, is an active military installation and the secondary official residence of both the Canadian monarch and the Governor General of Canada. It is located atop Cap Diamant, adjoining the Plains of Abraham in Quebec City, Quebec. The citadel is the oldest military building in Canada, and forms part of the fortifications of Quebec City, which is one of only two cities in North America still surrounded by fortifications, the other being Campeche, Mexico.
The Citadelle is a National Historic Site of Canada and forms part of the Fortifications of Québec National Historic Site of Canada. The fortress is located within the Historic District of Old Québec, which was designated a World Heritage Site in 1985. The site receives some 200,000 visitors annually.
EN ROUTE POUR LE Québec Château Frontenac et l'imposante Citadelle de Québec.
Québec est une ville située sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent, dans la province canadienne essentiellement francophone de Québec. Fondée en 1608, elle comprend un centre colonial fortifié, le Vieux-Québec et la place Royale, avec des bâtiments en pierre et des rues étroites. Ce quartier abrite également l'hôtel Château Frontenac et l'imposante Citadelle de Québec. Les rues pavées du Petit-Champlain sont bordées de bistrots et de boutiques.
Citadelle of Quebec
The changing of the guard ceremony at the Citadelle of Quebec.
Visiting the Citadelle of Quebec in Quebec City, Canada
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We walked around and explored the Citadelle of Quebec (La Citadelle) in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Shot in July 2014.
Citadelle de Québec : Visite guidée en 1 minute - QC12
Québec est la seule ville fortifiée d’Amérique, au nord du Mexique. Heureusement, sa citadelle accueille davantage de touristes que de soldats désireux de se battre.
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Le Québec en 12 lieux, est une série documentaire qui permet de découvrir le Québec par l’entremise de douze lieux uniques, parfois inusités, parfois tellement connus qu’on ne les remarque plus. La série porte un regard nouveau, tantôt amusant, tantôt émouvant, sur une province qu’on croit connaître. Afin de peindre un tableau tout en contrastes du Québec d’aujourd’hui, chacun des épisodes de la série incarne un thème fort de l’imaginaire québécois.
Regardez les autres capsules de QC12 :
La Citadelle de Québec en hiver
Découvrez la forteresse du Vieux-Québec sous son manteau de neige et les expositions du Musée Royal 22e Régiment. Ouvert tous les jours (excepté le 25 décembre et 1er janvier).
HD Changing of the Guard at La Citadelle de Quebec 08/24/2013 Part 1
Hi-Def Changing of the Guard at La Citadelle de Quebec. Quebec City P.Q. on 08/24/2013 Part 1. I was very impressed by this drill, we actually went two days in a row. These soldiers put on a display of precision and attention to detail that was incredible. The Citadel is the largest British fortress built in North America. A unique location, it is an active military garrison, some of whose walls enclose 300 years of military history in Quebec City spanning the French, British and Canadian periods. Constructed between 1820 and 1831 based on the defense system designed by a French engineer named Vauban, La Citadelle of Quebec was built under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Elias Walker Durnford, a British army officer. La Citadelle is an active military garrison. First occupied by British troops and the Canadian artillery, since 1920 it has been the official residence of the Royal 22e Régiment, the only Francophone infantry regiment in the CF Regular Force. It is shaped like a polygon with four angles representing a star and covers 37 acres (2.3 km2). La Citadelle comprises two buildings constructed under the French regime, the only real gate into Old Quebec City, the official residence of the Royal 22e Régiment, the Royal 22e Régiment Museum and the residence of the Governor General of Canada, among others. Video by Craig Sturgeon. If you like our stuff, Please comment and/or subscribe!
Touring the Old Quebec, Canada - La Citadelle, Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec, Montmorency Falls
Join me on a Tour of Old Quebec. We visited La Citadelle, an active fort and museum and designated world heritage site. Gorgeous Cathedral-Basilica of Notre-Dame de Québec, on the same site since 1647. Montmorency Falls, 275 feet tall waterfall. We had a delicious lunch of mussels and fries and poutine.
Later we drove to Montreal and saw a beautiful sunset.
Citadelle de Québec. Forteresse Britannique - 2015
.Lieu historique National du Canada .La Forteresse, construite en 1820 a été inscrite au Patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco en 1985.
Old Québec City, Canada in 4K (Ultra HD)
Old Québec, a historic district of Québec City, is inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as “the cradle of the French civilization in America”.
In the video: Château Frontenac, Notre-Dame des Victoires, Place-Royale & Le Quartier du Petit-Champlain, Terrasse Dufferin, Basilique Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Québec, St. Lawrence River, the Parliament, the City Fortifications, Citadelle de Québec. Also two places outside of Québec, but closely related to it: Montmorency Falls Park and Sanctuaire/Basilica Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré.
Recorded August 2014 in 4K (Ultra HD) with Sony AX100.
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Explore Old Quebec City and Citadelle - Quebec, Canada
Explore the Historic District and the Citadel of Quebec City. The Citadel is a National Historic Site de Canada. Watch the changing of the guards at this active military installation. The existing star-shaped fortifications were built by the United Kingdom between 1820 and 1831. Their purpose was to secure the strategic heights of Cap Diamant against the Americans and to serve as a refuge for the British garrison in the event of attack or rebellion. The Citadelle has been the home station of the Royal 22e Régiment of the Canadian Forces since 1920. In addition to its use as a military installation, it has been also an official residence of the Queen in Right of Canada and the Governor General of Canada since 1872.
Related video:
Québec Québec Citadelle de Québec / Quebec Quebec Citadelle of Quebec
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Citadelle de Québec in Quebec city
Citadelle de Québec, Quebec Parliament, Plains of Abraham and other landmarks of Quebec city Canada
Citadelle de Québec SUMMER ENG
Discover the Citadelle which reveals over 300 years of history. Explore this living fortress—an active garrison of the Royal 22e Régiment (Van Doos)—and delve deeply into this National Historic Site with its impressive architecture and spectacular views of the city and St. Lawrence River. Open Year-round.
Old Québec City Tours , Canada (UNESCO’s World Heritage )
Old Québec, a historic district of Québec City, is inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List as “the cradle of the French civilization in America”.
Old Quebec Tours -Visite du Vieux Québec .
(Description en français en- dessous )
A film shot in Quebec City September 16, 2015 during a one-day visit.
A. Walking in the main places of Old Quebec as:
1. Le Chateau Frontenac
2. Forts- Chateaux et-Saint-Louis .The Dufferin Terrace
3. The Treasury Street.
4 .Faubourg and St. John the Baptist.
5. The Quartier Petit Champlain
6. Climb Cap Diamant
7. Parc Montmorency
8. The gate of St. John and the Fortification
B. Visit by bus with Québec Tours red loop ).
The main places that we see in the video are:
(Narration in French and English by our guide Daniel.)
1. Start. to the Fort Museum near the Chateau Frontenac
2. Saint Rock Church
3. The Gare du Palais
4. Champlain Boulevard.
5. The Grande Allée street
6. The Armoury
7. The west wall of the fortification of the city.
8. The Plains of Abraham and his story about the battle
9. The Cartier Street and its artisanal manufacturing lamps.
10.La rue Saint-Jean
11.La Saint-Jean Gate and fortifications.
12. Quebec City Hall
13. Porte Moncalm
14. Porte Citadelle of Quebec.
15. Back at the Chateau Frontenac
Un film tourné à Québec le 16 septembre 2015 lors d'une visite d'une journée.
A. Marche dans les principaux lieux du vieux Québec tel que :
1. Le Chateau Frontenac
2. Forts- et- Chateaux Saint-Louis .La terrasse Dufferin
3. La rue du trésor .
4 .Faubourg et Saint-Jean-Baptiste .
5. Le Quartier Petit Champlain
6. Gravir le cap Diamant
7.Parc Montmorency
8. La porte Saint-Jean et les Fortifications
B. Visite en Autobus avec le circuit de la ligne rouge .Les principaux lieux que l'on voit dans la vidéo sont :
Narration en Français et en Anglais par notre Guide Daniel .
1. Départ . Musée du Fort près du Chateau Frontenac
2. Église Saint Rock
3. La Gare du palais
4. Boulevard Champlain.
5. La rue Grande Allée
6. Le Manège Militaire
7. Le mur Ouest de la la Fortification de la ville .
8. Les Plaines d'Abraham et son histoire sur la bataille
9. La rue Cartier et ses lampadaires de fabrication artisanal.
10.La rue Saint-Jean
11.La porte Saint-Jean et ses fortifications .
12.L'Hôtel de ville de Québec
13.Porte Moncalm
14.Porte Citadelle de Québec.
15. Retour au Chateau Frontenac
HD Changing of the Guard at La Citadelle de Quebec 08/24/2013 Part 2
Hi-Def Changing of the Guard at La Citadelle de Quebec. Quebec City P.Q. on 08/24/2013 Part 2. I was very impressed by this drill, we actually went two days in a row. These soldiers put on a display of precision and attention to detail that was incredible. The Citadel is the largest British fortress built in North America. A unique location, it is an active military garrison, some of whose walls enclose 300 years of military history in Quebec City spanning the French, British and Canadian periods. Constructed between 1820 and 1831 based on the defense system designed by a French engineer named Vauban, La Citadelle of Quebec was built under the direction of Lieutenant-Colonel Elias Walker Durnford, a British army officer. La Citadelle is an active military garrison. First occupied by British troops and the Canadian artillery, since 1920 it has been the official residence of the Royal 22e Régiment, the only Francophone infantry regiment in the CF Regular Force. It is shaped like a polygon with four angles representing a star and covers 37 acres (2.3 km2). La Citadelle comprises two buildings constructed under the French regime, the only real gate into Old Quebec City, the official residence of the Royal 22e Régiment, the Royal 22e Régiment Museum and the residence of the Governor General of Canada, among others. Video by Craig Sturgeon. If you like our stuff, Please comment and/or subscribe!