AMAZING !!! Labuan Cermin East Kalimantan - INDONESIA
The Labuan Cermin or Mirror Lake is a 6- hour drive from Berau.It is located in Biduk Biduk village.I You can get here using a car as public transpo is very limited and hard to find. You can have a chartered car or a regular one. Of course, a chartered car is very expensive because it can bring you to Biduk-Biduk even if you are the only one so I opted for a regular way to go there as I was a solo traveler.The road to the village is hilly and winding , the road side is lined with trees and during the time I was traveling it was so hot but the cloud formation is awesome! But sadly, most parts are deforested to pave the way for palm tree plantations.You will pass the town of Talisayan where the whale sharks are.
The driver that I contacted was very helpful. He helped me find the hostel as most of the hostels are full due to the surge of local tourists during the Christmas holiday. He toured me around his village, he is a native by the way and even brought me to the Pelabuan Lake the next morning as my hostel is very far from the lake. Most hostels are approximately 15 mins via motorbike from the lake and there is no angkut , maybe there is an ojek but I did not see one.I stayed at Mirante Hostel, most hostels are basic, ranging from 100-200 per night. There is no hotel in this area yet.
Biduk Biduk is a coastal village, the sand is beige and every afternoon there is a high tide and during the morning the tide is low.I witnessed a wonderful sunrise here by the way right accross my hostel. People are friendly, the food is cheap and good.
The lake itself is beautiful. I was one of the first visitors during that day. Better come there around 8am because the lake's water is not yet disturbed and not yet noisy :).
The water is transparent and enchanting. You can see fallen trees, fishes, rock formation under even you are just on a boat. The water is a bit cold but refreshing and the dua rasa or two flavors is true. I tried it lols :) I swam and snorkel until my toes are soggy. My visit here was truly a good one. Might come back soon!!!
Meromictic lake Danau Labuan Cermin Biduk-Biduk Indonesia Borneo Hidden Paradise 探索婆罗洲湖印尼东加里曼丹旅游景点
Basically Labuan Cermin is a unique shallow lagoon with the phenomenon of saltwater at the bottom and freshwater on the top. For more info & description, please check out our web
The Labuan Cermin Lake East Kalimantan Indonesia
Labuan Cermin Lake Berau Kalimantan Timur
Danau Labuan Cermin adalah salah satu objek wisata air yang berlokasi di Desa Labuan Kelambu, Kecamatan Biduk-biduk, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Tempat wisata alam ini dikelola oleh masyarakat sekitar bekerja sama dengan Lembaga Masyarakat Labuan Cermin yang menaunginya
Traveling Indonesia - East Borneo (2015) - Derawan, Kakaban, Labuan Cermin, Berau.
i spent two weeks to enjoying the beauty of East Borneo, Indonesia. Starting from visitied Derawan Island, and meet the stingless jellyfish in Kakaban Island, Watched Manta Ray playground, Felt the amazing experience in Labuan Cermin Lake which famous for its unique two-flavor lake water, fresh on the surface and salty at the bottom, with different types of fish coexisting alongside one another.
Danau Telaga Biru/Blue Lake Berau East Kalimantan Indonesia Borneo Nature Travel 穿越婆罗洲探险 印尼东加里曼丹游踪
For more info, please check out our web
Labuan Cermin Lake Biduk Biduk Subdistric. Berau Regency East Borneo Indonesia.
TRAVEL: Kalimantan part 7 - from Derawan to Labuan Cermin - East Kalimantan - Indonesia - V#058
Hello my friends, this video is about the trip from Derawan island to Labuan Cermin lake (cermin = mirror) which is surrounded by the forest like a hidden paradise...yet near the sea.
The locals call it danau dua rasa which means a lake with 2 flavours...which is fresh ground water on top about 2 meters deep and salty sea water at the bottom, completely divided...that makes it unique.
The trip takes 2,5 hrs by speed boat from Derawan island to Tanjung batu harbour, then 2,5 drive to Tanjung Redeb in Berau district...and 6 hrs drive thru the forest and small villages to Talisayan - a fisherman village - where i spent the night...with a stop by a salty hotsprings in the middle of nowhere... From Talisayan to Labuan Cermin lake is about 2 hrs by car the next day. We often measure distance by hours i/o km here due to traffic or road's condition. I hope you enjoy it ????????????????
Hai teman-teman, video ini tentang perjalanan dari pulau Derawan kedanau Labuan Cermin di kecamatan Biduk-biduk. Dari Derawan kepelabuhan Tanjung batu 2,5 jam menggunakan speedboat, lalu dilanjut dengan mobil ke Tanjung Redeb di kab. Berau 2,5 jam...dilanjut ke Talisayan kampung nelayan sekitar 6 jam - dengan stop di Wisata air panas asin Biatan Pinang - dan menginap di Talisayan. Esok harinya dilanjut 2 jam ke Labuan Cermin danau 2 rasa yang dikelilingi hutan bagai surga yg tersembunyi tetapi dekat laut. Keunikan danau 2 rasa ini, air dibagian atas tawar dan segar hingga kedalaman sekitar 2 meter...dan air dibawahnya air laut yang asin...benar2 terpisah. Selamat menonton dan salam santun...????????????????
Music: Chances - Silent Partner
Song: Fade
Artist: Alan Walker
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Song: Make Me Move
Artist: Culture Code, KARRA
Music: Parasail - Silent Partner:
Music: Good For You by THBD (Royalty Free Music)
VLOG #1 : TRIP TO LABUAN CERMIN | Vrichika Erisa
Labuan Cermin terletak di Kab. Berau, Biduk-biduk Kalimantan Timur. Danau ini memiliki 2 jenis ar yang berbeda yaitu, air laut/asin (dibawahnya) dan air tawar (di atasnya).
MTMA - Seruu Guys ! Menikmati Birunya Air Di Danau Labuan Cermin Derawan (22/4/18) Part 5
TRANS TV adalah saluran televisi yang dioperasikan oleh PT. Televisi Transformasi Indonesia di bawah TRANSMEDIA yang merupakan salah satu perusahaan media terbesar yang berbasis di Jakarta, Indonesia. Diluncurkan pada tahun 2001, Trans TV menjadi populer dan oleh karena itu berubah menjadi saluran trendsetter di industri media di Indonesia. Trans TV menyiarkan produksi in-house sendiri hampir 80% dari jadwal dan tidak pernah mengecewakan kepuasan pemirsa segmen atas. Berbagai macam program yang disiarkan seperti hiburan, musik, komedi, tele-movie, talk show, pertunjukan bakat, infotainment, perjalanan & hidup, pertunjukan memasak dan gaya hidup, kini sebagian besar telah berubah menjadi program ikonik.
Labuan Cermin and Pasilan Island East Borneo Diving Spot
Diving Spot in East Borneo, At Biduk-Biduk (Labuan Cermin Lake, Kauniungan Island, Also At Bontang (Segajah Island, Pasilan Island, and Beras Basah Island).
Indonesia Merah Putihku.
Labuan Cermin - Kab. Berau - Kalimantan Timur
Rute dari Tarakan Via Pelabuhan Ferri Ancam Bulungan KeBerau
DERAWAN TRIP | Labuan Cermin x Sangalaki Island (Part 1)
Having a short journey to East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This island have so many beautiful place to visit. ( 21-25 June 2017)
Location we visit :
- Labuan Cermin
- Sangalaki Island (turtle conservation)
- Maratua Island (snorkling)
- Haji Mangku Cave (free dive)
- Kakaban Island (swim with jellyfish)
- Gusung Island (just take a picture)
Ke Labuan Cermin
Touring ke Biduk-biduk Kab. Berau Kaltim pada 6-8 Oktober 2017 bersama teman-teman KZOI Bontang.
Derawan (Labuan Cermin) Tempat Paling Indah di Kalimantan - 26 Indonesian Authentic Places (3/10)
Derawan (Labuan Cermin) Tempat Paling Indah di Kalimantan Buat Hati Tentram - 26 Indonesian Authentic Places (3/10)
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Labuan Mirror Lake is one of the enchanting attractions located in the Village of Biduk-Biduk, Berau District, East Kalimantan Province. This lake is under the auspices of Labuan Mirror Society Society (Lekmalamin). This lake is famous for its clear water clarity. Even when there are objects above the lake it looks like on the glass, and twigs of twigs found at the bottom of the lake can be seen very clearly.
Labuan Mirror lake
Labuan Mirror Lake derawan
Labuan Mirror Lake indonesia
Labuan cermin (mirror lake) biduk-biduk berau east borneo
Labuan cermin (mirror lake) @ biduk-biduk, kab. Berau kalimantan timur. Hayooo siapa yang mau kesini? Airnya bening parah. Call me ya kalau mau main2 kesini, siapa tau bisa main bareng ;)
Labuan Cermin Danau Dua Rasa Berau Kalimantan Timur Part 1/2 | TRAVEL VLOG
Labuan Cermin atau Danau Dua Rasa ini terletak di Desa Labuan Kelambu, Kecamatan Biduk-biduk, Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur. Jarak dari kota Tanjung Redeb 232 KM yang dapat ditempuh dengan mobil kurang lebih selama 6 jam perjalanan.
Sewa perahu : Rp 100.000 (kapasitas 10 orang)
Asuransi : Rp 3.000 / orang
Sewa ban : Rp 10.000
Sewa alat snorkel : Rp 30.000
Best time to visit : sebelum musim penghujan dan siang hari
Danau Labuan Cermin (Kalimantan Timur) | bnj #14
Ini destinasi favoritku di Kalimantan Timur, Danau Labuan Cermin
Senang banget bisa sampai disini...
Bagi yang belum nonton videoku yang pertama, ini link nya
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Kolam Renang Alami Ternyata ada di Kalimantan Timur, INDONESIA.. LABUAN CERMIN. [HD]
Lamanya perjalanan 11 jam (dalam keadaan jalan normal)
Jika hujan, maka akan memerlukan waktu yang lebih lama sekitar 15 jam perjalanan dikarenakan adanya sebagian jalan yg berlumpur dan berbatu.
*Note: Hindari berpergian ke Biduk-Biduk saat musim hujan, karena akses jalan yg masih tidak bagus.
Video sepenuhnya direkam menggunakan iPhone 5S
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