HIKE TO LAGUNA 69 PERU | Lake 69 in Huascaran National Park | Huaraz, Peru
After taking an overnight bus ride from Trujillo to Huaraz, Peru, we joined an organized tour to do a hike to Laguna 69, or Lake 69 Peru.
Laguna 69 Peru is located inside the Huascaran National Park, and this national park is one of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Peru. Huascaran National Park Peru is also a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve site.
The hike to Laguna 69 is quite strenuous, due to the high altitude of about 15,000 feet (4500m). We gained around 600-700 meters of elevation during our three-hour Laguna 69 trek.
Is Laguna 69 worth doing? We think so. Just maybe not twice. :-)
#Laguna69 #Huaraz #Peru
Book a tour. This is the one we took:
Is a Day Trip To Laguna 69 Worth the Time, Effort, and Money?
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Michael and Halef live in Atlanta, GA, but are originally from Canada and Indonesia, respectively. They love to travel and try to do it as much as possible. They saved for a few years and are currently on a long-term round the world trip!????????
PERU'S AMAZING LAGUNA 69! Hiking in Huascaran National Park.
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Breathing by DJ Quads
Drone video of Laguna 69, Huascaran National Park, Huaraz, Peru - Peruvian Andes from Above
Flying over famed Laguna 69 a 3.5 hour hike at 15,158 feet (4,620 meters) in Huascaran National Park with DJI drone video. High above Lake Llanganuco lies Laguna 69, a beautiful glacial turquoise lake in the Peruvian Andes at the base of snow-coveres Chacaraju mountain and Nevado Pisco. Huascaran National Park is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site is located in Huaraz, Peru.
Laguna 69 - Parque Nacional Huascaran
Lake 69 is a small lake near of the city of Huaraz, in the region of Áncash, Peru. It is one of the more than 400 lakes that form part of the Huascarán National Park, a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site.
Drone at Laguna 69 The BLUEST Lake in Peru!
Hiking to the insanely blue Laguna 69 in Peru!
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After saying goodbye to my amazing tour group, I set off solo to Huaraz in Peru for the next leg of my adventure: Solo hiking in Huascaran National Park. My first hike was the famous Laguna 69, the most popular hike in the area.
I could see why people love this hike in Peru so much, it's an incredibly blue glacial lake that you almost can't believe is real even when looking at it in person! I climbed up to 4600 meters with my drone to fly over the lagoon and waterfall for another perspective.
Peru hiking is phenomenal, and this trek to Laguna 69 helped to prove that! Stay tuned for more hiking when I solo and independently hike the Santa Cruz trek next.
READ MORE about hiking the Laguna 69 here:
28: Update from Peru (2 of 3) - Hiking to Laguna 69 in Huascaran National Park in Northern Peru
Our next adventure near Huaraz was a hike to Laguna 69! A bunch of people in town raved about this hike and it was one of the ones we read about beforehand. Even with all of that expectation built it, this hike far surpassed these high expectations! We can’t recommend it highly enough! Enjoy these beautiful lakes and mountains in Peru!
#Laguna69 #Huascaran #Peru #Mountains #AlpineLakes #NationalParks
Laguna 69 - Huascaran - Peru - Adonde Vamois
El senderismo hasta la laguna 69 de gran belleza es SUPER recomendable. Con ciertas precauciones a tener en cuenta dado a su extenso recorrido y tiempo que lleva hacer al ubicarse a más de 4000 metros de altura.
Todo un esfuerzo recomfortable ante tanta belleza!
Este video es parte de nuestra experiencia viajando de USA a Argentina en un Camper.
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???? ???? Laguna 69 - Parque Nacional Huascarán - Just pure Drone¡¡
Lagoon 69 is a lagoon near the city of Yungay, in the Ancash region, Peru. It is one of the more than 400 lagoons that form part of the Huascarán National Park, which is considered a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO and a Natural World Heritage Site. During the thaw season, the lagoon is nourished by a waterfall that falls from the Nevado Chacraraju.
It is also one of the most important tourist destinations in the region, visited mainly by hiking and mountaineering enthusiasts, given its easy access and the spectacular views it provides. The tourist route of ascent to the lagoon leaves from the camping Cebolla Pampa and continues for the right side of the stream that lowers from the same lagoon, which forms several waterfalls.
HUARAZ Laguna 68 Laguna 69 PERÚ DRONE
HUARAZ - Laguna 68 - Laguna 69 - PERÚ. ????????
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Laguna 69 Trek Peru
Huaraz Peru Laguna 69 Trek. Swimming in glacier lakes.
Lagunas Llanganuco & 69, Huascaran National Park near Huaraz, Peru
Lagunas Llanganuco & 69, Huascaran National Park near Huaraz, Peru
Segunda ruta a LAGUNA 69 // REFUGIO PERÚ - Parque Nacional Huascarán #1
Hola amigos, espero se encuentren muy bien!!
Hoy les traigo un vídeo del Parque Nacional Huascarán - Rumbo al Refugio Perú, hermosos paisajes conforman este hermoso sitio ubicado en el departamento de Áncash, famoso por tener en su territorio a 16 picos nevados que superan los 6.000 msnm, y al punto culminante del Perú y de toda la zona intertropical: el gran nevado Huascarán.
El Refugio Perú es un albergue de montaña situado en las faldas del nevado Pisco y Huandoy a 4765 msnm. Es un punto de descanso para muchos aventureros que llegan para subir hasta la cumbre del nevado pisco y también de muchas personas que llegan desde laguna 69, eso si deben solicitar el hospedaje con anticipación ya que allí no hay cobertura celular para comunicarse.
Cabe indicar que no dan atención en tiempo de invierno, por las fuertes lluvias. #Refugioperú #Perú
Espero sea de su agrado, suscribanse, denle like y comenten aquellas dudas que tengan!!
Muchas gracias!!
Dale like y comparte con tus amigos.
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer la descripción ¡
Song: Fredji - Happy Life (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Song: Nekzlo - Pink Ocean (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link:
Huaraz, Lake 69, Huascaran National Park, Peru, 10/9/2013
Has been called the most beautiful glacial lake on the planet.
PERU * Laguna 69 - national park Huascarán * 03/2018 *
Jednodnovy vylet zacina v nadmorskej vyske 3900 m.n.m., kde ma odviezol bus z hostela z mesta Huaraz. Prevysenie 700m za 3hod. v nadmorskej vyske cez 4000m.m.m. Uz mam za sebou viac ako 6tyzdnovy adaptacny pohyb vo vyskach okolo 2000-3000 m.n.m takze vyskova nemoc nebola ;) Narodny park Huascaran chcem este raz navstivit s partiou a dat si tam niekolkodnovy trek ! PARTIA ;)
Vlog #4 Hiking The Laguna 69 - Peru - outformore.com
On 4.700m in the Huascaran National Park, Peru, lies the Laguna 69. A place you don't want to miss.
Follow me on my Hike and learn about the perfect way to overcome Altitude Sickness - Inca Style!
Get out. Get Lost.
Laguna 69 - parc national du Huascaran - Pérou
trek vers la laguna 69 dans le parc national du Huascaran.
Ce superbe lac aux eaux turquoises est situé au pied d'un glacier, à 4500 m d'altitude. C'est un trek incontournable si vous êtes de passage dans la cordillère blanche.
Laguna 69 | Peru
A spectacular hike in the mountainous region of Peru towards Laguna 69, in the Huascaran National Park in Huaraz.
These Moments by Nicolai Heidlas
Infectious by Tobu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Laguna 69 by Drone - Huaraz, Perú
La Laguna 69 es una pequeña laguna cerca de la ciudad de Yungay, en la región de Áncash, Perú. Es una de las más de 400 lagunas que forman parte del Parque Nacional Huascarán, el cual es considerado Reserva de la Biosfera por la UNESCO y Patrimonio Natural de la Humanidad. En época de deshielo, la laguna se nutre mediante una catarata que cae desde el Nevado Chacraraju.
Es uno de los destinos turísticos más importantes de la región, visitada principalmente por aficionados al senderismo y montañismo, dado su sencillo acceso y las espectaculares vistas que proporciona. La ruta turística de ascenso a la laguna parte desde el camping Cebolla Pampa y sigue por el lado derecho del arroyo que baja desde la misma laguna, el cual forma varias cascadas y cataratas.
Laguna 69 - Peru
Round-the-world trip video #39: Trekking to Laguna 69 in Huascaran National Park - Cordillera Blanca. Huaraz – Peru. August 2018
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