Novgorod the Great - One of the oldest historic cities in Russia
This series delves deep into this more than thousand-year-old cultural history in Europe’s East. For the very first time, sensational footage, shot by the world’s best cameramen, presents a bird’s-eye view of the most important and most beautiful buildings of Old Russia.
The camera explores en detail art and ornamentation, mounted on high on these splendid structures centuries ago to the glory of God, far above the line of vision of humans. Authors familiar with Russian culture find the material for their stories beneath the roofs and golden onion-shaped towers, which tell of old traditions, passions and visions. Russian and Ukrainian protagonists fill the stories, which encompass this unique culture
and architecture, time and again with their warmth, their love and a good portion of humor. They proudly present the old Russian legacy that during the World War and in the old Soviet Union days, constantly threatened to disappear.
Veliky Novgorod, also known as Novgorod the Great, or Novgorod Veliky, or just Novgorod, is one of the oldest and most important historic cities in Russia, which serves as the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast. It is situated on the M10 federal highway connecting Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The city lies along the Volkhov River just downstream from its outflow from Lake Ilmen. UNESCO recognized Novgorod as a World Heritage Site in 1992.
At its peak during the 14th century, the city was the capital of the Novgorod Republic and one of Europe's largest cities.
【K】Russia Travel-Tver Oblast[러시아 여행-트베리]닐로프 수도원/Stolobny Island/Nilov Monastery/Seliger/Lake
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
상트페테르부르크에서 약 450km 떨어진 셀리게르 호수. 160개의 크고 작은 섬으로 이루어져 있어 자연경관이 돋보이는 곳이다. 스토로브니섬에 위치한 닐로프 수도원. 소련시절 종교 탄압을 받아 군사시설과 병원으로 활용됐다. 소련 정권이 무너지고 러시아 시대를 맞이한 후 본래 수도원의 모습을 되찾을 수 있었다. “소비에트 연방이 붕괴된 이후 다시 본 모습을 되찾았습니다. 마치 성자들과 신도들의 간절한 기도에 응답한 것처럼 수도원이 복원 되었습니다. 기적 같은 일입니다” 수도원 안으로 들어가 봤다. 새롭게 단장된 모습에서 종교탄압의 흔적은 찾아볼 수 없었다. 평일인데도 예배가 한창이다. 종교의 자유를 되찾은 모습이 무척 평화롭게 느껴졌다. 나는 수도원의 가장 높은 곳으로 향했다. 가파른 계단을 오르자 멋진 풍경이 눈앞에 펼쳐진다. 수도원의 화려한 지붕과 셀리게르 호수의 아름다운 모습이 어우러져 장관을 이룬다. 마치 동화 속에서나 볼 수 있을 듯한 풍경이다. 종교 활동이 금지됐던 시절, 러시아 정교를 믿는 사람들의 의지는 어떠한 탄압보다 강했다.
[English: Google Translator]
Celiger Lake, about 450 km from Saint Petersburg. It is made up of 160 large and small islands, and it is a place where natural scenery stands out. Neilope's monastery on the island of Srolovny. During the Soviet era, it was oppressed by religion and used as military facilities and hospitals. After the collapse of the Soviet regime and the arrival of the Russian era, the original monastery was restored. I have regained my sight since the collapse of the Soviet Union. The monastery was restored as if it were responding to the eager prayers of saints and believers. It's a miracle. I went inside the monastery. No trace of religious oppression was found in the newly refurbished figure. Worship is in full swing even on weekdays. I felt very peaceful when I regained freedom of religion. I headed to the highest point of the monastery. As you climb the steep stairs, a stunning landscape unfolds in front of you. The spectacular roof of the monastery and the beautiful view of the lake Celigor blend together. It is a landscape that seems to be seen in a fairy tale. When religion was banned, the will of those who believed in Russian Orthodox was stronger than any oppression.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Озеро Целигер, примерно в 450 км от Санкт-Петербурга. Он состоит из 160 больших и малых островов, и это место, где выделяются природные пейзажи. Монастырь Нейлопа на острове Сроловны. В советское время он был подавлен религией и использовался как военные объекты и больницы. После распада советского режима и прихода русской эпохи был восстановлен первоначальный монастырь. «Я вернулся из виду с момента распада Советского Союза. Монастырь был восстановлен, как будто он отвечал на жаждущие молитвы святых и верующих. Это чудо. Я вошел в монастырь. Никаких следов религиозного угнетения не было обнаружено в недавно отреставрированной фигуре. Поклонение идет полным ходом даже в будние дни. Я чувствовал себя очень мирно, когда я вернулся к свободе религии. Я направился к самой высокой точке монастыря. Когда вы поднимаетесь по крутой лестнице, перед вами открывается потрясающий пейзаж. Великолепная крыша монастыря и прекрасный вид на озеро Целигор сочетаются вместе. Это пейзаж, который, кажется, виден в сказке. Когда религия была запрещена, воля тех, кто верил в русских православных, был сильнее любого угнетения.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-17 닐로프 수도원에서 바라본 셀리게르호
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
섬,island,cliff,호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,종교시설,church,전망대,observatory,종교의식,풍습,,ritual,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월트베리 주Tver Oblast ProvinceТверска́я о́бластьTverskaya oblastJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Travel to Russia-Veliky Novgorod
Veliky Novgorod is one of the most important historic cities in Russia,] which serves as the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast. It is situated on the M10 federal highway connecting Moscow and St. Petersburg. The city lies along the Volkhov River just downstream from its outflow from Lake Ilmen. UNESCO recognized Novgorod as a World Heritage Site in 1992
【K】Russia Travel-Velikiy Novgorod[러시아 여행-벨리키 노브고로드]어촌마을/Fishing Village/Lake/Ilmen
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
호수 주변에서는 농사를 지으며 살아가는 사람들도 많다. 현재 러시아 인구의 약 30%가 농업에 종사하고 있다. 이곳에서 농사를 지으며 살아가는 타니아씨를 만났다. 야생동물로부터 농산물을 보호하기 위해 기발한 방법을 사용하고 있다. “두더지는 농사를 망치는 동물입니다. 농작물의 뿌리를 먹고 땅에 긴 구멍을 만들어 놓습니다. 하지만 땅이 진동하면 무서워서 달아납니다.” 땅의 진동에 민감해 딱딱한 물건을 피해가는 두더지의 습성을 이용한 방법이다. 그야말로 친환경 퇴치법이다. 바람개비도 두더지 퇴치에 효과적이라고 한다. 지속적으로 땅에 진동을 전달하기 때문에 두더지가 근처에 오지 않는다고 한다. 반짝이는 재질로 만든 바람개비는 조류에 의한 피해도 막아준다. 높은 곳에 새집을 만들어 놨다. 철새들이 곤충을 잡아먹도록 하기 위한 방법이다. 우물에 지붕을 덧씌워 야생동물의 유입을 막아놨다. 우물물로 농사를 짓고 식수로도 사용하기 때문에 청결이 중요하다. 새로운 삶을 위해 귀농한 비올레타씨를 만났다. “다른 곳으로 여행 가면 고향이 항상 그리웠습니다. 역사가 깊고 아름다운 곳이니까요. 이곳은 호수 바로 옆에 있기 때문에 우리 지역에서 가장 아름다운 장소입니다” 도시생활에서 벗어나 고향으로 돌아온 비올레타씨. 갓 낳은 신선한 계란과, 날마다 자라고 있는 농산물을 보며 고향의 정취를 느끼며 살아가고 있다. 율리아나씨도 친구를 따라 귀농을 선택했다. 날마다 호수에서 잡은 싱싱한 생선을 맛보는 것이 즐거운 일이라고 한다. “가장 맛있는 생선은 농어입니다. 흰색의 뼈가 없는 아주 맛있는 생선입니다. 노브고로드 지역에서 가장 맛있는 생선으로 인정 받습니다.” 드디어 러시아식 시골 밥상이 차려졌다. 신선한 채소와 쌀밥. 그리고 생선은 일멘호수 사람들이 즐겨먹는 메뉴다. 한입 맛볼 때마다 얼굴에는 미소가 떠나지 않는다. “매우 아름다운 곳이라서 머물고 싶습니다.” “제게는 아름답고 아늑한 곳입니다. 다만 날씨가 마음에 안 들어요. 그 외에는 다 좋습니다.”
[English: Google Translator]
Around the lake, there are many people who live with farming. Currently, about 30% of the Russian population is engaged in agriculture. I met Tania, who lives in this farm. It uses a novel method to protect agricultural products from wildlife. Moles are animals that ruin farming. Eat roots of crops and make long holes in the ground. But when the earth vibrates, it scares and runs away. It is a method of using the mobility of the mole, which is sensitive to the vibrations of the earth and avoids hard objects. It is really an eco-friendly method. Pinwheel is also said to be effective in eradicating moles. It is said that the mole does not come near because it constantly transmits vibration to the ground. Pinwheel made of glitter prevents the damage caused by algae. I made a new house on a high place. It is a way for migratory birds to eat insects. The roof was covered with a well to prevent the infestation of wild animals. Cleanliness is important because it is used as drinking water for farming with well water. I met Mr. Violeta who was a retired person for a new life. When I traveled to another place, I always missed my hometown. It is a beautiful and historic place. This is the most beautiful place in our area because it is right next to the lake. Violeta, who came back home from the city life. Fresh eggs, fresh produce, and agricultural products growing every day, they feel the taste of their hometown. Juliana also chose to go with her friends. It is pleasant to taste the fresh fish caught in the lake every day. The most delicious fish is perch. It is very delicious fish without white bones. It is recognized as one of the most delicious fish in the Novgorod region. Finally, a Russian-style rural restaurant was set up. Fresh vegetables and rice. And the fish is a favorite menu of Lake Imeen people. Smile does not leave face every time I taste bite. I want to stay because it is a very beautiful place. I am a beautiful and cozy place. But I do not like the weather. All else is good.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-15 어촌마을 현지인의 생활
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,마을,village,camel, dune, sand, ATV,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,해산물,seafood,기타음식,food,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월노브고로드 주Novgorod ProvinceНовгоро́дская о́бластьJuly걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Russia Travel-Velikiy Novgorod[러시아 여행-벨리키 노브고로드]일멘 호수/Ilmen Lake/Fishing boat
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
이번에는 호수로 향했다. 노브고로드 주 중앙에 위치한 일멘 호수. 고대 러시아인은 이 호수를 발트해에서 드네프르강과 볼가강으로 나가는 중요한 통로로 이용해왔다. 호수 주변에 사는 서민들에게는 삶의 터전이다. 밤사이 고기잡이 나갔던 배가 들어왔다. 이곳에서 잡히는 물고기의 종류는 약 30여종. 오늘 잡은 물고기의 무게만 100kg정도 돼 보인다. 크기도 아주 커서 민물고기라는 게 믿기지 않을 정도다. 이보다 더 큰 물고기도 자주 잡힌다고 한다. “생선의 종류에 따라 크기가 다릅니다. 얼마전에 1.5미터짜리 생선을 잡았습니다. 아주 컸습니다 얼굴만 이만합니다. 거의 제 키만 했습니다. 여러분 키만 한 큰 고기도 잡힙니다” 선원들이 즐겨먹는 간식을 보여준다. 이곳에서 잡은 물고기는 오랫동안 보관하기 위해서 건조를 해야한다. 나도 말린 생선을 먹어봤다. 짭짤하고 고소한 맛이 말린 명태와 비슷했다. 배 위에 올라가 봤다. 고기잡이를 마치고 정리가 한창이다. 일멘호수는 바람이 많이 불어 돛을 이용해 항해하는 경우가 자주 있다고 한다.
[English: Google Translator]
This time we headed to the lake. Lake Ilemen, located in the center of Novgorod. Ancient Russians have used the lake as an important route from the Baltic to the Dnieper and Volga rivers. It is a place of life for the common people living around the lake. The boat came in during the night. There are about 30 kinds of fish caught here. The weight of the fish caught today seems to be about 100kg. It is so big that it can not believe that it is freshwater fish. Larger fish are often caught. The size varies depending on the type of fish. I just caught a 1.5 meter fish. I was very big. I almost did my key. We can catch big meat that is big enough for you. The fish caught here must be dried for long periods of storage. I also ate dried fish. The salty and sweet taste was similar to dried pollack. I went up on the boat. It is in full swing after fishing. Lake Ilemen is often windy and often sails with sails.
[Russia: Google Translator]
На этот раз мы направились к озеру. Озеро Илемен, расположенное в центре Новгорода. Древние русские использовали озеро как важный маршрут от Прибалтики до Днепра и Волги. Это место жизни простых людей, живущих вокруг озера. Лодка вошла ночью. Здесь около 30 видов рыб. Вес рыбы, пойманной сегодня, составляет около 100 кг. Он настолько велик, что не может поверить, что это пресноводная рыба. Большую рыбу часто ловят. «Размер варьируется в зависимости от типа рыбы. Недавно я поймал 1,5-метровую рыбу. Я был очень большой. Я почти сделал свой ключ. Мы можем поймать большое мясо, достаточно большое для вас. Рыба, пойманная здесь, должна быть высушена в течение длительного периода хранения. Я также съел сушеную рыбу. Соленый и сладкий вкус был похож на сушеный минтай. Я поднялся на лодке. Он идет полным ходом после рыбалки. Озеро Ilemen часто ветрено и часто парусами с парусами.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-14 일멘 호수 고기잡이 배
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
호수,lake,volcanic, crater, caldera, mountain,배,탈것,,ferry, cruise,해산물,seafood,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월노브고로드 주Novgorod ProvinceНовгоро́дская о́бластьJuly걸어서 세계속으로
HANSA-PARK - Curse of Novgorod - Trailer 1: Lake Ilmen
Winter is coming. A boat laden with hanse goods is rowing on shallow waters at dawn. Through wafts of mist you can hear the lonely cries of the crows and the honking of the snow geese. On the banks of the water a scarecrow is guarding the harvested fields. And in the headwater of the Volkhov river, lake Ilmen promises a safe arrival at Novgorod.
Lake Ilmen
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Lake Ilmen is a historically important lake in the Novgorod Oblast of Russia, formerly a vital part of the Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks.The city of Novgorod lies six kilometers below the lake's outflow.According to the Max Vasmer's Etymological Dictionary, the name of the lake originates from the Finnic Ilmajärvi, which means air lake.There are many lakes in Russia with their names being derivative from Lake Ilmen.
About the author(s): Sergei Rubliov,, Ssr 22:27, 3 September 2006 (UTC)
License: Public domain
Author(s): Ssr (
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Veliky Novgorod Russia's origins HD
Veliky Novgorod Russia's origins HD
Almost half a way on the road from modern Russian capital (Moscow) to former one (St. Petersburg) there is the ancient city of Novgorod Velikiy (the Great). By now it is a conglomerate of historical, cultural and spiritual monuments worth seeing.
Velikiy Novgorod - one of the most ancient cities of Russia located in its North-West, near the site where the Volkhov river takes its waters from Lake Ilmen, emerged as a political center of Slavic and Fino-Ugric tribes in the mid-9th century, while as a town it was formed in the middle of the 10th century.
The history of Novgorod is closely linked with all major stages in the life of the Russian state. In those times, when the statehood of Rus was just in the making, the Novgorodians invited Scandinavian prince Rurik to keep law and order, thus giving birth to the prince Rurik dynasty that ruled over all Russian lands throughout more than 750 years
*0.48 Museum of icons -
*0.56 Novogorod's museum of Russian icons. - You are always welcome at the expositions and exhibitions of one of the most ancient and richest museums of Russia - Novgorod State United Museum, that offers visitors a unique collection of historic, cultural and art relics.
*1.55 Valdai Iversky Monastry
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Novgorod Slavs
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The Novgorod Slavs or Ilmen Slavs were the northernmost tribe of the Early East Slavs, which inhabited the shores of Lake Ilmen and the basin of the rivers of Volkhov, Lovat, Msta, and the upper stream of the Mologa River in the 8th to 10th centuries.The Ilmen Slavs seem to have been different from other Slavic tribes colonizing what is now Russia in that they were closely related to the Polabian Slavs in language and traditions .They settled mostly Finnic areas in Northern Russia, moving along the major waterways, until they met the southward expansion of the Krivich in the modern-day Yaroslavl Oblast.They left a few archaeological monuments of the 6th–8th centuries, such as agricultural settlements and tall cone-like kurgans with cremated bodies in the Ladoga region.
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The Novgorod Region
The Novgorod Region, the place where Russia's roots are, is located in the northwest of the country.
Here in Valday, the Volga and Dnepr Rivers have their sources. The Great Novgorod Kremlin was the first model of Russian statehood.
The ancient cathedrals and monasteries that stand on the banks of Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River, have been home to the Russian Orthodox faith from the very beginning.
A visit to the Novgorod region is a trip to the beginning of Russian history. Every year people gather here from all over the world to experience it.
The city of Great Novgorod -- the first page of the alive chronicle of Russia.
【K】Russia Travel-Velikiy Novgorod[러시아 여행-벨리키 노브고로드]비토슬라베츠키 박물관/Vitoslavlitsy Museum/Izba/Doll
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[한국어 정보]
러시아의 서민들은 어떻게 살아왔을까? 나는 전통마을로 향했다. 아주 먼 옛날, 러시아 사람들은 ‘이즈바’라는 통나무집에서 살았다. 얼핏 보기에는 투박해 보이지만 자세히 보면 섬세함이 느껴진다. 못을 사용하지 않고 일정한 크기의 나무를 겹겹이 쌓아 집을 지었다. 높이가 30미터쯤 돼 보이는 이 커다란 건물도 같은 방식으로 지었다고 한다. 열심히 뭔가를 만들고 있는 여인을 발견했다. 아이들에게 줄 인형이란다. 러시아 여자들은 어릴 때부터 인형 만들기를 통해 수공예기술을 익혀왔다고 한다. “(인형으로)아이들에게 옛날이야기를 들려주고 여름에는 하얀 토끼, 겨울에는 회색 토끼인형을 가지고 놀았습니다. 아이를 재우기 위해서 사용하기도 했습니다.” 여자 아이들의 인형 만들기 놀이를 지켜봤다. 아주 얇은 천을 이용해서 만드는데, 바느질을 하지 않고 실만 사용해 인형을 만든다. 간단한 방법으로 갓난 아이인형이 만들어졌다. 정교하게 만들어진 인형을 보니 감탄사가 절로 나온다. 가족의 행복과 다산을 중요시하는 풍습을 인형놀이를 통해 실감할 수 있었다. 이번에는 피리를 부는 할아버지를 만났다. 러시아의 흙 피리는 중세시대 때 아이들의 장난감이었다고 한다. “동물모양으로 생긴 모양도 있습니다. 보통 집에서 키우던 동물입니다. 아이들이 이 악기를 불면서 동물들을 다루는 방법을 배웠습니다” 어린 아이들도 쉽게 연주할 수 있도록 만들어진 흙 피리. 어릴 때의 추억이 떠올라 오카리나를 배워봤다. 예상했던 것처럼 쉽지 않았지만 아주 재미있는 악기다. 떠나려는 내게 러시아 민요를 불러주는 할아버지. 처음만난 여자에게 반해버린 시골총각의 순수한 마음이 담긴 곡이다. 할아버지의 노래는 내게 값진 선물이다.
[English: Google Translator]
How did the people of Russia live? I went to a traditional village. A long time ago, the Russians lived in a cabin called Izve. At first glance it looks tough, but when you look at it, you feel delicacy. I built a house by stacking trees of a certain size without using nails. This large building, about 30 meters tall, was built in the same way. I found a woman who is making something hard. It is a doll to give to children. Russian girls have been learning handicraft skills from their childhood through making dolls. (Doll) We told children about old stories, played white rabbits in summer and gray rabbit dolls in winter. I used it to put a child to sleep. I watched the girls making dolls. It is made with a very thin cloth. A baby doll was made in a simple way. The exquisitely crafted dolls give me a sense of admiration. I was able to realize the customs that emphasized family happiness and fertility through doll play. This time I met my grandfather, who had a flute. The soil flutes of Russia were said to be children's toys during the Middle Ages. There are some shapes that look like animals. It is an animal that I usually raise at home. The children learned how to handle animals by blowing this instrument. A soil flute made for easy play by young children. I remember the memories of my childhood and learned Ocarina. It's not as easy as expected, but it's a very interesting instrument. My grandfather who calls me Russian folks to leave. It is a song with the pure heart of a countryside bachelor who has been abandoned by a woman she met for the first time. My grandfather 's song is a precious gift to me.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Как жили люди России? Я пошел в традиционную деревню. Давным-давно русские жили в каюте под названием «Изве». На первый взгляд это выглядит жестко, но когда вы смотрите на него, вы чувствуете слабость. Я построил дом, укладывая деревья определенного размера без использования гвоздей. Таким же образом было построено это большое здание высотой около 30 метров. Я нашел женщину, которая делает что-то тяжелое. Это кукла для детей. Русские девушки с самого детства изучают навыки кустарного промысла, производя куклы. «(Кукла) Мы рассказывали детям о старых историях, летом играли белых кроликов и серые куклы кролика зимой. Я использовал его, чтобы уложить ребенка спать. Я смотрел, как девочки делают куклы. Он выполнен из очень тонкой ткани. Маленькая кукла была сделана простым способом. Изящно изготовленные куклы дают мне чувство восхищения. Я смог понять обычаи, которые подчеркивали семейное счастье и плодовитость благодаря кукольной игре. На этот раз я встретил своего дедушку, у которого была флейта. Грунтовые флейты России считались детскими игрушками в средние века...
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-13 옛 러시아의 삶을 볼 수 있는 비토슬라베츠키 박물관
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
박물관/전시관,museum,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,건물,architecture,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월노브고로드 주Novgorod ProvinceНовгоро́дская о́бластьJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Trophies WWII from Lake Ilmen
Travel to Russia Veliky Novgorod Sophia Cathedral monument 1000 years Rus Saint Yuriev Monastery
Travel to Russia, Veliky Novgorod, Sophia Cathedral, monument 1000 years Rus, Saint Yuriev Monastery, Volkhov river, lake Ilmen. We travel to Russia. We tell about interesting events. Travel, tourism, Russia, you can travel with us. Details are found in writing by mail Post; Thank you. Your message has been received. Additional Information:
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Travel to Russia, Veliky Novgorod, Sophia Cathedral, monument 1000 years Rus, Saint Yuriev Monastery, Volkhov river, lake Ilmen. video owner and copyright MikhaiL Ляhovskiy
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Russia : Novgorod extra muros : Hanseatic fountain, Museum of Wooden Architecture, Yuriev Monastery
Veliky Novgorod, also known as Novgorod the Great, or Novgorod Veliky, or just Novgorod (meaning newtown), is one of the oldest and most important historic cities in Russia, with more than 1000 years of history. UNESCO recognized Novgorod as a World Heritage Site in 1992.
At its peak during the 14th century, the city was the capital of the Novgorod Republic and was one of Europe's largest cities.
The city is known for the variety and age of its medieval monuments. The foremost among these is the St. Sophia Cathedral, built between 1045 and 1050 under the patronage of Vladimir Yaroslavich, the son of Yaroslav the Wise. It's probably the oldest structure still in use in Russia and the first one to represent original features of Russian architecture (austere stone walls, five helmet-like domes). Its frescoes were painted in the 12th century and renovated several times, most recently in the nineteenth century. The cathedral features famous bronze gates, which now hang in the west entrance.
The Novgorod Kremlin, traditionally known as the Detinets, also contains the oldest palace in Russia (the so-called Chamber of the Facets, 1433), which served as the main meeting hall of the archbishops; the oldest Russian bell tower (mid-15th century), and the oldest Russian clock tower (1673). Among later structures, the most remarkable are a royal palace (1771) and a bronze monument to the Millennium of Russia, representing the most important figures from the country's history (unveiled in 1862).
St. Nicholas Cathedral, built by Mstislav I near his palace at Yaroslav's Court, Novgorod, contains 12th-century frescoes depicting his illustrious family.
In Vitoslavlitsy, along the Volkhov River and the Myachino Lake, close to the Yuriev Monastery, a museum of wooden architecture was established in 1964. Over twenty wooden buildings (churches, houses and mills) dating from the 14th to the 19th century were transported there from all around the Novgorod region.
The St. George's (Yuriev) Monastery (Russian: Юрьев монастырь) is usually cited as Russia's oldest monastery. It stands in 5 kilometers south of Novgorod on the left bank of the Volkhov River near where it flows out of Lake Ilmen. The monastery used to be the most important in the medieval Novgorod Republic. It is part of the World Heritage Site named Historic Monuments of Novgorod and Surroundings.
According to legend, the monastery of wood was founded in 1030 by Yaroslav the Wise (whose Christian name was George); the first historically reliable reference to it is from the early 12th century when the stone building of the main church (the Church of St. George, Georgieveskii Church) was started in 1119 by Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich of Novgorod and Pskov and Hegumen (roughly equivalent to a western prior) Kyuriak (Kirik) and built by the master Peter.
By the first third of the 13th century the hegumen had been raised to the status of an archimandrite.
The monastery played the role of Novgorodian princes burial place.
The monastery was an important source for historical information on medieval Novgorod, as part of the Novgorod First Chronicle (the Synodal text) was compiled in the monastery.
The Church of St. George is one of the largest in Novgorod and its immediate environs. It is a tall (105 feet tall) white-stone church 85 feet long by 75 feet wide with three silver domes, which is somewhat unusual for Russian churches which usually have five (the main dome representing Christ, the four smaller ones representing the evangelists). Some remnants of the medieval frescoes remain, but most of the church was refrescoed in 1902. Among the frescoes is a large Christ Pantokrator in the main dome, a full-length portrait of Novgorodian Archbishop Feoktist, and another full-length (although smaller) portrait of Prince Vsevolod Mstislavich on the southwestern pier.
The monastery also has the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross in the northeastern corner of the monastery, with five blue domes and gold stars on it, built in the 18th century. The gateway into the monastery is crowned by a tall gold-domed tower which is visible from the city centre, including the Novgorod Kremlin two miles to the north.
Located on the banks of Lake Myachino and the VolkhovRiver, at St. George Monastery there is an open-air museum of wooden architecture Vitoslavlitsy. This is one of the most picturesque places in the Novgorod region. Izbas (village houses), chapels and churches form streets like those in old Russian villages. Restorers managed to preserve the unique works of Novgorodian carpenters. The buildings on display are so magnificent that they need no introduction. To get to know how Russian people lived many years ago, one must visit any of the izbas.
Lake Ilmen
Nord of Russia
【K】Russia Travel-Tver Oblast[러시아 여행-트베리]볼가 강의 수원지 발다이 구릉/Valdai Hills/Volga River/Catchment area
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[한국어 정보]
셀리게르 호수에서 약 30분 정도 떨어진 발다이 구릉. 이곳의 고도는 해발 228미터다. 숲 사이로 흐르는 작은 샘물. 러시아 사람들은 이 물을 소중하게 여기며 어머니라고 부르기도 한다. 나는 오두막으로 향했다. 땅속에서 끊임없이 물이 솟아나고 있다. 이곳은 러시아 서부를 관통하는 볼가 강이 시작되는 수원지다. 러시아 사람들에게 생명과도 같은 강. 이곳을 찾는 사람들은 볼가 강의 신성한 물을 온몸으로 느끼고 싶어 한다. “아주 상쾌합니다. 말로 표현 할 수 없을 만큼 기분이 좋습니다” “볼가는 러시아에서 유명한 강이며 역사적인 의미가 아주 큰 강입니다. 우리는 러시아의 동맥이라고 부르기도 합니다” 볼가 강의 물을 직접 만져봤다. 진한 붉은 색이다. 이곳의 지형은 빙하의 퇴적물과 석탄기가 섞여있어 지하수가 붉은 색을 띈다. 러시아 사람들은 볼가강의 붉은 색을 신성시 여긴다.
[English: Google Translator]
The valley hill about 30 minutes from Lake Seliger. The altitude here is 228 meters above sea level. A small spring flowing through the forests. The Russian people value this water and call it a mother. I turned to the cabin. Water is constantly rising from the ground. It is the water source where the Volga River runs through the western part of Russia. A life-like river for the Russians. Those who visit here want to feel the sacred water of the Volga River. It is very refreshing. I can not express myself in words. The ball is a famous river in Russia and a river with a very historical meaning. We also call it the Russian artery. I touched the water on the Volga River directly. It is dark red. The terrain here is a mixture of glacial sediments and coal mines, and groundwater is red. The Russians regard the red color of the Volga River as sacred.
[Russia: Google Translator]
Долина долины около 30 минут от озера Селигер. Высота здесь составляет 228 метров над уровнем моря. Небольшая весна течет через леса. Российские люди ценят эту воду и называют ее матерью. Я повернулся к каюте. Вода постоянно поднимается с земли. Это источник воды, где Волга проходит через западную часть России. Реальная жизнь для русских. Те, кто здесь, хотят почувствовать святую воду Волги. «Это очень освежает. Я не могу выразить себя словами ».« Мяч - известная река в России и река с очень историческим смыслом. Мы также называем это русской артерией ». Я сразу коснулся воды на Волге. Он темно-красный. Местность здесь представляет собой смесь ледниковых осадков и угольных шахт, а грунтовые воды - красные. Русские считают красный цвет Волги священным.
■클립명: 유럽082-러시아11-18 볼가 강의 수원지 발다이 구릉
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 하창민 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2017년 7월July
숲,forest,석회동굴, 종유석, 석순, 호수, karst, limestone cave, stalagmite, lake,
석회암지형, 석회암기타장소,place,전통의식/기타풍습,풍습,,traditional ceremony,유럽Europe러시아RussiaРоссийская ФедерацияRussian Federation하창민20177월트베리 주Tver Oblast ProvinceТверска́я о́бластьTverskaya oblastJuly걸어서 세계속으로
Деревня Голино - обзор с высоты птичьего полета - Шимский район, Новгородская область
Деревня Голино расположена на берегу Шелони, в одном из красивейших уголков Новгородской области, вблизи озера Ильмень. История этой деревни связана с важнейшими событиями Руси. Это одно из древнейших поселений приильменских славян. О времени основания деревни нет точных данных, но по преданиям, передаваемым из поколения в поколение, она была основана около 812 года. Первое упоминание села в летописях приходится на 1270 год.
Церковь Святых Апостолов Петра и Павла в деревне Голино была построена в 1501 году и считалась одной из самых красивых по архитектуре и больших по размерам церквей в Новгородской области.
До 1903 году в храме служил будущий архимандрит Иаков (Аржановский), который стал впоследствии духовником Иоанна Кронштадтского.
В 1937 году колокольня церкви была разобрана. Богослужения проводились в период Великой отечественной войны и до 1959 года. С 1960 года церковь была закрыта, а помещение храма использовалось для хранения зерна и удобрений.
Вблизи церкви находятся могилы священнослужителей и членов их семей, братское захоронение воинов, погибших в Великой Отечественной войне.
С 2010 года производилась реставрация, ремонт кровли. Все работы выполнены за счет пожертвований местных жителей и частных благотворителей, губернатора Новгородской области и администрации Шимского района.
В настоящее время храм является действующим, службы проводятся отцом Романом Барановским, настоятелем церкви Святой Троицы деревни Подгощи.
Деревня Голино, аэросъемка, обзор с высоты птичьего полета - Шимский район, Новгородская область -
Сухое озеро
Сухое озеро расположено в Плесецком районе Архангельской области. На заставке оно без воды.
Ural - Russian Landscapes
Not Commercial Video
Sergei Chekalin Support:
Music: Сергей Чекалин
Composition: Падал Cнег
Photo: Various Author
Photo Edit: Arturo Alvarotti
Video Cocneption: Arturo Alvarotti
Video Theme: Ural Russian Nature Landscapes
Video Production: Arturo Alvarotti 2018.04.29
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Music Russia [Сергей Чекалин] Youtube Channel:
Veliky Novgorod
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Veliky Novgorod , also known as Novgorod the Great, or Novgorod Veliky, or just Novgorod, is one of the most important historic cities in Russia, which serves as the administrative center of Novgorod Oblast.It is situated on the M10 federal highway connecting Moscow and St.Petersburg.The city lies along the Volkhov River just downstream from its outflow from Lake Ilmen.
About the author(s): Ludvig14, Dio-fine-art, Нелли, Belliy, Frau-kolyadina, Konstantin hramov
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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Frau-kolyadina (
Konstantin hramov (
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