Day Trips From Tokyo: 1 Hour Away In Ibaraki, Japan
In this series, Day Trips From Tokyo I will be showing you the many fun yet inexpensive Tokyo day trips you can have that are only an hour or so away from Tokyo.
This time I took a day trip and travelled to Ibaraki Prefecture in the Kanto region of Japan.
See more of Ibaraki here:
Travel Itinerary:
Air Park Coo :
・Mount Tsukuba
・Rental Bicycle
Tsuchiura Machikado Kura Daitoku:
・Lake Kasumigaura
Join me on Patreon for bonus videos, live streams and much more! ☺
Good For You
Bass-fishing in Lake Kasumigaura, June 4th, 2012
I enjoyed bass-fishing this time catching some good-sized fishes in Kanto region, where is said to be one of the tough bass-fishing fields in Japan.
Lake of Kasumigaura
Kasumigaura is the largest lake in Kanto Area in Japan.
Kasumigaura Lake in Ibaraki, Japan
World of Pokémon Day #15 - Cerulean City/Tsuchiura
Lake Kasumigaura characterises this small town, which acts as the real world counterpart for Cerulean City.
Apologies it seems the wind has muted a large section of this video...
Makabe Sakuragawa City Japan
The site of castle investigation of the Sakuragawa city Makabe district is over, too, and grass overturns in the ruins. Three temples and graves range in the north and south in the west of the station trace.
【HD等倍】 気まぐれにも程がある?? 深夜の茨城・千葉・東京ドライブ 「Ibaraki・Chiba・Tokyo Whimsical Midnight Drive」
※ 主なドライブコース
羽生駅 西口(埼玉県羽生市) → R122 → エッソ 羽生バイパスSS(埼玉県羽生市) → ファミリーマート加須下樋遣川店(埼玉県加須市) → R125 → イオンモール下妻(茨城県下妻市)「1:10:45」 → R125 → 筑波山神社付近(茨城県つくば市) → 風返し峠 → 表筑波スカイライン(霧で視界不良) → フルーツライン → R125 → 土浦駅 東口(茨城県土浦市)「2:07:10」 → 霞ケ浦総合公園(茨城県土浦市) → 土浦高架橋 → R6 → ひたち野うしく駅 西口(茨城館牛久市)「2:44:05」 → R6(茨城県・千葉県・東京都) → 東京スカイツリー付近・ソラマチ東駐車場入口(東京都墨田区)「3:52:15」 → 築地市場付近(東京都中央区) → 首都高速 汐留入口「4:13:35」 → 首都高速C1(外) → 5 → C2(外) → 6(三郷) → 加平PA → 6 → 三郷出口 → R298 → R4 → イオンレイクタウン付近(埼玉県越谷市) → R4 → 道の駅 庄和(埼玉県春日部市)「5:07:00」 → R4 → 道の駅 ごか(茨城県五霞町)「5:19:05」 → R4 → 羽生スカイスポーツ公園(埼玉県羽生市)
シマノ 19アンタレス[ANTARES] #フィッシングショー #シマノ #アンタレス #バス釣り
SUB!チャンネル登録をお願いします! ‒ in YOKOHAMA ‒が開幕!
シマノ 19アンタレス[ANTARES]
#フィッシングショー #シマノ #アンタレス #新製品 #釣光TV #バス釣り #釣り #ブラックバス #バスフィッシング #ルアー #釣りガール #メグタス #亀山 #霞ヶ浦
ジャパンフィッシングショー2019 ‒ in YOKOHAMA ‒
会 期 2019年1月18日(金)~ 20日(日)
開場時間 1月18日(金)9:00~13:00 ビジネスタイム
13:00~18:00 一般公開
1月19日(土)9:00~17:00 一般公開
1月20日(日)9:00~17:00 一般公開
主 催 一般社団法人 日本釣用品工業会
後 援 経済産業省、神奈川県、横浜市、公益財団法人 日本釣振興会、全国釣竿公正取引協議会
協 力 公益財団法人 横浜観光コンベンション・ビューロー
会 場 パシフィコ横浜 展示ホール(神奈川県横浜市西区みなとみらい1-1-1)
平成最後の年となる2019年、今年はシマノから新しいアンタレスやカルカッタコンクエストDC、ダイワからはスティーズCT SV TWやミリオネアCT SV 70などなど気になる釣り道具が山盛りですね!
釣りガール メグタス のSNSは下記をクリック
メグタスちゃん インスタグラム
19アンタレスはアンタレスミニ⁉︎ シマノの総合カタログが素敵過ぎる
【C94】コミックマーケット94 1日目 始発ダッシュ!夏のコミケ94開幕【COMIKET 2018.8.10】
平成最後のプリケツ大特集 #釣りガール #バス釣り #プリケツ
村田基・ジャパンフィッシングショー2017シマノ フルステージ ポイズンシリーズとワールドシャウラの違いとは!?徹底解説
【巨大魚ハクレン】恐怖の衝撃映像!巨大怪魚の群れに遭遇in霞ヶ浦【バス釣り番外編】Japanese monster fish
【C91】コミックマーケット91 2日目Comiket2016コスプレイヤーさん感動をありがとう!【WINTER COMIKET 2016 COSPLAY 】
霞ヶ浦で激しく速いクルージング!前編 ブロガーアスカの茨城行ってみたTV #44
aqu@muse @ パタヤビーチ
紅葉の中禅寺湖、2010-10/23 因に「パタヤビーチ」はaqu@muse仲間だけの陰語で、ゼンリン地図にはありません。
The home base of my yacht sailing is Chuzenji-ko Lake where the World Heritage NIKKO of North Kanto exists further in the interior. It is already the heavenly world where here is a lake that exists highest in Japan in me where it enjoys pet dog ECOLO and sailing there.
The home base of my yacht sailing is Chuzenji-ko Lake where the World Heritage NIKKO of North Kanto exists further in the interior. It is already the heavenly world where here is a lake that exists highest in Japan in me where it enjoys pet dog ECOLO and sailing there.
車載動画/館山道・京葉道路・東関東道・圏央道・常磐道・北関東道経由/市原SA(rest area)→茨城町東IC(Exit)
車載動画/ in-vehicle camera image
ドライブ/ Drive
友部JCTから北関東道に入り、茨城町JCTを経由し、茨城町東ICまでの走行ルートを示した、車載動画(in-vehicle camera image)です。
Timetable(~最大(MAX)で5倍速変速動画/~5 speed)
館山道・京葉道路/ Tateyama Expressway & Keiyo Road(千葉県/ Chiba, Japan)
市原/ Ichihara SA(rest area)(0:00)→市原/ Ichihara・蘇我/ Soga→宮野木/ Miyanogi JCT(junction)
東関東道/ Higashi-Kanto Expressway(東関東道水戸線)(千葉県/ Chiba, Japan)
宮野木/ Miyanogi JCT(junction)(4:40)→四街道/ Yotsukaido・佐倉/ Sakura・酒々井/ Shisui・成田/ Narita→大栄/ Taiei JCT(junction)
圏央道/ Ken-o Expressway(千葉県・茨城県/ Chiba and Ibaraki, Japan)
大栄/ Taiei JCT(junction)(10:27)→神崎/ Kanzaki・稲敷/ Inashiki・阿見/ Ami→つくば/ Tsukuba JCT(junction)
常磐道/ Joban expressway(茨城県/ Ibaraki, Japan)
つくば/ Tsukuba JCT(junction)(18:27)→土浦/ Tsuchiura・石岡/ Ishioka→友部/ Tomobe SA(rest area)
友部/ Tomobe SA(rest area)→友部/ Tomobe JCT(junction)
北関東道/ Kita-Kanto Expressway(茨城県/ Ibaraki, Japan)
友部/ Tomobe JCT(junction)(25:37)→茨城町西/ Ibarakimachi-Nishi→茨城町東/ Ibarakimachi-Higashi IC(Exit)
All Photos taken by me/私が撮影した写真
#1 成田空港駅(スカイライナー/成田空港⇔日暮里・京成上野)/Narita Airport Station(9:18)
#2 成田空港展望デッキ/Narita Airport Terminal(9:24)
#3 つくば駅/Tsukuba Station(Tsukuba city, Ibaraki, Japan)(19:46)
#4 霞ヶ浦/Lake Kasumigaura(Tsuchiura, Ibaraki, Japan)(19:51)
#5 茨城県石岡市茨城県フラワーパーク/Ibaraki-ken FLOWER PARK in Ishioka city, Ibaraki, Japan(20:52)
#6 筑波山/Mt. Tsukuba(Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan)(20:58)
#7~18 偕楽園(茨城県水戸市)/Kairakuen Park(Mito city, Ibaraki, Japan)(27:03)
オービスは常磐道に1か所ほど(H システム)
YouTube Audio Library/ オーディオライブラリの無料の音楽
Chances/ Silent Partner
Mitsukaido Canon
Apaato Mitsukaido
Percebem que agora não estou no meio de um monte de plantação de arroz!
Apartamento em Tenmancho em mitsukaido. Mais pra perto do centro da cidade, mas ainda interiooooor.
Not a bullet train, but a gigantic ancient tomb in Japan ! - Funatsukayama Kofun - 舟塚山古墳
This 186 metre long giant, built in the 5th Century, was the first kofun I saw in Ibaraki prefecture in Japan, and what an introduction it was to the tombs of the area ! As soon as I walked up over the peak (at 1:30) and saw the whole tomb, my mind was totally blown. It's definitely in my top 3 of kofun I've seen so far (and I've seen a LOT of them).
I wasn't aware of the fact when I was there, but this is actually the second biggest tomb in Japan's Kanto region - and it looks like it too ! Apparently haniwa, swords and shields have been excavated from the tomb.
A loose translation of the name is boat mound mountain tomb, and it does look somewhat like a huge boat, or maybe moreso its sleek lines have me thinking of a bullet train (shinkansen) or the concorde ! The name is actually in relation to its appearance, and the fact that the boat (tomb) is facing towards the nearby Kasumigaura Bay (a massive inland lake), looking ready to go out to sea.
Why these tombs aren't drawing crowds of tourists, or even a LITTLE bit of attention really baffles me. In my opinion a tomb like this one is as aesthetically impressive as the pyramids of Egypt, and the history dating back before pretty much everything else known of Japan, and the mysteries surrounding these tombs is fascinating to me also.
Anyway, a lot more from Ibaraki to come, from my research so far the prefecture has some of the country's most beautiful tombs, and many are well maintained also (and not just left to disappear under trees, scrub and bushland). Only problem is this region, whilst accessible, is a very long day trip from Tokyo and access some of these tombs will need more than just a train ride and a long walk (i.e. using my Japanese driver's license) - but it's well worth it.
More info here (in Japanese, a pretty decent Wikipedia article - rare for these tombs) :
Music: the hardcore homeyz Ilya Marfin - & Dmitriy Diomores
Q: What am I watching here ?
A: You are watching footage of a kofun/古墳 - kofun are tombs in Japan that were created during the Kofun Period (roughly between the 3rd and 7th Century AD) - this era was preceded by the Jomon and Yayoi periods, and followed by Asuka, Nara and so on. These tombs were built as burial chambers for people from Japanese imperial families and other people of higher status in society during those days. The most well-known and generally largest tombs are found around Kyoto and Osaka, but they are found all over Kansai, Kanto, Tohoku etc., and even in other parts of Japan such as Shikoku and Kyushu. Figures vary greatly, but some sources state there are over 160000 of these kofun in Japan. At times you will see haniwa on and around kofun - haniwa are terracotta figures which were made in various shapes, including being formed as people and animals.
Have a read of the the Wikipedia article for more information :
I also have a Facebook page where I post these videos. Feel free to contact me via that page if you want to connect regarding anything about kofun, particularly their promotion to tourists to Japan. Ideally I'd like to build a kofun appreciation community of sorts, but that is just a dream right now -
KANTO, ENTRE FICTION ET RÉALITÉ (Bourg-Palette à Carmin-sur-mer)
Kanto est tiré de lieux bien réels. Je vous en parle dans cette vidéo.
--- RÉSEAUX ---
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--- MUSIQUE ---
Everdream d'Epic Soul Factory
Stand de Anno Domini Beats
Arigato de Grillabeats :
Aldr de Danheim :
5.54 (AM) Dawn de Ross Bugden
Free Cloud rap beat de Yoos
japao moriya 2010
moriya 2010 fevereiro
Phantom4 筑波山 ガマランド