Lake Paijanne Cruise In Jyvaskyla, Finland
Destination Branding module for JAMK Summer Sch 2015
S/S Suomi returning from lake paijanne to Jyvaskyla Harbour HD
Steam Ship ( S/S ) Suomi return from lake paijanne at Midsummer festival time 24.06.2011 10.25Pm
Real Steam Engine,
- Build 1906 ( ~1905 )
Length 31,73 m
Width 6,7 m
Draft 2,53 m
Tonnage 239 brt
Engine power 200 bhp
Boiler 88 Square meter ( scotish ship boiler, 2 pc of Oilon oilburner )
- using light fuel oil
Owner: Päijänne Risteilyt Hilden Oy ( Lake Paijanne cruising Hilden Oy )
Home harbor : Jyvaskyla, Finland
For Cruising and chartering.
- 199 passengers
- Main Restaurant for 53 person
- A bar for 30 person
- A Pub for 35 person
- A Coffee bar for 45 Person
- 2 cabins for 2 persons
- A Dance area
- Good Kitchen
- Heated Indoor areas
( picture of the ships sketch 1905 )
Filmed with Canon Powershot SX1 IS
Lake Päijänne, Finland 2016
Phantom 3 Pro 4 K (best viewed at big screen); Camera: variable ND-filter + manual shutter speeds, no color grading.
Music: Brian Crain, Moonlit Shore.
Steamship Meeting - Tampere Finland 2019
The Finnish steamship SS Näsijärvi II turned 90 years old, so the various steam powered ships from the area turned up for a birthday cruise. You can see in this shortish film various steamships cruising at the lake Näsijärvi, Finland, in 31.8.2019.
Tankspotting (TV) is dedicated for the heavy metal battlefield. If you enjoy tanks and other awesome things then please subscribe - just click here:
Video/editing: Jukka O. Kauppinen
(C) Tankspotting / Mediapalvelut 2019
Information about the event:
The Steamboat Regatta is organized on August 31st in Mustalahti harbour. At the same time, the event is the 90th anniversary of s/s Näsijärvi II. The event is part of Tampere Lakeland Festival. The Steamboat Regatta will sail towards Maisansalo, you can see it well e.g. from Särkänniemi’s beach terrace (Rantaterassi) around 16.00 The ships arrive in the harbour, followed by whistle of the steamboats
S/S Näsijärvi II 90 vuotta – Näsijärven höyrylaivaregatta 31.8.
Ensimmäistä kertaa Tampereella ja Pirkanmaalla järjestettävän Järvifestivaalin yhteydessä järjestetään myös Näsijärven höyrylaivaregatta. Samalla tilaisuus on s/s Näsijärvi II:n 90-vuotisjuhla.
Alustava aikataulu:
11:30 Tapahtuman avaus
12:00 laivoilla avoimet ovet sekä Näsijärvi II:lla lyhyitä yleisöristeilyjä (aika tarkentuu myöhemmin)
15:15 höyrylaivat lähtevät satamasta regattapurjehdukselle S/S Tarjannetta vastaan
16:00 Laivat saapuvat satamaan, jonka jälkeen yhteisvislaus
Rantautumisen jälkeen avoimet ovet klo 17 asti.
Näsijärvellä tämän kesän päätapahtuma, Näsijärven regatta, järjestetään elokuun viimeisenä viikonloppuna, lauantaina 31.8. Mustalahden satamassa, Tampereella. Samalla vietetään Näsijärvi II -laivan 90-vuotisjuhlia. Saman viikonloppuna Mustalahden satamassa pidetään ensimmäistä kertaa järviluontoa ja -matkailua juhlistava Järvifestivaali, mutta tämän tapahtuman tarkka sisältö on tässä vaiheessa vielä hieman epäselvä.
Joka tapauksessa toiveena on, että Näsijärven höyrylaivaregattaankin saataisiin mahdollisimman hyvä kattaus koko vesistön höyrylaivoista: Nässy II:n lisäksi ainakin Visuvesi, Häme, Suntti, Kotvio II sekä mahdollisesti eteläpuolelta Kauniston Juhan s/s Alina ja Virroilta vielä yksi höyryvenhe.
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S/S Kouta risteilee Oulujärvellä / Steamship Kouta at Lake Oulujärvi
90-vuotias höyrylaiva S/S Kouta on edelleen voimissaan ja liikennöi Suomen pohjoisimpana sisävesihöyrylaivana Oulujärvellä. Lisätietoja
Finland's and perhaps Europe's northest freshwater steamship, S/S Kouta is cruising still after 90 years history at Lake Oulujärvi.
Unelmaloma Saimaalla
MS Puijo kulkee Kuopiosta Heinäveden kautta Savonlinnaan.
Steam ship Storskar
Steam ship Storskar, built 1908, departing Stockholm, Sweden. Her steam engine of 660 HP makes her a powerful start. This White Lady is a beautiful sight, also at full steam. The name Storskar is spelled a bit differet in Sweden.
Steamship Tarjanne 1908- Laiva parkkiin!
Steamship Tarjanne 1908- Laiva parkkiin!
Steamship S/S Tarjanne 1908
Steamship S/S Tarjanne 1908.
Höyrylaiva Tarjanne Muroleen kanavalla
Höyrylaiva Tarjanne kulkee Ruovedellä sijaitsevan Muroleen kanavan läpi matkallaan Tampereelta Virroille 6.8.2014.
S/S Tarjanne passes through Murole Canal in Ruovesi, Finland on 6th August 2014.
Aerial video:
DJI Phantom 2 quadcopter, Zenmuse H3-3D gimbal and GoPro Hero 3+ Silver Edition.
Cruise on Lake Kallavesi, Kuopio, Finland, Aug. 12, 2011
Old Steamship- Näsijärvi II Tampere Finland
Old Steamship- Näsijärvi II Tampere Finland.
Vesijarvi Lake
Big Lake in Lahti, Finland.
It was in Spetember 2006 in Mukkula.
Balloon flight on top of Jyväskylä, Finland
At 6th of January 2015 we had exceptional ballooning weather and wind direction over Jyväskylä.
Here you can see Palokka, Lohikoski, power plant Rauhalahti and start of Finlands longest lake, Lake Päijänne at their winter beauty.
M/S Tampere at Ratina in Tampere, Finland
M/S Tampere at Ratina in Tampere is departing for a cruise at Pyhäjärvi, Tampere, Finland
On the lake +27C. In August, Finland!
Going to the Hopeasaari, Hartola, Finland.
Friday 13.8.2010. However we did`t sunk :-)
Summer in Lake Päijänne.wmv
South Päijänne, and its many smaller lakes and rivers, islands and eskers charm everyone who likes to explore nature.
Cruise trip,M/S Vellamo, Lahti Harbour, Finland
From Lahti Harbour the waterways open to the entire lake region of Finland. There are several cruise ships and you can take a short cruise, a dinner cruise or even travel to Heinola or Jyväskylä.
This video was taken on M/S Vellamo, summer 2010.
Lahden satamasta aukeavat vesireitit koko järvi-Suomeen. Voit valita lyhyen risteilyn Vesijärvellä, ruokailla laivalla tai vaikka matkustaa Jyväskylään tai Heinolaan.
Boats from the Finnish Lakeland ????️ ⛵ ????
Kuopio Finland, it's 24/7 bright here now, 27.6.2018.
Lakes occupy about 25 percent of the Lakeland. Much of the territory is forested and has a low population density. The cities in the region are Lappeenranta, Imatra, Jyväskylä, Mikkeli, Pieksämäki, Varkaus, Joensuu, Savonlinna and Kuopio. Since lakes formed the main transport route in earlier times, urban areas are often located on lakeshore, occasionally even on isthmuses or peninsulas, e.g. Varkaus, Savonlinna and Kuopio. The lakes often have extremely convoluted coastlines and consists of several nearly separate stretches of open water (selkä) connected by narrow sounds. Thus, they can connect large areas along shores and their hinterlands. Because no set definition of what constitutes a lake and no procedures for counting the number of lakes exist, it has been impossible to ascertain exactly how many lakes the region has. There are, however, at least 55,000 lakes that are at least 200 metres wide. If lake is defined to be a body of standing water larger than 500 square metres, then there are 187,888 lakes in Finland. On average, there are 40 lakes per 100 square kilometres in the district. The lake number density is largest north of the Lake Inari, up to 1000 per 100 square kilometres, so that the area is sometimes called Lampi-Suomi (Pond Finland, Finnish pond district). Finnish Lakeland or Finnish lake district (Finnish: Järvi-Suomi, Lake Finland, Swedish: Insjöfinland) is the largest of the four landscape regions into which the geography of Finland is divided. The hilly, forest-covered landscape of the lake plateau is dominated by drumlins and by long sinuous eskers. Both are glacial remnants after the continental glaciers that scoured and gouged the country's surface receded about 10,000 years ago. The lake basins of the lakeland originate from the joint work of weathering and erosion of fractures in the bedrock. The erosion that made the depressions occurred before and during the Quaternary ice ages. Erosion along fractures has produced linear inlets among the lakes slo mo slow motion uhd slomo bird lintu guy guys birds linnut pönttö pöntöt home homes Koskenkorva Vodka gin tonic shot drink pepsi max paukku kallis paikka halpa Koira Dog kalastus Osmo kalassa Laiva polo Vene laivat Veneet halli Heinäkuu Elokuu Ship Boat test turn Buster Fiskars Yamaha Honda two four stroke engine kaksi neli testissä turns tahti cruise moottori öljy neste oil x company bella aluminium gti alumiini over model veneitä tehdas myymälä center miitti satama tori harbor tm matka mountain found harbour mökki bag kesä cottage rare talvi tulossa risteily yritys testasin summer secrets my day minun pöivä kallavesi food saari island rate myday beach hirmu ranta military vänäri orleans street terassi kaksin rated baari pub bar vesi ykä terassi skootteri mopo restaurant peli fair ravintola finnish present suomi strom parhaat finland kuopion mode music song laulu kappale mercury army moni fuel parhaimmat cs gasoline 1 2 3 10 95 98 15 16 e a an the act at in on of airplane off show kind shipping of made us usa motor top fishing salainen trolling troll zander pike taimen lohi moto salmon hauki uistelu ten kala rally car uistelemassa kuhaa taimenta haukea flying plane aircraft paikka alien ship three body found lost metsä forest woods lasikuitu vw birthday fiberglass golf fiber five fail armeija glass kallavesj 2018 new uusi team opetus volkswagen super fast failure slow intti puijo puijon lapin state kulta lappi from lentävä koski oy co tutka loud radar outo sail sailing purjevene purje tomi koski vuotta m/s ukko smoke warning rent lentokone vuokraa sauna floating ferry ville ponsse pipe forest van machine metsäkone full hd lautanen work töissä ufo .fi transporter ball shape sky sun moon roll flag big vuosi iso .com jahti yacht large youtube video mega rich joy taivas kaupunki sininen blue near russian border russia coupon lentävälautanen valo security cottages service agent laws clean water outdoor live valot movie life pikavene pika fast size model review view best paras gun hard light soft top guy kova pehmeä katto age free avaruus kesät mökki lights green electric power law vesijetti vesiskootteri jet-ski 100 deck lahja laituri speeding high speed police polis poliisi poliisit slowmo edit editing alus program suv wheel captain kuopiossa lord party juhla kapteeni pesu aurinko kuu light valo deep rapala satasen jesse vaappu lure gun bike ban wobbler just plaanari machines motors wind windy weather rod stream noise drive cool slow mo cyberlink power ring vanhan director live powerdirector editti ohjelma pole rock kallio melu noise haitta annual problem orava ongelma pulu catch drone catching 9th fish for laugh laughs nauru ranta hiekka vesitaso vid con vidcon hydroplane seaplane sea planes old vanha picture steamship höyry höyrylaiva rock lokki seagul mies lennokki man parhaat rs full hd high man drone us viherpeippo kirjosieppo
Steamboat Tarjanne 1908- Höyrylaiva saapuu Mustalahden satamaan 17.7.2014 Tampere Finland
Steamboat Tarjanne 1908- Höyrylaiva saapuu Mustalahden satamaan 17.7.2014