Lake Techirghiol
Lake Techirghiol is the largest saline lake in Romania, located on the Black Sea coast, south of Constanta. This fluvial – marine shore is unique in Europe because it includes both salty waters and freshwaters that develop a remarkable biodiversity. The fauna consists of several species of arthropods, worms and protozoa, flora by several species of algae, and in the depth of the sea sulphurous bacteria predominate. The high salinity, as well as the wind that constantly disturbs the water of the lake, makes frost a rare phenomenon, and the habitat is particularly attractive for migratory birds and an ideal place for aquatic birds.
That is why here has been implemented a Life project focused on protecting wintering conditions of the red-necked goose (Branta ruficollis), one of the most rare species of Planet’s geese, nesting on the Taimir peninsula in Siberia and predominantly hunting in the Dobrogea area from Romania or Bulgaria.
But the fame of the lake is given by the sapropelic sludge, that black gold and foul smell, which heals the rheumatic and inflammatory diseases, along with salt water. Physicians say that 50 per cent of patients arriving at the Techirghiol Spa Bath or the Reci Baths return home with their symptoms improved. The miraculous effects of sludge were testified 2000 years ago, in the time of the Roman soldiers. Even the legend of its name is given by old Tatar Tekir and his hurt donkey who have found the relief of suffering in the waters of Lake Techirghiol (Lake of Tekir).
Tourists who arrive at Techirghiol can benefit not only from spa treatments, but also from birdwatching sessions or practicing water sports - yachting, canoeing, kayaking, fishing.
Lacul Techirghiol (România)
Limanul Techirghiol zis și Lacul Techirghiol (sau Tekirghiol, turcă Tekirgöl, însemnând „lacul Tekir”) este situat la marginea localității balneare Eforie Nord de pe țărmul Mării Negre la 12 km distanță de portul Constanța, România. Este un liman fluvio-marin[1] cu o suprafață de 10,68 km², separat de mare printr-un perisip și cu o adâncime maximă de 9 m. Prin aportul mic de apă dulce, apa limanului și-a mărit concentrația de săruri, la circa 95 g/l. Acest fenomen a permis formarea unui strat de nămol cu calități terapeutice.
Pe malul limanului opus localității Eforie Nord se află orașul Techirghiol, înființat în 1893. La Techirghiol a fost deschis un sanatoriu încă din 1899. Localitatea este o renumită stațiune de tratamente, unde sunt puse în valoare efectele terapeutice ale apei sărate (mineralizate) și a nămolului din liman, recomandate pentru tratarea unor boli precum psoriazis, reumatism, alergii, ș.a.
Wildlife in Techirghiol Lake, Romania / Fauna salbatica din zona lacului Techirghiol
Description/Descriere : Mix of clips and images with wild animals made at the begining of august 2013 on the Lake Techirghiol, Constanta, Romania. O colectie de filmulete si imagini cu animale salbatice facute la inceput de august 2013 pe malul lacului Techirghiol, jud. Constanta.
Equipment/Echipament : Olympus E-5 + Zuiko 70-300mm F/4.0-5.6
Techirghiol Lake - Romania
Techirghiol Lake - Romania - the protected area where you can see over 150 bird species!
Trenuri Sezoniere Lângă Lacul Techirghiol/Summer Trains Near Techirghiol Lake in Eforie
Trenuri Sezoniere Lângă Lacul Techirghiol/Summer Trains Near Techirghiol Lake in Eforie - 05 September 2019
1:IR1992 - Timișoara Nord-Caransebeș-Orșova-Filiași-Craiova-București Băneasa-Constanța-Mangalia - EGM621 66-1002-1 RO-SNTFC
2:R8802 - Mangalia - Constanța - GM 64-1101-6 RO-SNTFC
3:IR1944Liviue Rebreanu - Satu Mare-Baia Mare-Jibou-Dej Călători-Deda-Siculeni-Brașov-Sinaia-Ploiești Vest-București Băneasa-Constanța-Mangalia - Jimmy 64-1384-8 RO-SNTFC
4:IR1932Bihor - Oradea-Cluj Napoca-Teiuș-Sighișoara-Brașov-Sinaia-Ploiești Vest-București Băneasa-Constanța-Mangalia - EGM621 66-1060-9 RO-SNTFC
05 September 2019
© LDEGM Trainspotter
Santa Maria Monastery from Techirghiol - Romania (HD1080p)
* At the beginning, the monastic establishment TECHIRGHIOL (Romania) was a priest's sanatorium and had the name of Saint Pantelimon. In the course, the establishment was opened to all the people who wanted to treat their rheumatic affections and find a silence oasis in here.
The numerous requests in last years have determined the extension of the accomodation area and, in 2000 have been opened the treatment base endowed with modern apparatus attended by qualified medical personnel. The treatment method used is the therapeutic mud extracted from TECHIRGHIOL LAKE. ***
Singura bază nautică amenajată la Constanţa a fost inaugurată astăzi la Techirghiol - Litoral TV
Techirghiol Lake - 2011
I think my camera's lens flare, plus the natural lake vegetation and water shine makes for a rather interesting experiment.
Angajații Sanatoriului Techirghiol au discutat motivele pentru care au... - Litoral TV
Faleza Techirghiol 2017
Faleza Techirghiol 2017, Tratament Techirghiol, Techirghiol Online. #litoralulromanesc, #techirghiol
00:00 - 00:01 - Monumentul Eroilor Techirghiol.
00:02 - 00:06 - Teatrul de vara Jean Constantin.
00:06 - 00:12 - Manastirea SF Maria Techirghiol.
00:12 - 00:23 - Peisaj Imafini Faleza Techirghiol.
00:23 - 00:27 - Tratament Balnear Lacul Techirghiol.
00:33 - 00:37 - Zoom crucea Manastirii SF Maria.
00:37 - 01:24 - Imagini vremea faleza Techirghiol si sculpturi 2017.
01:30 - 01:36 - Restaurant Pizzerie.
01:58 - 02:04 - Techir si Magarul - Simbolul Orasului Techirghiol.
09:58 - 10:11 - Muzica de Relaxare, Ciripit de Pasarele
10:32 - 10:37 - Sanatoriul Techirghiol Tratament Balner cu Namol si apa sarata pe Litoral.
- Muzica -
Techirghiol - Filmare aeriana - Promo
Techirghiol - Promo - Filmare Aeriana
Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross test drive on the shore of Techirghiol Lake, Constanta, Romania
Thanks for watching.
A morning drive on the shore of Techirghiol Lake, Constanta, Romania
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Off-road Eforie Techirghiol - handheld camera (2/4)
11 off-road cars playing on the hills and in the mud, close to Techirghiol. Participants: 3 Suzuki Vitara, 2 Suzuki Samurai, 2 Suzuki Jimny, 1 Lada Niva, 1 Mercedes ML, 1 Toyota Hilux pickup * * * January 09th 2010
Centru multifuncţional la Techirghiol - Litoral TV
Techirghiol, destinație de vacanță - Litoral TV
????????Tren IR între Lacul Techirghiol și Marea Neagră (06 09 2019)
???? Doua automotoare X72500 formand trenul IR16089 (Mangalia - Oradea), operat de Regio Calatori, surprinse intre statiile Eforie Sud si Eforie Nord pe fasia dintre Lacul Techirghiol si Marea Neagra.
????️ Locatie: Eforie Nord, jud. Constanta
????️ Clipul video contine secvente filmate simultan cu 2 camere, inclusiv drona ????
???? Two X72500 Railcars composing IR16089 train (Mangalia - Brasov), operated by Regio Calatori, shot between Eforie Sud and Eforie Nord stations, on the cliff between Techirghiol Lake and Black Sea.
????️ Location: Eforie Nord, Constanta County, Romania
????️ The video contains footage shot simultaneously with 2 cameras, including a drone ????
???? 06 09 2019
© LDEGM & 19Railfan95
Malul lacului Techirghiol este în curs de amenajare - Litoral TV
???????? Trenuri Estivale ????⛱️ între Marea Neagră și Lacul Techirghiol ????️????
???? Trenuri estivale la final de sezon intre Lacul Techirghiol si Marea Neagra, intre statiile CF Eforie Sud si Eforie Nord:
1.IR1945 Mangalia - Satu Mare ???? LDE2100 EGM621 92 53 0 64 1384-8
2.RE8803 Constanta - Mangalia ???? LDE2100EGM621 92 53 0 64 1025-7
3.IR1931 Mangalia - Oradea ???? LDE2100EGM621 92 53 0 66 1002-1
????️ Locatie: Eforie Nord, jud. Constanta
????️ Clipul video contine secvente filmate simultan cu 2 camere, inclusiv drona ????
???? Summer trains at the end of the season between Techirghiol Lake and Black Sea, between Eforie Sud and Eforie Nord stations:
1.IR1945 Mangalia - Satu Mare ???? LDE2100 EGM621 92 53 0 64 1384-8
2.RE8803 Constanta - Mangalia ???? LDE2100EGM621 92 53 0 64 1025-7
3.IR1931 Mangalia - Oradea ???? LDE2100EGM621 92 53 0 66 1002-1
????️ Location: Eforie Nord, Constanta County, Romania
????️ The video contains footage shot simultaneously with 2 cameras, including a drone ????
???? 06 09 2019
© LDEGM & 19Railfan95