Lake Velence Hungary - Europe Vlog # 2
Lake Velence is the third largest lake in Hungary. It is a popular holiday destination among Hungarians. The lake has an area of 26 km², one third of which is covered by the common reed.
Lake Velence - HUNGARY 4K
Lake Velence is a large body of water in Hungary, southwest of Budapest. It's known for its beaches on the southern shore, especially around Gárdony. The warm lake waters are home to carp, pike and eels. Near the lake’s western shore, the Lake Velence Bird Sanctuary and the Dinnyés Marshes Nature Reserve protect many domestic and migratory birds. These can also be viewed from the István Chernel Birdwatching Tower.
Lake Velence Hungary
Lake Velence, Hungary
Озеро Веленце - знаходиться на трасі між Будапештом і озером Балатон. Воно мілководне (глибина всього 1-2 м), тому є одним з найтепліших озер Європи (температура тримається 26-28 градусів).
Озеро є курортним як влітку, так і взимку, є чудова набережна і пляж!
Третина озера є заповідником!
Приємного перегляду!
#velence, #hungary, #lake, #угорщина, #веленце, #венгрия
The venue: Lake Velence
The venue of the 2019 World Rowing Masters Regatta.
Lake Velence, Hungary.
Windsurfing at Lake Velence, Hungary 720p
My ride: Starboard iSonic 101 + WildWinds 5.0 m2
Music: Cookie Raver — Illumination
Velence Resort & Spa - Velence, Hungary
Traveling to Hungary//Budapest//Velence//VLOG 3
Thank you so much for watching! In this vlog you get a snapshot into our mornings at Lake Velence, Hungary. Velence is the second largest lake in Hungary and it is where many people go to vacation during the summer. It is beautiful! Nathan was in a silly mood this particular morning and had me laughing the entire time :D
When we went to Budapest, we toured Hero's Square, which is a giant street square with 26 monuments signifying founders, tribesmen, kings, and warriors from throughout Hungary's history. It's a must see if you go to Budapest, and it's handy because its also a stop on the subway, so it's pretty easy to find.
And of course, the Hungarian Parliament building is absolutely AMAZING. I think it's the most beautiful building I have ever seen. We didn't tour the inside (it was pretty expensive) but the exterior and the surrounding buildings were breathtaking. Be sure to also see the Parliament at night when all the lights are on!
Sneaky Snooper by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Royalty Free music from
Canon G7x Mark II
Lake Velence/Hungary P4
Facebook: Kaló Levente Yoshihiro
Instagram: yoshihiro2001
Made with dji phantom 4.
Accessible holidays beach Lake Velence Hungary
A wheelchair friendly area is important during holidays for disabled in Hungary. Lake Velence is located between Lake Balaton and Budapest. Velence is a colourful well maintained village with a beach. Wheelchair accessible holiday home Szabadság is situated within 100m of this lake and beach. Lake Velence offers all kind of water sports, beach bars and restaurants and ferry. Bike paths around the lake are used by bikers, wheelers and pedestrians and a easy and safe way to get around.
Lake Velence is the warmest lake in Europe so come and have fun in the detached bungalow of
Thermal bath Velence Spa and Wellness is accessible for people with a disability and heaven to people with mobility problems. Supermarkets, restaurants, ATM, ice cream parlor, church, etc can all be found within walking distance. You can take the train for easy wheelchair access to Budapest.
Mute swan - Lake Velence (Hungary)/ Bütykös hattyú - Velencei-tó
World Rowing Masters Regatta 2019 Lake Velence Hungary
II.Velencei Audi C3 és B2 országos találkozó 2018.Audi cars meeting at Lake Velence, Hungary.
summer vac at lake velence
it was a lovely summer vac. trip to one of the hungary lovely lake called lake velence with my awesome colleagues
Dreamwellness in Velence (Hungary)
Premium apartements are offered next to the second largest lake in Hungary. Velence is situated 40 km from Budapest and just about 2 hours driving distance from Austria. These exclusive apartments are suitable for 2-6 PAX and they are located within the 4-star hotel complex of Velence Resort &Spa****. It is located directly next to the Beach. The hotel is baby-friendly and you can find there several baby pools both indoor and outdoor. There are also thermal spa and sauna cabines. Kids are also welcome with indoor play centre facilities, children's pool and animators.
For our guest who are rather hungry, half board meals are available but the sites are also fitted with perfect kitchen appliances. New tour operators or travel agancies are expected in order to cooperate with us and share the experience of our sites among guests.
Info :
???? +36 70 337 0847
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Feliratkozás a YouTube csatornára:
Lake Velence in Winter 2018 DJI Spark Fly Movie
DJI Spark Fly Movie in Hungary
Lake Velence
Strong wind (~40 km/h) and sometimes heavy traffic.
Anyway, it is a beautiful area offering great bicycle roads (85% is suitable for high-speed) and nice enviroment. You can find water sports as well, so it is highly recommended!
Skating February 2017. lake Velence Hungary
WRMR 2019, D2x, Lake Velence, Hungary
Full race of Mens D double sculls Heat 9 at Lake Velence 11 Sep 2019, World Masters Rowing Regatta
Velence - Egy perc Magyarország
Névre szóló zenés ajándék:
Velence város Fejér megyében, a Velencei-tó kapuja. Közigazgatásilag Velencefürdővel alkot egységet.
A római korban a Savaria és Aquincum közötti hadiút fontos települése volt, mára hazánk második legnagyobb tavának kiemelt üdülővárosa. Vendégváró városképével a Virágos Magyarország versenyben hazánkban az első, Európában a második legvirágosabb város címmel büszkélkedhet. A legifjabbak érkezését rózsatövekkel ünneplik, a Babák Rózsakertje egyedülálló kezdeményezés hazánkban.
A Velencei-tó északkeleti végét körbeölelő város csodás természeti környezettel megáldva, látnivalók sokaságával várja az idelátogatókat.
A régmúlt emlékét őrzi a közel három és fél évszázados református templom és a kétszáz éves klasszicista stílusú, Szent István katolikus templom. A várost betelepítő Meszleny János műemlék jellegű, művészi faragásokkal díszített családi sírkertben nyugszik.
A Velencei-hegység lankás dombjain érő szőlőfürtök kiváló minőségű borokkal ajándékozzák meg az Etyek-Budai történelmi borvidékünk fontos települését. Májusban a szőlősgazdák a Sárgaföldes úton Szent Orbán szobra előtt teszik tiszteletüket.
A Bence-hegyen található kilátópontból szemet gyönyörködtető panoráma tárul a kirándulók szeme elé.
Júniusban Szent Iván -, augusztusban Szent István napját ünneplik és a nyári hónapok négy hétvégéjén szól a muzsika, színházi élményekkel gazdagodhatnak a helybéliek, az üdülők és az érdeklődők a Velencei Nyári Zenés Esték rendezvénysorozat alkalmával.