sheikh arshi shim misato lala port japan
i think this is good japanes song
Japan Nightlife at Around Shin Misato Station Saitama
Japan Nightlife at Around Shin Misato Station Saitama
neighborhood Shin Misato Station Saitama JAPAN
chingu part 1 @lalaport shin misato
LaLaport SHIN MISATO PK~NorthKoiwa4
BoysRepublic「流れる星に花束を」リリイベ170430 Saitama LaLaport SHIN MISATO 1部/ 流れる星に花束を
5th Japanese Single
20170524 Release
BoysRepublic 「流れる星に花束を」リリイベ170430 Saitama LaLaport SHIN MISATO 2部/流れる星に花束を
JAPAN 1st Album「Beginning」release おめでとう!
I love Boys Republic so much.
Thank you for always making us a smile.
Perfect performance,voice,dance!!
F-Zero AX - Deluxe Cabinet at Round 1 in Shin-Misato, Japan (2017.04)
I traveled to Japan this spring, and in addition to visiting the cities, shrines, and castles, I decided to dedicate some time to find F-Zero AX in an arcade. I've never played it before and there's not a lot of AX time attack footage on the internet. Also, it's quite an old and rare game by now, and it's not exactly getting less rare. There are still AX cabinets outside of Japan, but for me the widespread public transit in Japan (compared to the US in particular) made this a good opportunity to find AX.
I learned about several AX locations in Japan from a wiki ( and from おんそく・SKL (onsokuSKL) on Twitter. おんそく・SKL told me he heard about an AX machine confirmed recently in the Shin-Misato Round 1 arcade, which was a 1 hour train ride away from where I was staying in Tokyo Station. The arcade was in a shopping mall right next to the Shin-Misato train station, so it was quite convenient.
F-Zero AX was in the Spo-cha area in this arcade, way in the back of the 4th floor. おんそく・SKL had also told me how the Round 1 Spo-cha works. Some arcade games are on the main floor of Round 1, and you just walk up to the machines and insert coins (or possibly use a payment card) to play. Other arcade games (mostly older ones) are in the Spo-cha area, where you pay to enter but don't have to put coins in the actual machines. Spo-cha rates for this store were: 2690 yen for unlimited time till the end of the day, 2130 yen for 3 hours, or 1740 yen for 90 minutes.
You can ask to confirm which games are in the Spo-cha before entering. So I asked about AX (with a reference picture to help), and it took 3 staff to confirm it was there, but they did indeed tell me it was on the 4th floor.
This AX cabinet had tape over the memory card slot and license card slot, so I assumed those didn't work anymore. (There's only one AX location where I've heard recent confirmation of memory card support: The Libra Shopping Center in Ryugasaki, Ibaraki. Now that I'm looking at the route again, that location would actually have been very reachable... a bit late for me now though!)
Otherwise, the only problem I noticed with the cabinet condition was the steering resistance being a little off-center. The steering goes to the left by itself if you don't touch it, and occasionally the resistance of the steering wheel felt noticeably a bit odd, such as during the left turn before the second jump in Thunder Road (mainly in Lap 1). Overall though, I would say it didn't have a big impact on my gameplay. I've heard of other AX machines where the boost didn't work or diving down was impossible, so I'm pretty thankful for this cabinet's condition.
Overall I made 3 trips to this Spo-cha. The first trip was on 2017.03.24, Friday, and there was about a 20 minute entry line in the early afternoon, mostly school-age customers. I also went on 2017.04.11, Tuesday (a rainy day), and 2017.04.14, Friday, and there was no line on either of those days. So this was not particularly hard to get into. The AX area in particular wasn't crowded either; it was rare to have more than 4 other people playing the AX area's machines at any given time. Some of the machines are noticeably loud when someone does play them, though. The loud ones I kept noticing there were Gaia Attack 4 and DDR.
Some arcades seem to request no photos and videos, but it seems the more general rule is to not take photos or videos of strangers without their permission. So I briefly panned my phone camera to show the game lineup near AX when nobody was around. That's only around 30% of the Spo-cha games though. You can find a more complete memoir of this Spo-cha's games in this 2016.07.16 post:
My filming wasn't exactly planned out carefully; I just had a few random AX recordings where I'd decided to show a little more than just the game itself, and I took two of the better clips for this video.
I'll follow this up shortly with some AX gameplay videos!
Date: 2017.04.11 and 2017.04.14
Location: 4th floor Spocha of the Round 1 arcade in Lala Port mall, Shin-Misato, Saitama, Japan (ラウンドワン スタジアム ららぽーと新三郷店 スポッチャ 4階)
Recording: Samsung Galaxy S5 + Camera app + Smooth recording (for 60 FPS) at 1920x1080 with vertical orientation, Phoseat bendable-arm smartphone holder, Elecom 0.4x super-wide lens (for the latter recording)
Editing: AviUtl + exedit, then x264GUIEx to encode
12/28 Guerrilla Ride around the Shin-misato station
Cost Co (Shin Misato, Japan)- Feb 20, 2010
with my in-laws and my husband`s brother`s wife Natsumi and her cute baby Nodoka
Naomi, Maika & Co. On Stage MAH05762.MP4
November 11th 2012 @ Lalaport Stage Shin Misato. We do not own the music, no copyright infringement intended.
Janner @ Forever21 Shin-Misato
NorthKoiwa2~LaLaport SHIN MISATO PK
Riding Mushashino Line Train from Shim-Misato to Misato, Saitama, Japan
Riding Mushashino Line Train from Shim-Misato to Misato, Saitama, Japan
Thomas Town in LaLaport Shinmisato Japan | Indoor Playground Review! | ららぽーと新三郷のトーマスタウン へ行ってきたよ
Thomas Town in LaLaport Shinmisato Japan | Indoor Playground Review!
Thomas Town in LaLaport Shinmisato is very big enough to enjoy all day. They have some kind of Thomas train and also athletic playground!
ららぽーと新三郷のトーマスタウン へ行ってきたよ(^^)
#Thomas #playground #lalaport #review
#トーマスタウン新三郷 #ららぽーと #子連れお出かけレビュー
Shinmisato LaLaport at F21
Hi guys I’m Rina and my partner Angie.
We went to F21 because next month on October
The F21 gonna close soon
YokohoriBashi~LaLaport ShinMisato PK
2017年07月20日 10時09分
Boys Republic 「流れる星に花束を」 葵わかなと共演ドラマ「君の瞳に花束を」エンディングテーマ Music Video(Short version)
一途の国(少年共和国)からやってきた5人組 Boys Republic。
テレビドラマ初主演となるBoys Republicと今大注目の女優 葵わかなが共演となるテレビドラマ「君の瞳に花束を」。
愛する人となにを分け合いますか?大切な人となにを分け合い、共に歩くか。Boys Republicなりの解答です。
2017年5月24日(水) 発売
TOKYO MXテレビドラマ 水10 「今夜もLL」 エピソード2 Boys Republic 「君の瞳に花束を」エンディングテーマ
初回限定盤CD+DVD UPCH-7262 ¥1,500(税別)/¥1,620(税込)
通常盤A CD UPCH-5911 ¥1,000(税別)/¥1,080(税込)
通常盤B CD UPCH-5912 ¥1,000(税別)/¥1,080(税込)
テレビドラマ「今夜もLL♡(LIVE&LOVE) 」
TOKYO MX 水曜日22:00 スタート
5/10~4話放送 エピソード②Boys Republic×葵わかな「君の瞳に花束を」
キャスト:Boys Republic 葵わかな
広澤草 愛加あゆ カズレーザー
盲目の女子高生のひかりはある日、道に迷ったBoys Republicのメンバー・スウンと出逢う。スウンとの交際を経て、ひかりは視力回復手術を受けることを決意する。
困難な手術にのぞむひかりのために、スウンとBoys Republicのメンバーたちはある計画を思い立つ。
イベント:テレビドラマ「今夜もLL♡」presents 「今夜もLL♡SPECIAL LIVE」vol.1
・5/21(日) 品川インターシティホール OPEN16:00/START17:00
・5/27(土) 大阪ビジネスパーク円形ホール 1回目:OPEN14:00/START14:30
出演者:Boys Republic /パクドル&HERO /WEBER
チケット代:5800円(税込) ※4歳以上有料
問い合わせ:SOGO TOKYO 03-3405-9999 キョードーインフォメーション 0570-200-888
Anna at Shinmisato Lalaport
My daughter plays in the fountains at Lalaport in Misato
misato festival
international gathering in misato city of japan