Landesbibliothek Oberösterreich - Gewusst wie
Lukas Weiss
Infotheke und Ausleihschalter:
Anna Strasser
Petra Haase
Elisabeth Buchmann
David Panhofer
Renate Plöchl
Irene Pötscher
Julian Sagmeister
Konzept und Recherche:
David Panhofer
Anna Strasser
Kamera, Regie, Schnitt: David Panhofer
Produktionsleitung und Kostüm:
Anna Strasser
Produktion Landesbibliothek & Requisiten:
Renate Plöchl
Irene Pötscher
Sämtliches Found Footage CC0
Wissensturm Linz
Der Wissensturm Linz: Volkshochschule, Stadtbibliothek, Lernzentrum Lewis, Medienwerkstatt, Bürgerservice
Volkshochschule: rund 1 500 Kurse bzw. Vorträge.
Stadtbibliothek: ca. 110 000 Bücher, Filme und CDs, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.
Lernzentrum Lewis: Computerarbeitsplätze mit Internet-Zugang, Hörstationen sowie DVD- und Fernsehplätze zum Lernen und Verweilen.
Medienwerkstatt: Radio und Fernsehen selbermachen.
Service-Center: Bürgerservice-Leistungen.
Hotspot in ganzem Haus.
Eine Produktion der Medienwerkstatt Linz/Gerhard Mayrhofer.
5 Jahre Wissensturm Linz
Wissensturm Linz: Volkshochschule, Stadtbibliothek, Lernzentrum Lewis, Medienwerkstatt, Bürgerservice
Volkshochschule: rund 1 500 Kurse bzw. Vorträge.
Stadtbibliothek: ca. 110 000 Bücher, Filme und CDs, Zeitungen und Zeitschriften.
Lernzentrum Lewis: Computerarbeitsplätze mit Internet-Zugang, Hörstationen sowie DVD- und Fernsehplätze zum Lernen und Verweilen.
Medienwerkstatt: Radio und Fernsehen selbermachen.
Service-Center: Bürgerservice-Leistungen.
Hotspot in ganzem Haus.
Eine Produktion der Medienwerkstatt Linz/Gerhard Mayrhofer anläßlich des 5jährigen Bestehens des Wissensturmes Linz.
St. Pölten, Landhausviertel - Austria HD Travel Channel
The Landhaus (Government) Quarter in St. Pölten, Lower Austria, is located on the shores of the river Traisen. Designed by Austrian architect Ernst Hoffmann and built between 1992 and 1997, it serves as the government district and is in an architectural contrast to the old town. The parliament building is shaped like a ship and is therefore known as Landtagsschiff. It is the seat of the Lower Austrian parliament.
It is dominated by the 80 meter high Klangturm (tower of sound)with accessible sound rooms. Besides that, the Klangturm serves as an observation deck, weather camera and transmission mast. After the Cathedral, it is the second highest building in the city and one of the symbols of St. Pölten.
Alongside the premises of the State Government, the National Library, the National Museum, a festival theater and the Regional Center of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation ORF are housed in the Landhaus Quarter.
please read more:
Das Landhausviertel St. Pölten, Niederösterreich, liegt direkt am Ufern der Traisen.
Vom österreichischen Architekten Ernst Hoffmann gestaltet und von 1992 bis 1997 erbaut, dient es als Regierungsviertel und steht in architektonischem Gegensatz zur Altstadt. Das Landtagsgebäude hat die Form eines Schiffes und wird deshalb auch als Landtagsschiff bezeichnet. Es ist der Sitz des niederösterreichischen Landtags.
Es wird überragt vom 80 m hohen Klangturm mit begehbaren Klangräumen. Daneben dient er als Aussichtsplattform, Wetterkamera und Sendemast. Er ist nach dem Dom das höchste Gebäude der Stadt und eines der Wahrzeichen von St. Pölten.
Im Landhausviertel sind, neben den Räumen der Landesregierung, die Landesbibliothek, das Landesmuseum, ein Festspielhaus und das Regionalstudio des österreichischen Rundfunks ORF untergebracht.
Weitere Infos im Reisevideoblock:
Hans Kumpfmüller - Lesung Lange Nacht der GAV/OÖ
Lange Nacht der GAV/OÖ. Lesung der Grazer Autorinnen-/Autorenversammlung in der OÖ. Landesbibliothek Linz, 8. April 2011.
SILK Fluegge - Young Audience - “PROVERB” Trailer
Wer A sagt muss auch...
Performance für Junges Publikum +11
Wer A sagt muss auch....
Sprachbilder und Sprichwörter prägen unseren Alltag. Aber wie oft bleiben wir stehen um nachzudenken was wir damit wirklich sagen? Und wie unübersetzbar sind Sprichwörter zwischen Kulturen? Sind Sprichwörter politisch korrekt? Und wer hat all diese Sprichwörter erfunden? SILK Fluegge macht einen Ausflug in die Welt des freien von Generationen mündlich überlieferten Textes um eben diesen performativ zu verkörpern und stellt Fragen zur tradierten Sprachkultur in gewohnt humorvoller Weise.
Verbal imagery and proverbs shape our everyday life. But how often do we take the time to think about what we are really saying? And how translatable are proverbs from one culture to another? Are proverbs politically correct? Who invented all theses proverbs? SILK Fluegge undertakes an excursion into the world of free text, transmitted by word of mouth from one generation to another. The artist collective works – in their customary humorous way - on embodying these oral traditions and asking questions surrounding traditional culture.
Konzept/Choreographie: Silke Grabinger
Produktionsleitung/Choreografische Assistenz: Olga Swietlicka
Dramaturgische Beratung: Angela Vadori
Tanz, Performance: Elias Buttinger, Gergely Dudas, Emil Felhofer, Barbara Vuzem
22.06.2016 - 10:30 & 20:00 - DSCHUNGEL Wien - Im Rahmen des 19. internationalen SZENE BUNTE WÄHNE Tanzfestivals für junges Publikum
BRG Traun
Lange Nacht der Bühnen Linz, Musikschule Linz
17.10.2017 - 19:00 - Oö Landesbibliothek, Linz
19.10.2017 - 19:00 - Oö Landesbibliothek, Linz
Tutanchamun Ausstellung in der Tabakfabrik in Linz
Tutanchamun - Sein Grab und die Schätze . Die Ausstellung ist von 6. März bis 29. Juni in der Tabakfabrik in Linz zu Gast. Auf über 2500 m² Fläche werden über 1000 Obejekte und Grafiken gezeigt.
Wissensturm Linz - Wir sind da, wo Sie uns brauchen.
24 Stunden pro Tag, 365 Tage im Jahr sorgen die Gemeindebediensteten in 2.357 Städten und Gemeinden dafür, dass die Menschen in diesem Land ihr Leben leben können -- und sich keine Gedanken darüber zu machen brauchen, ob ihr Müll abtransportiert wird, sauberes Wasser aus der Leitung kommt oder ob sie im Notfall in einem Spital behandelt werden. In vielen Ländern der Welt ist das nicht so selbstverständlich wie in Österreich.
SILK Fluegge - ART Performance - Ano von Dahom
An investigation of heritage.
„ANO von Dahom“ (one from home)
ANO is a film performance and research project on the culture of the Danube Swabians (German speaking settlements along the lower regions of the Danube). The project will take place in an open/informal and participative frame. The project is a performative and documentary engagement with the social fabric, history and folk culture of the Danube Swabians, in the form of interviews, dance evenings and performances that constitute a contemporary artistic engagement with the traditional forms of movement. At the same time it is an investigation into the family history and identity of the artist who herself descends from refugees who fled the Banat region. The aim is to incorporate the local population and to open a possible reading of the traditional culture. Traditional forms of movement will be passed on, learned and understood due to the creation of a space of learning and exchange with witnesses of the displacement after WWII. It is at least as important to create an understanding of the social texture and the historical conditions that this culture was embedded in and to reflect it in relation to contemporary society. The dance evenings functioned as a place of exchange and were central to the social fabric. In this project they become a place of possible minoritarian narratives. Concomitantly the witnesses of the displacement will be interviewed and filmed.
After the forced displacement during and after WWII, during which the Danube Swabians played a dark role in the holocaust of the Jewish people, the German speaking inhabitants of the Banat regions found themselves as foreigners in refugee camps in Germany and Austria. Places of historical importance will be researched and will in part be places where the project will be realised. ANO is a critical and current engagement with the conflictive history of the „returned“ Danube Swabians.
Eine Produktion von SILK Fluegge in Koproduktion mit SILK Cie., gefördert von Kultur Stadt Linz, Kultur Land Oberösterreich, Bundeskanzleramt.
In Kooperation mit der OÖ Landesbibliothek und USTANOVA STUDENTSKI KULTURNI CENTAR Novi Sad.
Dieses Projekt wird auf europäischer Ebene unter dem Titel „Someone from Home“ im Rahmen von Creative Europe - Culture Sub-programme (2014-2020) –Support for European Cooperation Projects related to the European Year of cultural Heritage 2018 mit den Ländern Serbien, Ungarn, Rumänien und Bulgarien umgesetzt.
„ANO von Dahom“ ist eine kritische und aktuelle Auseinandersetzung mit der konfliktreichen Geschichte der Donauschwab*innen.
Konzept/ Choreographie: Silke Grabinger
Performance: Silke Grabinger, Gergely Dudas
Dramaturgische Beratung: Ludwig Felhofer
Produktionsleitung: Sandra Krampelhuber
Produktionsteam: Sandra Eidenberger, Adelina Nita
Musik: Interpret Unbekannt - „der Banater Unschuldswalzer“ Komponiert für „Ano“ von Nikolic Ljubomir/AnSe : -„differences“
Textbearbeitung: Silke Grabinger, Erwin Dorn, Waltraud Neuhauser-Pfeiffer, Emil Felhofer, Ludwig Felhofer
Textmastering: Ivan Shopov
Licht: Jan Derschmidt
Kostüm/Bühnenbild: Bianca Fladerer, Silke Grabinger, Michael Eidenberger
Visuals: Magdalena Schlesinger, Silke Grabinger
Someone From Home TEASER - A Coproduction of ....
Someone From Home TEASER - A Coproduction of ....
USTANOVA STUDENTSKI KULTURNI CENTAR Novi Sad, DERIDA Dance Center, Art Link Foundation und Teatrul Maghiar de Stat Csiky Gergely, SILK Cie, SILK Fluegge
“Someone from home” is a performance and research project in several parts on the culture of the Danube Swabians (German speaking settlements along the lower regions of the Danube). The project will take place in an open/informal and participative frame. The project is a performative and documentary engagement with the social fabric, history and folk culture of the Danube Swabians, in the form of interviews, dance evenings and performances that constitute a contemporary artistic engagement with the traditional forms of movement. At the same time, it is an investigation into the family history and identity of the artist who herself descends from refugees fleing the Banat region. The aim is to incorporate the local population and to open a possible reading of the traditional culture. Traditional forms of movement will be passed on, learned and understood due to the creation of a space of learning and exchange with witnesses of the displacement after WWII. It is at least as important to create an understanding of the social texture and the historical conditions that this culture was embedded in and to reflect it in relation to contemporary society. The dance evenings functioned as a place of exchange and were central to the social fabric. In this project they become a place of possible minoritarian narratives. Concomitantly the witnesses of the displacement will be interviewed and filmed. After the forced displacement during and after WWII, during which the Danube Swabians played a dark role in the holocaust of the Jewish people, the German speaking inhabitants of the Banat regions found themselves as foreigners in refugee camps in Germany and Austria. Sites of historical importance will be researched and will in part be locations where the project takes place. “Someone from home” will be realized together with the countries Serbia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. “ANO” and “Ano von Dahom” are the first two parts of the project
“Someone from home” poses the question of belonging, s/he may act differently then usually expected. Through the occupation with cultural heritage, tradition and history these possibilities also find their way into the final performances of “Someone from home” in Austria, Serbia, Rumania, and Bulgaria. They take up the traditional form of dance evenings, try to search for new possibilities of participation within them or to open up their rigid rules. By using the form of a dance evening, one is already beyond mere movement and cultural practice, because the dance evenings had an important social function for the Danube Swabians. They were places of exchange, of matchmaking, and central in the emergence of family structures. In the performance the traditional folk dance and the social forms are not treated separately, instead they are approached of the perspective of contemporary dance, performance and modern societies. A critical conversation is started which arises in a combination of Performance, public workshop plus discussion and a summer ball with live music as well as by Ivan Shopov and Nikolic Ljubomir/AnSe composed music.
„Someone from Home“ – Workshop
“Someone from Home“ is an EU project which takes place in Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria and Austria. The festival “Tanzlust” in Freistadt will serve as the venue for the final performance in Austria. The project deals with the history and culture of the Danube Swabians and focuses especially on traditional folk dances. An artistic residency takes place in each of the partner countries, serving as the basis for the final performances. These evenings start with a public workshop and panel discussions which then lead to the dance performance and Summer Ball, respectively.
Gefördert von Kultur Stadt Linz, Kultur Land Oberösterreich, Bundeskanzleramt sowie CREATIVE EUROPE– Culture Sub-programme (2014-2020) –“Support for European Cooperation Projects related to the European Year of cultural Heritage 2018″ mit den Ländern Serbien, Ungarn, Rumänien und Bulgarien.
In Kooperation mit dem TANZLUST SUNNSEITN Festival.
Associated partners: ROSE Steyr ORG, OÖ Landesbibliothek Linz.
Regie/Idee/Choreographie/Performance: Silke Grabinger | Regie Video: Silke Grabinger, Meinrad Hofer | Video/Cut: Meinrad Hofer, Magdalena Schlesinger | Musik: Ivan Shopov, Nikolic Ljubomir/AnSe | Postproduktion Musik: Ivan Shopov | Performance: Gergely Dudás, Boglarka Heim, Mátyás Zsolt, Simó Emese, Simona Todorova, Isabel Mitkova, Peter Grudov, Aleksandar Jakovljević , Sonja Stojanović | Produktionsleitung: Sandra Krampelhuber | Produktionsteam: Sandra Eidenberger, Adelina Nita | Dramaturgische Beratung: Ludwig Felhofer | Kostüm/Bühnenbild: Bianca Fladerer, Silke Grabinger, Michael Eidenberger, Elena Mazare | Fotografie: Meinrad Hofer
Kick-off Veranstaltung der Topothek NÖ
Mit noch Landeshauptmann Stellvertreter, jetzt Innenminister Mag. Wolfgang Sobotka, Dr. Willibald Rosner, Dr. Thomas Aigner, Mag. Alexander Schatek, Mag. Elisabeth Loinig und den Topothekaren Karin Zoubek-Schleinzer, Robert Ohorn, Ludwig Koller, Peter Selb, Elisabeth Eder, Hannes Katzer, Dr. Gerhard Floßmann, Rebecca Figl-Gattinger, Rudolf Lhotka und Herbert Kraus.
Oiko Credit | Imagespot (2011)
Oikocredit reveals a first look at their brand new image video by Alexander Hölzl. Hölzl has won a tender at the Danube University in Krems in July 2011. His idea was chosen by the prominent judge Barbara Stöckl (TV Presenter), Renata Schmidtkunz (Director) and show legend Alexander Goebel.
The animated image video and shorter cinema spot titled The Valley of Life include the eponymous song by reggae-legend Errol Blackwood.
Anton Bruckner - Overture in G minor, WAB 98
Anton Bruckner (4 September 1824 – 11 October 1896) was an Austrian composer known for his symphonies, masses, and motets. The first are considered emblematic of the final stage of Austro-German Romanticism because of their rich harmonic language, strongly polyphonic character, and considerable length. Bruckner's compositions helped to define contemporary musical radicalism, owing to their dissonances, unprepared modulations, and roving harmonies.
Overture in G minor, WAB 98 (1862-63 (18 November 1862 to 4 January 1863)
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra conducted by William Steinberg
In the fall of 1862, when studying with Otto Kitzler in Linz, Bruckner composed his first orchestral compositions: the Four Orchestral Pieces (the March in D minor and the Three Pieces for orchestra). His next orchestral composition was an Overture in G minor, WAB 98.
A sketch of the Overture, which was started in November 1862, is found in the Kizler-Studienbuch pp. 287-301. A first version of the Overture was fulfilled on 24 December 1862. On 6 January 1863 Bruckner started with the composition of a new coda, which he fulfilled on 22 January 1863.
The original manuscript, of which sheet No. 7 (bars 188-212) is missing, is stored in the archive of the Kremsmünster Abbey. A copy of the complete score of the Overture was given by Bruckner to his friend Cyrill Hynais, together with that of Four Orchestral Pieces and the Symphony in F minor. These scores are stored in the archive of the Stadt- und Landesbibliothek of Vienna.
The work was first published by Alfred Orel in Unbekannte Frühwerke A. Bruckners, Vienna, 1921. The Overture was first performed by Franz Moißl on 8 September 1921 in Klosterneuburg.
Linzer torte
The Linzer Torte is an Austrian torte with a lattice design on top of the pastry. It is named after the city of Linz, Austria.
Linzer Torte is a very short, crumbly pastry made of flour, unsalted butter, egg yolks, lemon zest, cinnamon and lemon juice, and ground nuts, usually hazelnuts, but even walnuts or almonds are used, covered with a filling of redcurrant jam or, alternatively, plum butter, thick raspberry, or apricot jam. It is covered by a lattice of dough strips. The dough is rolled out in very thin strips of pastry and arranged to form a criss-cross design on top of the preserves. The pastry is brushed with lightly beaten egg whites, baked, and sometimes decorated with sliced almonds.
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Ausstellung des 26. Jahrganges der Prager Fotoschule in der Landesbibliothek Linz.
List of libraries damaged during World War II | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:06 1 Austria
00:04:24 2 Belarus
00:08:10 3 Belgium
00:12:52 4 China
00:16:34 5 Czechoslovakia
00:20:28 6 France
00:22:31 7 Germany
00:25:10 8 Greece
00:26:13 9 Hungary
00:27:17 10 Italy
00:33:36 11 Japan
00:36:17 12 Latvia
00:37:37 13 Lithuania
00:43:59 14 Luxembourg
00:45:19 15 Malayan Union/Malaysia
00:46:37 16 Malta
00:46:55 17 Netherlands
00:54:50 18 Philippines
00:55:39 19 Poland
00:59:19 20 Serbia
01:00:00 21 United Kingdom
01:04:01 22 See also
01:04:20 23 Bibliography
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This is a list of libraries damaged during World War II.
Alfred Hrdlicka in Erinnerung
Alfred Hrdlicka 27 February 1928 in Vienna -- 5 December 2009) was an Austrian sculptor, draughtsman, painter and artist. His surname is sometimes written Hrdlička.
After learning to be a dental technician from 1943 to 1945, Hrdlicka studied painting until 1952 at the Akademie der bildenden Künste under Albert Paris Gütersloh and Josef Dobrowsky. Afterwards he studied sculpture until 1957 under Fritz Wotruba. In 1960 he had his first exhibition in Vienna; in 1964 he attained international attention as a representative of Austria at the Venice Biennale, Italy.
In 2008, his new religious work about the Apostles, Religion, Flesh and Power, attracted criticism about its homoerotic theme. The exhibition was housed in the museum of the St. Stephen's Cathedral of Vienna. He taught many sculptors, such as Hans Sailer, Angela Laich and others.
Gansterer Gerald Tipp 3 Bundesliga
Gansterer Gerald Tipp 3 Bundesliga