Orchard island Taitung Taiwan badai bay lanyu elementary school township office 蘭嶼國小 八代灣 鄉公所
English is my second language, so if you can't understand (I know I'm mumbling most of time), just enjoy the scenery. Starting my 3 months journey of work for exchange; however, I'll be camping for the first 3 nights before I start working. Bike riding along west side of Orchard Island. Covers full lanyu elementary school and some bike riding view.
台湾の夜市で人気の「不要香菜」Tシャツ 通販サイト
「香菜」が好きな人には「香菜多一點」Tシャツ 通販サイト
台湾グルメ情報の決定版「Welcome to Taiwan Gourmet」 (電子書籍)
2019-04 蘭嶼 Lanyu Orchid Island by Sony FDR-X3000
忠愛橋 Zhongyi Bridge 四條溝 Four Ditch 小蘭嶼 駱駝峰 Ji-Teiwan 小蘭嶼 斷層 Ji-Teiwan 八代灣沈船 BADAI Bay Wreck
Lanyu Orchard island green green grassland full tour 蘭嶼 青青草原
English is my second language, so if you can't understand (I know I'm mumbling most of time), just enjoy the scenery. Walking around green green grassland tour view in Lanyu Orchard island.
Wreck, Reef and Fish of Lanyu
Scuba Diving Lanyu hero3 black edition, without auxiliary light
Orchard island Taitung Taiwan Yayu Elementary School 蘭嶼露營 椰油國小
English is my second language, so if you can't understand (I know I'm mumbling most of time), just enjoy the scenery. Starting my 3 months journey of work for exchange; however, I'll be camping for the first 3 nights before I start working. Awaking at 5 am in morning and taking train all the way to Taitung train station, cab to Fugang Fishing Port, on boat sailing to Orchard island. Camping at the beach side next by Yayu Elementary school staying over night.