Vystaviste pavilon AVU spring
Výstaviště pavilon AVU jaro
Approximate coordinates (gps): 50.10657 14.42983
Prague, Czech Republic: Mucha's Masterpieces
More info about travel to Prague: Alfons Mucha's Art Nouveau masterpieces are displayed in Prague's Mucha Museum and Czech National Gallery of Modern Art.
At you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
Kutna Hora - Most Famous Bone Church in Czech Republic
If you have the time, I recommend you visit Kutna Hora located just one hour from Prague. You can take a train from Hlavni Nadrazi (main train station) for 359kc round trip.
The train ride is direct and takes 1 hour. Once you exit the Kutna Hora station, take bus #7 (local city bus), located at the main entrance for 12kc per person directly to the city center. It is very convenient. If you choose to walk, that's okay, but can take 30-35 minutes depending on you.
I suggest to start with the city center first, explore St. Barbora's Church (don't forget to loo up at the ceiling), then enjoy some food, visit the local museums and if on a cold day, enjoy some hot wine. From there, you can take a bus or walk to the Sedlec Ossuary aka the bone church. From the bone church back to the train station is either a very short bus ride.
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Kicktracks -
Song - Do it up!
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Song - After Hours
PRAG....einmal anders -- Konzert in der Villa Amerika
22.-25. August 2014 mit Christoph Rodermund
Castle Český Krumlov (Krumau) - Czech Republic holiday & accommodation
Accommodation in Czech Republic:
The State Castle and Chateau of Český Krumlov, which was included to the list of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Monuments in 1992, ranks among the most important European sights.
More than 300.000 visitors can visit its most important historical interiors, from the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries, and exteriors, during the tourist season (April - October).
The whole castle complex can be passed through and is open to the public The exterior tour shows a complex of forty richly decorated Renaissance and Baroque buildings and palaces, creating an impressive noble residence, situated around five castle courts, and the Baroque castle garden spanning an area of ten hectares.
The castle routes, the 1st Guided Tour and the 2nd Guided Tour of Český Krumlov Castle, represent historical apartements from the 16th, 18th and 19th centuries.The Castle Lapidarium, main cellar area, has been newly arranged and is now used as a lapidarium where the original statues from Cloak Bridge and Castle Garden are stored. The most important monument, the Baroque Theatre situated on the Vth Castle Courtyard, ranks among the most completely preserved Baroque theatres in Europe, with its original theatre fund of which contains preserved theatre building, auditorium, orchestra pit, stage, stage technology, machinery, coulisses, librettos, costumes etc. Various castle interiors are also used for exhibitions of contemporary Czech and foreign artists on the IInd, IIIrd and IVth Castle Courtyard..
Source of text: Official web sites of the State Castle and Chateau Český Krumlov
Lapidárium: Příběh presidentské vlajky (1997)
Staroměstská mostecká věž
Pozvánka na předslunovratové koncerty Ondřeje Smeykala 14. a 15.12.2019 - Novoměstská radnice Praha
Český hráč na didgeridoo Ondřej Smeykal nachystal na letošní rok dva předvánoční koncerty. Odehrají se 14. a 15. prosince od 20.00 hod v Novoměstské radnici v Praze. Jeho hosty budou perkusionista Miloš Vacík, trumpetista Oskar Török, hráč na laděný křišťál Mikoláš Bělík a další.
Zvýhodněný předprodej do 12. prosince 2019 v prodejně U Džoudyho, na a v Dajáně...
Official teaser of Metal Spirit Resurrection Tour vol. IX
HELL:ON (Ukraine, Thrash Groove Metal)
SINFUL (Russia, Symphonic Black Metal)
BLACKTHORN (Russia, All Female Band, Symphonic Metal)
13.10 Rzeszow Od Zmierzchu do Switu (Poland)
14.10 Rybnik Art Cafe (Poland)
15.10 Ostrava Barrak Club (Czech Republic)
16,10 Legnica SPIZARNIA (Poland)
17.10 Zagan Elektrownia club (Poland)
18.10 Leipzig MetalSchuppen Club (Germany)
19.10 Lubeck 99-Starclub (Germany)
20.10 Hamburg Bambi Galore (Germany)
21.10 Szczecin Morion (Poland)
22.10 Naklo-nad-Notecia Pub Marley (Poland)
23.10 Stalowa Wola Labyrint Club (Poland)
24.10 Humenne Nostalgia pub (Slovakia)
25.10 Strazske Park pub (Slovakia)
26.10 Roznava Cold Light Rock (Slovakia)
27.10 Debrecen Kaptar (Hungary)
Franz Kafka Museum Prague
Franz Kafka Museum Prague - sculpture.
Уникальное видение Франца Кафки писающих мальчиков. Находятся эти скульптуры в Праге, на территории музея великого писателя.
Prague HD.Prague in 4 days.Prague en 4 jours.Praha za 4 dny.[en,fr,cz,de,pl,ru]
[en,fr,cz,de,pl,ru] Ability to enable information subtitles on the screen bottom right. Possibilité d'activer des informations sous-titres sur le droit de fond d'écran. Možnost zapnout informační titulky na obrazovce vpravo dole. Untertitel - unten rechts auf dem Bildschirm. Napisy - w prawym dolnym rogu ekranu. Субтитры - в правом нижнем углу экрана.
***Prague is the capital of the Czech Republic.It is the fifteenth-largest city in the European Union. The city is home to about 1.24 million people. Since 1992, the extensive historic centre of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites. Prague is widely considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Prague is the fifth most visited European city after London, Paris, Istanbul and Rome.
***Prague est la capitale de la République tchèque. Il est la ville du XVe plus grand dans l'Union européenne. La population de Prague s'élevait à 1 257 158 habitants. Depuis 1992, le centre ville historique est inscrit sur la liste du patrimoine mondial par l'UNESCO. Prague est largement considéré comme l'une des plus belles villes d'Europe. Prague est la cinquième ville européenne le plus visité après Londres, Paris, Istanbul et Rome.
***Praha je hlavní a současně největší město České republiky a 15. největší město Evropské unie. V současnosti se rozkládá na území 496 čtverečních kilometrů a má přes 1,2 milionu obyvatel. Od roku 1992 je rozsáhlé historické centrum Prahy zahrnuto do seznamu UNESCO. Praha je všeobecně považována za jedno z nejkrásnějších měst v Evropě. Je to páté nejnavštěvovanější město Evropy, po Londýně, Paříži, Istanbulu a Římu.
***Prag ist die Hauptstadt der Tschechischen Republik. Es ist der fünfzehnte größte Stadt der Europäischen Union. In der Hauptstadt Prag wohnen ca. 1,2 Millionen Menschen. Seit 1992 ist die umfangreiche historischen Zentrum von Prag in die UNESCO-Liste des Weltkulturerbes aufgenommen worden. Prag gilt als eine der schönsten Städte in Europa. Prag ist die fünfte meistbesuchte europäische Stadt nach London, Paris, Istanbul und Rom.
***Praga– stolica Czech, położone w środkowej części kraju, nad Wełtawą. Jest to piętnasty co do wielkości miasto w Unii Europejskiej. Według danych z 2008 r. liczba ludności miasta wynosi 1 226 697 osób. Praga jest uważana za jedno z najpiękniejszych miast w Europie z 1100 roku historii. Od 1992 r. zabytkowe centrum miasta znajduje się liście światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO. Ze względu na bogactwo atrakcji, należy do najchętniej odwiedzanych miast Europy. Praga jest piątym najczęściej odwiedzanym miastem europejskim, po Londynie, Paryżu, Stambule i Rzymie.
***Прaга— город и столица Чехии. Это пятнадцатый по величине город в Евросоюзе. Население — 1,3 млн человек (2013 год). Исторический центр внесён в список Всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО. Прага считается одним из самых красивых городов в Европе. Прага пятый самый посещаемый европейский город после Лондона, Парижа, Стамбула и Риме.
Alena Beldová
Alena Beldová-krajinářka
Vystavuje své nejnovější práce v galerii Lapidárium, Rámová 6, Praha 1
Prague, Charles Bridge ♕ Πράγα, Γέφυρα του Καρόλου ♛ Karlův most
The Charles Bridge (Czech: Karlův most) is a famous historic bridge that crosses the Vltava river in Prague, Czech Republic. Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century. The bridge replaced the old Judith Bridge built 1158–1172 that had been badly damaged by a flood in 1342. This new bridge was originally called the Stone Bridge (Kamenný most) or the Prague Bridge (Pražský most) but has been the Charles Bridge since 1870. As the only means of crossing the river Vltava (Moldau) until 1841, the Charles Bridge was the most important connection between Prague Castle and the city's Old Town and adjacent areas. This solid-land connection made Prague important as a trade route between Eastern and Western Europe.
The bridge is 621 m long and nearly 10 m wide, resting on 16 arches shielded by ice guards. It is protected by three bridge towers, two of them on the Lesser Quarter side and the third one on the Old Town side. The Old Town bridge tower is often considered to be one of the most astonishing civil gothic-style buildings in the world. The bridge is decorated by a continuous alley of 30 statues and statuaries, most of them baroque-style, originally erected around 1700 but now all replaced by replicas.
Statues on the bridge The avenue of 30 mostly baroque statues and statuaries situated on the balustrade forms a unique connection of artistic styles with the underlying gothic bridge. Most sculptures were erected between 1683 and 1714. They depict various saints and patron saints venerated at that time. The most prominent Bohemian sculptors of the time took part in decorating the bridge, such as Matthias Braun, Jan Brokoff, and his sons Michael Joseph and Ferdinand Maxmilian. Beginning in 1965, all of the statues have been systematically replaced by replicas, and the originals have been exhibited in the lapidarium of the National Museum.
Η Γέφυρα του Καρόλου (τσεχικά: Karlův Most) είναι μία από τις πλέον φημισμένες αψιδωτές και ιστορικές γέφυρες της Ευρώπης. Βρίσκεται στον ποταμό Μολδάβα στο κέντρο της Πράγας. Η κατασκευή της άρχισε το 1357 υπό την αιγίδα του βασιλιά Καρολου Δ' προς τιμή του οποίου και φέρει το όνομα, και τελείωσε στην αρχή του 15ου αιώνα. Ηταν η σημαντικότερη σύνδεση μεταξύ της Παλαιάς Πόλης και των παρακείμενων περιοχών μέχρι το 1841. Επίσης, η κτιστή αυτή γέφυρα κατέστησε την Πράγα σημαντικό κόμβο στον εμπορικό δρόμο μεταξύ της Ανατολικής και της Δυτικής Ευρώπης.
Η γέφυρα ονομάστηκε αρχικά «Πέτρινη Γέφυρα» (Kamenný Most) ή «Γέφυρα της Πράγας» (Pražský Most) και από το 1870 «Γέφυρα του Καρόλου».
Η γέφυρα έχει μήκος 516 μέτρα και σχεδόν 10 μέτρα πλάτος, είναι αψιδωτή, φέρει 16 αψίδες που στηρίζονται σε 15 εγκάρσια βάθρα. Η γέφυρα διακοσμείται σ΄ όλο το μήκος της με 30 αγάλματα και γλυπτά, τα περισσότερα από τα οποία χρονολογούνται από το 1700. Η γέφυρα φέρει 30, κυρίως μπαρόκ, αγάλματα. Τα περισσότερα δημιουργήθηκαν μεταξύ του 1683 και του 1714. Απεικονίζουν διάφορους αγίους προστάτες εκείνης της περιόδου. Οι πιο διάσημοι γλύπτες της εποχής συμμετείχαν στη διακόσμηση της γέφυρας. Με αφετηρία το 1965, όλα τα αγάλματα έχουν αντικατασταθεί συστηματικά από αντίγραφα και τα πρωτότυπα έχουν εκτεθεί στο lapidarium του Εθνικού Μουσείου. Filmed Sep 2009
List of statues on Charles Bridge
PRAGUE 7 (part 1) Places of interest:
PRAGUE 7 (part 1) Places of interest:
???? M. Horákové street
A busy street with a lot of big and small shops, cafes, restaurants.
???? Letenske sady
A big beautiful park with cafes, a big playground for kids, sport areas, green lawns (ideal for picnics), roads for running or bicycling.
???? Letenský zámeček
Restaurant in the heart of park built in Neo-Renaissance style with panoramic views over the historic centre of Prague.
???? Metronome
It’s a 23 m functioning metronome, overlooking the city center of Prague. It was built instead of the demolished enormous monument of J. Stalin.
???? National Technical Museum
The largest institution presenting artifacts related to the history of technology in the Czech Republic.
Exhibitions: Transportation, Chemistry, Metallurgy, Architecture, Astronomy, etc.
???? National Museum Of Agriculture
It presents super-modern interactive expositions interesting both for adults and children.
Exhibitions: Forestry, Fishing, Farming, Food and gastronomy, etc.
A large green park maintained as English landscape garden with total area of 95 ha.
A very popular place for walking, running, bicycling, picnics, etc.
There are several playgrounds for kids in different parts of the park, a big artificial lake in the center and some cafes.
???? Planetárium
It belongs to the biggest planetariums in the world. Planetarium offers different shows on Czech and on English. The Planetarium projected the image of the spherical ceiling. The spectators sit in comfortable seats, like in cinema.
???? Výstaviště Holešovice
Big exhibition ground which is used for exhibitions, concerts and other cultural events.
It consists of the Industrial Palace, the Křižík's Light fountain, Lapidarium of the National Museum @narodnimuzeum, Aquarium, Pyramid Theatre, etc. In spring you can visit wonderful St. Matthew's Fair (amusement park) here.
???? National Gallery: Fair Trade Palace
Part of the National Gallery @ngprague, it houses a collection of modern art.
????⛪️ Strossmayerovo náměstí
A big crossroad and a square with cafes, restaurants, shops, and beautiful Church of St. Anthony of Padua.
Charles Bridge, Prague, Czechia
Charles bridge ❤
Its construction started in 1357 under the auspices of King Charles IV ????, and finished in the beginning of the 15th century.
The bridge is 621 metres long and nearly 10 metres wide.
It is protected by three bridge towers, two of them on the Lesser Quarter side and the third one on the Old Town side. ????
The Old Town Bridge Tower is often considered to be one of the most astonishing civil gothic-style buildings in the world.
The bridge is decorated by a continuous alley of 30 statues and statuaries????, most of them baroque-style, originally erected around 16-17 centuries. In the middle of the 20 century all of the statues have been systematically replaced by replicas, and the originals have been exhibited in the lapidarium of the National Museum.
Charles Bridge Prague in Winter Karlův most Praha
Welcome to the famous Charles Bridge in Prague! Measuring 621M long and 10M wide, this is one of the most visited attractions in Prague. Well, at least, it is very famous. This bridge has been standing here since its completion in 1402. Of course, it has had to be repaired many times, but it survived many wars and natural disasters like floods.
This footage was taken in Dec 2018. Winter. Hence the foot traffic was low. This bridge gets crazy during summer. Also, beware of pickpockets!
Charles Bridge is a stone Gothic bridge that connects the Old Town and Lesser Town (Malá Strana). It was actually called the Stone Bridge (Kamenný most) during its first several centuries. Its construction was commissioned by Czech king and Holy Roman Emperor Charles IV and began in 1357. In charge of the construction was architect Petr Parléř whose other works include the St. Vitus Cathedral at the Prague Castle. It is said that egg yolks were mixed into the mortar to strengthen the construction of the bridge.
The Predecessor: Judith Bridge
Charles Bridge is one of the many monuments that were built during Charles' reign but it is not the first bridge that ever connected the Prague banks of the Vltava. Another bridge used to stand in its place - the Judith Bridge, which was the first stone bridge over the river. It was built in 1172 and collapsed in a flood in 1342.
View of Charles Bridge
Unlike its predecessor, Charles Bridge has survived many floods, most recently in August 2002 when the country experienced the worst flood in the past 500 years. So the egg yolks must not have been such a bad idea.
Charles Bridge Towers
There is a tower standing on each end of the bridge. Both the Staroměstská věž on the Old Town end and the Malostranská věž on the Malá Strana end can be climbed for a view of Prague and the bridge from above.
Baroque Statues
A total of Baroque statues began to be placed along either side of Charles Bridge in the 17th century. Now many of them are copies and the originals can be seen in the Lapidarium (see Prague Museums). The most popular statue is probably the one of St. John of Nepomuk, a Czech martyr saint who was executed during the reign of Wenceslas IV by being thrown into the Vltava from the bridge. The plaque on the statue has been polished to a shine by countless people having touched it over the centuries. Touching the statue is supposed to bring good luck and ensure your return to Prague.
Charles Bridge is popular with local artists
Charles Bridge is on the top of every Prague visitor's must-see list. It is also popular with Czech artists, musicians and souvenir vendors whose stands line both sides of the bridge year-round. A great time of day to come to the bridge is at sunset when one can enjoy a breathtaking view of the fully lit Prague Castle against the evening sky.
The bridge is now a pedestrian zone (although both tram and car traffic were allowed there in the past) and is almost constantly filled with people. If you want to have it all to yourself, go there at night or very early in the morning.
Ondřej Smeykal - O zvuku, dřevu, kovu
Rozhovor pro připravovaný dokument o současné hudbě, zvukovém umění. Ptal se Miloš Vojtěchovský, produkce: Agosto Foundation
Součást projektu Sonic Circuits
Silvestr in Praha, CZ 2008
Filip's video of us back in the Czech Republic for New Year's - the best country - EVER
Birthplace of David Ben Gurion in Płońsk, Poland
twitter : @ceepackaging
My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland. I have produced around 1,900 original films.
My big interest in life is travel and history but I have also placed films on other subjects
Please feel free to ask questions in the public area or to comment on things you disagree with. Sometimes there are mistakes because I speak without preparation. If I see the mistakes myself, I make this clear in the text. Please also leave a star rating!
There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers.
Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region. Every packaging trade fair is a new excuse to make another film!