Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum.Riga (Full review)
The Latvian Ethnographic Open-air Museum is one of the oldest open-air museums in Europe. Now its territory covers 87.66 hectares of forest on the banks of Lake Jugla.
Ethnographic Open-Air Museum in Riga, Latvia
Adress: 440 Brivibas Iela. Open 10.00 - 17.00.
Authentic Latvian Houses, farmsteads, windmills, wooden churches, and fishermens villages that represent different regions of Latvia og the 16th to 19th centuries.
Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part I
Come and join ''TheCelotajs'' take a journey back through early time by strolling through the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part I.
''TheCelotajs'' Note: Due to the size of the museum, the area it covers, its many different buildings and exhibits as well as the amount to photographs taken to show it all, I had to divide this presentation into four parts so you can enjoy it and see it all. Each part is 10 minutes long, so if you don't get through it all in one setting, feel free to return as many times as you want to complete your journey through time past.
When entering the tiny Latvia of the former times that hides unobtrusively behind the pine forest at Lake Jugla, dont strive to perceive it as a reality for it was a reality only to those who have gone long long ago. But the objects, structures and households still continue to exist. You, as a visitor and a stranger will be rewarded with the intimacy of these treasures of our predecessors from times past. This feeling, like any reminiscence of contemporary man, may be vague, imperfect or too subjective though nursed by many and winnowed by the time.
And yet, when walking into the dim rooms of our forefathers and bending your head to the low lintel do remember the symbolic meaning of the movement and pay homage to the history of Latvian people.
At present 121 ancient buildings with more than 3000 household objects are on display in the area of 87 hectars.
Continued On Part II
Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia
Personal video of my visit to the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia.
Ethnographic Open Air Museum of Latvia
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Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum
'Rock Intro 4' by Audionautix.
'Somber' by Jason Shaw ( Audionautix ).
【K】Latvia Travel-Riga[라트비아 여행-리가]야외 민속촌/Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum/Blacksmith/Top
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
지배의 흔적이 많이 남아있는 시내를 벗어나 이번에는 도시에서 30여분을 이동해 야외 민속촌을 찾았다. 이곳은 자연의 농촌 풍경을 알리기 위해라트비아의 역사적인 건물을 수집해놓은 곳이다. 대장장이, 전통목공예가와 같은 장인들이 있어 함께 만들며 체험도 할 수 있다. 도시를 벗어나 숲 속을 산책하며 자연과 전통을 느낄 수 있어 아이들과 함께 가족이 많이 찾는다. “하늘을 향해 놓으면 된단다” “우와~ 정말 멀리 갔어요” “자동차 유리를 깨진 않았으면 좋겠어요” “재미있어요?” “네” 민속촌의 할아버지께서 아이들에게 직접 전통 놀이를 알려주신다. 꼬마 아이가 이게 도대체 뭔지 무척 궁금한가보다. 엄마가 시범을 보이는데 영~ 시큰둥하다. 이때, 어김없이 등장하는 할아버지! “제가 한 것과 다르네요” “실감기할 때는 시작부터 아주 주의를 기울여야 해요” 문제 해결사다. 실을 감은 팽이를 나무에 꽂고, 할아버지가 멋지게 시범을 보이니 이제야 아이들은 신기한 듯 재밌어한다. 또 뭔가를 보여주시려는 할아버지. “러시아 사람들은 이렇게 말하죠 ‘가능한 멀리 도망가라’” 하시는 말씀에서 삶의 깊이가 느껴지는데 아이들이 다칠까봐 멀리 피하라는 할아버지. 실을 잡아당기자 진짜 멀리 날아간다. “도시 가까운 곳에서 맑은 공기를 마실 수 있어 이곳에 왔어요 카메라가 있어서 조금 놀랐지만 기분이 좋아요. 아이가 인공적이지 않은 전통적인 것을 보고 배울 수 있게 해주고 싶었어요”
[English: Google Translator]
After leaving the city where there is a lot of traces of domination, this time I moved for 30 minutes in the city and found the outdoor folk village. It is a collection of historical buildings in Latvia to promote the natural landscape of the countryside. There are craftsmen such as blacksmiths and traditional woodworkers who can make and experience things together. You can walk outside the city, walk through the forest, feel nature and tradition, and find many families with children. I want to go to the sky. Wow ~ I really went far. I do not want to break the car glass. Are you having fun? Yes. The grandfather of the folk village informs the children of the traditional play. The little child is more curious about what this is. My mother is showing a demonstration of being a young person. At this time, my grandfather appeared without fail! It's different from what I did. When you realize it, you have to be very careful from the start. I put the top of the thread on the tree, and my grandfather showed a nice demonstration. Grandfather who wants to show something. The Russians say, 'Get away as far as you can go.' I feel the depth of my life, and my grandfather tells me to stay away from the children if they get hurt. The yarn catcher really flew away. I came here because I could drink clean air near the city. I was a little surprised because I had a camera, but I feel good. I wanted my child to be able to see and learn traditional things that are not artificial
[Latvia: Google Translator]
No pilsētas ar daudz pēdas nolēmumu atstāja šoreiz atrodami brīvdabas tautas doties uz 30 papildu pilsētā. Tā ir vēsturisko ēku kolekcija Latvijā, lai popularizētu lauku dabas ainavu. Kalēji, tradicionālās koksnes amatnieki sanāca kopā padara šāda pieredze var būt. Jūs varat staigāt ārpus pilsētas, pastaigāties pa mežu, sajust dabu un tradīcijas un atrast daudzas ģimenes ar bērniem. Tas dod mums par atbrīvot debesīs doendan par Wow ~ es tiešām devos prom. Es ceru, ka ne sadalīti auto stiklu. Tu domā, ka tas ir smieklīgi? Jā, tradicionālās spēles tieši uz vectēva bērnu tautas. Mazais bērns ir vairāk interesējas par to, kas tas ir. Mana māte parāda jaunieša parādīšanos. Šajā laikā mans vectēvs parādījās neveiksmīgi! Kad tu runā, es esmu atšķirīgs no tā, ko kāds Es saprotu, ka jāmaksā ļoti uzmanīgi no paša sākuma, problēmu risinātājs. Es uzliku vītnes augšpusi uz koka, un mans vectēvs parādīja jauku demonstrējumu. Vectēvs, kurš vēlas kaut ko parādīt. In Word kurš Krievu cilvēki saka iet prom, cik vien iespējams, dziļums dzīves neukkyeojineunde vectēva bērnu prom, lai izvairītos, baidoties no traumām. Dzija ķērējs patiešām aizlidoja prom. City var dzert svaigu gaisu tuvumā es atbraucu šeit, es jūtos labi, bet kamera ir nedaudz pārsteigts. Es gribēju, lai mans bērns varētu redzēt un apgūt tradicionālās lietas, kas nav mākslīgas
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아03-08 자연과 전통을 느낄 수 있는 야외 민속촌
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 홍은희 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 2월February
박물관/전시관,museum,기타체험,체험,,experience,유럽Europe라트비아LatviaLatvijaLatvijas Republika 홍은희20182월리가RigaFebruary걸어서 세계속으로
SUBSCRIBE: - Riga, the Christmas markets during the day (Latvia). Vic Stefanu, Riga, Latvia’s capital, is set on the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the River Daugava. It's considered a cultural center and is home to many museums and concert halls. The city is also known for its wooden buildings, art nouveau architecture and medieval Old Town. The pedestrian-only Old Town has many shops and restaurants and is home to busy Livu Square, with bars and nightclubs.
Latvia is a country on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Estonia. Its landscape is marked by wide beaches as well as dense, sprawling forests. Latvia’s capital is Riga, home to notable wooden and art nouveau architecture, a vast Central Market and a medieval Old Town with St. Peter's Church. Riga's museums include the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, showcasing local crafts, food and music.
【K】Latvia Travel-Riga[라트비아 여행-리가]야외 민속 박물관/Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum/Festival/Traditional
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
이곳에는 200년 이상 된 각 지역의 전통가옥들이 보존되어있는데 마당의 큰 통나무집처럼 생긴 것이 눈에 들어온다. 꿀을 채취하기 위한 라트비아 벌통이란다. 집으로 들어가면 18세기 전형적인 라트비아의 가옥구조를 볼 수 있는데 추운 겨울 때문에 집에 비해 창문은 작게 내는 게 특징이다. 소박한 농촌 가옥의 모습들 중에 나의 눈을 끈 건 나무 막대기인데 초가 귀했던 당시 사람들이 초 대신 불을 붙여 사용했다고 한다. 전통의상을 입은 소녀들을 만났다. 소녀들을 따라가 보니 라트비아 전통음악이 나를 이끈다. 이날은 라트비아의 봄을 기뻐하는 축제가 한창이었는데 노래와 춤으로 흥을 돋우며 음식을 나누는 모습이 왠지 익숙한 느낌이 든다. 노래의 주제는 돌아온 봄의 찬양과 젊은 남녀의 사랑. 아낙들의 손에는 들린 나뭇가지가 궁금해졌다. “자작나무 가지에요 봄에 이것을 모아 볕에 말리는데 걸어두면 집이 화사해져요. 예부터 봄철에 이걸 모아 빗자루를 만들죠.” 봄의 정취가 느껴지는 라트비아의 숲속에서 듣는 전통음악은 어느덧 나에게 봄의 기쁨을 전해주고 있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
It has traditional houses in each region that have been preserved for more than 200 years there comes the eyes that looks like a big log cabin in the yard. Yiranda Latvia hive to collect nectar. Because you enter the house 18th century house typical of the structure can be seen in the cold winter in Latvia there is a window smaller than the house is that it features. My eyes off the gun rustic wooden sticks in the shape of rural houses and thatched inde time people had ears that stick used instead of the second fire. I met a girl in traditional costume. Girl I have followed the traditional Latvian music leads me. The festival is in full swing was a day to rejoice in the spring of Latvia appetizing appearance Roasting song and dance share the excitement with food somehow feels familiar. Theme song of love and praise of the young men and women returning spring. In the hands of Anak I heard a twig became curious. I'm collecting this Birch branches in spring I walked Marley to leave this house is gonna look sunburned bright. For this, the spring collection from sheltering a broom. Spring mood in the woods, listening to traditional music, the feel of Latvia was haejugo slip away before me the joy of spring.
[Latvian: Google Translator]
Tas ir tradicionālās mājas katrā reģionā, kas ir saglabājušās vairāk nekā 200 gadus, tur nāk acis, kas izskatās kā liels log salona pagalmā. Yiranda Latvija stropu savākt nektāru. Tā kā jūs ievadiet mājas 18.gadsimta māja tipisks struktūras var redzēt aukstajā ziemā Latvijā ir logs mazāks nekā māja ir tāda, ka tā funkcijas. Manas acis off pistoli zemniecisks koka spieķi in forma lauku māju un salmu neat laikā cilvēki bija ausis, kas stick vietā izmanto otrā uguns. Es satiku meiteni tautastērpā. Meitene esmu sekojis tradicionālā latviešu mūzika man liek. Festivāls ir pilnā sparā bija diena priecāties pavasarī Latvija ēstgribu izskatu Grauzdēšana dziesmu un deju daļa uztraukums ar ēdienu kaut kā jūtas pazīstams. Tēma dziesma par mīlestību un atzinību par jaunu vīriešu un sieviešu atgriežas pavasarī. Rokās Anaka es dzirdēju zars kļuva ziņkārīgs. Es esmu vācot šo Bērzs zarus pavasarī gāju Marley atstāt šo māju ir gonna skatīties sunburned spilgti. Lai to izdarītu, pavasara kolekcija no patvērumu slotu. Pavasara noskaņu mežā, klausoties tradicionālo mūziku, justies Latvijas bija haejugo nosvīst pirms manis prieku pavasarī.
■클립명: 유럽081-라트비아01-07 야외 민속 박물관/Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum/Music/House/Festival/Traditional Clothes
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 박성주 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 5월 May
유럽,Europe,,라트비아,Latvia,Latvija,Latvijas Republika ,박성주,2011,5월 May
Exploring Latvia! | Folk Applied Arts and Crafts Fair at Ethnographic Open Air Museum
Just outside of Riga is the Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum and every year they host a large arts and crafts fair with tons of venders who sell pottery, fabrics, food and drink, wood work, and more! We bought a few Latvian pieces and enjoyed some Latvian history, food, and beer! I hope you enjoyed this travel vlog and guide!
Don't forget to subscribe for more adventures! It's free!
Cannon G7X Mark II:
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Happy travels and enjoy the quest!! xo Jess
Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part II
Come and join ''TheCelotajs'' take a journey back through early time by strolling through the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part II.
Ethnographic Open-Air Museum was founded in 1924. The project envisaged to transport homesteads and social buildings characteristic of Kurzeme, Zemgale, Vidzeme and Latgale to the museum and re-erect them there. In 1928 the first building - a threshing-barn of the 18th century - was set up on old sand hills covered by a pine forest at Lake Jugla. In 1932 the museum was opened to the public and 5 houses from Vidzeme and 1 house from Latgale served as the first exhibits. Already in 1939 all the regions were represented by 40 objects.
Continued On Part III
Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum. Akademicka Telewizja Naukowa ATVN
The museum was founded in 1924 to preserve the national architectural and building samples. It shows the life of Latvians for many generations. Now the museum occupies 103 ha of forest land with 104 houses and other historical items. In the 70 years of its existence the museum has been made into a small model of Latvia countryside of previous centuries.
Alpy in the Latvian Ethnographic museum. Riga. 2013
Alpy in the Latvian Ethnographic museum. Riga. 2013
Open air museum and parks in Latvia
Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum
Please upload your videos about Latvia:
Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part III
Come and join ''TheCelotajs'' take a journey back through early time by strolling through the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part III.
The collection of Latvian Ethnographic Open -Air Museum is made up of 140 000 items. At present 121 ancient buildings with more than 3000 household objects are on display in the area of 87 hectars. Almost all the sections of the population and ethnic groups as well as their social and material culture are represented there. Like households of Latvian fishermen and Russian old-orthodox, craftsmen workshops of woodworkers and smithies, Latgale potters, Vidzeme weavers and potters. As you go through some of the rooms you will find rooms with many hand carved figures, you will even find a carved figure of Baraks H. Obama''!!
Continued On Part IV
SUBSCRIBE: - Riga's Christmas markets at night (Latvia). Vic Stefanu, Riga, Latvia’s capital, is set on the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the River Daugava. It's considered a cultural center and is home to many museums and concert halls. The city is also known for its wooden buildings, art nouveau architecture and medieval Old Town. The pedestrian-only Old Town has many shops and restaurants and is home to busy Livu Square, with bars and nightclubs.
Latvia is a country on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Estonia. Its landscape is marked by wide beaches as well as dense, sprawling forests. Latvia’s capital is Riga, home to notable wooden and art nouveau architecture, a vast Central Market and a medieval Old Town with St. Peter's Church. Riga's museums include the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, showcasing local crafts, food and music.
Latvian Ethnographic Open Air Museum
A 10 Km dal centro storico di Riga sulla sponda del lago Jugla si trova all’aperto in una foresta di conifere uno dei più importanti Musei etnografici dedicati alla cultura lettone. Il museo di 87,66 ha fu fondato nel 1924 in seguito alla distruzione che la prima guerra mondiale aveva portato nelle campagne ed inaugurato solo nel 1932. Il museo è composto da 120 edifici lignei (2018) di tipologie architettoniche tradizionali delle antiche comunità lettoni, principalmente di tipo rurale: fattorie, mulini a vento, capanne di pescatori e chiese. Si tratta di pezzi provenienti da quattro delle province principali della Lettonia: Curlandia (Kurzeme), Latgallia (Latgallia), Semgallia (Zemgale), Livonia (Vidzeme). Nel video girato dal prof. Fabio Dotta il 25 Luglio 2018 viene registrata solo una piccola porzione del museo a sud-ovest (in posizione diametralmente opposta all’ingresso) inerente edifici di contadini, artigiani, un mulino a vento ed una chiesa ortodossa esclusivamente tutti provenienti della regione della Latgallia.
Uno degli edifici più rilevanti del museo è probabilmente la chiesa luterana, risalente al XVIII secolo e posta nella parte iniziale del museo. La chiesa - come molti altri edifici - è realizzata in legno, intagliato con la scure, ed è decorata da numerose statue, anch'esse di legno ed in parte con il soffitto dipinto.
Nel museo è reso ben evidente il contrasto fra la ricchezza dei fattori di Curlandia e la povertà dei contadini di Latgallia, differenza sociale messa in evidenza dalla grandezza e ricchezza delle abitazioni, ma anche nella chiesa: il posto del padrone è nella zona adiacente all'altare, mentre i manovali avevano la loro postazione nelle panche della navata centrale.
Durante i weekend estivi, in questo luogo sono organizzati balli e concerti popolari.
Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part IV
Come and join ''TheCelotajs'' take a journey back through early time by strolling through the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum Part IV.
As we near the end of our journey through time, we will come upon two churches, one that was built in the first half of the 16th century in the village Vecborne, parish of Kaplava in the former district of IIukste. This church is the earliest exhibit of the museum and the only wooden church that has survived to the present from the first half of the 16th century. As we move on, we will see other examples of early buildings and its furnishings. We will even find a shingle chipping machine. Now that we are coming to our journey though tome, we come across a nother church that was built in 1704-1705 in the former Renda parish of the district of Kaldiga present Kuldiga district as a branch of the Renda Lutheran parish. On Sunday divine service and ceremonies such as christenings, confirmations and marriages took place in the church. Corvee and impost, as well as fines for disobedience were announced there. The interior of the church consists of six areas, being Nave, Three Vestries for Clergymen and the Participants of the Ceremonies, Anteroom and an open Porch which could be adjusted as a Belfry. The interior design, wooden ornamentation and plafonds are the specimens of the 18th century art. As we get ready to leave and head back to the main entrance, we will come across The Pub with its many expbits of transportation from the past. Buggies, Coach, a Funeral Coach, a Sled used in the winter snow to transport freight or trees, Two Wheel Hand Cart. Now that we are leaving the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, I hope you enjoyed yourself traveling back through time and hope you return again.
Outdoor Ethnographic Museum Riga Latvia
The Ethnographic Open Air Museum is a place where you can see Latvian life as it used to be lived. Set on 100 hectares of open wooded area, you can indeed visit 121 traditional objects among them a number of craftsmen's workshops. Photos by Matijs Mihelmanis and Mike Johnson
EXPLORING RIGA: Beautiful Bastion Hill (Bastejkalns) covered in snow, Latvia
SUBSCRIBE: - Bastion Hill (Bastejkalns) on a snowy day, Riga (Latvia). Vic Stefanu, Riga, Latvia’s capital and largest city, is a cultural center with museums and concert halls known for its wooden buildings, medieval Old Town and art nouveau architecture. Set on the Baltic Sea at the mouth of the River Daugava, it offers a wide range of water activities, from canal boat tours to beach swimming.
Latvia is a country on the Baltic Sea between Lithuania and Estonia. Its landscape is marked by wide beaches as well as dense, sprawling forests. Latvia’s capital is Riga, home to notable wooden and art nouveau architecture, a vast Central Market and a medieval Old Town with St. Peter's Church. Riga's museums include the Latvian Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, showcasing local crafts, food and music.