Departing Saint Louis on a Senegal Dem Dikk Bus Bound for Dakar
3:00 p.m.: I am on a Senegal Dem Dikk bus departing Saint-Louis en route to Dakar. I came up here to Saint-Louis two days ago (Monday, April 15) by “sept-place” (the bus was full), a cramped seven-passenger station wagon. This is a lot more comfortable.
I’m up front in the first window seat on the left behind the driver and luggage racks. My assigned seat – I didn’t realize there was such a thing – is 44 in the very back middle. Fortunately nobody has these seats until we get to Louga. So I can stay up here on the window until we reach Louga, then will have to move to the very back unless there happens to be another window seat vacant. I’m a little irritated about that. Got to the bus depot early to get a good seat, not knowing the seats were pre-assigned – and then to learn mine is in the very back middle.
We’re departing on time. It’s another gorgeous day, although it’s not pretty scenery looking out as we leave Saint-Louis at all the trash everywhere; really sad. Had a nice visit to Saint-Louis, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and I walked a mile into Mauritania yesterday to get my 129th country. The border is unpatrolled and it was only 1.2 miles through sand from the northwestern edge of Saint-Louis across the border into Mauritania. Then walked back on the beach. It was quite nice.
Now I’m en route back to Dakar for my final day in Senegal tomorrow. Planning to visit Goree Island World Heritage Site, the famous last point of exit for millions of slaves who departed Africa for the New World. Then in two days I’ll be on a bus down to The Gambia.
We’re heading south on Route N2, which goes most of the way to Dakar. Believe it’s 166 miles by road from here to the Senegalese capital. In the station wagon the other day it took 4 hours 45 minutes. The bus is air-conditioned; pretty comfortable by African standards except for a bunch of flies that got in while we were boarding.
Unfortunately Louga is only about 30 miles away. Assuming those two passengers get on board there, I’m not going to have this prime seat for very long. Now starting to head east, inland away from the ocean. Route N2 bends east and then starts going south again, and then southwest. Connects to the A1 tollway to Dakar as I recall.
This section from Saint-Louis to Louga I did not see two days ago because it was after sundown by the time my sept-place got up here. There’s not much development between Saint-Louis and Louga, just a couple villages. The abandoned Dakar-to-Saint-Louis railroad runs alongside the highway.
Recorded April 17, 2019
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VACANCES AU SÉNÉGAL : à a découverte de Dakar, Saint Louis, Joal Fadiouth, la Casamance, ... ✈️ ????
Après plusieurs voyages au Sénégal pour voir des amis à Dakar, nous voulions découvrir un peu plus ce pays si accueillant. Nous partons donc avec 2 amis au pays de la Terranga : Terre d’hospitalité !
Sénégal River
Info on the Senegal River
This comes from when in Geography class a group of 3 - Me (Ryan S) Ryan T And Adam-lee where taking a practice test. We were fooling around (as always) and we came to a question.
What does the Senegal river keep Senegal bordered from. They said Guinea but i said No Look at the SENEGAL RIVER in a really weird voice. I am now known for saying Senegal River weirdly
Case Studies in Colonialism: Senegal
Boston University Associate Professor of Anthropology and Director of the African Language Program Fallou Ngom focuses on the specificities of colonialism in Senegal and how Senegal's unique history and culture shaped and were shaped by the colonial experience.
This video was originally created for a professional development course for educators. It is suitable for upper high school and college students as well. For more resources and lesson plans on teaching about colonialism, please visit us at
The lecture content and images included in this video are copyrighted.
Produced by BU CFA Media Production Studio.
Toolbox - Senegal 2017
In April 2017 the Toolbox Initiative made another trip to West Africa to distribute tools and materials to jewelers there. Six enthusiastic travelers came along to contribute to the project. Here is a video diary of their journey.
Hopineo meets Sadio Siby, Sénégal
Sadio Siby est un jeune sénégalais qui vient de rentrer à Dakar après ses études aux USA. Sa cause : le développement du pays et l'autonomie alimentaire.
(EN)Sadio Siby is a young man from Senegal. After his studies in the USA, he came back home to help develop his country. #Inspiration...
Interview fortement inspiré de nos amis de
[Music: KeeYah & Nico Gabet]
Hopineo: a worldwide community of travelers to foster good practices sharing between responsible tourism professionals. #HopTrips #HopSolutions
Hopineo : une communauté de voyageurs pour favoriser le partage d'expérience et de bonnes pratiques entre professionnels du tourisme responsable. #HopTrips #HopSolutions
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Voyage sans retour
Gorée: Voyage sans retour
Roger le danseur | Le Château
Voici Roger,
Dans la vie de Roger, il y a eu un avant et après Le Château. Passionné de danse, Roger voit sa vie basculer quand il croise le chemin d’Alioune Diagne, fondateur du centre, qui le voit s’entrainer dans la rue. Alioune lui fait confiance et l’intègre dans la troupe du Château. Depuis, comme le dit Roger, Le Château a mis de la couleur dans ses rêves.
Si vous cherchez Roger, vous le trouverez sur la piste de danse, en train de s’entrainer sur ses morceaux préférés.
Senegal Stories, une collaboration WAAW et People and Places
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People and Places
Meet Roger,
In Roger’s life, there was a before and after The Château. Roger is passionate about dancing, and sees his life take a turn for the best when his path crosses Alioune Diagne’s one. He is the founder of the center, and notices Roger practicing in the streets. Alioune trusts him and integrates him in the Château’s dance company. Since then, like Roger says, The Castle has put colours in his dreams.
If you are looking for Roger, you will find him on the dance floor, practicing to his favorite songs.
Senegal Stories, brought to you by WAAW and People and Places.
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Musique de Fabian Dalforno
Music by Fabian Dalforno
La playlist complète:
La Ferme des 4 Chemins
Le Château Saint Louis
#senegal #webdoc #economiesocialeetsolidaire #developpementdurable #senegalstories #ceedd #thies #lechateausaintlouis #lafermedes4chemins #toubabdialaw #iledesaintlouis #peopleandplaces #waawprojetsenegal
Poeme Belle Saint-Louisienne et Le chant du pont.mp4
Poèmes de la compagnie Sénégalaise Zoumba :
Belle Saint-Louisienne et Le chant du pont
Clip réalisé par les associations Guiss Guiss Adouna et Vijamix à Saint-Louis
Senegal migrant's view of the US
We spoke with an African migrant in Sardinia, Italy who came from Senegal. Having never been, we asked about America and told him to give us his honest opinion and impression.
Some of the translations excerpts below.
Question: Repeat what you said about the American dream.
Samba: I like America. I like America so much.
Samantha: Do you think that people are racist there?
Samba: No, but it's better there. Everyone is equal black or white. Even the President was black and now he's white.
Enter the secret world of the Freemasons
The Freemasons are the world's most well-known secret society, and are the subject of countless parodies and conspiracy theories. But who are they exactly? Mo Rocca ventures inside Masonic Lodges to find out.
La Chambre de commerce reçoit l'Ambassadeur des États-Unis
En tournée dans la zone nord, l’ambassadeur des États-Unis a été reçu, lundi, par les membres de la Chambre de Commerce, d’industrie et d’agriculture de la région.
Plusieurs acteurs économiques locaux ont pris part à ce conclave en marge duquel les potentialités de Saint-Louis ont été mises en exergue.
Cheikh SOURANG, le président de la Chambre a magnifié « la coopération « ancienne et efficace » entre les deux Nations, en évoquant les impacts positifs de cette collaboration sur plusieurs secteurs.
En souhaitant un bon séjour au SEM Tulinabo S. Mushingi, il a par ailleurs salué la disponibilité dont le diplomate fait preuve en rencontrant les acteurs locaux.
L’Ambassadeur Mushingi s’est réjoui de l’accueil que les acteurs de la Chambre lui ont réservé. Dans son allocution, il a passé en revue les programmes de coopération économiques mis en œuvre par son pays au profit du Sénégal.
« En décembre dernier, Dakar et Washington ont signé un nouveau Compact de MCC qui s’élève à près de 340 milliards FCFA pour renforcer et moderniser le secteur de l’électricité », a-t-il dit.
Senegal-born Sibeth Ndiaye named spokeswoman of French govt
French President Emmanuel Macron has appointed his Senegalese-born media advisor as government spokeswoman, one of three new faces for his cabinet as it gears up for the European Parliament elections next month.
Sibeth Ndiaye, a 39-year-old born in Dakar, only obtained French citizenship in 2016 while working as a communications advisor for Macron's presidential campaign.
She replaces Benjamin Griveaux, whose resignation last week came ahead of a run for Paris mayor next year.
France has giv…
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''VIE ET AVIS'' Effets néfastes des surcharges sur les routes au SENEGAL
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Mixed Martial Arts in Senegal
It's a mix of Karate, Judo and Senegalese Wrestling. This guy came up with his own style called Tai Shin Jutsu.
SAINT-LOUIS (Documentaire, Découverte, Histoire)
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Découvrez les plaisirs de la vie à bord et suivez l'équipage dans les coulisses des paquebots.
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Senegal builds 'biggest mosque in West Africa' | AFP
Senegal's influential Mouride Brotherhood on Friday will inaugurate a 30,000-capacity mosque in the capital Dakar, touted as the largest in West Africa and rivalling its opulent peers in Arab nations.
Saint Louis, one of the kings of France, landed at this beach when he came back from like his seventh crusade, so the place is named for him.
This is on the isthmus of Hyères-Les-Palmiers, France in the Var département. This is the Mediterranean Sea shown here.
This beach is both pebble and sand. I didn't try the water here this day. The mistral is a destructive wind which really blasts you here.
We found the fresh air here both tranquilizing and invigorating, and La Capte, a little village nearby, is really nice and has a great Provençale market once a week on Friday mornings.
You can see how the trees are all twisted here.
Whatever kind of beach you like, they probably have one to suit you in Hyères. There are islands you can reach by ferry, and they have a silver sand calm beach and also a black sand beach and there are many stony ones. Depending on which side of the isthums you're on, the water can be calm or wild. This is one of the world's prime spots for wind-kiting, if that is how I can describe it. Kind of surfing with a big parachute, kind of windsurfing. It is actually very dangerous and on one rainy day here, they were still out at it and there was a death at this time, the guy went out alone and something went wrong. They were looking for witnesses.
copyright 2014 Lisa B. Falour, B.S., M.B.A.
Dailymotion: LisaFalour