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한때는 유럽에서 프랑스 파리 다음으로 큰 도시였다는 겐트는 서기 650년에 세워진 플랜더스의 고도다. 플랜더스를 대표하는 백작의 성이다. 이 지역을 통치하는 백작이 살았다. 성에는 당시 사용했던 무기들이 전시되었다. 갑옷이나 창, 도끼 같은 전시된 무기들은 지금 사용해도 될 정도로 정교하게 만들어져 있다. 백작이 살았던 방이다. 당시 사용하던 벽난로와 갑옷들이 그대로 남아있어 관광객들의 시선을 끈다. 죄수를 가두던 지하 감옥이다. 당시 죄수들의 영혼을 달래는 의미에서 관광객들이 동전을 던지기도 한다. “백작이 (이 지역을 통치할 때) 이곳은 지나치게 춥고 습했어요. 이곳은 400년 이상 플랜더스 지방의 재판정이었는데 그래서 (아마) 중세 시대에 각종 고문과 심문이 이 성에서 이루어졌을 겁니다. 그러나 지금은 겐트의 관광 명소 중 한 곳이며, 한 해 40만 명에 가까운 관광객들이 이곳을 찾습니다. 관광객은 계속해서 증가하고 있습니다.” 좁고 긴 계단을 오르면 겐트 시내를 한눈에 내려다볼 수 있다. 백작의 성이 군사 요새로서 그 가치가 높았음을 알 수 있다. 성 뒤편에는 당시 화장실이 그대로 남아있다. 배설물들은 성을 둘러싸고 흐르는 스헬더 강으로 그대로 떨어지게 된다. 요즘은 많이 없어진 우리 재래식 화장실이 생각났다. “(화장실이) 편안해 보여요. 그런데 저기 앉아 있는 동안 다른 사람이 나를 볼 수 있을 것 같아 그것은 마음에 안 듭니다.” 영어 스페인어 등 5개의 언어로 성 내부 곳곳을 친절하게 설명하고 있었다. “(백작의 성은) 근사한 곳이에요. 이 성 구경을 놓치지 않아서 기뻐요. 큰 성인데도 매우 설명이 잘 돼 있고요, 관리도 잘 돼 있어요. (백작의 성은) 멋진 곳이니까 모두들 꼭 구경했으면 좋겠습니다.” 백작의 성을 보고 나오자 길거리 노점상 같은 곳에서 사람들이 뭔가를 사고 있었다. 재미난 모양의 과자였다. 코 모양 사탕으로 300년 전통의 겐트 특산물이란다. “아이들은 늘 이렇게 하는 걸 좋아하는데요. 여기에 코 모양 사탕 바닥을 핥은 다음 이마에 붙여 봅니다. 이렇게 붙인 채 떨어지지 않으면 아주 신선한 코 모양 사탕이라는 걸 알 수 있죠. 그래서 전 아이들에게 항상, 코 모양 사탕을 핥아서 이마에 이렇게 해보라고 합니다. 겐트 특산품 코 모양 과자입니다.” 특이한 모양의 사탕은 현지인뿐만 아니라 특히 관광객들에게 인기가 좋다고 한다. “(맛있고 달콤하면서) 꽃의 향기가 나요. 마음에 들어요.” “(코 모양 사탕이) 굉장히 달고 부드러운 시럽 같아요. 약간 약 같은 맛이 나기도 하거든요. 그렇지만 굉장히 달아서 좋은 느낌이 들어요.” “WONDERFUL!”낙서를 금지하는 곳이 많지만 겐트에서는 그것마저도 예술이 되고 관광 상품이 된다. 바로 1995년부터 만들어진 그라피티 거리다. 다양하고 뛰어난 아이디어를 가진 벨기에 사람들의 진면목을 볼 수 있는 곳이기도 하다. “겐트의 그라피티 거리 방문은 이번이 처음이에요. 정말 신나고 다양한 창의성을 충분히 볼 수가 있어요. (이곳의 낙서를 보면) 색감이 다채롭고 벨기에 사람들의 풍부한 창의력을 느낄 수 있습니다. 겐트에 오시면 꼭 보시기 바랍니다.” 겐트는 야경이 아름답기로 유명하다. 그래서 겐트의 야경을 보지 않으면 겐트 관광의 의미가 없다고도 한다. 중세의 건축물들을 밤에 보는 느낌은 마치 중세 시대에 살고 있는 것 같은 착각을 들게 할 정도다. 종일 바쁘게 다니던 운하의 보트도 멈춘 시간. 겐트의 사람들은 강변 맥줏집에서 그들만의 즐거운 시간을 갖는다. “저희는 겐트가 좋아요. 지금은 매우 (겐트를) 즐기기 좋은 계절이고 야경도 아릅답습니다. (겐트는) 할 일도 많은 도시예요. 또 어딜 가나 정말 맛있는 맥주들이 있어 좋습니다.“ “I Love Ghent !!” 벨기에 플랜더스는 남쪽의 다른 지방과는 달리 평지가 많아 자전거 타기에 좋다. 이곳 사람들은 주 중에는 자전거로 출퇴근을 하고 주말에는 야외로 나가서 자전거 타기를 즐긴다고 한다. 자전거를 타다 잠시 쉬고 있는 부부를 만났다. “자전거를 타고나면 보통 저희 부부는 휴식을 가져요. 그냥 앉아서 긴장을 풀고 아무것도 하지 않으며 그저 경치를 즐기죠. 함께 있는 시간을 즐기고요. 배터리를 다시 충전하는 거 같습니다.” 물로 가는 자전거길은 평범한 호수를 관광 명소로 만들었다. 2016년에 개장한 이 자전거 길은 3년 만에 벌써 50만 명 이상이 다녀갔다. 길은 수면보다 낮아 자전거를 타고 가면서 물을 손으로 만질 수도 있다. “바다를 곳을 가로질러 가는 것 같은 특별한 느낌이죠. (물로 가는 자전거 길은) 처음 와봤지만 꽤 근사하고 매우 아름답습니다.” 호수에 살고 있는 백조 가족이 사람들을 맞이한다. 사람들은 자전거를 멈추고 가까이에서 보는 백조의 신기한 모습을 카메라에 담기 바쁘다. 마치 모세의 기적으로 홍해가 갈라지듯 물로 가는 자전거 길도 호수를 가로질러 시원하게 달릴 수 있다. 벨기에 사람들의 아이디어가 참 놀랍다. 플랜더스 전통 음식을 맛볼 수 있다 해서 브뤼셀 근교 가정집을 찾았다. 우리에게는 주로 숙취해소용 음료로 잘 알려진 아스파라거스가 벨기에 특산품이란다. 여름철 음식재료로 많은 인기를 끌고 있다. 오늘 요리는 감자와 대구, 그리고 아스파라거스를 곁들인 플랜더스 음식이다. 그 사이 아이들도 식사 준비를 거든다. 큰 딸 10살 로건부터 7살 레리, 막내딸 5살 마우츠까지 자신의 몫을 충실히 한다. 5살 마우츠는 맡은 일을 끝냈다고 신나게 트램펄린 위에서 논다. “아이들은 늘 식탁을 준비하는 것을 돕는 것을 좋아하고 식사가 끝나면 자기 접시는 항상 부엌으로 가져와요. 식사를 마치면 아이들은 자기가 먹은 자리를 치웁니다.” 야외 정원에서 식사를 하면 음식이 더 맛있게 느껴진다. 데친 아스파라거스의 식감은 내 입에도 잘 맞았다. 밀가루를 묻혀 튀겨낸 북해산 대구와 오븐에 구운 감자는 아이들도 잘 먹는다. 집주인에게 플랜더스 전통요리도 추천 받았다. 벨기에를 여행하시는 분들이 꼭 먹어볼 음식은 바로 유명한 프렌치프라이를 곁들인 플랜더스식 스튜입니다. 이것은 벨기에 플랜더스의 전통 음식으로 벨기에로 여행을 오시면 꼭 드셔보세요.“ “안녕히 가세요, 또 만나요!”
■클립명: 유럽90-벨기에03-04 겐트를 대표하는 백작의 성, 그래피티 거리
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 7월July
성/궁전,palace,길,street,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,디저트,dessert,특산품,local products,기타등장,appear,유럽Europe벨기에BelgiumBelgie/Belgique/BelgienKingdom of Belgium이남기20197월플라망Flemish RegionJuly걸어서 세계속으로
#488 GHENT BELGIUM Tour of Gravensteen Castle of the Counts - Daze With Jordan The Lion (12/7/2017)
GENT BELGIUM - Gravensteen Castle of the Counts - Daze With Jordan The Lion #488 (12/7/2017)
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BELGIAN WAFFLES at the GRAND PALACE | Brussels, Belgium
We stopped in Brussels, Belgium for one day and explored what the city had to offer. From Belgian waffles by day to mussels by night, we ate our way through the city, stopping to see the Grand Place, Manneken Pis, and Royal Palace.
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BRUSELAS - Bélgica / Turismo, City tour, guía / Brussels guide Belgium, travel tourism
Contrata tu excursión GRATIS por Bruselas en este link:
La capital de Bélgica, Bruselas, es un destino turístico que cuenta con muchos atractivos. La Grand Place (Grote Markt en flamenco) es el centro neurálgico de la ciudad y una de las plazas más notables de Europa. Recientemente restaurada, esta plaza data del siglo XVII y destacan en ella edificios como el Hotel de Ville o la Maison du Roi. Cerca de La Grand Place se encuentra el símbolo de Bruselas, el Manneken Pis, una estatua de bronce de poco más de 60 centímetros y que es también del siglo XVII. Más allá encontramos el barrio de Sablon, donde se reúnen los comercios más destacados de Bruselas. Otros lugares destacados son el Jardín Botánico y las Galerías Saint Hubert, las primeras galerías comerciales de Europa.
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Gent-Wevelgem 2019 Highlights | Cycling | Eurosport
Highlights from Gent-Wevelgem 2019.
News from the #1 sports destination and #HomeofCycling in Europe. Watch LIVE anytime, anywhere via eurosport.com:
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The Belfry of Ghent - Belgium 4K Travel Channel
The Ghent Belfry, 95 m high and located in the center of the city, is the ideal viewing platform to see the city from a bird's eye view. It lies between St. Bavo's Cathedral and St. Nicholas' Church. The construction of the tower started in 1314. The tower and the connected cloth hall served several purposes. In the basement of the Belfry used to be the city prison. Above the entrance to the small annex that served as the guard room, the statue of the Mammelokker (breast feeder) depicts an old Roman legend.
An old man called Cimon was sentenced to death by starvation. His daughter visited him every day and nursed him. Thus he survived. When one uncovered the fraud, he was pardoned.
The most famous bell of the Belfried is the Roeland Bell (Klokke Roeland), also known as The Triumphant. When Ghent lost its privileges because of the uprising, Emperor Charles V ordered to remove the bell. Today it can be seen on the Emile Braunplein, next to the Stadshal ( 1:17 at the lower right edge of the picture ).
On the ground floor, one kept the municipal privileges in a cupboard and distributed the keys among various guilds and dignitaries.
On the first floor, we see the Dragon of Ghent. It served as a spire and dates from 1377.
An elevator leads From the 1st floor to the viewing platform. All the sights, from the city museum to the Gravensteen Castle, can easily be recognized.
The tower also has an old clockwork and a carillon. Every Sunday, you can listen to it from 11 am to noon. On Friday evenings, you can hear it from 8 pm to 9 pm, and during summer, every Saturday evening.
Adjacent to the Belfry, one began in 1425 with the construction of the Cloth Hall (Lakenhal), which, however, was finally completed in 1907. The elegant hall serves as venue for celebrations in the city.
Since 1613, the fencers of the Royal and Knightly St Michael's Guild could use the hall on the first floor for their purposes. They enjoyed this privilege because they once took part in the defense of the city.
Since 1999, the Ghent Belfry with the Cloth Hall and the Mammelokker belong to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
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Der Genter Belfried, 95 m hoch und im Zentrum der Stadt angesiedelt, ist die ideale Aussichtsplattform um die Stadt aus der Vogelperspektive zu sehen. Er befindet sich zwischen St.-Bavo-Kathedrale und St. Nikolaskirche. Mit dem Bau des Turmes wurde 1314 begonnen.
Der Turm und die damit verbundene Tuchhalle erfüllten mehrere Zwecke. Im Keller des Belfried war das Stadtgefängnis untergebracht.
Über dem Eingang des kleinen Anbaus, der als Wachstube diente, wurde eine Römische Legende bildlich dargestellt. Es zeigt den Mammelokker, was soviel bedeutet wie Brustsauger.
Cimon, ein alter Mann wurde zum Tode durch Verhungern verurteilt. Seine Tochter besuchte ihn täglich und säugte ihn, wodurch er überlebte. Als der Schwindel aufflog, wurde ihm die Strafe erlassen.
Die bekannteste Glocke des Belfrieds ist die Rolandglocke (Klokke Roeland), die auch „Große Triomfante“ genannt wird. Als Gent seine Privilegien wegen des Aufstands verlor, ließ Kaiser Karl V. die Glocke entfernen. Sie ist heute auf dem Emile Braunplein, neben der Stadshal ( 1:17 am unteren rechten Bildrand ) zu sehen.
Im Erdgeschoss wurden die Stadtprivilegien in einem Schrank aufbewahrt, dessen Schlüssel auf verschiedene Zünfte und Würdenträger verteilt waren.
Im ersten Stock wird der Drache von Gent gezeigt. Er diente als Turmspitze und wurde 1377 gegossen.
Ab dem 1. Stock führt ein Aufzug auf die Aussichtsplattform. Vom Stadtmuseum bis zur Burg Grafenstein sind alle Sehenswürdigkeiten gut zu erkennen.
Im Turm sind außerdem alte Uhrwerke und ein Glockenspiel, das jeden Sonntag von 11 bis 12 Uhr ertönt, zu sehen.
Freitagabend ertönt es von 20 bis 21 Uhr und im Sommer jeden Samstagabend.
Angrenzend an den Belfried begann man 1425 mit dem Bau der Tuchhalle (Lakenhal), die allerdings erst 1907 endgültig fertiggestellt.wurde. Im eleganten Saal finden Stadtfeierlichkeiten statt.
Im ersten Stock genießen die Fechter der Königlichen und Ritterlichen Hauptgilde von St. Michael seit 1613 das Privileg den Ort für Zusammenkünfte nutzen zu dürfen, da sie sich einst an der Stadtverteidigung beteiligt haben.
Seit 1999 gehört der Genter Belfried mit der Tuchhalle und dem Mammelokker zum UNESCO Weltkulturerbe
weitere Infos im Reisevideoblog:
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close my eyes (bw mix) by backwedge (c) copyright 2007
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (3.0) license.
The Havasu Canyon Trail - Havasupai Indian Reservation, Grand Canyon (in HD)
Hiking the Havasu Canyon Trail, inside the Grand Canyon. In the video: Hualapai hilltop, going through the canyon to Supai village and further down to the Navajo falls, Havasu falls and Mooney falls. Flying back from Supai to Hualapai hilltop.
Recorded Sep 19-20 2010 in HD with Canon HV30.
Phil Thornton - New Life
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The Future Is Here - EYUC 2016 - Gent, Belgium
July 19th the European Youth Ultimate Championships (Under 17) kicked off in the beautiful town of Gent, Belgium.
Get Horizontal and Five Ultimate were to witness the smiles, good vibes and great plays in the opening game between Belgium Open U17 vs France Open U17.
Hit SHARE if you like this, and use #EYUC2016 to post your pictures and video.
Music: Jasmine Thompson - Adore (Sep Remix)
Train Journey to BEAUTIFUL city Ghent - Belgium's Pretty Cities - Ep 5 - Traveling Desi's Belgium
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In this video, I will show you the beautiful Belgian city of Ghent. It is one of the most scenic and beautifully preserved medieval city of Europe and is one of the most popular tourist destination of Belgium and Western Europe in General.
I took a train from Belgium's capital Brussels as an Indian travel vlogger and Indian traveler to Belgium on a budget. Taking a train from Brussels on a budget trip to Europe from India, I took a day trip to the beautiful city of Ghent and hence have shown, how you can also plan a day trip to beautiful cities of Belgiums on a budget trip without spending much money.
I did not take any taxis and just took a metro from my hostel in Brussels where I was staying on my Belgium's budget trip and then I took a train in Belgium from its capital Brussels to Ghent which is one of its very beautiful and pretty cities.
As an Indian traveler, you can follow the same method of staying in cheap accommodations in Brussels and then using public transport to travel to other cities.
Also, the video discusses the following Belgium Trip from India factors in great details.
1) Planning a budget trip to Belgium
2) India to Belgium cheap flights
3) India to Belgium tour packages
4) Belgium Vlog in Hindi
5) Budget trip to Zurich.
6) Fun activities in Belgium.
7) Belgium packaged tours.
8) Romantic places in Belgium.
9) Honeymoon in Belgium.
Famous Peeing Boy Statue ???? The Grand Place & Manneken Pis | Brussels, Belgium
In vlog 2 from Brussels we check out the famous Manneken Pis statue and get a crazy view down over The Grand Place from nearly 100 metres up. Belgium is definitely...⬇ More Below ✈ Our 220 page guide on how to travel non-stop —
Manneken Pis is a statue in the heart of Brussels, just off the Grand place - it's one of the top things to see in the city and is one of the more unique sites we've seen on our travels! There's plenty of stories behind Manneken Pis and how it came to be or why this little boy peeing has become such an icon in Belgium. We read a bunch of them online and share a few of our favourites in the vlog.
Manneken Pis is located a block or so away from the incredible Grand Place of Brussels. Also known as Grote Markt of Brussels this is one of the most interesting and beautiful city squares we've come across. We were fortunate to get a private tour of the city tower to get a view back down over the Grand Place from nearly 100 metres above ground - its a special walk up the stairs and a view we won't be forgetting anytime soon Belgium, or more so Brussels specifically from our experience, really is a magical place that has quickly left a mark on us and at this point we really don't want to leave.
We're positive you'll love Brussels as much as we do, there's loads of info on the Visit Brussels website:
Disclaimer: This video was made possible by Visit Brussels. As always, our opinions are both genuine and strictly our own.
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Hey, we're Dane & Stacey! Full-time travellers, digital nomads and content creators from New Zealand. We mix things up between finding the best experiences in more well known destinations and going off the beaten path to underrated travel spots, capturing it all to share. Authentic, genuine, cinematic and informative is our goal — we want you to feel like you're experiencing the day with us.
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Brussels Belgium Tourist Information - City Overview
This is a brief introduction to Brussels for visitors to the city. It covers the Grand Place, Brussels Cathedral, Royal Palace, Brussels Park, EU Parliament, the Bourse and other popular tourist attractions. The film also contains a panoramic view of the city taken from the Upper Town.
Henri Dons, Belgian baritone (Ghent 1864 - Brussels 1936) Hamlet (Thomas) 1905/10 Odeon.
Henri Dons werd geboren te Gent, in 1864. Zijn zangopleiding ontving hij aan het Conservatorium van Gent. Hij was verbonden aan de Opera van Gent gedurende de seizoenen 1896 tot en met 1906. In de seizoenen 1899/1900, 1904/05 en 1905/06 zong hij bij dit gezelschap als gast.
Een belangrijk deel van de carrière van Henri Dons speelde zich af in Nederland, waar hij gedurende meerdere jaren verbonden was aan o.a. het Hollandsch Opera-Gezelschap van Johannes de Groot en het Theatre Royal Francais de la Haye. Hij zou er in meer dan 60 producties zingen. Op 25 september 1889 maakte hij bij het gezelschap van de Groot zijn debuut in Verdi's opera La traviata als dokter Grenvil in de Parkschouwburg te Amsterdam. In dat zelfde seizoen zong hij nog de rol van graaf Oberthal (De profeet, Meyerbeer), Sulpice (De regimentsdochter, Donizetti), Monterone (Rigoletto) en als Gessler (Wilhelm Tell, Rossini). In 1890 zong hij bij de Nederlandsche Opera - eveneens van de Groot - de rol van Nilakantha (Lakmé), Lothario (Mignon), Massa (Brinio van Simon van Milligen - Cornélie van Zanten zong Rheime, Desiré Pauwels zong Aquilius), Ambroise (Mireille, Gounod) en op 18 april 1891 'een visser' in De bloem van IJsland van Marius van 't Kruis. Mede solisten: Cato Engelen-Sewing (Helga), Cornélie van Zanten (Marietta), Anna Tijssen-Bremerkamp (Anna) en Jean Tijssen (de elfenkoning).
Op 8 september 1894 zong hij de rol van Mephistofeles in Faust van Gounod, een voorstelling van de Nederlandsche Opera-Vereeniging van Johannes de Groot(!). Nog vele voorstellingen volgden bij De Groot. Bij het Theatre Royal de la Haye zong Henri Dons zijn eerste voorstelling op 30 september 1899 als Mephistofeles in Faust. Marguerite (Irma Loventz afwisselend met Nellie Melba), Faust (Paul Gautier). Zijn laatste optreden in Nederland was op 6 december 1916 bij het Nederlandsch Opera Ensemble als Escamillo in Carmen van Bizet. Carmen werd gezongen door Zorah Dorly, Don José door zijn langenoot de tenor Louis Dister en de leiding van het gezelschap was in handen van - eveneens een landgenoot - Desiré Pauwels.
Enkele andere van zijn rollen: De koning/Il re (Aïda), de graaf van St.Bris (Hugenoten), Roger (Jeruzalem, Verdi), Garrido (De Navarreesche, Massenet - Urlus als Ramon), Bombardon (Het gouden kruis, Ignaz Brüll), Tonio (Paljas), Casper (Het proefschot/Der Freischütz - Urlus als Max), le comte Des Grieux (Manon), Rabo (De herbergprinses, Jan Blockx), le grand-inquisiteur (L'Africaine), Sparafucile (Rigoletto), Dr. Falke (Die Fledermaus), Le commandeur (Don Juan/Don Giovanni) en Alfio in Cavalleria Rusticana met Louis Morrison als Turiddo.
Henri Dons overleed in 1936 te Brussel.
Belgium: Brussels - Bruxelles - Brussel
This video gives a small impression of Brussels. This summer we spent there 1,5 day, when we went with our boat, on the way to Paris. Much too short to see all the interesting features of this city!
Brussels, the capital of Belgium and the capital city of the European Union, has grown from a 10th-century fortress town founded by a descendant of Charlemagne into a metropolis of more than one million inhabitants. The metropolitan area has a population of over 1.8 million, making it the largest in Belgium.
The architecture in Brussels is diverse, and spans from the medieval buildings on the Grand Place to the post-modern buildings of the EU institutions.
There are many attractions, like the Grand Place, since 1988 a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with the Gothic town hall in the old center, the St. Michael and Gudula Cathedral, the Church of Saint Jacques-sur-Coudenberg, the Royal Palace, the Royal Galleries of St. Hubert and the Laken Castle with its large greenhouses.
Regrettably the Laken Castle was closed in the summer.
2014 Mission Ghent Belgium - 8 min version
This video gives a year in review look at what Luk and Holly Brazle have been up to in Ghent, Belgium. The kids give a little glimpse into what they do as well.
#489 A Day in GHENT BELGIUM - Daze With Jordan The Lion (12/8/2017)
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Largest Christmas Market in Belgium - Christmas Time in Brussels
It's the most wonderful time of the year! In this video I show you the Christmas Market in Brussels, Winterpret!
This market is the largest christmas market in Belgium.
Don't miss the lightshow on the big square!
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Song 1
Title: Deck the Halls
Artist: Jingle Punks
Genre: Holiday
Mood: Inspirational
Song 2
Title: Canon and Variation
Artist: Twin Musicom
Genre: Holiday
Mood: Happy
Visit Belgium - Top 10 Towns in Belgium
Our Top 10 Towns & Places to Visit in the Beautiful Country of Belgium.
1. Bruges
2. Ghent
3. Brussels
4. Antwerp
5. Leuven
6. The Ardennes
7. World War 1 Battlefields
8. Mechelen
9. Waterloo
10. Luxembourg City
Filmed in Leuven, Belgium
Copyright Mark Wolters 2014
Top 10 largest cities of Belgium - Capital: City of Brussels
Belgium, a country in Western Europe, is known for medieval towns, Renaissance architecture and as headquarters of the European Union and NATO. The country has distinctive regions including Dutch-speaking Flanders to the north, French-speaking Wallonia to the south and a German-speaking community to the east. The bilingual capital, Brussels, has ornate guildhalls at Grand-Place and elegant art-nouveau buildings.
Capital: City of Brussels
Capital and largest city: Brussels; 50°51′N 4°21′E / 50.850°N 4.350°E
Currency: Euro
Official languages: French, Dutch, German
Top 10 largest cities of belgium
City in Belgium
City in Belgium
Mons is the capital of Hainaut province in Belgium’s Walloon Region. At its center is the Grand Place, a large cobblestone square dotted with cafes. It’s lined with buildings in a mix of architectural styles, notably the centuries-old Town Hall. Nearby is the 17th-century baroque belfry, with sweeping city views. The belfry is on the edge of verdant Parc Château, home to the 11th-century Saint-Calixte Chapel.
City in Belgium
City in Belgium
Namur is the capital city of the Wallonia region of Belgium. At the confluence of the Meuse and Sambre rivers is the Citadel, a medieval fortress with gardens, views and a bronze statue of a giant turtle. In town, the Felicien Rops Museum focuses on the works of this 19th-century, Namur-born erotic artist, and stages temporary exhibitions. The baroque St. Loup Church has marble columns and a richly carved ceiling.
City in Belgium
Bruges, the capital of West Flanders in northwest Belgium, is distinguished by its canals, cobbled streets and medieval buildings. Its port, Zeebrugge, is an important center for fishing and European trade. In the city center’s Burg square, the 14th-century Stadhuis (City Hall) has an ornate carved ceiling. Nearby, Markt square features a 13th-century belfry with a 47-bell carillon and 83m tower with panoramic views.
City in Belgium
Liège, a city along the Meuse River in Belgium’s French-speaking Walloon region, has long been a commercial and cultural hub. Its old town is filled with landmarks dating to the medieval era, including the Romanesque Collegiate Church of St. Bartholomew. The Grand Curtius Museum houses archaeological treasures and art within a 17th-century mansion, while Opera Royal de Wallonie has staged operas since 1820.
City in Belgium
Charleroi is a Belgian city in the Walloon province of Hainaut. On the central Place Charles II, the art deco City Hall has a belfry with a carillon chiming fragments of Belgian folk songs. Also on the square, St. Christopher’s Church is known for the large gold-leaf mosaic in the choir. Nearby, the Museum of Fine Arts focuses on 19th- and 20th-century Belgian painters and has a sizable René Magritte collection.
City in Belgium
Ghent is a port city in northwest Belgium, at the confluence of the Leie and Scheldt rivers. During the Middle Ages it was a prominent city-state. Today it’s a university town and cultural hub. Its pedestrianized center is known for medieval architecture such as 12th-century Gravensteen castle and the Graslei, a row of guildhalls beside the Leie river harbor.
City in Belgium
Antwerp is a port city on Belgium’s River Scheldt, with history dating to the Middle Ages. In its center, the centuries-old Diamond District houses thousands of diamond traders, cutters and polishers. Antwerp’s Flemish Renaissance architecture is typified by the Grote Markt, a central square in the old town. At the 17th-century Rubens House, period rooms display works by the Flemish Baroque painter Peter Paul Rubens.
Brussels, officially the Brussels-Capital Region, is a region of Belgium comprising 19 municipalities, including the City of Brussels which is the de jure capital of Belgium.
top 10 largest cities of belgium
thanks for watching.........................
Top 13 Attractions in Belgium according to Lonely Planet
Top 13 Attractions in Belgium according to Lonely Planet
13. Cartoon Culture
Belgium has a consuming passion for comic strips, which are considered the 'Ninth Art'. Foreigners might know the boy-reporter Tintin whose creater, Hergé, is celebrated at a fine new museum in Louvain La neuve.
12. Art nouveau
Swirls, curlicues and architectural daring: don't leave Brussels without exploring some of its art nouveau marvels. The style was developed with the help of the architects Victor Horta and Henry van de Velde.
11. Flanders Fields
Flanders Fields is a common English name of the World War I battlefields in an area straddling the Belgian provinces of West Flanders and East Flanders. The name Flanders Fields is particularly associated with battles that took place in the Ypres Salient, including the Second Battle of Ypres and the Battle of Passchendaele.
10. Belfries & Begijnhoven
The Belfries of Belgium is a group of historical buildings designated by UNESCO as World Heritage Site, in recognition of an architectural manifestation of emerging civic independence in historic Flanders and neighbouring regions from feudal and religious influences, leading to a degree of local democracy of great significance in the history of humankind.
9. Chocolate
Belgium is famed for its high quality chocolate and over 2,000 chocolatiers, both small and large. Belgium's association with chocolate goes back as far as 1635 when the country was under Spanish occupation. From the early 20th century, the country was able to import large quantities of cocoa from its African colony, the Belgian Congo.
8. Castles
From French-style chateaux to Crusader-era ruins, Belgium is overloaded with spectacular castles. Antwerp and Ghent both retain medieval ones right in their city centres. And Namur, like Huy and Dinant, is dominated by a massive fortress citadel that retained military importance well into the 20th century.
7. Antwerp Art & Fashion
Go-ahead Antwerp is a city that has everything. its skyline is still dominated by one of the lowlands' most magnificent stone steeples and its medieval house-museums are stuffed with works by its most famous 17th-century resident, Pieter Paul rubens. But it's a dynamic place with state-of-the-art museums, vibrant nightlife and a reputation as one of europe's capitals of haute couture.
6. Art Cities
If you love the medieval charm of Bruges but want to be a little more original, a great choice is Gghent. this historic city also has its share of canalside splendour, a great arts scene and a grittier charm that many visitors find refreshing. Or try Mechelen. it's overloaded with splendid churches and the grand central square is graced with a fanciful town-hall complex that's only topped for sheer flamboyance by the statue-festooned equivalent in Leuven, Belgium'''s ancient university city.
5. Carnival Capers
If your neighbours' idea of a good time is to dress up in barrel costumes jingling with little bells, don spooky masks and ostrich feather hats, and then go throwing oranges at passers-by, you might wonder about their sanity. then again you might just be living in Binche. That's the town whose unique mardi gras carnival has long been so indulgent it gave the english language the term 'binge'.
4. Belgian Beer
For a comparatively small country, Belgium produces a very large number of beers in a range of different styles -- in fact, it has more distinct types of beer per capita than anywhere else in the world. In 2011, there were 1,132 different varieties of beer being produced in the country.
3. Flemish Primitives
The whole of western representational art was transformed in the 15th century by a group of Bruges-based painters whose mastery of oil paints allowed them to simulate reality and paint faces that expressed apparently real emotions. Simultaneously, the burgeoning economy of Flanders meant that rich sponsors were prepared to commission secular works.
2. Brussels' Grand Place
The Grand Place is the central square of Brussels. It is surrounded by guildhalls, the city's Town Hall, and the Breadhouse. The square is the most important tourist destination and most memorable landmark in Brussels. It measures 68 by 110 metres (223 by 361 ft), and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
1. Bruges
Bruges is a picture-postcard-perfect city in Flanders, the northern part of Belgium. Relatively cosmopolitan and bourgeois given its compact size, it is one of the best preserved pre-motorised cities in Europe and offers the kind of charms rarely available other than in Europe.
Brussels, Belgium: Grand Place and Delirium Cafe
Check out Day 1 of our Europe 2017 trip! Our flight from Seattle to Brussels, Belgium plus exploring the Grand Place and drinking beer at Delirium Cafe In Brussels. Stay tuned for day 2 as we explore more of the city, eat waffles, fries, and chocolate, and drink lots more Belgium Beer!
We stayed at an amazing Airbnb right in the center of Brussels! The whole house was only $60/night! If you havent tried Airbnb yet, heres $40 off your first stay airbnb.com/c/tblack19
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