Beowulf's hall reconstructed at sagnlandet Lejre in Denmark
In this video, I give you a run-down of the experimental open-air museum Sagnlandet Lejre, where you can visit the Danish/Scandinavian Ice Age hunters, an Iron Age village, and a reconstructed 200 ft long Viking Age hall based on Beowulf's Heorot.
Lejre, Denmark - July 7, 2011 - Ledreborg Estate
Sagnlandet Lejre - Denmark
“Sagnlandet Lejre” is a place where the history of the Scandinavian people, dating from about 5000 b.c. to about 1850 a.d. is visible in a outdoor museum where most activities can be tried by even the youngest family members.
Not even 1/10 of all is seen in this video.
Its located about 30 min west of Copenhagen.
Lejre Museum
Lejre Museum, located in the village of Gl. Lejre, is surrounded by beautiful hilly landscape steeped in history. In the area close to the museum are some of Denmark’s most well-preserved ancient archaeological finds from the Viking Age, including a stone ship and the outline of five large royal Viking halls.
Boganmeldelse - Lejre bag myten - de arkæologiske udgravninger
”Lejre bag myten” fortæller om at kongeriget Danmark begynder i Lejre på Sjælland. Bogen handler om de haller, grave og fund bl.a. skattefund der er med til at tegne et nyt billede af denne sagnomspundne lokalitet.
Indvielse af Lejre Museum
Lejre Museum har fået helt nye udstillinger af sagntidens historie.
Fremover vil besøgende kunne se mange af de fund, der er gjort i Lejre og omegn: del lille odinfigur, Mannerupskatten og meget mere.
Udstillingen er helt up-to-date med audio-visuel formidling.
Museet blev genåbnet efter renoveringen af Lejres borgmester, Mette Touborg og kulturminister Bertel Haarder.
Det levede liv: Lars Holten & Sagnlandet Lejre
Lars Holten er direktør i Sagnlandet i Lejre. I Kanal Roskildes serie Det levede liv fortæller han om sit liv med Sagnlandet. Blandt andet fortæller han om det store projekt, der samlede mange frivillige interesserede: at rejse en kopi af den skibssætning, hvis rester står ved Gammel Lejre
Sagnlandet Lejre / Land of Legends
Go back in time to a distant past. Meet the Stone Age hunters, the Iron Age peasants and the trading Vikings. Grind flour, bake biscuits and try to sit in a Stone Age boat. Lejre Land of Legends is an atmospheric and exciting tourist attraction for the whole family. 10.000 years of Danish history brought to life!
Tag familien under armen og rejs tilbage til en fjern fortid. Mød stenalderjægeren, jernalderbonden og de handlende vikinger. Kværn mel og bag brødkiks, sejl en tur i en stenalderbåd, skyd med bue og pil og udforsk livet for længe siden.
Sagnlandet Lejre: skoleklasse i vikingetiden
Hvor kan man ellers møde vikinger på en bedre måde? I Sagnlandet Lejres vikingemarkedsplads, Ravnebjerg! På 3½ timer kan børnene leve sig ind i vikingetiden. De vil møde et aktivt, vidende, viist, dygtigt og gæstfrit folk ... og det vil være en uforglemmelig oplevelse.
Sagnlandet Lejre tilbyder også lejrskoleophold på 3 til 5 dage.
Læs mere om undervisningstilbudene på vikingemarkedspladsen ved at klikke
Hestebjerggård Lejre
I Gammel Lejre vest for Roskilde ligger den over 200 år gamle fæstegård, Hestebjerggård. Gården er i dag Den Selvejende Institution Hestebjerggård, som har stået for at renovere og omdanne den gamle firelængede gård til et museum og formidlingscenter. Hovedvægten er lagt på perioden fra år 600 til år 1000, hvor Lejre var Nordens mægtigste kongesæde.
Realdania har støttet renoveringen med syv bl.a. fordi der er tale om et demonstrationsprojekt, der viser, hvordan et historisk gårdanlæg kan bevares, samtidig med at det får et nutidigt anvendelsesformål.
Sagnlandet Lejre - Skoleklasse i stenalderen
En skoleklasse i stenalderen? Det er muligt i Sagnlandets autentiske natur. Vi tilbyder et meget spændende undervisningsforløb, hvor børnene bruger deres sanser og lever sig ind i jægerstenalderens daglige liv.
Se videoen om undervisningsforløbet, som Sagnlandet tilbyder til skoleklasser i jægerstenalderen.
Mere info på
Sagnlandet Lejre - Museums-/Aktivitetsparksanmeldelse
Sjovt og lærerig aktivitet for børn i alle aldre.
Lejre Sagnland, Viking Village June 2015
6th grade end of year trip out to Lejre. What a great day!
Sagnlandet Lejre. Själland ( Zealand) island, Själlandi saar Danmark Danimarca Taani Denmark
Sagnlandet Lejre.
Själland, ( Zealand) island, Själlandi saar.
Danmark Danimarca Taani Denmark
Suvi/ Summer 2017
Our tripvideo / Meie reisivideo
Music: Hurdy-Gurdy Chanson ( Jolivete` et bone amor)
& Byron Metcalf- Heart Warriors
Camera: Fuji XT2, GoPro 4 Black
Filmed & directed by Allan Tark
Company: Rein Mets
Summer 2017 Stockholm. Sweden
Lejre is a villige with a population of 2,415 (1 January 2015) in Lejre Municipality (Danish, kommune) on the island of Zealand in east Denmark. It belongs to Region Zealand. The town's Old Norse name was Hleiðr or Hleiðargarðr.
Lejre was the capital of an Iron Age kingdom sometimes referred to as the Lejre Kingdom. According to early legends, this was ruled by kings of the Skjöldung dynasty, predecessors of the kings of medieval Denmark. Legends of the kings of Lejre are known from a number of medieval sources, including the twelfth-century Gesta Danorum written by Saxo Grammaticus and the anonymous twelfth-century Chronicon Lethrense, or Chronicle of Lejre. As the home of the Skjölding (Old English Scylding) dynasty mentioned in Beowulf, Lejre has long been thought to have been the real-world counterpart to Heorot, the fabulous royal hall where the first part of the action of that Anglo-Saxon poem takes place.
Among other works of the medieval imagination that tell of adventures at Lejre, the best known is the fourteenth-century Icelandic Saga of King Hrolf Kraki.
Archeological excavations undertaken since the 1980s have produced dramatic confirmation that medieval legends of Lejre, though largely fabulous, have a basis in history.
Research teams led by archaeologist Tom Christensen of Roskilde Museum have uncovered the remains of an extensive Iron Age and Viking Age settlement complex just outside the hamlet of Gammel Lejre (Old Lejre).
Discovered here were the post-holes for a series of large rectangular buildings measuring fifty to sixty meters in length or more. These must have been the halls of powerful magnates or kings. Outbuildings and other structures whose remains were unearthed in this same area indicate that Lejre was also a center for crafts, commerce, and religious observances. The relative absence of weapon finds suggests that the site was more important as a social and economic center than as a military base. A noteworthy loose find that has recently turned up, thanks to metal-detector work, is a tiny silver Viking Age figurine known as Odin from Lejre.
This is thought to depict the god Odin enthroned in majesty between ravens.
Other sites of archaeological interest in the vicinity, long admired by visitors even when their nature was not well understood, are a Viking-Age cemetery that includes several ship settings, a great Iron Age cremation mound (Grydehøj), a number of tumuli that are mostly of Bronze Age date, and several Neolithic chamber graves, including one that in modern times has been known as Harald Hildetandshøy.
As for the Iron Age archaeological settlement complex unearthed since the 1980s, its two related parts span the period from about 550 to about 1000 AD, thus confirming the significance of this land of legends over a period of almost half a millennium, up to the time when Denmark was converted to Christianity and a new royal capital was established at what is now the cathedral city of Roskilde.
On account of its imposing monuments as well as its unusual surrounding terrain, Gammel Lejre has long been a focal point for antiquarian scholarship, a source of Danish national pride, and a source of fascination regarding Scandinavian prehistory. Speculations about the prehistory of the area have been fueled by Thietmar of Merseburg's account in his twelfth-century Chronicon (ch. 17) that pagan sacrifices were formerly held every ninth year at Lejre.
A wooded path and lake a short distance west of Lejre, as well, was identified by some antiquarian scholars as Herthadal, the sacred sacrificial precinct of the goddess Nerthus (also called Hertha), whose rites were described by the Roman historian Tacitus in chapter 40 of his Germania. While such speculations can be dismissed as contributing to a myth of Lejre that has little to do with the actual Iron Age settlement-complex that has now been excavated, it could be argued that reality and fantasy have always been intertwined in stories pertaining to this region.
Lejre Municipality is home to the Land of legends (Sagnlandet Lejre), a center for experimental archaeology and education, which includes reconstructions and recreations from different periods of Denmark’s history— from pre-history to the Viking Age. The centerpiece of the facility is an Iron Age village reconstruction, complete with sacrificial bog.
The center is open to the public.
This video is not for commercial purposes, only educational / See video ei taotle ärilisi eesmärke, ainult üldhariduslikul eesmärgil.
Enjoy watching!/ Head vaatamist!
Gravhøjens Sønner
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises
Gravhøjens Sønner · Lejre FC · John Downtown
Gravhøjens Sønner
℗ 2016 Mads Østergaard
Released on: 2012-04-09
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Sagnlandet Lejre: Gådefulde gravhøje - mysterious mounds
Hvordan kunne Egtved-pigens kiste og gravgods bevares så godt i løbet af de 3400 år, hun har været gemt i gravhøjen? Eksperimentel arkæologi er med til at afsløre gåden ved at genskabe model-høje, hvori de samme kemiske og fysiske processer, der har tilladt bevaringen i de rigtige høje, kunne finde sted. Eksperimentet foregik i Sagnlandet Lejre.
How could the Egtved girl's coffin and its content preserve that well in the heart of a grave-mound for 3400 years? Experimental archaeology tries to unveil the mystery by reproducing models af grave-mounds, where the same chemical and physical processes, which permitted the preservation in the real mounds, could find place. The experiment was performed at The Land of Legends Lejre (video in Danish)
Frøslevlejren i sønderjylland. 2016.
Den blev bygget i 1944. Formålet var at den skulle huse dansker der var taget til fange pga. aktioner rettet imod tyskerne, således at de ikke blev sendt til tyske KZ lejre, Tyskerne sendte dog alligevel ca. 1700 fanger afsted til disse KZ lejre.
Sagnlandet Lejre: jernalderstemning - Iron Age atmosphere
Get an impression of how modern families live in a reconstructed Iron Age village of 200 years ago. They spend one week of their vacations to experience what our ancestors' life might have been like. It is the families of the past who make the Iron Age village, Lethra, such a lively, authentic and unique spot of the earth.
Read more about the the families of the past in the Iron Age:
Read more about Lethra here:
Få en fornmmelse af hvordan moderne familier lever i en rekonstrueret jernalderlandsby fra 2000 år siden. De bruger 1 uge af deres ferie for at opleve hvad vores forædres liv kunne have været. Det er fortidsfamilierne, der gør jernalderlandsbyen, Lethra, sådan et levende, autentisk og unik sted.
Læs mere om fortidsfamilierne i jernalderlandsbyen her:
Læs mere om jernalderlandsbyen Lethra her:
Flintknapping at Lejre 2016
Flintknapping in the July sun at the living museum of Lejre.
Challenges of the Past - Experimental Archaeology in Lejre (FULL version)
Full DVD from Lejre about challenges of the past...