How to pronounce Lemberg Castle (Germany/German) -
Audio and video pronunciation of Lemberg Castle brought to you by Pronounce Names ( a website dedicated to helping people pronounce names correctly. For more information about this name, such as gender, origin, etc., go to
Burg Lemberg
Die Burg Lemberg ist eine mittelalterliche Burg auf der Gemarkung der Gemeinde Lemberg im Landkreis Südwestpfalz in Rheinland-Pfalz.
Burg Lemberg Suedwestpfalz Germany Begehung des historischen Brunnenstollen
Sorry! Fehler in der Introbeschriftung...z fehlt. Rahmenbedingung nicht überprüft beim rendern.
Hier eine Sonderführung mit dem Lemberger Bürgermeister durch die Brunnenstollenanlage der Burg Lemberg. Weiteres informatives Material befinden sich auf den nächsten Clips die mit dem Gästeführer Uwe Schumacher durchgeführt wurde.
link zur Burg Lemberg:
link IG Südwestpfalz auf Facebook:
link von einem Sonderevent auf der Burg Lemberg:
und link vom mittelalter Spektakel 2012 /17 Clips) Samstagsabends auf der Burg Lemberg:
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Holohory village Gologory Гологори - Золочів Ukraine Castle Lviv Zolochiv Baron Hirsch
Нариси з історії села Гологори DOWNLOAD:
Гологори — село в Україні, в Золочівському районі Львівської області. Населення становить 658 осіб. Орган місцевого самоврядування — Гологірська сільська рада. Давніше було містечком. У селі річка Гнила Липа впадає у Золоту Липу. Бере початок на південній стороні від села Трудовач біля урочища Гологорський Ліс. Тече переважно на південний схід і в селі Гологори впадає в річку Золоту Липу, ліву притоку Дністра.
Gologory is a village founded in 1099 in Zolochiv district of Lviv region in Ukraine. It's population today is 658 people. Formerly it was a town called Duklya. In the village, the river Gnyla Lypa (Rotten Linden) falls into the Zolota Lipa (Golden Linden,) which then flows into the Dnister River and into the Black Sea. It's famous for its history, Orthodox and Catholic (Kościół ) churches, Jewish Synagogue and cemetery. There are many ancient tombstones as well as a monument to St. Mark, which stands on top of the hill in place of burial of Pasha of Batu Khan (a Mongol Khanate ruler and founder of the Golden Horde, a division of the Mongol Empire. Batu was a son of Jochi and grandson of Genghis Khan.,) as a symbol of victory of the battle with Tatar invaders (1442). Gologory obtained Magdeburg rights - a set of town privileges first developed by Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor (936–973) which regulated the degree of internal autonomy within cities and villages, granted by the local ruler. in the 13th and 14th centuries, Magdeburg rights were granted to more than a hundred cities, in Central Europe. In these lands, they were mostly known as the German or Teutonic law. This role remained until the old Germanic laws were successively replaced with the Roman law under the influence of the Imperial Chamber Court a judicial institution in the Holy Roman Empire. Thus, being a free city it was able to trade and develop culturally.
золота липа дністер gologoty holohory цвинтар галичина Археолог Трипільська культура Експедиція розкопки Чорне море гора Камула Буг карта tatar turkish Khan Memorial татарський хан Батый Бат хан орда коні Бату Batu Батий завершив похід на Захід у 1242 році, дізнавшись про смерть хана Угедея. Огодай Өгэдэй хаан Каган tribe січові стрільці упа війна сибір україна подорож львів дорога вода Львівська область замок Історія Українська мова школа євреї синагога князівство хроніка літопис поле битва Дукля суд століття заклад нацисти площа райком Фортифікація поляки костел Kółko rolnicze Farmer peasant срср гори Хмельницький право татари монахи церква став млин іконостас Галичина поховання руїни колгосп нквд союз каміння пам’ятники надгробні плити скульптор картинна галерея святий Марко стовп колона ярмарок каплиця Склеп культура торгування вулиця братство фігура незалежність жертви комуністи читальня бібліотека воля майдан святого Юра барон Хірш конфесія русини освіта східна Україна постерунок поліція аптека Дім Народний Січ Просвіта Луг населення Польща мазури храм споруда Лиса Гора рослини бароко Przeszlość і zabytki województwa Tarnapolskiego сенінський вольська Путівник Путеводитель wycieczka Потоцький герб рід магдебурзьке право Hirsch Львівська галерея мистецтв шляхтич скульптор Яків Тривалий Олеський замок стіни фортеця оборона Красне залізниця схід гарнізони наука криївка Дослідження, документи, матеріали Газета гетто київ Зашків Глиняни Тернопіль монастир листи Часопис ренесанс гончар ткач тесля столяр посуд полотно цегла шкіра мандрівник купці ремонт реставрація с. Ляцьке Червоне союз українок політика Караганда Кемерово Іркутськ могила хрест поселення вивезені держава господарство податки контингент народ герої Лопатинський український композитор лікар меморіальна колона Рибалка туризм відпочинок озеро природа Велика Вільшаниця ліс партизани повстанці джерело Гологори на історичних перепуттях Гологоры, Львовская область, Украина Паша титул
Holohory, Ukraine Gołogóry Goligor Gologory Golige Golgora גאָליגע
Zolochiv Castle Золочівський замок Jewish records Gesher Galicia Klein Austria-Hungary census book audiobook list education Galitzianer Гологірський Став Золочівський район сільська рада хан eastern Galicia Zlochow Genealogy of Halychyna birth History Center research archive cemetery monument tower sculpture relic Lviv Lwów Lemberg stones hill tombstone TURKISH village weegee
Special thanks to authors of these sites:
Замки і храми України
я люблю Гологори
Країна старих міст (photos by Kat)
Фотопрогулки по Украине и вокруг
Burg Lemberg Suedwestpfalz Germany Begehung des historischen Brunnenstollen T2
Es lag nicht am Rahmen sondern an der Schriftart da das z in den vorhergehenden Clips fehlt! Sorry!
Hier Clip 3 von 3 mit dem Gästeführer Uwe Schuhmacher durch die Brunnenstollenanlage der Burg Lemberg wie man sie als Urlauber erlebt.
link zur Burg Lemberg:
link IG Südwestpfalz auf Facebook:
link von einem Sonderevent auf der Burg Lemberg:
und link vom mittelalter Spektakel 2012 /17 Clips) Samstagsabends auf der Burg Lemberg:
20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide
Join us as we visit Lviv, Ukraine in this travel guide covering the top things to do in the city in terms of attractions. Lviv city (Львів) has a very different feel from Kiev and we found ourselves enjoying wandering around and getting lost in the historic city centre, sipping on cafes and eating both traditional Ukrainian meals as well as International Food. Come find out what makes Lviv a must-stop destination for those traveling in Ukraine.
20 Things to do in Lviv City Tour | Ukraine Travel Guide:
Intro - 00:01
1) Post Office Cafe for breakfast in the Old Town (Poshta na Drukarskiy) - 00:31
2) Armenian Cathedral Armenian Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary (Armenian: Հայկական տաճար, Ukrainian: Вірменський собор, Polish: Katedra ormiańska) - 01:11
3) Transfiguration Church (Преображенська церква) - 01:33
4) Dominican church and monastery (Church of Holy Communion - Домініканський костел і монастир) - 01:51
5) Used Books Market - 02:15
6) Ukrainian Orthodox Dormition Church (Успенська церква) - 02:44
7) Bell Tower at Lviv Town Hall for views of Lviv city- 03:03
8) International food scene in Lviv eating Sushi at yaponaHata - 04:09
9) Bernardine Church - 05:17
10) Latin Cathedral (Лати́нський собо́р - Katedra Łacińska) - 05:25
11) Jesuit Church - 05:29
12) Souvenir Market in Lviv for shopping - 06:11
13) Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet (Львівська оперa - Opera Lwowska) - 06:21
14) Traditional Ukrainian Food at Seven Piggies (Сім поросят) - 06:30
15) Lviv Historical Museum - 08:13
16) Weaponry Museum at Lviv Arsenal - 08:50
17) Lviv Cat Cafe - 09:00
18) Toy Alley at Yard of Lost Toys - 10:23
19) Lviv Castle Hill or Lviv High Castle (Високий замок - Замкова гора - Wysoki Zamek) for the best views of Lviv - 10:41
20) Tram ride around Lviv (Львівський Трамвай) for transportation - 10:56
Outro - 11:11
Alternate spellings of Lviv (Львів) aside from Ukrainian:
Lwów (Polish)
Lemberg (German)
Leopolis (Spanish)
Lvov Львов (Russian)
Liov (Romanian)
לעמבערג (Yiddish)
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Our visit Lviv travel guide documentary covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (both local and international), top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day including visiting neighborhoods, churches, cathedrals, the city centre and museums. We also cover off-the-beaten-path outdoor activities you won't find in a typical Lviv tourism brochure, Lviv itinerary or Lviv, Ukraine city tour.
20 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine Travel Guide Video Script:
Today’s video is all about our visit to Lviv. Having come straight from Kiev, Lviv offered a real change of scenery. The city was much smaller, more walkable, and it looked distinctly Central European. In some ways, it reminded us of a smaller version of Krakow or Prague, though a little rough around the edges. But enough about first impressions; let us actually show you around. In this video we’re going to take you on a grand tour of the city and highlight 20 things to do in Lviv on your next visit, so let’s get started.
Like in Kiev, we quickly discovered that Lviv is a city of churches, so our next stop was the Church of the Holy Communion. After our sushi lunch, we visited the Bernardine Church in the south end of the Old Town; followed by the Latin Cathedral, which sits in the southwest corner of Market Square; and finally the Jesuit Church, where we stumbled upon yet another wedding!
And that’s a wrap for our visit to Lviv, Ukraine. We found this to be a charming city with a completely different look and feel from Kiev, so we’re glad we added this stop to our itinerary. If you’re short on time, this is a great destination for a weekend escape.
If you have any other suggestions of cool things to do around Lviv, feel free to share those with fellow travellers in the comments below. Wishing you happy travels!
This is part of our Travel in Ukraine video series showcasing Ukrainian food, Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian cuisine.
Music by Simon More:
Burg Lemberg Basin
We stumbled upon this pool of lilies, tadpoles and goldfish while we were following trail #4 around a castle near Pirmasens, Germany. None of the locals we spoke to afterwards knew what we were talking about, so here it is...
Lviv Castle - Львівський Замок. Toronto. Mississauga Night
Lviv Castle
Special Convention 2018 Ukraine Lviv
We ♥ you... more than chocolate ^^
Gasthaus zum Schloss Lemberg (Pfalz)
We have found this hotel in #Lemberg when we were traveling through south Germany..
We were amazed by the nature, singing birds and the old castle, which is reachable just in 10 minutes walking from this hotel.
I am definitely going to get back there.
The address is:
Landgrafenstrasse 27
66969 Lemberg
Music by AstrogentA:
Lviv Castles Tour
An unforgettable Castles Tour of Lviv region: starting with the Krehiv wooden church and city-citadel Zhovkla and continue going back in history with Ukraine’s most picturesque castle - Olesko Castle and a remarkable Art Gallery inside. Then we go to the 17th-century Pidhirtsi Castle, known as the Ukrainian Versailles for its beauty and finishing the tour at the town of Zolochiv with 17th-century Sobieski Castle.
Ukraine/Lviv (Medieval restaurant) Part 5
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Lviv (Ukrainian: Львів,) the largest city in western Ukraine and the seventh largest city in the country overall, is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine. Named in honor of the Leo, the eldest son of Rus' King Daniel of Galicia. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia (also called Kingdom of Rus')from 1272 to 1349 when was conquered by King Casimir III the Great who then became known as the King of Poland and Rus'. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland, then renamed Lemberg in 1772 as the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918 in a short time was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was known as Lwów and was the centre of the Lwów Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic. After the Second World War, it became part of the Soviet Union (Ukrainian SSR) and in 1991 of independent Ukraine. Administratively, Lviv serves as the administrative center of Lviv Oblast and has the status of city of oblast significance. Its population is 728,350 (2016 est.)Lviv was the centre of the historical region of Galicia. The historical heart of the city, with its old buildings and cobblestone streets, survived Soviet and German occupations during the Second World War largely unscathed. The city has many industries and institutions of higher education such as Lviv University and Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also a home to many world-class cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the famous Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lviv celebrated its 750th anniversary with a son et lumière in the city centre in September 2006.
Due to the rich cultural programme, developed infrastructure (now Lviv has more than 8 000 hotel rooms, over 700 cafes and restaurants, free WI-Fi zones in the city centre, good connection with many countries of the world) Lviv is considered one of Ukraine's major tourist destinations.The city had a 40% increase in tourists in the early 2010s; the highest rate in Europe.
The Old Town
Market Square (Ukrainian: Ploshcha Rynok) an 18,300-square-metre (196,980-square-foot) square in the centre of the city where the City Hall is situated
The complex of the Dormition Church, the main Orthodox church in the city
Armenian Cathedral
The complex of the Dormition Church, the main Orthodox church in the city
The St. Peter and Paul Church of the Jesuit Order, one of the largest churches in Lviv.
Korniakt Palace, now part of the Lviv History Museum
Latin Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary
St. George's Cathedral of the Greek-Catholic Church
Dominican Church of Corpus Christi
Chapel of the Boim family
Lviv High Castle (Ukrainian: Vysokyi Zamok), on a hill overlooking the centre of the city
Union of Lublin Mound
Lychakivskiy Cemetery, cemetery where the notable people were buried
Svobody Prospekt, Lviv's central street. (Freedom Ave.)
Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Potocki Palace
Bernardine Church
Masoch Cafe sado-mazo cafe in the centre of Lviv.
Lviv Handmade Chocolate
brothers in arms Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
brothers in arms - a tribute of Dire Straits
Burg Lemberg Open-Air 17. August 2013
Andreas Al Leisner - guitar, vocals
Tom Willow - keyb. , b-vocals
Oly Wahner - drums, perc.
Andy Doc Kraus - bass, b-vocals
Morris Kleinert - pedal steel guitar
many thanx for this fine concert, great tribute.
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Open Air Burg Lemberg von Oben
Hier wird die Location des 'Open Air Burg Lemberg' gezeigt. Wie es der Name bereits verrät, finden die Konzerte auf der Burg in Lemberg statt. Genau das macht das Open Air zu einem einzigartigen Event mitten im Pfälzer Wald.
Die hinterlegte Musik ist ein Livemitschnitt der bekanntesten Pink Floyd Coverband 'Echoes' die regelmäßig auf unseren Open Air Konzerten spielen.
Das Lineup und alle aktuellen Infos zu den Konzerten findet Ihr unter:
Music by Echoes:
Ukraine/Lviv Part 1
Welcome to my travelchannel.On my channel you can find almost 1000 films of more than 70 countries. See the playlist on my youtube channel.Enjoy!
Lviv (Ukrainian: Львів,) the largest city in western Ukraine and the seventh largest city in the country overall, is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine. Named in honor of the Leo, the eldest son of Rus' King Daniel of Galicia. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia (also called Kingdom of Rus')from 1272 to 1349 when was conquered by King Casimir III the Great who then became known as the King of Poland and Rus'. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland, then renamed Lemberg in 1772 as the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918 in a short time was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was known as Lwów and was the centre of the Lwów Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic. After the Second World War, it became part of the Soviet Union (Ukrainian SSR) and in 1991 of independent Ukraine. Administratively, Lviv serves as the administrative center of Lviv Oblast and has the status of city of oblast significance. Its population is 728,350 (2016 est.)Lviv was the centre of the historical region of Galicia. The historical heart of the city, with its old buildings and cobblestone streets, survived Soviet and German occupations during the Second World War largely unscathed. The city has many industries and institutions of higher education such as Lviv University and Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also a home to many world-class cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the famous Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Lviv celebrated its 750th anniversary with a son et lumière in the city centre in September 2006.
Due to the rich cultural programme, developed infrastructure (now Lviv has more than 8 000 hotel rooms, over 700 cafes and restaurants, free WI-Fi zones in the city centre, good connection with many countries of the world) Lviv is considered one of Ukraine's major tourist destinations.The city had a 40% increase in tourists in the early 2010s; the highest rate in Europe.
The Old Town
Market Square (Ukrainian: Ploshcha Rynok) an 18,300-square-metre (196,980-square-foot) square in the centre of the city where the City Hall is situated
The complex of the Dormition Church, the main Orthodox church in the city
Armenian Cathedral
The complex of the Dormition Church, the main Orthodox church in the city
The St. Peter and Paul Church of the Jesuit Order, one of the largest churches in Lviv.
Korniakt Palace, now part of the Lviv History Museum
Latin Cathedral of the Assumption of Mary
St. George's Cathedral of the Greek-Catholic Church
Dominican Church of Corpus Christi
Chapel of the Boim family
Lviv High Castle (Ukrainian: Vysokyi Zamok), on a hill overlooking the centre of the city
Union of Lublin Mound
Lychakivskiy Cemetery, cemetery where the notable people were buried
Svobody Prospekt, Lviv's central street. (Freedom Ave.)
Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet
Potocki Palace
Bernardine Church
Masoch Cafe sado-mazo cafe in the centre of Lviv.
Lviv Handmade Chocolate
Ukraine, Lviv & Ternopil - Libin George Travel Vlog
Lviv is a city in western Ukraine, around 70 kilometers from the border with Poland. Traces of its Polish and Austro-Hungarian heritage are evident in its architecture, which blends Central and Eastern European styles with those of Italy and Germany. In High Castle Park, the mountaintop ruins of a 14th-century castle provide panoramic views of the city’s green-domed churches and the surrounding hills.
Ternopil is a city in western Ukraine, located on the banks of the Seret River. Until 1944, it was known mostly as Tarnopol, and its Ruthenian name was rarely used
music from
Credit for A Buscar Que - Alex Bueno
For the background music of Salsa dance which was played at the restaurant (Timings 5:42 - 6:16)
Group Polka Dance - Svirzh Castle - Ukraine - Lviv 2018
Polka Dance in Svirzh Castle, Ukraine
Aufbau Open Air Burg Lemberg
Die Bühne und die Bar steht. Nun können die Open Air Konzerte beginnen. Dieses Jahr sind Mallet, Mad Zeppelin, Music Monks, Queenkings, Saftwerk und Roland Ohmer bei uns auf der Burg. Wir wünschen euch allen viel Spaß!
10 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine | Part 1/2 | travel vlog | 利沃夫 |
10 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine
Alternate spellings of Lviv (Львів) aside from Ukrainian:
Lwów (Polish)
Lemberg (German)
Leopolis (Spanish)
Lvov Львов (Russian)
Liov (Romanian)
לעמבערג (Yiddish)
Hope you enjoy this vlog style video i filmed with in Lviv, Ukraine! I had such an amazing trip, more summer videos to come...
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10 Things to do in Lviv, Ukraine | Part 2/2 | travel vlog | 利沃夫 |
10 Things to do in Wrocław, Poland | travel vlog | 弗罗茨瓦夫 |
The most beautiful city in Poland - Kraków, Poland | Part 1/3 | travel vlog | 克拉科夫 |
The most beautiful city in Poland - Kraków, Poland | Part 2/3 | travel vlog | 克拉科夫 |
The most beautiful city in Poland - Kraków, Poland | Part 3/3 | travel vlog | 克拉科夫 |
The most beautiful city in Europe - Budapest, Hungary | travel vlog | 布達佩斯 |
The most beautiful train ride in Europe. Sarajevo, Banja Luka, (BH) | travel vlog | 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納|
What to see at Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH) | travel vlog | 波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納|
10 DAYS AT PARIS | Part 1/5 | travel vlog | 巴黎 |
10 DAYS AT PARIS | Part 2/5 | travel vlog | 巴黎 |
10 DAYS AT PARIS | Part 3/5 | travel vlog | 巴黎 |
10 DAYS AT PARIS | Part 4/5 | travel vlog | 巴黎 |
10 DAYS AT PARIS | Part 5/5 | travel vlog | 巴黎 |
10 DAYS AT PARIS | Bachata | travel vlog | 巴黎 |
What to see at Dubrovnik, Croatia (a.k.a King's landing) | travel vlog | 克羅埃西亞|
Adventures by A Himitsu
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library
Fredji - Happy Life
Soundcloud channel
Sunset Paradise by Wonki @wonkimusic
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs
Golden Hour by Vlad Gluschenko @vgl9
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs
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