The Levent Valley [Malatya / Turkey]
The Levent Valley, home to rock formations believed to date back 65 million years, is often likened to the Grand Canyon in the United States and draws the attention of the many tourists who flock to the region.
The valley, located in the Central Anatolian province of Malatya’s Akçadağ district, is seen as one of the world’s most precious natural fields for its geological features. The 28-kilometer-long valley features ruins from the Neolithic Age and striking geological formations, cliffs and caves.
TURKEY Playlist:
Dark Times by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
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Levent Vadisi:: Levent Valley Grand Canyon of Anatolia :: Malatya / TURKEY
Levent Vadisi
Saklı doğal güzellikleri ve kaya kabartmalarıyla Akçadağ ilçesinde bulunan vadi, ziyaretçilerini bekliyor. Farklı boyutlarda jeolojik oluşumlardan ortaya çıkan bazı mağaralarda, bazı kaya kabartmaları bulunmaktadır. Bu kabartmaların Geç Hitit Dönemi'ne ait olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu vadi, trekking, paraşütle atlama, kaya tırmanışı, kamp ve izcilik gibi alternatif turizm faaliyetleri için potansiyel bir yerdir.
The valley, lies in the Akçadağ district with its hidden natural wonders and rock reliefs, waits for its visitors. There are some rock reliefs in some caves, which emerged out of the geological formations, with different sizes. These reliefs are supposed to be dating back to the Late Hittite Period. This valley is a potential route for alternative tourism activities such as trekking, parachuting, rock climb, camping and scouting.
Levent Valley of the eastern Anatolian province of Malatya Turkey
Levent Valley of the eastern Anatolian province of #Malatya. Traces of life going back 10,000 years have been located in the Levent Valley of the eastern Anatolian province Malatya #LeventVadisi #turkey #valley
The 28 km long Levent Valley has thousands of small and large caves.
Market Malatya Turkey
Market Malatya Turkey
250km #levent valley going without a car/ bir araba olmadan Levent vadisine gitmek 250+km Türkiye
The Levent valley is one among the most amazing and oldest places in the world,located in Türkey at the district called Akçadağ,Malatya.
Both within African,European and Asian continents is amazing ????.
Due to highest mood I had,though not having a car. I decided to walk a long distance by foot about 25+km from Malatya to this Valley.
Highly I wanted to share with you my little experience with the valley in the next videos.
Don’t forget to subscribe to my channel because we will be taking Türkey to Africa and world at large,starting with Malatya region.
Kindly share the video with your friends,I love you All.
Thanks for watching ????????.
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Levent Vadisi Malatya / Levent Valley Malatya
Levent Vadisi Malatya / Levent Valley Malatya
6,500만 년의 시간이 만들어낸 비경, 터키 '레벤트 협곡' (The Levent Valley, Malaty, Turkey)
6,500만 년의 시간이 만들어낸 비경, 터키의 레벤트 협곡(Levent Valley)은 미국의 그랜드 캐니언(Grand Canyon)을 연상시킨다. 가파른 절벽에는 기원전 4~5000년경 사람이 살았던 것으로 추정되는 크고 작은 동굴 집이 존재한다.
*EBS 컬렉션 페이스북
DARENDE - Tohma Canyon and Kudret Pool [Malatya / Turkey]
Darende is located in Malatya district. Darende was a centre of science and culture, during the ancient silk road times. The city centre is situated on the East Anatolia Region where there is a statue of a big door that was the entrance of the city Malatya. The largest district of Malatya is Darende. Darende is located in the west of the city also placed on the trade route that is on the upper part of Euphrate (Firat) and on the valley of Tohma where ancient caravans passed. The district, placed on the road between Ankara and Istanbul have as borders Hekimhan on the South of Akçadağ, on the southern west part of Gürün, and North of Kuluncak and Kangal. It has 1540m2 area. Its height above sea level is 1006 m.
TURKEY Playlist:
Audionautix sanatçısının Sidewalk adlı şarkısı, Creative Commons Attribution lisansı ( altında lisanslıdır.
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Akçadağ Levent Vadisi 3. Uluslar Arası Doğa Sporları Festivali Kaya Tırmanışı Ve Yarışı
Akçadağ Levent Vadisi 3. Uluslar Arası Doğa Sporları Festivali Kaya Tırmanışı Ve Yarışı
“Malatya’nın Gözbebeği Levent Vadisi”
Bünyesinde barındırdığı jeolojik özelliklerle dünyadaki ilginç doğal alanlar arasında gösterilen ve neolitik çağdan kalma kalıntıların da bulunduğu 28 kilometre uzunluğundaki Malatya'nın Akçadağ ilçesindeki Levent Vadisi, aylık ortalama 20 binin üzerinde turisti ağırlıyor. Akçadağ Belediye Başkanı Ali Kazgan, “Levent Vadisi Malatya’nın Gözbebeğidir” dedi.
Levent Vadisinde festival coşkusu
Malatya’nın Akçadağ ilçesinde bulunan Levent Vadisi’nde bu yıl ikincisi düzenlenen Uluslararası Doğa Sporları Festivali, renkli görüntülerle başladı.
Rolling on a Highline
Can Sahin trying some roll combos on a Highline at Levent Valley, Malatya, Turkey
Footage by Smiley Photography
Malatya-Levent Vadisi (Xiaomi Mi Drone 4K)
Akçadağ Levent Vadisi Doğa Yürüyüşü
Akçadağ Levent Vadisi Doğa Yürüyüşü
Anadolu'nun 'Büyük Kanyonu': Levent Vadisi
ABD'deki Büyük Kanyon'a benzetilen ve 65 milyon yıl öncesine dayanan kaya oluşumlarının bulunduğu Malatya'nın Akçadağ ilçesindeki Levent Vadisi, yerli ve yabancı turistlerin ilgisini çekiyor
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Top 5 Best Tourist Places in Malatya in Turkey
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Levent Vadisi II. Doğa Sporları Festivali
Malatya Akçadağ Levent Vadisi II. Doğa Sporları Festivali
Turkey Malatya
Muaz Barak