Lezha Castle. Lezhe. Albania
Lezha Castle. Lezhe. Albania
Lezhë Castle
(Albanian:Kalaja e Lezhës) is a castle dominating the city of Lezhë, northern Albania. Its highest point is 186 metres (610 ft). Lezhë Castle is at an elevation of 322 metres (1,056 ft).
The castle originates from Illyrian times. In 1440 it was reconstructed by the Venetians, and in 1522, after the Ottoman conquest, it was also rebuilt by the latter. The castle bears traces of Illyrian, Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman architecture. Interesting places to visit are the ruins of the Ottoman buildings inside the castle, the mosque, the tower of the south-eastern wall with a Roman arch, and the Illyrian tower on the southern wall. The Lezha castle is a cultural monument. The castle offers a beautiful view of the Lezha fields and the Adriatic Sea.
Hiking to the castle in Lezhe
On August 19, a few members of my squad hiked to the castle in Lezhe, Albania.
Lezha, Albania - The city of Skanderbeg League
Visit Albania
Video: Wander.al
The city of Lezha is located 47 km south of Shkodra. It is one of Albania’s ancient cities, and in the historical documents it is mostly referred by the name Lissus. In 1398, after the construction of its castle, the city was under direct control of the feudal family of Lekë Dukagjini, but was eventually conquered by Venice. One of the most important historical events for Lezha, and indeed for all of Albania, was the famed “the League of Lezha” on March 2nd, 1444, where under the leadership of national hero Skanderbeg, the Albanian princedoms united against the Ottomans. The Memorial Grave of Skanderbeg is here, at the ex-Cathedral of Shën Kolli, where he was buried in 1468.
Ishull Lezha
Is is a hamlet in south of Lezha – Located in a very natural attractive area close to the Adriatic coastline and surrounded with wetlands and forests ishull Lezhe is a tourist spot. During the Middle Ages has been called “ the island of Meda “ .It was there in 1501 when the nephew of Gjergj Kastrioti Scanderbeg , known as a “ young Scanderbeg “ came from Italy and raised the camp to organize the resistance against the ottomans . There area is known for fish restaurants and in particular for the “ Hunting Lodge .” This has been built with a special style from the former foreing minister of Italy , Konti Ciano during the Second World War. Ther area is suitable for hunting, bird watching, excursions and just to relax in the nature
The lagoon system of Kune – Vain
This rich coastal system is located in the outlet of river Drin , in south of Shen Gjin beach. It represents one of the most important coastal eco – systems in all Albanian coastlines. This in terms of flora and fauna , and in particular for the rich presence of water fowls . There are two lagoons, Ceka with an area of 235 ha and Merxhan with an area of 77 ha .
At the right direction from the outlet of Drin delta there is the alluvial island of Kune with 125 ha . It has a very rich hygrophyte vegetation . There are recorded 227 kind of vegetation’s.
In this system there are 70 kinds of birds, 22 kind of reptiles 6 kind of amphibious . The area is suitable for eco – tourism and bird watching
The memorial tomb of National Hero Gjergj Kastrioti Scanderbeg .
It is one of the most tourist landmarks in the town of Lezha. It has been inaugurated in the year 1981 over the ruins of a Saint Nicholas cathedral . It is supposed as the place where our national hero has been buried in 1468 . In the walls of the memorial tomb there are exposed 25 shields , which symbolize the main battles leaded by Scanderbeg . There is also a copy of his sword and helmet . The enrance coast 100 Lek and only 50 Lek for students and children. It is open form 08.00 A.M. to 17.00 P.M.
Lezha Castle . Is perched on the top of the hill 186 meters high overlooking the town. Because of the strategic location from here the visitor can see the outlet of Drin river, the Adriatic coast and even the mount Tomorr and Sazan island in south . The castle dates since the Illyrian times bit it has been reconstructed by venetians in the year 1440 .After , the ottomans did another reconstruction in the year 1552 . The visitor can see the ruins from the Illyrian, romans, Venetian, Byzantine and Ottoman periods.
Shengjin beach
It is located 8 km far away from the town of Lezha .Shen Gjin is well known for its high quality of sand beaches . In this place there are 200 to 300 days with the sun during the year. Only 2,5 km north of Shen Gjin in the foot of the hills there is the famous beach “ of Powdered sand “ ( rana e Hedhun) This quite beach is well protected from the winds . In Shen Gjin there are plenty of tourist facilities for visitors , including hotles, bars restaurant, playground for kids, resorts etc.
It is highly frequented with the tourist coming from Kosovo, northern part of Albania and foreign travellers. Sunbathing, swimming, sailing and fishing are the main activities
Lezhë, Albania Drone Video of Kalaja e Lezhes, #leotechconsulting
Video e kales te Lezhes, Video of Castle Lezha, #teamleotech
Albania - Drive through the center of Lezhë | Daewoo Tico | GoPro
Video passing through the center of Lezhë in Albania. The camera was attached to the front window.
Nagranie przejazdu przez centrum miejscowości Lezhë w Albanii. Kamera przyczepiona była do przedniej szyby.
Albania, Castle in Lezhe Zamek w Leze
Lezha zamieszkała jest od czasów illyryjskich, mniej więcej od 8 w. p.n.e. Oficjalnie jednak miasto założone zostało na początku IV w. p.n.e. jako Lissos – nazwa pochodziła od illyryjskiej nazwy Lisi. W III w. p.n.e. miasto zdobyli Macedończycy, a później nadeszła era Rzymian. Cały czas miasto miało ważną pozycję ze względu na swoje usadowienie niedaleko ważnego portu na Adriatyku.
Najważniejsze czasy dla Lezhy nadeszły jednak w średniowieczu. Pod koniec XIV w. władzę nad miastem przejęli Wenecjanie. To tu w 1444 r. Skanderberg zawiązał albańską Ligę z Lezhy, organizację walczącą z Turkami – wtedy wciąż Lezha była pod panowaniem weneckim. Co jeszcze ważniejsze dla historii i Albańczyków – to właśnie tutaj Skanderberg został pochowany – w ówczesnej katedrze św.Mikołaja, przerobionej potem na meczet przez Turków. Skanderberg do końca życia obronił bowiem swoje terytoria przed Osmanami, dopiero po jego śmierci Turcy zdołali zniszczyć opór. Gdy znaleźli grób Skanderberga w Lezhe, zniszczyli go, a z kości robili sobie amulety, wierząc, że przejmą dzięki temu jego męstwo. Meczet, wybudowany przez Turków w miejscu katedry, został zniszczony (razem ze wszystkimi innymi w mieście) przez komunistyczne władze Albanii po II wojnie światowej. W 1981 r. na jego ruinach otwarto mauzoleum Skanderberga, dziś najbardziej chyba przyciągające turystów miejsce w mieście.
Castle of Lezha ( Kalaja e Lezhes )
Castle, of Lezha, Albania, ( Kalaja e Lezhes )
Video më e bukur e realizuar në Katedralen Shën Nikolli Lezhë Albania⛪☝
Skanderbeg's Grave & Memorial Site (Lezhe, Albania) - LeDron
LeDron Production 2016 ©
Skanderbeg's Grave & Memorial Site (Lezhe, Albania)
Castel of Lezha - Albania
Pamje nga Keshtjella e Lezhes. Immagini dal castello di Lezha.
Shetitoria Buzë Lumit Drin Lezhë 2016????
Lezhë - Albania
Imagens da Cidade de Lezhë - Albania
*City of Lezhë - Albania
*Qyteti i Lezhës - Shqipëri
Lezhë é uma cidade e município (em albanês: bashkia) da Albânia. É a capital do distrito de Lezhë e da prefeitura de Lezhë.
Lezhë Pictures
Imagens: Bashkebiseduesi , Edi_H
Festivali i Gastronomise ne Lezhe, ne shesh kuzhiniere me recetat e tyre | ABC News Albania
Festivali i Gastronimisë në Lezhë ka bashkuar shumë kuzhinierë lokalë dhe recetat e tyre. Ky organizim ka për qëllim të tërheqë sa më shumë vizitorë dhe turistë në këtë zonë.
Pasi është kthyer një destinacion, turizmi i gastronomisë në Lezhë ka edhe një festë. Ky është viti i dyte që në shesh mblidhen restorantet më të mirë dhe kuzhinierët më të njohur duke prezantuar traditën dhe krijimtarinë e tyre.
Promovimi i kuzhinës lokale përmes festës së gastronomisë synon joshjen e vizitorëve dhe të turistëve.
Në këtë festival të gastronomisë nuk munguan edhe vizitorët përtej Lezhës. Ata vlerësuan jo vetëm aktivitetin, por gatimet në tërësi.
Kuzhinierët lezhianë janë të bindur se në këtë mënyrë bëhet një lidhje më të afërt midis restoranteve me klientët e tyre.
“Lezha gatuan këtë vit” organizuar nga Zyra e Turizmit në Bashkinë e Lezhës, pati edhe një forum diskutimesh ku morën pjesë aktorë dhe faktorë nga e gjithë Shqipëria. /ABC News Albania 24/7
Visit Castle of Lezha in Albania country, amazing view.
Lezha Qyteti Im
Kastriot Deda
Vendvarrimi i Gjergj Kastriotit ne Lezhe, Skenderbeu