The Hobbit Cave ( Liang Bua ) and The Spider Web Rice Field, Flores Island, Indonesia
The Hobbit Cave or Liang Bua is one of those place you should visit in Flores Island, Indonesia.This is the cave where in 2003 four skeleton of Hobbit Man (heights around 2 to 4 feet) was found.As per the evolution cycle till date 6 different species of human beings were found including the hobbits or Homo Floresiensis. Hobbits are also known as Halflings, Dwrafs or Short Heighted Man. They lived on the island of Flores untill as recently as 54000 years ago typically dwelt underground.
The Hobbit Cave is around 144km from Laboun Bajo,Flores (the main town of Flores). The Cave also has a Museum just adjacent to it where all the details has been explained nicely
On my way back to Laboun Bajo from The Hobbit Cave i also visited the famous Spider Web Rice Field. It is located in Meler, Ruteng.
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So this is Nawaz signing off
And just Go MAD until the Next One
bye! bye!
Smithsonian X 3D - Liang Bua Indonesia
The 3D Scanning of Liang Bua was done in special collaboration with
Pusat Arkeologi Nasional
Jakarta, Indonesia
Special thanks to the Liang Bua Team:
- Dr. Bambang Sulisyanto
- Wahyu Saptomo
- Thomas Sutikna
- Jatmiko
- Rokus Due Awe
- Sri Wasisto
Video Situs Liang Bua
Dokumenter Balai Arkeologi Bali
The HOBBIT from FLORES video
A visit to Lian Bua cave on the Indonesian island Flores, where scientists are escavating a cave to find remains from Homo Floresiensis, and ancient type of humans.
Misteri Gua Manusia Hobit dari Flores
Gua yang dinamakan Liang Bua ini adalah peninggalan pra sejarah di Indonesia dan merupakan salah satu dari banyak gua karst di Pulau Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Gua ini terletak di Dusun Rampasasa, Desa Liangbua, Kecamatan Ruteng, Kabupaten Manggarai, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. dan merupakan tempat penemuan makhluk mirip manusia (hominin) baru yang dinamakan Homo floresiensis pada tahun 2001. Liang Bua dalam bahasa Manggarai berarti “gua/lubang sejuk”
Situs Gua Liang Bua adalah salah satu situs arkeologi penting dunia. Di situs inilah ditemukan fosil Homo Floresiensis atau Manusia Flores. Tinggi badan manusia Flores sekitar 100 cm dan beratnya hanya 25 kg.
Jalan Ke Lokasi Wisata Liang Bua Rusak Dan Rawan Kecelakaan
Jalan Menuju Lokasi Wisata Liang Bua Rusak Dan Rawan Kecelakaan
Ruteng. Viktor Hibur, warga Kelurahan Karot, Kecamatan Langke Rembong, Kabupaten Manggarai, Flores,NTT meminta Pemkab Manggarai secepatnya memperhatikan ruas jalan Karot Sondeng-Liang Bua
Ada dua titik ruas jalan yang rusak dan berlubang serta rawan kecelakaan dari arah Karot Sondeng menuju Golobilas, ujar Vicky ketika ditemui di ruas jalan Golo Bilas, Kamis (20/06/2019).
Menurut dia, ada tiga penyebab jalan rusak, yang pertama mental masyarakat. Banyak masyarakat yang mencuci kendaraan di pinggir jalan, sehingga mengalir sepanjang jalan kemudian tergenang dan semakin lama menyebabkan kerusakan pada tubuh jalan.
Penyebab kedua, kata dia, jalan rusak karena faktor Konstruksi Jalan. Air banyak yang tergenang di tengah jalan dan menutup lubang, sehingga pengendara yang baru datang ke sekitar sini akan mengalami kecelakaan, karena lubang jalan yang rusak digenangi air, apalagi kalau musim hujan.
Vicky meminta Pemkab Manggarai agar secepatnya memperbaiki jalan ini apalagi ada dua titik yang rusak parah dan rawan kecelakaan. Jalur ini juga menuju wisata alam Liang Bua tempat enemuan fosil floresiensi.
inikan musim kering, pemerintah kalau bisa secepatnya memperbaiki jalan ini, apalagi jalur ini menuju lokasi wisata Liang Bua, banyak tamu dari dalam dan luar negri yang ingin melihat fosil Floresiensis, namun kalau jalan rusak sangat mengganggu para wisatawan tegas Vicky.
Dia jua meminta agar masyarakat tidak mencuci kendaraan di jalan umum, selain menggangu pengendara lain juga merusak jalan raya.
saya mengajak masyarakat agar tidak mencuci kendaraan di jalan umum, mari kita jaga agar jalan ini tetap aman dilalui oleh kendaraan ujar Vicky.
Pada waktu yang sama Fransiska Inatia Pardani, Kepala Kelurahan Karot, Kecamatan Langke Rembong, Kabuoaten Manggarai melalui oesan singkat menjelaskan, sebagai pemerintah kelurahan dia berharap ada perbaikan jalan khusus Karot-Golo Bilas mengingat jalan ini adalah salah satu akses dlm rangka peningkatan ekonomi masyarakat khususnya masyarakat dari Desa Ranggi dan Desa Bangka Kenda yang juga merupakan pelaku perputaran ekonomi di pasar inpres Ruteng.
Di sisi lain, kata Dia, jalan Karot Golo Bilas juga merupakan akses utk menuju aset pariwisata liang bua. Oleh karena itu harapan saya jalan Karot Golo bilas wajib mendapat perhatian Pemerintah Kabupaten Manggarai, tulis Pardani dalam pesan singkatnya.
Homo floresiensis (Manusia Flores, dijuluki Hobbit) adalah nama yang diberikan oleh kelompok peneliti untuk spesies dari genusHomo, yang memiliki tubuh dan volume otakkecil, berdasarkan serial subfosil (sisa-sisa tubuh yang belum sepenuhnya membatu) dari sembilan individu yang ditemukan di Liang Bua, Pulau Flores, pada tahun 2001.
Welcome to Liang Bua
This video is from ‘Homo Floresiensis Uncovered: The Science of ‘the Hobbit’’ is a free online course by the University of Wollongong available on
Liang Bua is a large limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Flores that has become a world-renowned archaeological site. It is particularly significant because it has preserved the remains of two different species of hominins, Homo floresiensis and Homo sapiens, in direct association with evidence of their behaviour and the remains of other fauna.
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The Hobbit of Flores 1/5
Scientists have found more evidence that the Indonesian Hobbit
skeletons belong to a new species of human - and not modern pygmies.
The one metre (3ft) tall, 30kg (65lbs) humans roamed the Indonesian
island of Fl.ores (ruse), perhaps up to 8,000 years ago.
Since the discovery, researchers have argued vehemently as to the
identity of these diminutive people.
Two papers in the journal Nature now support the idea they were an
entirely new species of human.
The team, which discovered the tiny remains in Liang Bua cave on Flores,
contends that the population belongs to the species Homo floresiensis -
separate from our own grouping Homo sapiens .
Misteri Manusia Kerdil Dari Kampung Rampasasa Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur
Dusun Rampasasa, Kabupaten Manggarai, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur merupakan sebuah daerah subur dengan topografi yang berbukit-bukit. Landscape kampung ini dipenuhi pemandangan sawah yang hijau dan aneka pepohonan rindang. Sebagian besar masyarakat kampung ini bekerja sebagai petani. Tanaman andalan masyarakat Rampasasa adalah kopi. Hampir setiap rumah pasti memiliki pohon kopi. Tidak untuk dijual saja, tetapi kopi sudah menjadi konsumsi sehari-hari masyarakat disana. Ibaratnya, badan tidak segar jika sehari saja tak minum kopi.
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Filmed with Pentax K-x using Tamron 18-250mm f3.5-6.3
Liang Bua - Ruteng
Pertama kali menginjakan di tempat ini, saya bersyukur bisa merasakan hawa para perintis kehidupan. sekilas langsung membayangkan bagaimana kehidupan mereka di saat itu.
Sebuah rekam untuk mereka para pendahulu ..
The Heritage Cave of Liang Bua Known As Hobbit Flores Home
The Heritage Cave of Liang Bua Known As Hobbit Flores Home
Liang Bua cave site is one of the world's most important archaeological sites
considering its uniqueness and age, Liang Bua becomes a significant reminiscence of the pre-historic era
Liang Bua is about 13km from Ruteng and the drive takes less than 40 minutes
it is a limestone cave where the remains of Homo floresiensis were found
there are stalactites and stalagmites in the cave
in olden days, the cave used to be a dwelling place to the local people as well as the school for the neighboring villages
in terms of size, the cave is enormous so tourists are able to explore it wholeheartedly
more info visit :
Explore Timor-Flores 2012 : Liang Bua
Liang Bua merupakan kekayaan arkeologi Indonesia, di sini pernah ditemukam Homo Floresnicus yang tingginya sekitar 1 meter saja. Perkakas yang ditemukan identik dengan milik manusia purba di jawa. Hingga saat ini masih dilakukan penggalian oleh para ilmuwan.
Indonesia Trip : Manggarai Liang Bua Cave East Nusa Tenggara Indonesia, Mopon EN
Liang Bua is a limestone cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia. The site is slightly north of the town of Ruteng in Manggarai Regency (kabupaten) in East Nusa Tenggara province.
The cave was the site of the 2003 discovery of a potentially new species of Homo genus, Homo floresiensis, the remains of which are coded LB1, LB2, etc., after the cave. The Indonesian field coordinator of the excavation team, Thomas Sutikna, was preparing to close up the dig at Liang Bua when the first indications of the important fossils were uncovered.[1] So far it is the only location in which such remains have been identified, although archeological work in the nearby Soa Valley in Ngada Regency appears to support findings from the Liang Bua site.[2]
In 2013, a 3D model of the cave created via laser scanning was made available online by the Smithsonian Institution.[3]
There is continuing disagreement amongst scientists as to whether the discoveries represent a new and distinct hominid species.On one hand, some experts on human origin argue that the discoveries represent a distinct species that lived in relatively modern times.Others argue that it is more likely that the bones of the most complete individual found in Liang Bua (individual LB1) are those of a local person who was, quite likely, simply suffering from a medical condition (perhaps Down Syndrome) rather than indicating that a unique species of Homo lived in Flores.
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Liang Bua 1
Liang Bua is a large limestone cave on the Indonesian island of Flores and the location of an exciting new discovery in human evolution.
Originally excavated in the 1950s by Jesuit priest Verhoeven, archaeologists have been digging at the site ever since. In 2003, an almost complete human skeleton was discovered during excavations. Today the research team have identified the remains of at least nine individuals of similar small stature.
The main find appears to be that of an adult female but a whole range of features in the skeleton are unusual. The individual was pygmy in size, standing around one metre tall, while its brain size was tiny, a mere 380 ml, similar to that of a chimpanzee; before this discovery, the lower limit of human brain capacity was thought to be around half a litre. Next time you're at a bus stop or train station, look at the head size of different people as they pass by. Some people have head sizes that are enormous, reaching the equivalent of one-and-a-half litres. The find at Liang Bua redefines the lower limit of what it means to be human -- at least when it comes to brain size.
Visit fossil human sites in Indonesia with Chris Turney. Learn more at
Hobbit of Flores 2/5
Scientists have found more evidence that the Indonesian Hobbit
skeletons belong to a new species of human - and not modern pygmies.
The one metre (3ft) tall, 30kg (65lbs) humans roamed the Indonesian
island of Fl.ores (ruse), perhaps up to 8,000 years ago.
Since the discovery, researchers have argued vehemently as to the
identity of these diminutive people.
Two papers in the journal Nature now support the idea they were an
entirely new species of human.
The team, which discovered the tiny remains in Liang Bua cave on Flores,
contends that the population belongs to the species Homo floresiensis -
separate from our own grouping Homo sapiens .
Liang Bua - aka The Hobbit Cave
Liang Bua, aka The Hobbit Cave, is a limestone cave on the island of Flores, Indonesia, slightly north of Ruteng. The cave was the site of the 2003 discovery of a potentially new species of Homo genus, known as Homo floresiensis.
This is the only site where these remains have been identified, and it's a significant debate as to whether the diminutive skeleton truly belongs to a different species, or is simply a pygmy version of Homo sapien, or some other one-off explanation.
Until more evidence is found, the claims remain inconclusive. Despite the lack of real hobbits, it's a fun place to spend an afternoon.
The day we went to the Hobbit Cave, it was raining. By the time we were leaving, it wasn't just a little bit of rain, but an Indonesian deluge. We were highly impressed with our driver's skill at handling the twisty, muddy roads as we departed. Flores was beautiful and the rain didn't diminish our enjoyment. Though it was probably wise that we left when we did.
As you can see in the video, we had a lot of fun with our guide and driver. This was one of the first limestone caves we visited and I loved the gnarly rock formations. We had no idea this kernel of experience in Indonesia would be the start of my love affair with limestone caves. Not that I'm going spelunking, or anything, at least not yet. But as Tim will testify, I dragged him to plenty of limestone caves throughout Thailand; many had temples inside of them, some did not.
We can absolutely recommend this as a stop on your tour of Flores Island in Indonesia. It's not a huge must-see, but the setting, the museum and the cave itself are interesting and worth your time if you're in the area.
Snappy by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Liang Bua - Manggarai, Flores NTT
Gua bentukan endokars yang berkembang pada batu gamping. Asal tempat manusia purba Homo Floresiensis, yang terletak di Dusun Rampasasa, Desa Liang Bua, Ruteng - Manggarai Flores NTT
Saving Flores - The Home of the Hobbit
Saving Flores - The Home of the Hobbit
by Raffaela Acampora (in english)
This is a short trailer of a 49 minutes documentary (in italian) by Raffaela Acampora that tells the story of how the gentle villagers of Flores, ... tutte » Indonesia, are fighting against a giant Corporation to protect their right to live and die in their native land, and to save their traditions and the ecosystem of their magnificent, unviolated territory)
You can download freely the full video (in english version packed in zip files, in 3 formats):
(720x576 - 460 MBytes c.a.)
(608x480 - 397 MBytes c.a.)
(176x144 - 88 MBytes c.a.)
If You are interested in italian version of this video contact me at: