Libearty Bear Sanctuary - Zarnesti, Romania
Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Romania where approximately 80 brown bears are fed and can move freely around the 70 hectares of land and forest. Most of them have been rescued after living for many years in miserable conditions such as small cages or made to perform in a circus.
Libearty Bear Sanctuary Zarnesti
Libearty este cea mai mare rezervație de urși bruni din întreaga lume. Are 69 de hectare de pădure de stejar luată în concesiune pentru 49 de ani de la Primăria Zărnești, care a devenit astfel partener în acest proiect.
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The Libearty Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti (english)
Due to the Libearty bear sanctuary from Zarnesti, the captive bears in Romania, can spend the rest of their lives in their natural environment, away from the spotlights or squalid cages.
Bärenreservat Libearty / Libearty Bear Sanctuary Romania Rumänien Zarnesti
Freie Filmmusik by Cayzland Studio
The world's largest brown bears sanctuary
Libertatea este bunul cel mai de preț al nostru, al tuturor. Nimeni nu ne dă dreptul să închidem animalele după gratii.
Promisiunea făcută de Cristina Lapis unui urs pe moarte a dus la înființarea celei mai mari rezervații de urși bruni din lume.
Libearty - Bear Sanctuary & Wildlife Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Brasov, Transilvania, Romania
Rezervația De Urși - Sanctuarul ursilor, Asociaţia Milioane de Prieteni Braşov
#ideaschat #libearty #BearSanctuary
Traducerea și adaptarea limba enlgeza: The Department
German Subtitles Contributor: Johanna Peter for the Bund gegen Missbrauch der Tiere e.V. Berlin
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Libearty bear sanctuaryin Zarnesti, Romania
Libearty is a bear sanctuary in Zarnesti, Transylvania. 80 some rescued bears have a new life thanks to Asociatia Milioane de Prieteni. Learning about the horrible experiences they had to put up makes you feel shocked at what those so-called human beings had done to the poor bears.
Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti - Romania
Libearty Bear Sanctuary in the town of Zarnesti in Romania is home to approximately 60 brown bears. These bears have been given their freedom to roam in this enclosed forest of about 70 hectares after being in captivity for many years in small and rusty cages. A Romanian woman - Cristina Lapis - created this sanctuary through her organisation called Milioane de Prieteni (Millions of Friends)
To find out more go to :
Bear Sanctuary - Episode 1
Animal Planet la Rezervatia de ursi Libearty de la Zarnesti
Brown Bear Sanctuary from Zarnesti, Romania
This is Libearty, a Brown Bear Sanctuary, here are over 70 bears that were brought from zoo's, circuses or other places, bears that have been traumatised and cannot live in the forest because all their life they have been held in a cage and they lost their natural instincts.
Rezervatia de Ursi Libearty din Zarnesti (Romania)
Datorita Rezervatiei de la Zarnesti, ursii caprivi din Romania vor avea de azi inainte o oaza de liniste si pace, unde sa-si petreaca restul vietii lor in mediul lor natural,departe de lumina reflectoarelor sau de custilor mizere.
Visiting The Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti
77 children are visiting the Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Brasov, Romania.
Bears in the Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, Romania
Bears in the Bear Sanctuary in Zarnesti, located 25 west of Brasov. Absolutely worth a visit!
Libearty Bear Sanctuary Zarnesti
We came to see the bears that had been rescued in the Libearty sanctuary. These guys do a great job after a life of misery. 69 hectares where they can live out their lives something close to how it might have been if they hadn't been maltreated in circuses and in cages for people's amusement.
Petit vidéo d' une minute au Sanctuaire des Ours à Zarnesti - Région de Brasov - Roumanie le Mardi 31 Octobre 2017.
On peut voir les petits s'affoler et la mère réagir instantanément en se levant pour les protéger.
Vidéo réalisé par LIGHTS ON (Laurent Chavanette)
Lien Fb :
Cristina Lapis and the Bear Sanctuary in Romania
Cristina Lapis founded the bear sanctuary for bears detained in cages, zoos and circuses, all living in deplorable conditions. Cristina and her team rescued them one by one and brought them to the Zarnesti LiBearty Sanctuary, the biggest in Europe today.
Sanctuarul de ursi Libearty Zarnesti
Please consider DONATING to help the Bear Sanctuary:
You could buy a book about Bear Sanctuary and all the money from the book gets donated to the sanctuary anyway!
Check out their blog:
This is their Facebook page:
Animal Planet series about Bear Sanctuary:
Episode 1:
*I will be making my own donation but any money I receive as a result of the views on this video I will be donating to Libearty Bear Sanctuary as well.
Dreamy Flashback by Kevin MacLeod (
Lost time by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Rezervatia de ursi din Zarnesti Romania: Alex (Nov 2016)
Rezervatia de ursi din Zarnesti Romania: Alex (Nov 2016)
Bear Sanctuary Zarnesti Romania
Bear Tracking Romania, Bear Tracking Transylvania
Libearty Bear Sanctuary- Zărnești
Un loc interesant, un azil pentru urșii care au avut ghinionul să întâlnească omul.