(25 Jun 1964) Sculptures in Millesgarden park on the island of Lidingo in Stockholm.
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Stockholm - Millesgården, Huge Collection of Sculptures
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This video shows the huge collection of sculptures exhibited outdoors and indoors in Millesgården, Lidingö.
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Huge collection of sculptures in Millesgården, Lidingö 2000 - Stockholm
A huge collection of sculptures in Millesgården on Lidingö, Stockholm. Millesgården is combination of an art museum and sculpture garden.
While you are watching this video Ragnhild Mao plays her own music Närvaro on piano.
In Stockholm: Millesgarden
The newly married artist couple Carl and Olga Milles acquired a property 1906 on the cliff of Herserud high above Stockholm's Lake Värtan on the island of Lidingö. Their intention was to build a home incorporating space for their art studios.
The house was designed by architect Carl M. Bengtsson and was built 1908. During the following half-century Millesgården was expanded and developed in collaboration with Carl's half-brother, architect Evert Milles. Between 1911-13 the first addition was built, an open-air studio in the form of a loggia wing, intended to improve Carl's work environment. The sculptor had contracted a serious case of silicosis from inhalation of the dust from his stone carving.
As Milles income increased from the many new sculpture commissions during the 1920's, adjoining properties were acquired along the south slopes. With the construction of the middle terrace and the small Studio both the area of the sculpture gardens increased as well as providing further work space for making sculpture.
During the Milles couple's absence 1931-50, while Carl was professor at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan, USA, building activities at Millesgården came to a halt. But Evert Milles continued to draw up blueprints, in preparation for future building projects.
In 1936 Millesgården was constituted into a foundation, which was donated to the Swedish people. In anticipation of Carl and Olga's return to Millesgården, 1950 saw the construction of the spacious lower terrace with monumental replicas of free-standing and fountain sculpture from Sweden and the USA.
The lower terrace with the couple's new home, Anne's house designed by Evert Milles, was nearing completion at the time of Carl Milles' death, September 19, 1955.
Lidingöbanan (före upprustning) | Lidingö light rail, Sweden
Lidingöbanan 16.6.2013, ca. en vecka före stängning för upprustning.
Lidingö light rail, Lidingö, Swden. At the moment (end June 2013- to 2014/2015) the rail is closed for a major lift-up.
Lidingön raitiotie. Tätä matkaa ei voi enää tehdä. Rata on tällä hetkellä suljettuna ainakin puolitoista vuotta 2014/2015 suuren korjaustyön vuoksi. Mm. uusia ohitusraiteita ja tulossa on ymmärtääkseni uudempia vaunuja (mah. klassiset raitiovaunut häviävät?). Matka tehtiin 16.6.2013. Siis muutamaa päivää ennen sulkemista (ja Tukholman bussilakon alkamista, ymmärtääkseni korvaavaa bussiliikennettä ei heti aloitettu lakon vuoksi)
Millesgården in Stockholm
Millesgården is an art museum and sculpture garden, located on the island of Lidingö in Stockholm, Sweden. It is located on the grounds of the home of sculptor Carl Milles and his wife, artist Olga Milles, who are both buried there. These photos were taken in Sept 2004
Millesgarden, Carl Milles
Millesgarden,Millesgården,Carl Milles, Stockholm
【K】Sweden Travel-Stockholm[스웨덴 여행-스톡홀름]유고르덴, 야외 가옥 박물관 스칸센/Island Djurgarden/Museum/Skansen
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
유르고덴 섬에서 바사호 박물관과 함께 꼭 들려봐야 한다는 스칸센. 매표소 앞에는 아이들을 데리고 나온 가족들이 제법 많았다. 1891년에 문을 연 스칸센은 세계에서 가장 오래된 야외 박물관이다. 스웨덴이 급격한 공업화로 소중한 전통을 잃어가는 것을 안타까워 한 하셀리우스라는 사람이, 전국에서 150채의 건물을 옮겨와 보존한 것이 오늘날 스칸센의 기초가 됐다. 16세기에 지어졌다는 한 농의 안으로 들어서자 당시 사용했던 생활용품들을 전시해 놓고 전통 복장을 한 사람들이 옛 모습을 재연하고 있었다. 여의도 면적의 서른다섯 배나 된다는 스칸센을 다 돌아다니려면 그야말로 튼튼한 두 다리가 필요했지만, 어느 한 곳 내 시선을 사로잡지 않는 것이 없을 만큼 재미있었다.
[English: Google Translator]
Den carrying oil from the island that have to come together and hear Vasa Museum Skansen call. Family ticket office in front of the children were brought out quite frequently. Opened its doors in 1891, Skansen is the oldest open-air museum in the world. Sweden is the person who lamented the rapid industrialization going to lose that precious tradition and selriwooseu, it was preserved and moved to the 150 buildings in the country became the foundation of today's Skansen. Place it in one agricultural jyeotdaneun lift built in the 16th century characters who use dairy products were exhibited at the time the people who are the traditional costumes and recreate the old look. To walk around Skansen is a thirty-five times that of the Yeouido area but need a really sturdy legs, it was as much fun as any one that does not attract my attention magazine.
[Swedish: Google Translator]
Den transport av olja från ön som måste komma samman och höra Vasamuseet Skansen samtal. Familjebiljett kontor i framför barnen fördes ganska ofta. Öppnade sina dörrar i 1891, är Skansen den äldsta friluftsmuseum i världen. Sverige är den person som beklagade den snabba industrialiseringen kommer att förlora den värdefulla tradition och selriwooseu, var det bevaras och flyttade till 150 byggnader i landet blev grunden till dagens Skansen. Placera den i en jordbruks jyeotdaneun hissen byggdes på 16-talet tecken som använder mejeriprodukter visades vid den tidpunkt då människor som är traditionella dräkter och återskapa det gamla utseendet. Att vandra runt Skansen är en trettiofem gånger den Yeouido område men behöver en riktigt stadiga ben, var det lika kul som något som inte attraherar min uppmärksamhet tidningen.
■클립명: 유럽096-스웨덴01-05 박물관의 섬 유고르덴, 세계에서 가장 오래된 야외 가옥 박물관 스칸센/Island Djurgarden/Museum/Skansen
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 4월 April
유럽,Europe,,스웨덴,Sweden,Konungariket Sverige,,현상용,2007,4월 April
Millesgården, Stockholm
Some images from Millesgården
【K】Sweden Travel-Stockholm[스웨덴 여행-스톡홀름]로뎅의 제자, 칼 밀레의 조각 리딩괴 섬/Lidingo Island/Sculpture/Carl Milles
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
스톡홀름 북동쪽 리딩괴 섬에는 스웨덴의 대표적인 조각가 칼 밀레의 작품을 모아놓은 곳이 있다. 로뎅의 제자이기도 한 '칼 밀레'. 그는 1955년 세상을 떠나기 직전까지 평생 작업한 자신의 조각품들과 수집해 모은 조각품들을 자신의 집에 전시해 놓았는데, 바로 그 집이 오늘날 일반인들에게도 공개되고 있었다. 그의 작품은 그리스와 북유럽의 신화를 테마로 한 것이 많아 분위기가 밝고, 북유럽인의 역동성을 잘 표현하고 있다. “칼 밀레는 은이나 동 같은 조각상의 소재에 상관없이 작품의 틀은 무조건 흙으로 작업했습니다. 1921년부터 1926년까지 만들어진 이 큰 분수가 좋은 예입니다. 형태를 만들 때, 첫 번째는 흙으로 만들고, 두 번째는 석고, 세 번째로 주조를 하는 과정을 거칩니다. 이렇게 큰 작품은 나눠서 만드는데 여기, 여기를 나눠서 만든 부분이죠.“ 칼 밀레의 작품 속에는 실제의 삶보다는 영원한 삶이나 이상향에 대한 동경이 반영돼 있다. 그가 죽기 1년 전인 1954년에 제작했다는 '신의 손'. 신의 손 위에 있으면서도 더 높은 곳을 바라보는 인간의 모습을 그려내고 있는 아름다운 작품이다.
[English: Google Translator]
Stockholm northeast of leading bullion island where there is a collection of works representative of the Swedish sculptor Carl Miele. Rodin also a disciple of Carl Miele. He says he was put on display in 1955 to leave up to a lifetime of work to gather his collection of sculptures and carvings in the world just before his house, the house had just been released to the public today. His works are bright, the atmosphere is a lot of the myths of Greece and the Nordic theme, it is a good representation of the dynamics of the Nordics. Carl Miele has been working with the framework of the work is unconditional, regardless of the material, such as silver or copper statue of a trowel. This made 1921-1926 a large fountain is a good example. When you create a form, first create a soil, the second goes through the process of casting with plaster, third. This work is making such a big split, here's a partial split made. Ln the works of Carl Miele than real life has gotta reflect the longing for eternal life or utopia. He had produced the year before his death in 1954 'Hand of God'. It is a beautiful piece that draws out the human form, yet on the higher ground overlooking the Hand of God.
[Swedish: Google Translator]
Stockholm nordost ledande ädelmetaller ön där det finns en samling av verk företrädare för svenska skulptören Carl Miele. Rodin också en lärjunge Carl Miele. Han säger att han visades upp 1955 för att lämna upp till en livstid av arbete för att samla sin samling av skulpturer och sniderier i världen strax före hans hus, hade huset precis släppts till allmänheten i dag. Hans verk är ljusa, atmosfären är en hel del av myter i Grekland och nordiskt tema, är det en bra representation av dynamiken i Norden. Carl Miele har arbetat med inom ramen för arbetet är ovillkorlig, oavsett material, såsom silver eller koppar staty av en murslev. Detta gjorde 1921-1926 en stor fontän är ett bra exempel. När du skapar ett formulär, första skapa en jord, den andra går igenom processen för gjutning med gips, tredje. Denna arbete att göra en sådan stor splittring, här är en partiell uppdelning görs. Ln verk av Carl Miele än verkliga livet har gotta återspeglar längtan efter evigt liv eller utopi. Han hade producerat året före sin död 1954 Hand of God. Det är en vacker pjäs som drar ut den mänskliga formen, men på högre mark med utsikt över Hand of God.
■클립명: 유럽096-스웨덴01-10 로뎅의 제자, 칼 밀레의 조각을 만날 수 있는 리딩괴 섬/Lidingo Island/Sculpture/Carl Milles
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 현상용 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2007년 4월 April
유럽,Europe,,스웨덴,Sweden,Konungariket Sverige,,현상용,2007,4월 April
100710 SommarFNISS'10, Bodal, Lidingö, SWEDEN
Millesgården, Stockholm
Skulpturengarten, Haus und Kunstsammlung des schwedischen Bildhauers Carl Milles - Museum Millesgården in Stockholm Lidingö
SWEDIA: Lidingo and Stockholm with Mrs Hanna -nurinayatik
Millesgården -The official guiden (Lidingo) - Millesgården The Saatchi Gallery
Millesgården -The official guiden (Lidingo) - Millesgården The Saatchi Gallery
Beautiful Millesgården was the home and studio of sculptor Carl Milles, whose delicate water sprites and other whimsical sculptures dot the city landscape. The grounds include a crisp modern gallery for changing exhibitions of contemporary art, Milles’ elaborately Pompeiian house and an exquisite outdoor sculpture garden where items from ancient Greece, Rome, medieval times and the Renaissance intermingle with Milles’ own creations. There’s also a museum shop and a cafe.Millesgården’s Art Museum is dedicated to the works by Carl Milles, as well as showcasing other notable works from both Swedish and international artists. The beautiful Millesgården is located in Milles’ former home so you can explore his studio and workplace to learn more about this iconic Swedish artist.Head outdoors to explore the beautiful sculpture park, popular among both children and adults, to see the breath-taking statues and fountains in and around the grounds. In addition to the permanent exhibitions shown here there are also temporary exhibitions where you can see aquarelles, drawings and statues
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Millesgarden Stockholm
Shot with 8mm App
【K】Sweden Travel-Stockholm[스웨덴 여행-스톡홀름]왕궁의 오벨리스켄과 근위병 교대식/palace/obelisk/guards/changing
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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[한국어 정보]
스톡홀름을 대표하는 건물 중에 하나인 왕궁. 역대 국왕의 거처였으나 현재는 외국 귀빈들을
위한 만찬회장으로 이용되고 있다. 왕궁 중심에는 러시아와의 전쟁 당시 스톡홀름을 지켜준 귀족들에게 구스타브 3세가 감사의 마음을 담아 세운 오벨리스켄과 성경을 스웨덴어로 번역하는데 큰 공을 세운 올로프 페테손의 동상이 자리하고 있다. 그런데, 왕궁 광장 한 쪽에서 요란한 북소리가 들리기 시작했다. 여름이면 항상 이곳에서 작은 북을 치는 개인 연주자라고 한다. 때 마침, 기마병 복장을 한 남자들이 등장했다. 기다리던 사람들의 시선이 일제히 한 곳으로 향했다. 잠시 후, 바다 빛깔을 닮은 파란색 제복을 입은 기마병들이 등장했다. 근위병 교대식은 약 50분 동안 진행되는데, 1532년 창설된 근위 부대는 모두 3만 명으로 북유럽 최대 규모를 자랑한다고 한다. 화려한 복장과 말을 타는 모습은 흥미로운 관광 상품으로 한 몫을 하고 있다.
[English: Google Translator]
One of the buildings that represent the royal palace in Stockholm. But now the King's former abode foreign VIPs
For being used as a banquet hall. The central palace with a statue of the Russian Olof page teson War Stockholm to moi aristocrat Gustav III founded heartily thank the five scan the Valley and built a large hole in the Bible translated into Swedish and place. However, the Royal Palace Square began hearing a loud drumbeat from one side. In the summer, always referred to as individual musicians playing the snare drum in place. When finished, the men who dress the horsemen appeared. The eyes of the waiting people turned to the one place all at once. Moments later, riders dressed in a blue uniform resembling sea colors have emerged. Guardsmen alternating the proceeds for about 50 minutes, the proximal troops, founded in 1532 and all of Northern Europe that boasts the largest to 3 million. View colorful costumes and horse riding are a lot interesting excursions.
[Sweden: Google Translator]
En av de byggnader som representerar det kungliga palatset i Stockholm. Men nu kungens tidigare boning utländska VIP
För att användas som festvåning. Den centrala palats med en staty av den ryska Olof sidan Teson War Stockholm moi aristokrat Gustav III grundade varmt tacka fem skanna dalen och byggde ett stort hål i Bibeln översatt till svenska och plats. Emellertid började det kungliga palatset torget höra ett högt drumbeat från ena sidan. På sommaren, alltid kallad enskilda musiker som spelar virveltrumman på plats. När du är klar, kom de män som klär ryttarna. Ögonen på de väntande människor vände sig till en plats på en gång. Ögonblick senare, har ryttare klädd i en blå uniform liknar havsfärger uppstått. Guardsmen omväxlande intäkterna under cirka 50 minuter, de proximala trupperna, som grundades 1532 och hela norra Europa som kan skryta med den största till 3 miljoner. Visa färgglada dräkter och ridning är en hel del intressanta utflykter.
■클립명 : 유럽096-스웨덴03-03
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고 : 최용재 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing : KBS TV Producer )
■촬영일자 : 2015년 8월
Stockholm Lidingö 1
One day...
music: iCEa`sKY
Nice Deve-Schindler Inground Hydraulic Elevator/Lift at Millesgården Museum, Lidingö, Stockholm
Location: Millesgården Museum, Lidingö, Stockholm, Sweden
Brand: DEVE-Schindler
Type: Inground Hydraulic
Year installed: 1998 (Estimated)
Floors 2 (4) - (1V, (1H), (2V), 2H)
Note: Floors 1H and 2V are locked.
STOCKHOLM: Sculpture and Art at Millesgården
I don't think you can do this place justice on video. Throughout the gardens and houses you will find an impressive collection representing some of Carl and Olga Milles' sculptures and art. It is absolutely stunning and well worth the visit.