Lido la Dolce Vita a Taormina Sizilien Sommer 2016
Lido La Dolce Vita a Taormina
Strand liegen
Strand Abschnitt Lido la Dolce Vita in Taormina Mare
Von Giuseppe Rühm.
Isolabella..anzi bellissima - I set della dolce vita
In occassione delle Giornate Europee del Patrimonio 2018, il Parco Archeologico di Naxos-Taormina ha organizzato l'evento ISOLABELLADINOTTE, con l'apertura straordinaria fino alle 22:00 nei giorni 22-23 settembre.
Sabato 22 settembre è stata anche inaugurata una mostra che racconta la storia d'Isolabella.
Si ringrazia:
Fondazione Taormina Arte Sicilia per i video
Archivio Storico Foto A. Castorina per le foto
Chiara Carmeli per i video istituzionali di Isolabella e Villa Caronia
La baia di Mazzaro vista dal Lido La Pigna di Taormina
Re del sole taormina
Posto piu bello
Taormina Lido Mazzaro Beach 1
20090806 Hotel Lido Mediterranee
Mazzaro Beach, Taormina | Sicily
June 20, 2017
The best views of the Mediterranean Sea is definitely from Taormina. From the mountaintop, to the beaches, the buildings, narrow road, and the's all beautiful.
#mazzaro #taormina #sicily
music: andrew apple pie - beach
Sizilien - Taormina und der osten Siziliens
Taormina ist eine Stadt am Ende des Stiefels von Italien, an der Ostküste Siziliens. Aufgrund der malerischen Landschaft, des sommerlichen Klimas und zahlreicher historischer Sehenswürdigkeiten entwickelte sich die Stadt zu einem der wichtigsten Touristenzentren Siziliens. Besonders berühmt und sehenswert sind das antike Theater und die Flaniermeile Corso Umberto. Aber auch die kleine Insel Isola Bella vor der Küste Taorminas ist ein wunderbares Ziel für Ausflüge.
Taormina and Etna Volcano - Sicily, Italy - TRAVEL VIDEO
Visit Taormina and its beautiful beaches, architecture, history and yes.. an active volcano!
I highly suggest you the boat tour along the coast (you can easily book one from many beaches) and the Etna volcano tour (be ready to walk a lot and enjoy the wonders of nature!).
A recommended destination for your next holiday! ;)
Taormina filmed with Dji Spark
Get the Spark out to the test of holiday filming at Taormina,
a small town on the east coast of the island of Sicily, Italy
CИЦИЛИЯ / SICILIA Mazzaro / TAORMINA 12.02.2012.
Villa isola Bella - Taormina mare
Villa isola Bella - Taormina mare
in cammino verso taormina
marzo incamminiamo verso il pullman x andare a taormina
Top 10 Things to do in Sicily
If you are planing to visit Sicily and wonder what are the top 10 things to do in Sicily, than this video is for you.
At the beginning of October we took a 7 day trip to Sicily.
We traveled about 1500 km in Sicily and we have seen amazing places like Palermo, Cefalu, Taormina, Catania, Syracuse, Lido Fontane Bianche, Agrigento, Scala dei Turchi, Trapani, San Vito lo Capo, Mondelo and a few other in between. So here are the best things to do in Sicily!
Sicily is the place where we learned the meaning of the phrases: ‘La dolce vita’ and ‘Il dolce far niente’ here we also discovered cities full of traditions, culture and history. The food is very good in Sicily we recommend you try all the Sicilian dishes, you will just love it.
0:15 Valley of the Temples
1:11 Mondello beach
2:22 Taormina
4:33 Palermo
5:50 San Vito Lo Capo
7:07 Siracusa
9:09 Scala dei Turchi
10:55 Cefalu
12:12 Lido Fontane Bianche
13:03 Catania
14:44 Bonus
Ice Cream money
#Sicily #Sicilia
Taormina + Isola Bella beach - Sicilia - Italy - July 2018
Taormina + pláž Isola Bella - Sicilie - Itálie 2018
19 luglio Lido Tropicana 2 Policro(2)
I Razzi di Salvatore Cosma Voglia di ballare,
lido casereccio 2011 letojanni