Regatta Alpha Bank - SAMSUNG ROMANIA CUP 2014
LifeHarbour Limanu invites you to take part in the ALPHA BANK REGATTA to be held in Limanu/Constanta/Romania
between 18th and 20th of July 2014. ALPHA BANK Regatta is part of SAMSUNG ROMANIA CUP 2014
The regatta is organized with the media support of Ziarul Financiar and its sponsor Alpha Bank Romania.
Lifeharbour Limanu 360 4K
Lifeharbour Limanu 360 Video
Regatta Lufthansa Regina Maria by Claboo Media
ROYAL ROMANIAN YACHT CLUB (YCRR) in association with LIFE HARBOUR and other local organizations, invite you all to take part in the LUFTHANSA - REGINA MARIA REGATTA to be held in Constanta -- Mangalia - Limanu /Romania between 27th and 29th of June 2014. The Regatta is part of SAMSUNG ROMANIA CUP 2014
Drumuri Europene - Constanta - Limanu si retur
Drumuri europene - Constanta - Limanu si retur
by Claboo Media
Regata Bricul Mircea Samsung 2013
ROYAL ROMANIAN YACHT CLUB (YCRR) in association with LIFEHARBOUR,organised the Bricul MIRCEA - SAMSUNG REGATTA held in Constanta/Eforie/Limanu - Romania between 15th and 18th of August 2013. Bricul MIRCEA -Samsung Regatta is part of McCANN CUP
Comuna Limanu la Centenar
Falezele din Limanu intră în reabilitare - Litoral TV
Limanu a câştigat procesul de grăniţuire cu Mangalia - Litoral TV
Marina Limanu MatchRace mai 2018
1 mai yachting la Marina Limanu
Romania TV 2015
Sfîrșit cumplit pentru două femei, mama și fiică, din comuna constănțeană Limanu - Litoral TV
Marina Mangalia by Yachting Pleasure
Primarul localitatii Limanu, Daniel Georgescu,.
In jur 650 de persoane sunt angajate in cadrul santierului DMHI, aproximativ 25% din forta de munca a localitatii Limanu.
Marina- LifeHarbour - A small piece of heaven on Earth
Marina- LifeHarbour - A small piece of heaven on Earth...
In tabara la Marina Limanu
Tabere pentru copii la Acvamania
Marina Life Harbour Limanu. 2015
Teambuilding marina Limanu Life Games
Life Harbour -Limanu
pe ponton ,la imbarcare ptr Istanbul .