First staged in Amman in 2013, and the subject of an award winning documentary, Developing Artists presents Refuge Productions' 'Queens of Syria', an adaptation of Euripides anti-war tragedy, 'The Trojan Women'.
Performed by an all-female cast of Syrian refugees, the production skilfully amalgamates the women's own narratives of bitter exile and ferocious war into the ancient Greek text. Footage from the documentary is fused with the stage play for the first time to create a powerful, extraordinary and unique piece of theatre, which tours the UK in July 2016.
Serge Gainsbourg - Walk me at 6 ve
alice in the city (serge gainsbourg) Walk me at 6ve music video nuovelle vague
Lila Bali Lila Bali
Dossier du Jour : La folie des bougies
Les français sont de grands utilisateurs de bougies. Pour les diner romantiques, soirées festives ou simples décorations, elles font toujours leur petit effet. Mais de quoi sont-elles composées ? Comment savoir si elles sont de bonnes qualité ? La Quotidienne répond à toutes vos questions !