Urokliwy drink bar na wyspie Rodos w miejscowości Lindos. Na zewnątrz 32 stopnie w barze minus 10 stopni. Aby wejść do środka należy założyć specjalny strój. Nawet szklanki do drinków są z lodu. Polecam.
Lindos Ice bar 2013
Mckenny & Marks' login' the Lindos ice bar
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Ice Bar Lindos Rhodes, Ice Bar Experience Lindos Rhodes
Ice Bar Lindos Rhodes, Ice Bar Experience Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Exploring Greece + visiting the Lindos Ice Bar! | Vlog
Hey guys! Sorry for the wait on this video! I had issues with iCloud not letting me download the videos I needed to edit and I was away and couldn't fix the issue till I got back (would've been nice to actually have a choice to upload the videos to iCloud or not but oh well). The 3rd and final part should be out next week, but I'll have to see because of school starting again next week too. Enjoy the video!
Music used:
Summer Wild - Markvard
Days Like These - LAKEY INSPIRED
Haruka Mirai (Trap Remix) - Black Clover (i genuinely don't know who made this one)
Some more of the Lindos family
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos - Mediterranean restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Mediterranean cuisine Lindos
Mediterranean restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Mediterranean cuisine Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Museum Bar Lindos
We would like to wish all our friends & customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !!!
[Kappa Club Rhodes] Lindos by night !
Découvrez à travers cette vidéo les nuits de folie organisées pour vous au Kappa Club Rhodes ! En commençant par une soirée dans un des beaux plus villages de l'île de Rhodes, Lindos !
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Greek Meze Restaurant Lindos Rhodes
Restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Greek Meze Restaurant Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Live Music Lindos Rhodes, Party Lindos Rhodes
Live Music Lindos Rhodes, Party Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Greece. Rhodes. Lindos. 2016 (HD)
Это необычный и очень красивый город, расположившийся на скале.
Линдос был одним из трёх городов, основанных на Родосе дорийцами в 12 веке до нашей эры. Именно здесь, в Линдосе, располагается второй по величине и значимости Акрополь Греции. Центральный храм Акрополя - храм богини Афины.
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Bar Coctails Lindos Rhodes, Best Drinks Lindos Rhodes
Bar Coctails Lindos Rhodes, Best Drinks Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Lounge Bar Lindos Rhodes
Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Lounge Bar Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Events Lindos Rhodes, Event Lindos Rhodes
Events Lindos Rhodes, Event Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Homemade restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Homemade cuisine Lindos Rhodes
Homemade restaurant Lindos Rhodes, Homemade cuisine Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally
Ice Bar Restaurant Lindos Rhodes - Weddings Lindos Rhodes, Wedding Lindos Rhodes
Weddings Lindos Rhodes, Wedding Lindos Rhodes
The tourist guide visited the company and saw that stands out compared to many others and recommends unconditionally