Lombok Travel Video 5/6 - Lombok Elephant Park (CZ/ENG sub) - DJI Mavic 2 Zoom, Canon M50, GoPro 7
CZ: Severozápadní pobřeží Lomboku toho nabízí hodně pro každého. Opravdu fantastické pláže, kde není ani noha. Fantastické waroengy s čerstvými rybami. Také je to opravdu ráj pro motorkáře, cesta kolem pobřeží je opravdu epická a patří k vyhledávaným moto-cílům. Pokud se budete v této oblasti pohybovat, zastavte se v místním Elephant Parku. Je to hodně skrytá perla, která vás překvapí. Upřímně nejsme příznivci cirkusů a podobných atrakcí, proto jsme si park hodně prověřovali, než jsme jej navštívili. Návštěva je ale opravdu zážitek. Dle všeho se zde jedná především o zachráněná zvířata ze Sumatry a podobných míst, zvířata nedělala žádné nesmyslné kousky a všechna vypadala spokojeně. Budeme tedy doufat, že to tak zůstane i nadále a že to zvýšený zájem lidí nezkazí.
Loučíme se s Lombokem a naším ubytováním v Rinjani Eco Resortu, balíme a míříme na Gili Trawangan :)
Vstup do parku: 515.000 IDR/osoba (cca 760 CZK) - obsahuje vstup, průvodce, krmení pro zvířata, sprchování slona, dárek (sarong), kávu a dezert. Strávili jsme tam tak 2 hodiny a byli jsme naprosto spokojení :)
Máte otázky? Neváhejte se ptát v komentářích, určitě odpovíme :)
ENG: North-west Lombok shore offers lot of activities for everyone. Amazing beaches without people. Delicious food in waroengs along the route. Epic journey along the shore for all moto-fans - this road definitely deserves to be on the moto bucket list :)
If you are in this part of the island, don't forget to visit local Elephant Park. Honestly, we are not fans of circuses or any atractions with animals, so we were trying to get as many info as possible before we went there. It was really nice experience. Most of animals that live there are saved from Sumatra, so they are not taken directly from nature, and also they are not trained to do any strange tricks. We just hope that this will stay as it is as long as possible.
This is our last day on Lombok and tomorrow we are moving to Gili Trawangan :)
Any questions? Feel free to ask in comments!
Lombok Elephant Park Official Video
Lombok Elephant Park has a professionally trained team that covers all the needs of the animals. We are using specific methods designed to preserve, care and train for every single unique animal in our park. Their wellbeing is our first priority. Hopefully, we can share this unique experience with you to make your visit unforgettable and one of a kind.
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Jalan Jalan di Kebun Binatang Lombok, Lombok Elephant Park
Di Lombok juga ada kebun binatang juga lo, namanya Lombok Elephant Park. Lokasinya di Lombok Utara. Jadi gak perlu pergi jauh jauh lagi untuk melihat binatang binatang lucu dan unik.
Judul lagu: Make Me Move
????????Animal Sanctuary Lombok!???????? (2019)
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✅ Today we go to the animal sanctuary in lombok to play with the animals! This animal sanctuary was stunning and all the animals were really happy! we came here on a whim because we didnt know where to go today but we loved our time here!
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Thank you for watching ????????Animal Sanctuary Lombok!???????? (2019)!
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Berwisata Sambil Belajar di Lombok Elephant Park Lombok Utara
Dukungan geografis dan keunikan ekosistem memungkinkan memadukan pariwisata dengan kegiatan konservasi, yang tujuan utamanya untuk melakukan pengembangbiakan atau pelestarian hewan dan tumbuhan yang memiliki status mengkhawatirkan di alam. Pengembangan konsep wisata konservasi dapat menjadi alternatif tujuan wisata unggulan di Nusa Tenggara Barat, seperti Lombok Elephant Park yang berada di Desa Singgar Penjalin Kabupaten Lombok Utara.
wahana konservasi selain dapat melestarikan keberadaan hewan dan tumbuhan langka / juga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai media pendidikan dan penelitian // memadukan pariwisata dengan wahana konservasi membutuhkan investasi yang tidak sedikit disamping itu / juga memiliki resiko bisnis yang cukup tinggi //
lombok elephant park, mini tour,,
Kebun binatang mini di lombok utara, lokasi desa singgar penjalin,
Tiket masuk dewasa IDR 75.000, anak IDR 50.000
Tiket naik gajah, IDR 100.000,,
Kebun Binatang Lombok Elephant Park
Elephant park lombok
Lombok Elephant Park Lombok
Lombok Wildlife Park
Jl. Raya Tanjung – Sire,
Sigar Penjalin – Lombok Utara.
NTB, Indonesia 83352
Lombok Elephant Park
Elephant Park Lombok
:: Diary of Kenza ::
Nah kali ini Kenza bareng Desta dan Devin jalan jalan ke Kebun Binatang yang baru buka di Lombok Utara, namanya Lombok Elephant Park.
Seru banget deh, ada Gajah, Burung2, Monyet2, Kuda Nil, Buaya, dll. Buat cerita lengkapnya, ada di
Jangan lupa follow instagram kenza ya
music : Rob Gasser - Ricochet [NCS Release]
WOW THE BEST ROAD AT LOMBOK || Trip lombok 1 part 2 || lombok elephant park || kebun binatang lombok
Mampir Yuuk Episode Lombok Elephant Park Segment 2 (Lombok)
Episode kali ini berlokasi di Desa Singgar Penjalin Kecamatan Tanjung Kabupaten Lombok Utara, tepatnya di Lombok Elephant Park. Dengan kegiatan bermain di Kebun Binatang pertama di Nusa Tenggara Barat, khusus untuk Gajah.
Selain menaiki Gajah yang langsung di datangkan dari Pulau Sumatra, pengunjung juga dapat bermain dengans satwa-satwa lainnya yang ada di tempat ini.
Penasaran...? Mampir yuuk
Lombok Wildlife Park, Tanjung Lombok
Lombok Wildlife park is an absolute gem of a zoo. Where else in the world can you find yourself covered in birds one minute(:00:37), feed pygmy hippos the next(07:22) and top it off with a personal encounter with a baby orang-utan called Kaka(9:06).
During our week in Lombok this was a definite highlight. One of the best zoos I have been to anywhere. The animals are well taken care of, the staff are incredibly accomodating and the experiences and memories we made from our day there last November will seriously last forever.
00:37 Exotic Birds
02:46 Elephants
04:11 Exotic bird aviary
05:11 Sun bear
05:40 Python
06:05 Luwak
06:10 Proboscis Monkey
07:03 Orangutan
07:22 Pygmy Hippos
15:19. Porcupine
Lombok Elephant Park, di Lombok Utara
Kebun binatang yang baru dibuka ini merupakan wisata baru, karena ini merupakan satu-satunya kebun binatang di Lombok.
Banyak binatang yang bisa kita lihat, termasuk buaya, yang biasanya sering lihat di tv,sekarang ada di sini.
Silahkan cek lokasinya di:
Lombok Elephant Park a New Sanctuary for these Gentle Giants
Famous for its pristine beach lines and exotic islets, Lombok Island is undoubtedly the most famous tourist destination in the West Nusa Tenggara province of Indonesia. Its luxuriant nature cradles many scenic panorama that you’ll never forget. In the spirit of celebrating the integrated relations between man-animal-nature, today the newly established Lombok Elephant Park has become the playground for animal lovers. As the name suggests, the park emphasizes on delivering experiences to anyone to enjoy around elephants, as well as being an animal sanctuary and conservation site. Several programs are carried out daily to spur curiosity about these gentle giants.
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Lombok Elephant Park