Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang, Buddha Forgive Us
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Visit Long Son Pagoda in Nha Trang asking Buddha for forgiveness, for my ex-wife who smashed all my violins and everything in my home, and for myself too, as we humans are all make mistakes.
VIETNAM Ponagar temple & Long Son pagoda, Nha Trang (hd-video)
Nha Trang is a popular searesort with lovely beaches.
There are not many interesting buildings in town, but if you have some time left you could visit Ponagar temple and/or Long Son pagoda.
Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang Vietnam ????????
You Can See It For Miles!, Long Son Pagoda, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Long Son Pagoda in Nha Trang, Vietnam has a huge statue on top of the hill. It is a favorite tourist site in Vietnam. There is a clothing code for entering the Buddhist temple.
Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang VietNam | Things to do in Nha Trang VietNam
Long Son Pagoda in Nha Trang VietNam is one of the most famous temple in Nha Trang with an amazing view on the top of the temple that you shouldn't miss !
From the top of pagoda you can see all around Nha Trang city. It's so beautiful.
Music By : [China Electro] China - P (copyright free music)
Nha Trang - Long Son Pagoda (Legend of the Seas Excursion)
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
Singapore, Thailand, Cambodia & Vietnam with Legend of the Seas
October 10 to 21, 2015
Cruise Itinerary / Itinerário:
11/10/2015 - Singapore/Singapura
12/10/2015 - At Sea / Navegação
13/10/2015 - Ko Samui (Thailand/Tailândia)
14/10/2015 - Bangkok/Banguecoque - Laemchabang (Thailand/Tailândia)
15/10/2015 - Bangkok/Banguecoque - Laemchabang (Thailand/Tailândia)
16/10/2015 - Sihanoukville (Cambodia/Camboja)
17/10/2015 - At Sea / Navegação
18/10/2015 - Nha Trang (Vietnam/Vietnã/Vietname)
19/10/2015 - Ho Chi Minh (Phu My) (Vietnam/Vietnã/Vietname)
20/10/2015 - At Sea / Navegação
21/10/2015 - Singapore/Singapura
Nha Trang, Няча́нг
Long Sơn Pagoda, Chùa Long Sơn, Chùa Phật trắng, Đăng Long Tự
Images of the temple of Long Sơn Pagoda, where you can assist to religious service. Climbing the hill you will find a statue of reclining Buddha and on the top there is a large white concrete statue of Buddha. The figure of the Buddha is 14 m while the lotus blossom (under it) comprises 7 m.
Imagens do templo de Long Son Pagoda, onde você pode assistir ao serviço religioso. Subindo a colina você encontrará uma estátua de Buda reclinado e no topo há uma grande estátua de Buda de concreto branco. A figura do Buda é de 14 m, enquanto a flor de lótus (debaixo dela) possui 7 m.
Avaliação de Long Son Pagoda no TripAdvisor (
Quando visitámos este templo decorria uma cerimónia pelo que foi possível assistir e interagir mais um pouco com a cultura local. Templo muito bonito sendo o interior ricamente decorado e no exterior rodeado de belos jardins. Depois subimos até à grande estátua de Buda (imagens toda em branco e de onde é possível ter uma vista sobre a cidade), passando por outra do Buda deitado. Uma visita muito agradável.
Music Instrumental
NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT IS INTENDED by this video it is ONLY for entertainment purposes.
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Long Sơn Pagoda (Tourist Attraction),Nha Trang (Vietnamese Provincial City),Tourist Destination,MS Legend Of The Seas (Ship),Long Sơn Pagoda,Chùa Long Sơn,Chùa Phật trắng,Đăng Long Tự,Nha Trang,Няча́нг,Vietnam,Việt Nam,Viêt Nam,Vietnã,Vietname,Вьетна́м,RoyalCaribbean,LegendoftheSeas,ComeSeek,RCI,wow,wanderlust,cruise,cruzeiro,crucero,croisière,crociera,Kreuzfahrt,krydstogt,CarLuz TravelVideos
Long son pagoda - Big Buddha - Nha Trang Viet Nam. 3 months in Sout-east asia Excursia Nha trang
We rented a motorbike and went to see some attractions in Nha trang - Vietnam. Warp with the motorbike to the first buddhist temple wich was wrong place, but eventually found the Long Son Pagoda aka Big buddha what we were looking for.
If you'd like to know more about Nha trang, or the attractions here, hit me with comment and you will get the answer soon!
Long Sơn Pagoda - Nha Trang, Viet Nam May 1994
Long Sơn Pagoda (Vietnamese: Chùa Long Sơn) is a Buddhist temple in the city of Nha Trang on South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is regarded as one of the main sites in the city, along with Hai Duc Temple.
Long Son Pagoda was previously known as Đăng Long Tự and it is located at 22 October 23 Street. It is located in the ward of Phương Sơn, and sits at the foot of Trại Thủy mountain, in city of Nha Trang, just 400 m west of the railway station.
Long Son Pagoda was erected on another hill in 1886 under the abbotship of Thích Ngộ Chí (1856–1935), who hailed from the district of Vinh Xuong in Khánh Hòa Province. Before joining the sangha, he was a participant in anti-French resistance forces that attempted to regain Vietnamese independence.
In 1900, after a large cyclone, the temple was destroyed and had to be moved from the hill to its current location. In 1936, the Buddhist Studies Association made the temple the headquarters of the Buddhist Association in Khánh Hòa Province. In 1940, the temple was renovated and expanded under the leadership of Thích Tôn Thất Quyền and a lay Buddhist by the named of Võ Đình Thụy. In 1968, the temple was heavily damaged during the Vietnam War, in particular the tiled roof. In 1971, Thích Thiện Bình organised for the capital works program to restore the temple, which was around 60% complete in accordance with the plans of the architect Võ Đình Diệp when it was interrupted by the Fall of Saigon and the communist victory over South Vietnam.
Since its construction, the temple has had a stable leadership, with only three abbots in over 120 years: Thích Ngộ Chí (1886–1935), Thích Chánh Hóa (1936–1957) and Thích Chí Tín (1957–).
From the Long Son Pagoda, there is a large road leading up to Hai Duc Pagoda along the crest of the hill, where there is a large white concrete statue of Gautama Buddha. The statue was built on the site of the original temple and the statue was cast in 1964 before being installed the following year, under the auspices of Thích Đức Minh, who was the Head of the Buddhist Association of Khánh Hòa Province. The sculpture of the statue was by Kim Điền. From the ground up, the statues is 24 m, and from the base of the statue, it is 21 m. The figure of the Buddha is 14 m while the lotus blossom comprises 7 m. Around the statue are statues of seven arahants. In front of the statue are a pair of dragons, which are 7.20 m long. The statue is visible from afar as one enters the city, from either the national highway or by train.
The temple grounds also includes a garden.
The entrance and roofs are decorated with dragon mosaics which are built from glass and ceramic tiles. The main ceremonial hall is adorned with modern interpretations of classical motifs. The nasal hairs of the dragons are wrapped around the pillars on either side of the main altar.
The main statue in 152 stone steps up from the entrance of the pagoda, and is often used as a vantage point to look over the city of Nha Trang.
Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang
Vì lý do kỹ thuật,kể từ ngày 23.8.2017 trở đi, Qúi Vị hãy bấm vào đây đăng ký, bấm like, nhận xét:
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Địa chỉ: Cao Minh Hải, 415,Chung cư Độc Lập A,đường Độc Lập, Phường Tân Qúy, Quận Tân Phú,Tp.HCM
Вьетнам. Пагода Лонг Шон Нячанга (Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang)
Здравствуйте, друзья!
Продолжаем путешествие по Вьетнаму. В промежутках между дальними поездками по стране мы с наслаждением плескались в море и гуляли по городу. Достопримечательности есть. Перечень их вы найдете во всех турагентствах и можно побывать там либо с экскурсией, либо самостоятельно, как мы. Город не велик и добраться везде можно и пешком, и на автобусе или такси. Выбирайте сами. Русских туристов в городе очень много и все с радостью подскажут дорогу.
Я расскажу о нескольких местах, которые, на мой взгляд, надо посетить обязательно. Итак, сначала отправимся от центра Нячанга, неспешно, пешочком, к пагоде Лонг Шон (летящий дракон). Идти недалеко, каких-нибудь 30 минут и по усилившемуся потоку людей мы поняли, что пагода уже рядом. В новогодние каникулы здесь просто столпотворение: и вьетнамцы, и китайцы, и европейцы. Кто-то пришел на экскурсию, кто-то помолиться, ведь пагода - не просто действующий храм, но и главный храм провинции Кхань-Хоа. Стало очевидно, что побыть там в тишине не удастся, до самого закрытия поток людей не уменьшится, ничего не поделаешь - праздники. И мы входим в главные ворота...
Хорошо, что мы были предупреждены о том, что вход бесплатный - нас сразу же попытались облопошить, но мы не поддались))))
Как же красиво! Статуи, причудливые бансаи - все располагает к умиротворенным прогулкам, уединению и созерцанию... Но не тут-то было! Везде китайские туристы!)))
Как я уже сказала, это действующий храм, и приходить туда необходимо в закрытой одежде: плечи и колени обязательно должны быть закрыты и у мужчин, и у женщин. Перед входом в храм необходимо снять обувь. Как в любом намоленном месте, хочется сесть и притихнуть, прислушаться к себе...
От храма вверх на гору ведет каменная лестница, если не ошибаюсь, содержащая 144 ступени и, по преданию, человек, преодолевший этот подъем, очищается от своих грехов. Мы начали свое восхождение к вершине.
Но вот от основной лестницы ответвление в сторону и там ... прекрасная статуя спящего Будды! Мы стояли рядом со статуей и смотрели на город, туда, куда, казалось, смотрит сквозь прикрытые веки и улыбается сам Будда. Почему-то на душе было очень светло и радостно))
Отдохнули? Продолжаем подъем. Красивая беседка с огромным колоколом. Остановились, полюбовались... И только спустившись вниз, мы случайно узнали, что это колокол желаний. Ритуал таков: надо загадать желание (можно написать на стикере и приклеить внутри колокола), залезть внутрь колокола, а служитель, прочитав мантру ударит по нему, вместе с гулом от удара ваше желание полетить прямиком к исполнению)))) Эх, жаль не загадали ничего))))
Идем дальше. И вот на фоне неба перед нами огромная статуя белого Будды в чаше лотоса! Невольно замираешь в восхищении. Потрясающее впечатление! И вот тут-то нас и поймали представители очень маленького бизнеса Вьетнами. Две девочки-подростка подбежали к нам и, буквально, заставили нас взять ароматические палочки со словами Новый год. Будда. Желания. Бесплатно, и мы, очарованные торжественностью места, послушно отправились ставить палочки в курильницу. Спустя 10 минут бизнесменки уже весело требовали с нас полмиллиона донгов!!! Но... быстро согласились и на 20 000)))
Впечатление, конечно, было подпорчено. Но какой великолепный вид открылся перед нами!!! Забыты все огорчения. Хочется бесконечно стоять и смотреть вдаль...
По дороге назад мы обнаружили, что на вершину вела ещё одна дорога по которой поднимались и спускались на байках. Видимо, это была дорога для тех, кто не были обременены грехами мирскими)))) Мы же снова отправились по лестнице, но уже налегке))))
Долго гуляли по саду храма и я поймала себя на том, что любуюсь не только красотой природы и архитектуры, но и красотой национального женского платья - аозай. В праздник все женщины от мала до велика одели аозай и стали какие-то невероятно женственные, прекрасные, напоминая чудесных изящных птичек! И так уместно и красиво выглядели их шляпки с яркими лентами!
Благодаря этим женщинам и девочкам, так выделявшимся на общем фоне, Пагода перестала быть только достопримечательностью, а стала частью культуры, все стало одним целым! Мне кажется, что именно там меня и очаровал Вьетнам, стал мне интересен.
Ну, вот на сегодня и все. Путешествие продолжается и чуть позже я расскажу вам ещё о двух чудесных местах Нячанга.
А пока я желаю вам оставаться красивыми и счастливыми! Наслаждаться каждым мгновением жизни!
До встречи!
ХоббиТАНИя - там где РАДОСТЬ! ХоббиТАНИя - канал хорошего настроения! ХоббиТАНИя приглашает друзей разделить хобби автора: путешествия, красоты природы, приятные мелочи, украшающие быт, рукоделие и многое другое - всё то, что вдохновляет!
Vietnam Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang Wim Peters
Long Sơn Pagoda (Vietnamese: Chùa Long Sơn) is a Buddhist temple in the city of Nha Trang on South Central Coast of Vietnam. It is regarded as one of the main sites in the city, along with Hai Duc Temple.
Long Son Pagoda was previously known as Đăng Long Tự and it is located at 22 October 23 Street. It is located in the ward of Phương Sơn, and sits at the foot of Trại Thủy mountain, in city of Nha Trang, just 400 m west of the railway station.
Long Son Pagoda was erected on another hill in 1886 under the abbotship of Thích Ngộ Chí (1856–1935), who hailed from the district of Vinh Xuong in Khánh Hòa Province. Before joining the sangha, he was a participant in anti-French resistance forces that attempted to regain Vietnamese independence.
In 1900, after a large cyclone, the temple was destroyed and had to be moved from the hill to its current location. In 1936, the Buddhist Studies Association made the temple the headquarters of the Buddhist Association in Khánh Hòa Province. In 1940, the temple was renovated and expanded under the leadership of Thích Tôn Thất Quyền and a lay Buddhist by the named of Võ Đình Thụy. In 1968, the temple was heavily damaged during the Vietnam War, in particular the tiled roof. In 1971, Thích Thiện Bình organised for the capital works program to restore the temple, which was around 60% complete in accordance with the plans of the architect Võ Đình Diệp when it was interrupted by the Fall of Saigon and the communist victory over South Vietnam.
Since its construction, the temple has had a stable leadership, with only three abbots in over 120 years: Thích Ngộ Chí (1886–1935), Thích Chánh Hóa (1936–1957) and Thích Chí Tín (1957–).
From the Long Son Pagoda, there is a large road leading up to Hai Duc Pagoda along the crest of the hill, where there is a large white concrete statue of Gautama Buddha. The statue was built on the site of the original temple and the statue was cast in 1964 before being installed the following year, under the auspices of Thích Đức Minh, who was the Head of the Buddhist Association of Khánh Hòa Province. The sculpture of the statue was by Kim Điền. From the ground up, the statues is 24 m, and from the base of the statue, it is 21 m. The figure of the Buddha is 14 m while the lotus blossom comprises 7 m. Around the statue are statues of seven arahants. In front of the statue are a pair of dragons, which are 7.20 m long. The statue is visible from afar as one enters the city, from either the national highway or by train.
The temple grounds also includes a garden.
The entrance and roofs are decorated with dragon mosaics which are built from glass and ceramic tiles. The main ceremonial hall is adorned with modern interpretations of classical motifs. The nasal hairs of the dragons are wrapped around the pillars on either side of the main altar.
The main statue in 152 stone steps up from the entrance of the pagoda, and is often used as a vantage point to look over the city of Nha Trang.
Long Son Pagoda, Nha Trang Movie
Long Son Pagoda
LongSon pagoda - QTLH 02 (K12), CĐDL Nha Trang
Trải nghiệm thực tế môn chính trị, lớp Lữ hành 02- k12. (Gv: Võ Thị Như Hiển.)
Zallo// kakaotalk// whatsApp : 0326395304
Instagram: ducbinh00
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Gmail: phanbinhhandsome@gmail.com
Robin Long Son pagoda Nha Trang
Long son pagoda,a famous tourist attraction in Nhatrang,Vietnam
Nha Trang Vietnam Tour - Long Son Pagoda
Long Son pagoda by 58CDL1- Nha Trang Univesity
Group 2 - Bài có mội vài sai xót mong cô giúp đỡ bỏ qa
Long son pagoda
Long Son pagoda is the Buddhist temple with the big Buddha in Nha Trang.
Chùa Long Sơn Nha Trang (Chùa Phật Trắng) - Long Son Pagoda Nha Trang
Chùa Long Sơn hay còn gọi là Chùa Phật trắng trước có tên là Đằng Long Tự, tọa lạc tại phường Phương Sơn, thành phố Nha Trang, tỉnh Khánh Hòa, dưới chân đồi Trại Thủy, Nha Trang. Ngôi chùa này được xây dựng cách đây hơn một trăm năm. Từ chùa, muốn lên đến đỉnh đồi Trại Thủy phải đi lên 193 bậc tam cấp. Tại bậc thứ 44 là tượng Phật Tổ nhập Niết Bàn dài 17 m, cao 5 m, đằng sau tượng là bức phù điêu mô tả cảnh 49 đệ tử túc trực niệm phật. Lên khỏi tượng Phật nằm 5 mét là tháp chuông với quả đại hồng chung cao 2,2 m, nặng 1.500 kg. Trên đỉnh đồi là bức tượng Kim Thân Phật tổ (còn gọi là tượng Phật trắng) ngồi thuyết pháp, tượng cao 24 m, đài sen làm đế cao 7 m, rất dễ nhìn thấy tại một khu vực rộng xung quanh Chùa. Tượng được xây từ năm 1963.
Long Son Pagoda is also known as Dang Long Tu Pagoda, located in Phuong Son Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, at the foot of Trai Thuy, Nha Trang. The temple was built over a hundred years ago. From the pagoda, want to reach the top of Thuy Thuy hill to go up 193 steps. At the 44 th level, the statue of the Buddha of Nibbana is 17 m long, 5 m high, behind the statue is a bas-relief depicting 49 disciples in direct contact with the Buddha. From the 5-meter Buddha statue is a bell tower with a total height of 2.2 m, weighing 1,500 kg. At the top of the hill is the statue of the Buddha (also known as the white Buddha) sitting sermon, the statue is 24 meters high, the lotus is 7 meters high, it is easy to see in a large area around the temple. The statue was built in 1963.
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Website: dichoinhatrang.com
Facebok: facebook.com/dichoinhatrang/
Camera: Kieu Ly
Лонгшон Пагода, Нячанг, Вьетнам/ Long Son Pagoda, Nha Trang, Vietnam
Video has English subtitles
Музыка: Joysic - Roses
Sappheiros - Dawn
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