Rataskaevu residents Tallinn 2015
OldHouse offers 20 guest apartments for short- and long-term rent in Tallinn's Old Town. You can choose from a range of apartments that differ in style, size and price. More info from
улица Пиископи - Piiskopi - Toompea - Tallinn
Tallinn enne ja nüüd (1939) Taastatud ja Koloriseeritud
Koloriseerimiseks kasutatud:
Nüüd korralik full HD versioon.
Eesti Kultuurfilmi ringvaade nr. 79 „Tallinn enne ja nüüd, 1939, operaatorid: V. Parvel, K. Märska, N. Envald
Film Tallinna arengust on ülesehitatud võrdlusele kaasaegsest ja varasemast linnapildist. Linnavaated enne on pärit kriitilisest filmist Tallinna ilu(1924), kus jäädvustati nimelt halvas olukorras olevaid objekte, et siis 1930-ndate saavutused paremini silma paistaksid. Võrdlust võimendab veel ka 1924 a filmi kehv kvaliteet.
Tallinn, Estonia - Tallinn Town Hall Square (2018)
The Tallinn Town Hall (Estonian: Tallinna raekoda) is a building in the Tallinn Old Town, Estonia, next to the Town Hall Square. It is the oldest town hall in the whole of the Baltic region and Scandinavia.
The building is located in the south side of the ancient market square and is 36.8 metres long. The west wall is 14.5 metres in length, and the east is 15.2 meters. It is a two-storey building with a spacious basement.
The vane Old Thomas (Estonian: Vana Toomas) on the top of the Town Hall's tower, that has been there since 1530, has become one of the symbols of Tallinn. The height of the tower is 64 metres. Tallinn Town Hall is located on the Town Hall Square, where the streets Kullassepa street, Dunkri street and Vanaturu kael lead. One of the shortest streets of Tallinn is Raekoja tänav, which is located behind the Town Hall.
Tallinn is the capital and largest city of Estonia. It is situated on the northern coast of the country, on the shore of the Gulf of Finland in Harju County. From the 13th century until 1918 (and briefly during the Nazi occupation of Estonia from 1941 to 1944), in languages other than Estonian, the city was known as Reval. Tallinn occupies an area of 159.2 km2 (61.5 sq mi) and has a population of 450,305.
Tallinn, first mentioned in 1219, received city rights in 1248, but the earliest human settlements date back 5,000 years. The initial claim over the land was laid by the Danes in 1219, after a successful raid of Lyndanisse led by Valdemar II of Denmark, followed by a period of alternating Scandinavian and German rule. Due to its strategic location, the city became a major trade hub, especially from the 14th to the 16th century, when it grew in importance as part of the Hanseatic League.
Tallinn's Old Town is one of the best preserved medieval cities in Europe and is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Tallinn is the major political, financial, cultural and educational center of Estonia. Often dubbed the Silicon Valley of Europe, it has the highest number of startups per person in Europe and is a birthplace of many international companies, including Skype. The city is to house the headquarters of the European Union's IT agency. Providing to the global cybersecurity it is the home to the NATO Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence. It is ranked as a global city and has been listed among the top 10 digital cities in the world. According to the Global Financial Centres Index Tallinn is the most competitive financial hub in Northern Europe and ranks 42nd internationally. The city was a European Capital of Culture for 2011, along with Turku in Finland.
【K】Estonia Travel-Tallinn[에스토니아 여행-탈린]유행을 선도하는 텔레스키비/Telliskivi/Soviet Union factory/Table tennis
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[한국어 정보]
바다에 닿은 숲은 파도처럼 녹색으로 일렁이고 숲에 닿은 호수는 작은 창문이 되는 풍경. 에스토니아의 수도는 이런 곳이다. 탈린을 떠나기 전 마지막 밤. 여덟 시가 돼도 거리는 어두워지지 않는다. 위도가 높아 좀처럼 해가 지지 않는 여름밤은 텔리스키비 지구에 오기 좋은 시간, 알파벳과 숫자로 구분되는 이곳의 건물들은 모두 소련 시절 공장이었다. 버려진 건물들이 새 주인을 찾은 건 2007년, 예술가와 흥미로운 가게들이 먼저 들어왔고 젊은이들은 소련 시대의 공장을 그대로 둔 채 들어와 앉기 시작했다. 그렇게 배경과 인물의 흥미로운 부조화 속에 구시가의 중세 거리에서 걸어서 겨우 10분이 걸리는 젊고 감각적인 거리가 탄생했다. “여기에 오면 혼자만의 시간을 보낼 수 있는 공간을 찾을 수 있어요. 주변에 아무도 없이 혼자 음악을 들으면서 편하게 쉴 수 있는 곳 말이죠. 구시가와 이곳의 차이는 공간의 문제예요. 구시가에는 조용하고 평화로운 시간을 보낼만한 공간이 별로 없어요” 탈린의 유행을 선도하는 텔리스키비에서 요즘 젊은이들에게 가장 인기 있는 건 바로 야외 탁구다. 어딜 가나 탁구대가 놓여 있는데 실력은 다 그만그만하다. 랠리가 이어지는 것은 보기 드문 일, 이 정도면 텔리스키비에서는 수준급이다. “빈 공간마다 탁구대가 놓여 있어서 친구들과 편안하게 운동을 즐길 수 있어요. 탁구를 잘 하는지는 전혀 중요하지 않아요” 하지만 탁구만 치기엔 여름 해는 너무 길다. 오래 기다려온 짧은 여름, 매일을 주말처럼 보내는 이들. 목요일 밤 오래된 소련 공장에서의 밤은 그렇게 깊어간다.
[English: Google Translator]
The forest that touches the sea is green like a wave, and the lake that touches the forest becomes a small window. This is the capital of Estonia. Last night before leaving Tallinn. Even at eight, the streets do not get dark. The summer night, where the latitude is so high that it is hardly sunny, is a good time to visit the Tellyskib district, and all the buildings, which are divided into alphabets and numbers, were all Soviet days. The abandoned buildings found their new owners in 2007, with artists and interesting shops coming in first and young people entering the Soviet-era factory. With that background and interesting incongruities of the characters, a young and sensuous street that took only 10 minutes to walk from the medieval streets of the old town was born. When you get here, you can find a place to spend your time alone. It's a place where you can relax and listen to music alone without anyone around you. The difference between the old town and this place is the matter of space. There is not much room in the old town to spend a quiet and peaceful time. The most popular thing for young people these days is the outdoor table tennis in Tallinn, There is a table tennis table wherever you go. It is uncommon for the rally to continue, and this is a good grade in telkiski. There is a ping pong table in each empty space, so I can relax with my friends. It does not matter how well you play table tennis. But the summer season is too long to play table tennis. The long awaited summer, those who spend every day like a weekend. Thursday night The night at the old Soviet factory is so deep.
[Estonia: Google Translator]
Merel puuduv mets on roheline nagu laine ja metsa puudutatav järv muutub väikeseks aknaks. See on Eesti pealinn. Eelmisel õhtul enne Tallinnast lahkumist. Isegi kaheksa juures tänavad ei pimedaks. Suvine öö, kus laius on nii kõrge, et see on vaevu päikseline, on hea aeg Tellyskibi linnaosa külastada ja kõik ehitised, mis on jagatud tähestikuteks ja numbriteks, olid kõik Nõukogude päevad. Hüljatud hooned leidsid oma uued omanikud 2007. aastal koos kunstnike ja huvitavate poodidega, kes tulevad esimesse ja noortesse, kes sisenesid nõukogudeaegsele tehasele. Selle taustaga ja tähtkuju huvitavateks kõlbmatuteks sündis sündinud noor ja sensuaalne tänav, mis kulges vaid 10-minutilise jalutuskäigust vanalinna keskaegsetest tänavatest. Kui jõuate siia, võite leida koha, kus oma aega veeta üksinda. See on koht, kus saate lõõgastuda ja kuulata muusikat üksinda ilma keegi teie ümber. Erinevus vanalinna ja selle koha vahel on ruumi küsimus. Vanalinnas pole palju ruumi, et veeta vaikne ja rahulik aeg. Nendel päevadel on noorte jaoks kõige populaarsem Tallinna lauatennis, Kus iganes te lähete, on lauatennisalong. Ralli jätkamine on haruldane, ja see on telkiski hea hindeks. Igal tühjal ruumis on pingipalllaud, nii et ma võin oma sõpradega lõõgastuda. Pole tähtis, kui hästi mängid lauatennist. Kuid suvehooaeg on liiga pikk, et lauatennist mängida. Kaua oodatud suvi, need, kes veedavad iga päev nagu nädalavahetust. Neljapäeva öö ööl vana Nõukogude tehases on nii sügav.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아03-07 탈린의 유행을 선도하는 텔레스키비 지구
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
길,street,기타장소,place,레포츠,체험,,sports,leports,건물,architecture,유럽Europe에스토니아EstoniaEesti VabariikEesti김가람20186월하르유 주Harju CountyHarju MaakondHarjuJune걸어서 세계속으로
Teise maailmasõjaga valla päästetud sündmused hävitasid rahvusgruppe ning paiskasid inimesi laiali üle maailma. Noortele suunatud õppefilmis anname ülevaate, millised suuremad muutused toimusid alates 20. sajandi keskpaigast Eesti rahva seas. Filmis on kasutatud Kogu Me Lugu intervjuusid eestimaalastega, kes küüditati oma kodudest, sunniti põgenema terrori eest välismaale või kes jäid siia ja nägid pealt või kannatasid otseselt võõrvõimu vägivalla all omal maal.
Režissöör: Keiti Väliste
Toimetaja: Mari Tamm
Helirežissöör: Kristjan Kurm
Helilooja: Sven Sosnitski
Monteerija: Mark Šandali
Graafika: Hendrik Kampus
Teksti luges: Elari Lend
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Kalev (company) | Wikipedia audio article
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00:00:30 1 19th century
00:01:36 2 Beginning of the 20th century
00:02:43 3 Soviet era
00:05:09 4 Post-Soviet period
00:06:51 5 Stores
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
AS Kalev (2006–2012 Kalev Chocolate Factory AS) is an Estonian confectionery company. The company can trace its origins back two hundred years, the business that preceded the Maiasmokk cafe was founded in 1806, and is now owned by Kalev. The Kalev company is now a part of the industrial conglomerate Orkla Group. Since 2003, it has been based in Põrguvälja near Jüri, Rae Parish, Harju County.