Furong Mountain, Wujiang District, Shaoguan 512000, China
kids travel vlog | China's Nanling National Forest Park (EP40)
kids travel vlog | China's Nanling National Forest Park (南岭国家森林公园) is a top rated tourist attraction. We are Mia and Halle, two New Zealand girls currently living in China (旅行的孩子中国). There is so much to explore at this massive conservation reserve, from big mountains, forests to waterfalls. We also go to a local village and we try some yummy fresh local Chinese food.
Come explore with us in this Munch Monday vlog.
Address: Nanling National Forest Park (南岭国家森林公园) China, Guangdong, Shaoguan, Ruyuan, 327 County Rd, 南岭山脉
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Filming, editing, illustrations: Anna Mollekin
Created in iMovie
kids travel vlog
Afternoon Chanting at Nanhua Chan Temple
Nanhua Temple, where Huineng spread the Teachings of Sudden Awakening for 35 years; site of his Full Body Relic (aka mummy); this is the core chanting service; a separate service for ancestors is held in another hall.
食在廣州荔枝灣之泮溪及唐荔園+御品名點-粵語解述2018 Heritage Panxi Restaurant
泮溪酒家是一間位於廣東省廣州市西關的傳統酒樓,地處龍津西路、荔灣湖畔,為大型的園林酒家及國家特級酒家、中華餐飲名店。因附近有5條小溪,其中一條叫「泮溪」,故此以「泮溪」命名,與北園酒家、南園酒家合稱為廣州三大園林酒家。店址是南漢時期劉鋹的禦花園昌華苑故地,昔日也是荔枝灣水泮。1947年由泮塘人李文倫同李聲鏗父子創辦,兩個人占過半股份,另外有兩個人合股。當時中山大學一個教授就提議起名泮溪,於是就命名為泮溪酒家。初時規模較小,大概有兩百幾個位,是用杉木、松皮搭起的鄉村小酒家,銷售的食品主要是以當地特產——泮塘五秀為原料的菜式和點心。1958年由政府投資擴建,由著名園林建築專家莫伯治設計,1960年7月復業,占地1.2萬平方米。有迎賓樓、萬壽宮、碧波廳等40個餐廳及食街、點心座、商場、旅遊工藝部。文革期間,泮溪改名叫友誼飯店。1972年,國家領導人李先念要接待尼泊爾首相比斯塔,當時比斯塔點名要去泮溪,顧及名字不妥,酒家就此恢復原本招牌,而當時大多數餐飲店仍未脫離此狀。1990年代後期,經營逐漸走下坡。2005年8月由荔灣區政府接管,11月24日發布招商公告,但未能成事。 2006年8月,香港四洲集團以3800萬元奪得泮溪酒家99%產權,當年12月停業重新裝修。2008年2月3日重新開業,改行高檔路線。1996年被授於「中華老字號」;1997年被評定為「國家級特級酒家」;1998年被譽為「廣州市著名商標」。2005年6月被公佈為廣州市登記保護文物單位。酒家內貴賓樓在2015年8月19日被公佈為廣州市文物保護單位。佈局是園林酒家,薈萃江南特色及裝飾藝術精華,外圍粉牆黛瓦與緣簷輝映;內部長廊迂迴,樓台層疊,酒舫廊座,泮島環水。食品集多種菜系、不同風味於一體的美食園。招牌小吃有馬蹄糕,蝦餃,娥姐粉果等。
廣東佛山諭祭祖廟主殿及粵劇發祥地萬福戲台2016 Foshan Ancestral Temple
佛山祖廟在廣東省佛山市城區,據傳始建於北宋元豐年間(1078-1085年),是供奉道教崇信的北方玄天大帝的神廟,名“北帝廟”。原建築于元代末年被焚燬,明初洪武五年(1372年)重建。之所以稱為祖廟,據載是因為“歷歲久遠,且為(佛山)諸廟首”的緣故。明初重建祖廟時,規模“不過數楹”,此後隨著佛山城鎮經濟的日漸發展,祖廟不斷擴建,至清代初年,成為一座體系完整,結構嚴謹,具有濃厚地方特色的廟宇建築,並完好保存至今。 1962 年劃定為廣東省重點文物保護單位,由佛山市博物館管理。祖廟建築群佔地3500平方米,由排列在南北中軸線上的萬福臺、靈應牌坊、錦香池、鐘鼓樓、三門、前殿、正殿、慶真樓等建築物組成。作為眾廟之首,在清代建立地方行政機構之前,佛山祖廟曾長期用作處理地方事務的議事場所,異於一般神廟。它的建築乃至裝飾、陳設,全部由各行業捐奉而成,且大多是本地生產。佛山歷史上著名的鑄造、制陶手工業,其產品在祖廟有典型的表現。建築的精巧瑰麗也反映著古代佛山的繁華。它是佛山的一份珍貴歷史遺產。祖廟的建築裝修琳瑯滿目,豐富多采。如瓦脊上的石灣陶瓷、墻壁上的磚雕、灰塑、嵌瓷和殿堂裏的木雕、石刻以及錦香池中雄踞水面的龜蛇大石 雕等等,題材十分廣泛。所塑造的各種故事人物、鳥獸花卉等,大都構思新奇,刻劃細緻,生動傳神,耐人尋味。靈應牌坊是祖廟的重要建築物,建於明景泰二年( 1451 年),正值明景泰帝將祖廟“敕封”為靈應祠之時,施工格外講究,壯麗異常。清代以前,牌坊曾是祖廟的第一道建築,坊前有廣場。進入祖廟時,先經牌坊,過錦香池橋(今無),登石級而後入三門。清以後增建了戲臺、廊廡,牌坊才失去了門樓的作用。牌坊建於兩座高0.8米、長4.9米、寬3.8米的白色花崗岩臺基上,為三樓三層式。明間寬5米,次間寬2.1米,通高11.4米。第一層為歇山頂,第二、三層為廡殿頂,檐、柱間大量施用鬥拱,飛檐疊翠,層出不窮。其下用十二根柱子承托,左右各六根柱子,中間為木柱,外沿為石柱。由於是獨立的單體建築,除要承載牌坊的凈重外,尚須抵抗驟然而至的強風造成的撓曲力,故設計嚴格,結構精密,1976年曾受十二級陣風吹襲而安然無恙。萬福臺建於清初順治十五年(1685年),距今已有 350多年的歷史。萬福臺是演戲觀賞用的,看臺兩旁設有包廂,是廣東省乃至華南地區目前保存得完好的古戲臺。建築為歇山頂,不用鬥拱,面寬三開間,通長12.73米,進深二開間,11.78米,分前後臺;中間用一裝飾大量貼金木雕的隔板分開,前後臺各佔一開間。隔板有四個門,分別供演員及工作人員出入。前臺演戲,後臺化粧。前臺三門敞開,演戲在明間,奏樂在次間。臺高2.07米。臺前有廣闊的石鋪空地容納觀眾。空地東西各有廊,為卷棚頂二層建築,當時供士紳富戶觀劇之用。
台山鳳凰峽嶺南小九寨及台城舊區華僑騎樓群-粵語解述2018 Taicheng Township of Taishan Guangdong
台城街道位於廣東省臺山市,為該市政治經濟文化中心,華僑文化氛圍濃厚,其中西合璧的騎樓洋樓建築遍佈城鄉 ,是嶺南地區騎樓建築最為密集的地區,台城作為縣治已有510年歷史,明朝弘治十二年(1499年)被定為新寧縣縣城,時稱“新寧城”或“寧城”。據明嘉靖《新寧縣誌》記載,設縣次年,縣署、學宮便相繼建成,縣城初具規模,範圍包括台城環城西路、台城環城北路和環城南路所組成的三角形地帶。1914年,新甯縣易名為“臺山縣”,縣城俗稱“台城”。1924年~1929年間,台城掀起了第一次大規模近代化建設高潮,300多幢騎樓商鋪經統一規劃後如雨後春筍般拔地而起,形成了中西合璧的近代建築風貌。這樣的建築格局,得益于臺山華僑從國外源源不斷寄回的豐厚僑匯,以及新寧鐵路強大的運輸力量。
絲路旅程之9 - 青藏公路 & 塔爾寺 【降央卓玛 ● 西海情歌】Silk Road Journey - Qinghai-Tibet Highway & Kumbum Monastery
沿著美麗的青藏公路由西寧前往青海湖. 青海湖畔本是山清水秀,景色綺麗,但我們到時正是煙雨迷濛,青海湖遊船被迫取消, 是此行唯一憾事.
塔爾寺是中國著名的六大喇嘛寺之一, 是喇嘛教黃教創始人宗喀巴誕生地, 有四百多年歷史. 寺院殿宇相連, 白塔林立, 有如置身於西藏寺廟的氛圍之中.
Scenic drive on the Qinghai-Tibet Highway is a great experience not to be missed when traveling to Northwestern China. Kumbum Monastery is one of the 6 major monasteries of the Gelug school of Tibetan Buddhism, its profound Buddhist culture and unique Tibetan art attracts believers and tourists from all over the world to come to the pilgrimage and sightseeing.
Francisco Wu, Toronto
2016-03-14 Temple of the Six Banyan Trees, Guangzhou
Guanyin Hall Blessing Ceremony at Mid-America Buddhist Association in Augusta, Missouri on October 17, 2010. Wishing all sentient beings great peace and happiness within.
Golden Panda Cultural Immersion Trip - Day5:Cultural Fusion in Kaiping
The members of the “Golden Panda” North American Filmmaker Cultural Immersion Trip to Guangdong arrived on April 4 in Kaiping, the famous ancestral town of overseas Chinese whose village watchtowers are a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Welcome to XinYi
Hi everyone, I am a designer .In the drawn of The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 2008 ,I hope all the guests from the word visit our city,which is a attractive scenery.
Xinyi City is located on the northeast of Jiangsu Province and covers an area of 1571 hectares.She has a population of more than 9 hundred and 90 thousands.The Xinan Tow is the Pleple Public Goverment of this city. She is a typical small peacefully and beautiful city without the prosperous and bostling .
I'm very honored to be youre guide and introduce our scenery point to you:
The most features of MA-LING HILLS is Danxia landform in Jiangsu province's .Many shaps of hills are very fascinating attractions,such as The Moon On Cattle, Group Turtles Exploration, Sleeping Tiger In Lotus .It is not only the feeling of paradise, but also the natural evolution of human society and the progress of knowledge for us.
The natural scenery of Luoma Lake
Luoma lake that crossing -Xinyi and the Suqian city , is one of the four major lakes in Jiangsu Province.The capacity of lake is about 750 million cubic meters and covers an area of 375 square kilometers. The lake is multi-effectiveness artificial project with
irrigation, shipping, fisheries, tourism and industrial water . More and more people wrote articles for the clear water, soft sandy and tortuous river . Many of inlaid islands as pearl is Landscape Gallery in the plain of Northon .
Ancient Yao Wan town and the cultural of Grand Canal
Yaowan town is located in the southwest of Xinyi City about 45 km. It is important Commercial Ports and material distribution center along the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal . Old style of the ancient town still exist although hundreds year had past.Different architectural styles, building functional and ancient dwellings, ancient streets, ancient shops, the ancient port, the ancient ruins consist of the ancient town of molded cultural .The town is unique with well-preserved in the north of Huaihe river.These ancient building stand for the socio-economic development of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ,most of them still be used today.It is most difference with the North palaces, temples and South Water Garden town.It is the most beautiful tourism resources in Xinyi.
The Landscape from Shuhe River to Ta shan
Shuhe River - Tashan scenery is located on the hinterland of the Xinyi City.Shuhe River flow along the Tasha and shape natural lake which is the ideal place for leisure.
That is all . I hope you contact me if you want to have a good time in our city.
Contact qq:58243871 TEL:0516-80186446
Shanwei street traffic
This is five minutes of typical street traffic compressed into 20 seconds, one frame per second, and now displayed at 15 fps.
Dancers in Zhongshan Park
People dancing in Zhongshan Park, Shanghai, China.