Lowo Cave Trenggalek
Lowo Cave
Goa Lowo or Bat Cave is located in Watuagung village, Watulimo district, about 30 km South East of Trenggalek city, on the way to Prigi Beach, Karanggongso Beach and Damas Beach. After arriving on this cave, the visitors will welcomed by fresh air and the cool mountain with teak forest aroma, because the location of Lowo cave is surrounded by teak forest.
And when arrive at the mouth of the cave, the tourists will welcomed by a wide cave room that looks like a hall. The cave roof is about 20-50 meters; the wide is about 50 meters. The cave wall is decorated by various kinds of nature interior and decoration.
The beautiful wall hanging among stalactites and stalagmite, are looks so artistic with its light. At early founding, the cave expert, Mr Gilbert Manthovani and Dr. Robert K Kho in 1984 declared that Lowo cave become the big natural cave in Southeast Asia with the length of 800 meters, that divided into nine main rooms and the other small rooms.
To enjoy the wonder and beauty of the cave, there are bridges and artistic electric lamps along the cave. Out side the cave there are playground facilities for children and wide parking area.
Lowo Cave Trenggalek.mov
Lowo Cave (Guo Lowo) is located in Watuagung village, Watulimo district, about 30 km South East of Trenggalek city, on the way to Prigi Beach, Karanggongso Beach, Damas Beach. When the visitor have received by fresh air and the cool mountain with teak forest aroma, because the location of Lowo cave is surrounded by teak forest. From the park area to the cave, the road is split of teak forest. And when arrive at the mouth of the cave, the tourists welcomed by a wide cave room that looks like a hall. The cave roof is about 20-50 meters; the wide is about 50 meters. The cave wall is decorated by various kinds of panorama and decoration.
The beautiful of the wall with its stalactites and stalagmite, are looks so artistic with its light. Based on the cave expert person, Mr. Gilbert Manthovani and Dr. Robert K Kho in 1984, it is declared that Lowo cave is the big natural cave in south east Asia with its length is 800 meters, nine main rooms and some small rooms. To enjoy the wonder and beauty of the cave, there are bridges and artistic electric lamps a long the cave. Out side the cave there are playground facilities for children and wide parking area.
The Founding of Lowo Cave
A man named Lomedjo was came to a jungle looking for a place to had meditation. Then, he found a small cave that suitable for his meditation, which is near to a pool. He named the pool as the 'blue pool' (Kedung biru). Its located is about 600 meters of Lowo cave (this place is still used for meditation place by some people).
Because his pray and effort beg to the God, finally he got a dream that there is a big cave around his meditation place, which is become the animals hide.
One day, he found a big, dark and smell cave. Because there are a lot of bat in that cave, then this cave called Lowo cave. And the meditation place is about 600 meters of east side of the Lowo cave.
More info visit
Gua Lowo terletak di Desa Watuagung, Kecamatan Watulimo atau sekitar 27 Km dari pusat Kota Trenggalek dan Tulungagung. Akses menuju destinasi wisata ini sangat mudah karena melewati ruas jalan nasional dan searah menuju lokasi wisata Pantai Prigi dan Pasir Putih.
Di lokasi ini wisatawan akan menikmati keindahan gua yang diselimuti oleh stalagtit dan stalagmit. Ukiran di batu-batuan tersebut terbentuk secara alami dari partikel yang terbawa tetesan air di dalam gua selama ribuan tahun.
agustoliq chanel
Goa Lowo Trenggalek Jawa Timur | Longest Bat Cave in Southeast Asia (Part 1)
Lokasi Goa Lowo Trenggalek ini kalau diakses melalui pasar Bandung Tulungagung lumayan dekat, sekitar 10 km saja. Kalau dari perbatasan Tulungagung - Trenggalek hanya 5 km saja. Menurut ahli goa asal Perancis, panjang Goa Lowo (Lowo = Kelelawar) ini berkisar 2 km. Namun, dari total keseluruhan hanya 850 meter yang bisa dinikmati oleh wisatawan, karena sisanya yang sepanjang 1.150 meter sangat sulit dijangkau oleh pengunjung, karena terdapat terdapat sungai bawah tanah sedalam sekitar 10 m.
Untuk menonton video Part 2, ini linknya:
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Video by Mas DENIE H.
Hi, Guys! My name is DENIE H., I am a Javanese guy, Indonesia. I am an entrepreneur. My hobby is making videos for my YouTube channel. I am the original creator (and filmer) of content on this channel. Many useful things we do by joining YouTube (as a YouTube partner), we also get extra benefit (income) from here.
Instagram (Denie H./Owner):
The Tremendous Lowo Cave in Trenggalek - East Java
Lowo Cave (Guo Lowo) is located in Watuagung village, Watulimo district, about 30 km South East of Trenggalek city, on the way to Prigi Beach, Karanggongso Beach, Damas Beach. When the visitor have received by fresh air and the cool mountain with teak forest aroma, because the location of Lowo cave is surrounded by teak forest. From the park area to the cave, the road is split of teak forest. And when arrive at the mouth of the cave, the tourists welcomed by a wide cave room that looks like a hall.
The cave roof is about 20-50 meters; the wide is about 50 meters. The cave wall is decorated by various kinds of panorama and decoration. The beautiful of the wall with its stalactites and stalagmite, are looks so artistic with its light. Based on the cave expert person, Mr. Gilbert Manthovani and Dr. Robert K Kho in 1984, it is declared that Lowo cave is the big natural cave in south east Asia with its length is 800 meters, nine main rooms and some small rooms.
To enjoy the wonder and beauty of the cave, there are bridges and artistic electric lamps a long the cave. Out side the cave there are playground facilities for children and wide parking area. The Founding of Lowo Cave A man named Lomedjo was came to a jungle looking for a place to had meditation. Then, he found a small cave that suitable for his meditation, which is near to a pool. He named the pool as the 'blue pool' (Kedung biru).
Goa Lowo is located is about 600 meters of Lowo cave (this place is still used for meditation place by some people). Because his pray and effort beg to the God, finally he got a dream that there is a big cave around his meditation place, which is become the animals hide. One day, he found a big, dark and smell cave. Because there are a lot of bat in that cave, then this cave called Lowo cave. And the meditation place is about 600 meters of east side of the Lowo cave.
More info visit:
Exploring Guo Lowo, Just Like Finding The Batman Cave, Trenggalek - East Java
Lowo Cave (Guo Lowo) is located in Watuagung village, Watulimo district, about 30 km South East of Trenggalek city, on the way to Prigi Beach, Karanggongso Beach, Damas Beach. When the visitor have received by fresh air and the cool mountain with teak forest aroma, because the location of Lowo cave is surrounded by teak forest. From the park area to the cave, the road is split of teak forest. And when arrive at the mouth of the cave, the tourists welcomed by a wide cave room that looks like a hall. The cave roof is about 20-50 meters; the wide is about 50 meters. The cave wall is decorated by various kinds of panorama and decoration.
The beautiful of the wall with its stalactites and stalagmite, are looks so artistic with its light. Based on the cave expert person, Mr. Gilbert Manthovani and Dr. Robert K Kho in 1984, it is declared that Lowo cave is the big natural cave in south east Asia with its length is 800 meters, nine main rooms and some small rooms. To enjoy the wonder and beauty of the cave, there are bridges and artistic electric lamps a long the cave. Out side the cave there are playground facilities for children and wide parking area.
More info visit:
Inside Goa Lowo Trenggalek East Java | Longest Bat Cave in Southeast Asia (Part 2)
Inside Bat Cave. Tourists can only go along the 850 meters. Seperti apa ruangan di dalam Goa Lowo Trenggalek? Yuk ikuti kami (Part 2) ini untuk menelusurinya.
Menurut ahli goa asal Perancis, panjang Goa Lowo (Lowo = Kelelawar) ini berkisar 2 km. Namun, dari total keseluruhan hanya 850 meter yang bisa dinikmati oleh wisatawan, karena sisanya yang sepanjang 1.150 meter sangat sulit dijangkau oleh pengunjung, karena terdapat terdapat sungai bawah tanah sedalam sekitar 10 m.
Untuk menonton Part 1 ini linknya:
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Video by Mas DENIE H.
Hi, Guys! My name is DENIE H., I am a Javanese guy, Indonesia. I am an entrepreneur. My hobby is making videos for my YouTube channel. I am the original creator (and filmer) of content on this channel. Many useful things we do by joining YouTube (as a YouTube partner), we also get extra benefit (income) from here.
Instagram (Denie H./Owner):
Track: Valence - Infinite [NCS Release]
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Lowo Cave Trenggalek East Java
tempat wisata bagi wisatawan yang berkunjung ke kota kecil trenggalek
tempat pariwisata yang terletak di trenggalek jatim indonesia yang sangt extrim dan menantang.
Goa Lowo Watulimo Trenggalek, ajang adu kuat betis. lowo cave in Indonesia
Sebelum kita wisata kearah pantai prigi watulimo ada baiknya mampir kegoa lowo.
selain untuk memperlancar peredaran darah, ajang jalan sehat juga menjadi menyenangkan.
tidak lupa untuk sesalu menjaga kesehatan ya
Visit Bat Cave Tourism - Trenggalek East Java Indonesia
Nature tourism is the largest and longest cave in Asia
Visit bat cave tourism - Trenggalek East Java Indonesia
Goa Lowo Trenggalek
Guo Lowo Trenggalek
Guo Lowo terletak di Desa Watuagung, Kecamatan Watulimo sekitar 27 km dari pusat kota Trenggalek dan Tulungagung, untuk akses jalannya sangat mudah karena melewati ruas jalan nasional searah dengan Pantai prigi dan pantai pasir putih.
Dilokasi ini Wisatawan akan menikmati Goa yang diselimuti oleh stalagtit dan stalagtit dan ukiran bebatuan yang berbentuk secara alami dari partikel yang terbawa oleh tetesan air. Keindahan ini tambah lebih sempurna karena adanya sorotan Lampu aneka Warna yang di pasang di sela-sela bebatuan. Untuk menyusuri Goa ini Sudah di sediakan jembatan sepanjang 859 meter yang terdiri dari 9 ruang mulai dari mulut hingga ujung goa.
Kalau menurut salah satu penjaga goa lawa, panjang total goa lawa ini diperkirakan mencapai 5 km, namun untuk menjangkaunya dibutuhkan keahlian khusus dan peralatan yang memadai, karena semakin ke dalam jumlah oksigen semakin sedikit serta harus melintasi sungai bawah tanah.
Untuk ukuran gua ini lebar gua mencapai 50 meter, dengan ketinggian bervariasi antara 20 hingga 50 meter. Jadi tidak perlu takut untuk kehabisan oksigen.
Setiap akhir pekan atau hari libur Guo Lowo ini sangat ramai di kunjungi oleh wisatawan dari dalam maupun luar Kota, dan harga tiket masuk kedalam goa relatif murah, Rp. 7500 perorang pada hari biasa dan Rp. 10000 pada hari libur.
Sejarah Singkat Ditemukannya Gua Lowo.
Menurut cerita dari masyarakat, Gua Lowo ini ditemukan sejak tahun 1931 oleh salah satu penduduk asli desa Watuagung Mbah Lamedjo. Pada awal ditemukan Gua Lowo inipun masih diselumuti hutan belantara, yang dimana banyak hewan-hewan buas yang bersembunyi di dalamnya. Pada tahun 1984 mulailah di buka sebagai Destinasi Wisata, setelah diteliti oleh Dr. Robert K kho dan Mr. Gilbert Mantovani asal perancis serta ditemani oleh sesepuh Gua Lowo yaitu Mbah Kasidi. By the way, kok dinamain Gua Lowo sih? kenapa? Karena pada saat Mbah Lamedjo masuk ke dalam Gua ini, seketika jutaan kelelawar muncul dari dalam gua, dari situlah asal mula nama Gua Lowo ( dalam bahasa jawa) yang berarti Gua Kelelawar . Oh iya, Mr. Gilbert Mantovani juga memberikan pernyataan loh, bahwa Gua Lowo ini adalah termasuk gua terpanjang dan terbesar se Asia Tenggara, hebat bukan.?
Terima Kasih telah membaca, sedikit menambah pengetahuan dulur-dulur!
Salam Pariwisata.
Magnificent Lowo Cave
Lowo Cave
Goa Lowo or Bat Cave is located in Watuagung village, Watulimo district, about 30 km South East of Trenggalek city, on the way to Prigi Beach, Karanggongso Beach and Damas Beach. After arriving on this cave, the visitors will welcomed by fresh air and the cool mountain with teak forest aroma, because the location of Lowo cave is surrounded by teak forest.
And when arrive at the mouth of the cave, the tourists will welcomed by a wide cave room that looks like a hall. The cave roof is about 20-50 meters; the wide is about 50 meters. The cave wall is decorated by various kinds of nature interior and decoration.
The beautiful wall hanging among stalactites and stalagmite, are looks so artistic with its light. At early founding, the cave expert, Mr Gilbert Manthovani and Dr. Robert K Kho in 1984 declared that Lowo cave become the big natural cave in Southeast Asia with the length of 800 meters, that divided into nine main rooms and the other small rooms.
To enjoy the wonder and beauty of the cave, there are bridges and artistic electric lamps along the cave. Out side the cave there are playground facilities for children and wide parking area.
Bingkai Kota | Eksotisme Goa Lowo - Trenggalek
Melihat salah satu panorama alam yanga ada di kabupaten Trenggalek, Jawa Timur. Salah satunya Gola Lowo, yang merupakan goa terpanjang dan terbesar se-Asia Tenggara
GOA LOWO , merupakan goa yang terbesar dan terpanjang di Asia Tenggara. Goa ini terletakdi desa Watu Agung , kecamatan Watulimo
Guo Lowo Trenggalek Jawa Timur, Seram Banget Dalamnya!
Guo lowo trenggalek jawa timur,
Lokasi Goa Lowo Trenggalek ini kalau diakses dari pasar Bandung Tulungagung lumayan dekat, sekitar 10 km saja.
Kalau dari perbatasan Tulungagung - Trenggalek hanya 5 km saja. Menurut ahli goa asal Perancis, panjang Goa Lowo (Lowo = Kelelawar) ini berkisar 2 km. Namun, dari total keseluruhan hanya 850 meter yang bisa dinikmati oleh wisatawan, karena sisanya yang sepanjang 1.150 meter sangat sulit dijangkau oleh pengunjung, karena terdapat sungai bawah tanah sedalam sekitar 10 m.
Kegelapan menjadi keindahan bila ada lampu yang menyinari nya.Di wisata ini kalian akan melihat banyak lampu (lighting) yang berwarna warni.Wisata ini berada di Watuagung,Watulimo,Kabupaten Trenggalek,Jawatimur 66382.Wisata tersebut dikelola dan di promosikan oleh dinas pariwisatan kab.Trenggalek,sehingga banyak yg berkunjung untuk melihat keindahan alam pada dinding gua tersebut.
Guo Lowo Trenggalek, Goa Terpanjang Dan Termegah Se-Asia Tenggara
Goa terpanjang dan termegah se-Asia Tenggara, levelnya bukan lagi se-Indonesia. Gelar bergensi tersebut bukan tanpa dasar akan tetapi didapat dari hasil penelitian Dr Robert K Kho, seorang ahli goa ternama asal Prancis. Terlepas dari itu saya ingin membuktikannya sendiri. Bagaimana kita bisa percaya kalau belum mencobanya sendiri. Mencoba melakukan petualangan dan merasakan langsung kemegahan alam yang satu ini wajib hukumnya untuk diagendakan. “Guo Lowo” merupakan kosakata Bahasa jawa yang berati Goa Kelelawar. Lokasinya berada satu jalur menuju arah Pantai Prigi, tepatnya berada di Desa Watu Agung, Kecamatan Watulimo Kabupaten Trenggalek. Kurang lebih 30 kilometer menuju arah selatan dari pusat kota Trenggalek maupun Tulungagung (Jawa Timur).
Inilah Lobang Yang Tembus Ke Permukaan Di Ujung Goa Lowo
Berikut Lobang Yang Tembus Ke Permukaan Di Ujung Goa Lowo: