Luisenpark in Mannheim Germany.
The Telecommunications tower in Mannheim. also in Luisenpark.
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany ) Luisenpark Mannheim
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany ) Luisenpark Mannheim
The Luisenpark is a municipal park in Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, whose attractions include a greenhouse, gondoletta boats, and a variety of facilities for children. Along with the Herzogenriedpark (33 hectares; on the other side of the Neckar river) it is operated by the non-profit Stadtpark Mannheim GmbH.
The Luisenpark was built between 1892 and 1903, formed upon the legacy of scientist professor Dr. Carl William Casimir Fox, who bequeathed 20,000 Deutsche Marks in his will to the city of Mannheim for the making of a new park. This amount was not sufficient for total financing, but formed a foundational start. Construction work began at the end of 1892. The design of the park was done by the Siesmayer brothers, Frankfurtlandscape gardeners.
Conditions for the ascent of the Luisenparks for supraregional meaning was the resolution of the Mannheimer local council in November 18, 1969 to develop the Luisenpark as well as the Herzogenriedpark (to accomplish the Bundesgartenschau 1975). At that time the park was extended to a size of 41 hectares by the inclusion of a former racecourse.
The sales of 186,000 season tickets, which was not even reached by all federal horticultural shows, the number of 8.1 million visitors, and the removal of the Luisenpark fence, convinced the city council to operate the Luisenpark as city park with entrance fee. However, on October 21, 1975, the decision for a closed Luisenpark with entrance fee fell. It was agreed to have two probationary years (Probejahre) of free entrance, but over 38,000 maps sold yearly demonstrated a convincing argument to maintain the free entrance to the park.
The Luisenpark is named after princess Luise Marie Elizabeth of Prussia, a close relative of three German emperors: William I was her father, Frederick III was her brother and William II was her nephew. On September 26, 1856, when she was eighteen-years old, she married the Prince Regent, later Grand Duke of Baden, Frederick I. She carried out crucial pioneering work for the Wohlfahrtspflege in Baden. As an eighty-year-old, she, along with her daughter, Queen Victoria of Sweden, had to flee through a window from marauding soldiers attempting to take the castle in Karlsruhe.
The park contains a number of amusements and gardens, including a Chinese garden, rose garden, arboretum, and greenhouses for display and for tree ferns.
The Kutzerweiher (40,000 m²), a lake forming a side-channel (slough) of the (old) Neckar river. Gondolettas, tow boat ride: boats pulled by an underwater rope, follow a 1,840 meter long looped course around the lake.
An open-air stage with approximately 1,000 seats has offered since 2006 a place for concerts, operas, musical shows and plays.
The Chinese garden (5,000 m²), 多景园 Duojingyuan = garden of the many opinions, and its tea house were built in co-operation with Mannheim's Chinese twin city Zhenjiang (province Jiangsu), the Klaus Tschira charitable trust in Heidelberg, and the East Asia Institute (Ostasieninstitut) Ludwigshafen. The donation of 1,77 million Deutsche Mark (DM) from the estate of Diplom-Kaufmann George, provided the financial foundation for the garden and tea house.
The Pflanzenschauhaus (2,700 m²), a greenhouse and exhibition garden, is located at the site of the Palmenhaus (palm house) which was destroyed in the Second World War. It contains a butterfly house, bird exhibits, as well as salt and fresh water aquariums.
Towering over the Luisenpark is a 205 meter high telecommunication tower (Fernmeldeturm) with its rotating restaurant at 125 meters above the ground.
The Spielwiese (2,700 m²), a large playground and leisure meadow, located on the grounds of the original race track, borders on a model farm with domestic animals enclosures, and a Chinese tea house
The Heinrich-Vetter-Weg is a trail lined by more than 20 sculptures from the collection of Heinrich Vetter, by artists such as Amadeo Gabino, Kubach-Wilmsen, Ben Muthofer and Karlheinz Oswald
( Mannheim - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Mannheim . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Mannheim - Germany
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LUISENPARK MANNHEIM 2012 (kleiner Rundgang)
Hier könnt ihr einen Schnelldurchlauf durch den Luisenpark Mannheim sehen! ;)
Viel Spaß!
Rundgang durch den Luisenpark Mannheim
Ein Rundgang durch den Mannheimer Luisenpark mit allen seinen Sehenswürdigkeiten und Besonderheiten aus der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt.
2019.07.18 Luisenpark, Mannheim, Germany
Irene and Dave Hurr visait the beautiful Luisenpark in Mannheim, Germany
Luisenpark Mannheim Rundgang
Der Luisenpark Mannheim ist eine der schönsten Parkanlagen Deutschlands und mit Sicherheit ein Highlight der Rhein-Neckar Metropolregion. Im Herzen der Kurpfalz gelegen, besticht der Park mit seinem vielfältigen Angebot für Jung und Alt. Ein wunderbarer alter Baumbestand wird durch kreative Bepflanzungen ergänzt. Die Tierwelt ist im gesamten Park immer wieder in schönen Gehegen präsent oder sogar in freier Natur zu bewundern. Die Sehenswürdigkeiten reichen von Pflanzenschauhaus, Chinesischer Palast, Seebühne, Gondolettafahrt, Bauernhof bis hin zu fantasievollen Kinderspielplätzen. Das Video zum Luisenpark zeigt
Impressionen abseits der großen Wege und soll ein paar neue Perspektiven zeigen.
Hintergründe zum verwendeten Equipment finden Sie unter
Luisenpark Mannheim Rundgang
Luisenpark Mannheim Rhein-Neckar Kreis
Luisenpark Mannheim Pflanzenschauhaus
Luisenpark Mannheim Gondoletta
Luisenpark Mannheim Seebühne
Luisenpark Mannheim Fernmeldeturm
Luisenpark Mannheim Störche
Luisenpark Mannheim Schmetterlingshaus
Luisenpark Mannheim Wiese
Michael Kilian
passion for filmmaking
Luisenpark Mannheim Germany
Прогулка по Luisenpark город Mannheim
Aerobus Mannheim 1975 - Bundesgartenschau
Aerobus by cable technology is a kind of railroad in the sky. This generation was built in 1975 in Mannheim, Germany, for transporting visitors during the federal horticultural exposition.
Zur Bundesgartenschau 1975 in Mannheim wurde zwischen den beiden Ausstellungsteilen Luisenpark und Herzogenriedpark eine 2,8 Kilometer lange Strecke errichtet. Der Betrieb während der Bundesgartenschau verlief unfallfrei. Die acht Wagen transportierten in der Zeit vom 18. April bis 19. Oktober 1975 knapp 2,5 Millionen Besucher.
Mannheim in 4k UHD []
Mannheim in 4k
Ein Tag in Mannheim am 26. Mai.
Ein kleiner Rundgang durch Mannheim: Wasserturm, Friedrichplatz, Planken, Paradeplatz, Barockschloss, Fernmeldeturm, Luisenpark, Herzogenriedpark, usw.
Music lizensiert bei
Soundtrack: Inspirational von DmitriySimf
Aufgenommen und Bearbeitet von Thorsten Fleck
- Sony FDR-AX100E
- Steadycam Smoother Preciso
Winterlichter 2019 - Luisenpark Mannheim
Sa., 19.01.2019, 18 Uhr - So., 24.02.2019, Park
Ab dem 19. Januar 2019 leuchten im Luisenpark wieder Bäume, Sträucher und Wasseroberflächen! Diskokugeln glitzern, Pflanzen und Gegenstände senden Lichtblicke in Richtung Dunkelheit und tausende kleiner Lichtkristalle legen sich über den größten Mannheimer Park: Die Winterlichter finden 2019 zum 5. Mal statt!
Allabendlich ab 18 Uhr wird am Rande der Oststadt eine fantastische Welt aus lauter Lichtern entstehen. Es folgen Wochen, in denen die Baumkronen und Stauden, die kunstvollen Statuen, die Gegend um Brunnenlandschaft und Gebirgsbach sowie die Uferregionen des süd-östlichen Kutzerweihers kreativ in Szene gesetzt werden. Illuminator Wolfgang Flammersfeld, den der Luisenpark auch im Jahr 2018 wieder für den Zauber gewinnen konnte, hat wieder einiges aus der Kreativkiste geholt.
Neu in diesem Jahr ist der geführte Lichtrundgang „Walk The Light“, den sich Liane Weber ausgedacht hat. Besucher erhalten dabei erleuchtendes Hintergrundwissen zu den Winterlichtern 2019, den Herausforderungen beim Aufbau, den Visionen des Lichtkünstlers und der kreativen Technik. Der „Walk The Light“ findet immer mittwochs, also am 23.1. sowie am 6. 2.& 13.2. um 19 Uhr statt (Gebühr: Euro 2,-). Treffpunkt: Haupteingang. Anmeldung erbeten unter: 410050 oder an
Die diesjährige Lichtroute führt links des Haupteingangs vorbei am Heilpflanzengarten um den Heinrich-Vetter-Weg. Von der Brunnenlandschaft aus geht es über den rechten Schenkel der Doppelbrücke in Richtung Gebirgsbach. Der Weg führt entlang dieses verwunschenen Bereichs und führt schließlich wieder zurück über die große Wiese gegenüber dem Pflanzenschauhaus zum Haupteingang. Eine kleine Station mit Essen und Trinken gibt es wie gehabt an der Brunnenlandschaft. Und das ist vor allem für die „verbreitete Spezies“ der Eltern sinnvoll, die den hungrigen Nachwuchs so zur Vollendung des Rundgangs motivieren können: Mit Pommes, Wurst oder einer leckeren Suppe!
Und auch für Bewegtbilder und musikalische Untermalung hat Lichtkünstler Flammersfeld gesorgt: Fliegende Gegenstände, Glitzerndes, Projektionen auf Wänden und Wasseroberflächen und viele Fantasiefiguren werden bis zum 25. Februar im Luisenpark zu sehen sein. Der Lichtkünstler stellt sich bei seiner Arbeit immer wieder auf die jeweilige Szenerie ein und erschafft so in nächtelanger Erprobung immer wieder neue, einzigartige Objekte. Auch im Essener Grugapark und im Palmengarten Frankfurt hat er bereits „das Licht angeknipst“ und tausende von Besuchern mit seinen effektvollen Lichtkonzepten in der Natur begeistert.
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany )
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany )
Baden-Wurttemberg’s second-largest city after Stuttgart, Mannheim - Germany lies at the confluence of the Rhine and Neckar Rivers and is rare among German cities for its layout, a grid pattern (or “quadrates”) similar to those found in North America. The grid was originally plotted in 1606 and emanated from Friedrichsburg fortress, which later became the site of Mannheim Palace. Today, it partly houses the University of Mannheim. The city’s iconic water tower and its beautiful Luisenpark are must-sees.
Mannheim is a city in the southwestern part of Germany, the third-largest in the German state of Baden-Württemberg after Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.
Water tower: One of the most famous icons of the Jugendstil (Arte-Nouveau style) in Germany, the water tower (and small park surrounding it) is a great place to sit in the summer for a picnic or just a little rest. The park is surrounded by the Rosengarten, a conference hall of reddish brick, and the colors on a sunny day are amazing.
Mannheim's Palace (part of the University of Mannheim). It is right next to the main train station
Paradeplatz: the center of the city, pedestrians-only. A small park, surrounded by shops, restaurants and everything you can imagine.
Konkordienkirche (church): With about 92 meters the tower of the church is the highest one in Mannheim.
hristuskirche (church): The original Steinmeyer Organ with about 8000 pipes is one of the biggest within Germany and was built in 1911.
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Mannheim Germany
souvenirs de mannheim en allemagne
Luisenpark Mannheim
Dieses Jahr war unser Ziel zum Tagesausflug der Krebskrankenhilfe e.V. der Luisenpark Mannheim. Ein Ort der so schön ist daß er selbst gebrochene Herzen und Seelen gleichsam heilen kann....
Luisenpark Mannheim
Luisenpark Mannheim
Der Chinesische Garten wurde im Jahr 2001 im Luisenpark angelegt. In diesem Bereich des Parks steht das größte original chinesische Teehaus in Europa.
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany )
Places to see in ( Mannheim - Germany )
Mannheim is a city in southwest Germany, on the Rhine and Neckar rivers. The baroque 18th-century Mannheim Palace houses historical exhibits, plus the University of Mannheim. In the grid-like center, called the Quadrate, Marktplatz Square features a baroque fountain with statues. Planken shopping street leads southeast to the Romanesque Water Tower, in the art nouveau gardens of Friedrichsplatz.
Situated between the Rhine and Neckar Rivers, near their confluence, Mannheim has an energetic cultural scene and decent shopping in its busy city centre, along with a landmark palace, the Barockschloss Mannheim. The city's surrounding factories and heavy industry plants (automotive, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, engineering, agricultural and construction machinery) mean this isn't Germany at its prettiest, but they are a reminder of the drivers of the German economy.
Two important transportation firsts took place in Mannheim: Karl Drais created the world’s first bicycle in 1817, and Karl Benz built the world’s first automobile to combine an internal combustion engine and integrated chassis in 1885; the three-wheeled vehicle was patented in 1886.
The center of Mannheim is laid out like a chess board, with no real street names. Addresses in the Quadrat take the form of a grid reference, such as Q3, designating a block, followed by a building number on that block, e.g., Q3, 12. Note that the streets themselves are not named, rather Q3 refers to the block itself. If you follow a street from Q3, you might end up at either Q2 or P3. It is best to navigate by following the blocks rather than the streets. If you get lost, a rather high probability, simply ask a local. They are used to it.
Mannheim was a small fishing village before it became a city at the beginning of the 17th century. It was constructed on the site of a fortress guarding the confluence of the rivers Rhine and Neckar. Even now a few remnants of the fortification can be seen, and the peculiar street layout owes to that part of its history. For 58 years, Mannheim served as a royal residence and gave Schiller, Lessing, Goethe and Mozart a home for some time. Before World War II Mannheim was a beautiful city, but was flattened in bomb raids due to its industrial significance. When it was time to rebuild the city, Mannheim, like many other German cities, opted for an all out modern approach to urban development. Thus, most of the old quarters were replaced by buildings typical of the 1950s. If you are not an adept to architecture, their appeal might not be easy to grasp. As a result, the impression is more of an industrial city with a few spots of beauty.
Modern Mannheim is the second biggest city in Baden-Württemberg and one of the hotspots of immigration. Because of that you'll encounter a lively and colorful mixture of nationalities and cultures in the city. The Mannheim/Heidelberg area hosts the largest concentration of US military personnel in Germany, and barracks are found in many of the suburbs.
Alot to see in Mannheim such as :
Mannheim Palace
Fernmeldeturm Mannheim
Jesuit Church, Mannheim
Mannheimer Wasserturm
Kunsthalle Mannheim
Reiss Engelhorn Museum
Herzogenried Park
Planetarium Mannheim
Automuseum Dr. Carl Benz
Christuskirche Mannheim
Yavuz Sultan Selim Mosque
Friedens Park
Ketscher Rheininsel
Pflanzenschauhaus im Luisenpark
Unterer Neckar: Wörthel
Schillerhaus (Ludwigshafen-Oggersheim)
Mannheim gGmbH Park
Lampertheimer Altrhein
Museum Bassermannhaus
John Deere Forum
Chinese Tea Garden
ZEPHYR - Raum für Fotografie
Wildgehege Rheinauer Wald
Dalberghaus Musikbücherei Mannheim
Schloss Neckarhausen
Schleuse Feudenheim
EXTREM Mannheim
Altes Rathaus
Speyerer Tor
Ruine Schanzenköpfle
( Mannheim - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Mannheim . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Mannheim - Germany
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Luisenpark Mannheim
A summer day in Germany
Mannheim hat 'was (MA12): Herzogenriedpark - 2D-Version
03.04.15 - ein herrlicher Karfreitag in einem der Stadtparks
Karpfen im Luisenpark in Mannheim / Carf Watching @ Luisenpark Mannheim
Big and hungry carf on a boat-tour.
Luisenpark Mannheim Teil 1
Der Park ist auch im Winter schön