Travel on Lux Bus Tallinn to Riga
Tallinn to Riga on Lux Bus, easy and pleasant ride
Music by Loyalty Freak Music, Going to the picnic
Founded in 1993, Lux Express Group is the largest international express routes coach operator in the Baltic region offering bus services in 7 countries. Lux Express operates international and Estonian domestic routes. The main international directions are Riga, St. Petersburg, Tallinn, Vilnius and Warsaw.
Date of Travel: 11 August 2019
Miles: 192
Trip duration: 4h 25min
Ticket price: 28€
Lux Express Tallinn Riga
#nosmallcreator #seattleyoutube #seattleyoutubegroup
Lux Express Tallinn Riga
Our first experience taking the long distance Lux Express Tallinn Riga route. The four and a half hour, or so ride, is really comfortable and one that we would suggest as renting a car would more than likely not be any faster as travel via Lux Express Riga to Tallinn is on a two lane road so you won't be able to go any faster. Better to leave the driving to someone else and relax!
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Gear I Use:
☆ Sony a6500 w/SELP18105G E PZ 18-105mm F4 G OSS
☆ Sigma 16mm f1.4 Prime Lens
☆ Sony 18-105mm F4 G OSS
☆ Moza AirCross 3 Axis Handheld Steady Gimbal
☆ Joby 3K Gorilla Pod Tripod
☆ Sirui 3T-35R 2-Section Aluminum Table Top Tripod
☆ Peak Design Slide Lite in Ash color
☆ Shoulderpod S1 Professional Smartphone Rig, Tripod Mount, Filmmaker Grip, and Traveler Stand, with adjustable grip
☆ Rhode VideoMic Me
☆ Sony a6000
Lux Express bus ???? Tallinn-Pärnu
Lux Express Grupp is the largest international express routes coach operator in the Baltic region who offers the most frequent connections in Baltic States, to St. Petersburg, Moscow and Minsk.
Review: LUX Express Bus Journey (Lounge Class) from Vilnius, Lithuania to Riga, Latvia: 22 May, 2019
Review: LUX Express Coach Journey from Vilnius, Lithuania to Riga, Latvia - 22 May, 2019
I took the bus from Vilnius in Lithuania to Riga in Latvia in May 2019. The bus arrived at Vilnius Bus Station at 11:50 for a 12:00 departure. Upon arrival, bags needs to be checked into the bus' luggage storage area, for which a receipt is issued. There was a queue to board the bus as tickets were checked, along with identity documents, which need to be carried.
I booked a Lounge Class ticket, which cost €28 booked online in advance at . Lounge Class is less crowded than Standard Class, and is at the back of the bus divided by a red curtain. When booking in Lounge Class you can select an individual seat, you also get a small table, bottle of water, snack bar and entertainment console.
Departure was on time, it takes a while to leave Vilnius, and there is one more pick-up in the city, after this there are no more pick-ups or drop-offs until Riga. The journey was mostly pleasant on a Summer day, although the roads in Lithuania are pretty bumpy in places.
The entertainment console came with headphones provided and a USB port, which was powerful enough to charge my iPhone but not my iPad. The internet services were patchy and didn't really load with any success, but the film selection was extensive, and I watched Alien Covenant for the last two hours of the journey. The crossing between Lithuania and Latvia is barely noticeable on the E67 road. Arrival at Riga Bus Station was at 15:50 (10 minutes early).
Overall this was a long but positive experience, and I would certainly use Lux Express again in future based upon this journey.
This film features all aspects discussed above, along with views of the journey, and identification of some sites along the way.
Vilnius is in the southeast part of Lithuania and is the second largest city in the Baltic states. Vilnius is the seat of the main government institutions of Lithuania and the Vilnius District Municipality. Vilnius is classified as a Gamma global city according to GaWC studies, and is known for the architecture in its Old Town, declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1994. To read more about Vilnius, click here: .
Riga is the capital of Latvia, and also the largest city in the three Baltic states, home to one third of Latvia's population and one tenth of the three Baltic states' combined population. The city lies on the Gulf of Riga, at the mouth of the Daugava River. To read more about Riga, click here: .
To see footage from an aircraft landing at Vilnius Airport, click here: .
To see a review of The Panorama Hotel in Vilnius, click here: .
To see a detailed city tour of Vilnius, click here: .
To see a detailed city tour of Riga, click here: .
To see a hotel review of the Radi un Dragi Hotel in Riga, click here: .
To see footage from an aeroplane taking off from Riga Airport, click here: .
Would you like £15 off of your next hotel booking with if so please click on this link to make your booking:
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Lux Express - AITÄH, et oled meiega!
Igal aastal läbime koos miljoneid kilomeetreid ning teeme kümneid tuhandeid reise. Ainuüksi selle aasta jooksul oleme saanud sihtkohta viia üle miljoni inimese. Aitäh, et olete just meid valinud!
Juhend Lux TV kasutamiseks
Lux Expressi bussides on igal reisijal personaalne puutetundlik meelelahutusekraan ehk Lux TV, kust pakutakse erineva žanriga filme ja muusikat, lastele muidugi erinevaid mänge ja multifilme.
Kuidas valida õige formaat, subtiitrid ja teha vajadusel restarti – vaata juhendvideost ning naudi reisi!
Kokku on Lux Expressi bussides üle 4300 personaalset puutetundliku ekraaniga meediakeskust ja nende sisu värskendatakse igal nädalal.
Aastas veedavad reisijad Lux TV’s ligi 5 miljonit tundi. Ühe päeva jooksul vaadatakse bussides keskmiselt 13 000 tundi filme, filmiriiulil tehakse 65 000 kliki päevas.
Aasta jooksul saab Lux TV’s vaadata ligi 200 filmi ja kuulata 2000 laulu.
Lux Express on loonud kõik võimalused, et bussides veedetud aeg oleks puhas kvaliteetaeg.
Ei pea ise rooli keerama, vaid saab rahulikult suhelda lähedastega, lõpetada pakilised tööasjad ning vaadata ka mõnda head filmi, milleks igapäevaelus tihti aega ei jätku.
Põhjused, miks eelistab Anna reisida Lux Expressiga
Jumestaja Anna Grace Saar:
Ramsese apsud võttepäevalt
Ramses, Lux Express Eesti baasijuht, kutsub noori ja hakkajaid Luxi Päevale!
Kandideerimine ja lisainfo:
Eesti Rahvusballeti solist näitab, kuidas pika istumise järel keha turgutada
Inimesed veedavad suure osa ajast istudes - kontoris, autos, bussis ja ka kodus. Eesti Rahvusballeti solist Alena Shkatula näitab harjutusi, mis turgutavad pika istumise järel keha ja vaimu. Kas teed järgi?
Rahvusooper Estonia ooperi- ja balletipere sõidab 14. mail külalisetendustele Vilniusesse ja ees ootab üheksatunnine bussireis. Pikk istumine võib tekitada vaevusi, mille puhul on abiks mõned lihtsad võimlemisharjutused, mida tasub kõigil meelde jätta ja vajadusel päeva jooksul kasutada.
Vaata, kuidas Eesti Rahvusballeti solist Alena Shkatula Lux Expressi bussis reisiväsimust peletab ja proovi järgi teha!
1. Vii käed ette ja lükka selg sirgeks, seejärel vii käed kõrvale ja hoia selg sirgena.
2. Pööra pead aeglaselt paremale ja vasakule, nagu tahaks kaugele üle õla vaadata.
3. Painuta ülakeha kordamööda paremale ja vasakule poole, surudes õlga alla.
4. Jalad täistallaga põrandal. Pinguta tuharalihaseid ja suru samal ajal jalad tugevalt vastu põrandat.
5. Tõsta jalad vaheldumisi päkale ja kannale.
Iga harjutust tuleks korrata 10 kuni 20 korda.
Travelling to Riga & Tallinn
Travelling through Latvia and Estonia. Using Lux Express for transfer.
Lux Express Family Day
Lux Express family day in Katariina Kai, Tallinn, 23rd of May 2017.
Tallinn Bus station tallinna bussijaam Lux Express Bus Platform
A lux express bus from Tallinn to Tartu at Tallinn Bus Station (Tallinna Bussijaam)
Check our guide on the best places to stay in Tallinn:
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Check in Price also has a section dedicated to cost of travel. This is ideal for anyone wiling to study the location for their future travels, assessing costs like accommodation and salaries.
Travelling with Lux Express
Anna Grace Saar:
LUX Express & LUX Express Special
Trip from Moscow to Tallinn with Lux Express
Our travels:
buy Lux Express tickets:
Travelling with Lux Express
You can read a blogpost about travelling with Lux Express from here:
Go to Lux Express website and you can see how many beautiful places they can take you.
♫Music By♫
●Nicolai Heidlas - Back In Summer -
●Soundcloud -
●Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Lux Expressi jõulutervitus 2016
Tallinn to Riga - Lux Express- Forrest - Estonia to Latvia
Tallinn Bus Station - Tallinna Bussijaam
You can find information on the bus schedules, ticket prices and seat availability by calling the number 12550 (+ 372 6 800 900 when calling from abroad). This is a paid bus information line; the charge per minute is 0.30 euros (the charge of the local call will be added). The information line operates daily from 8:00 to 20:00. The free information line of Lux Express +372 680 0909 operates daily from 8:00 to 22:00.
Bus tickets can be bought at the e-shop, ticket offices and from the bus driver. Tickets to national bus lines are sold 10-30 days prior to departure; tickets to international bus lines are sold up to 6 months prior to departure.
At the e-shop, you can search for schedules and buy bus tickets. You can pay through Swedbank, SEB Pank, Danske Bank, Nordea, Krediidipank and LHV bank. Upon payment, you can print your e-ticket or order your ticket number via SMS. Prior to the journey, you must print your ticket either at the ticket office or at the self-service machine. The ticket must be printed on paper when entering the bus. Please read more detailed terms and conditions on using self-printed tickets from:
Пассажиры LuxExpress не смогли пересечь российскую границу