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Our Town: Stories from North East w/ Pledge
Die Macher: Wolf-Dieter Storl – Pionier für Permakultur
Wer Wolf-Dieter Storl als Pionier für Permakultur bezeichnet, liegt goldrichtig und dennoch daneben. Es gibt Menschen, für die selbst der zutreffendste Begriff falsch wird, wenn er als einzige Bezeichnung herhalten muss.
Wolf-Dieter Storl ist vor allem ein Suchender. Er erfindet nicht, er findet. Seine Technik ist dabei uralt. Er hört zu und sieht hin, ohne zu kommentieren.
Diese Art zu forschen kann man als angewandte Weisheit bezeichnen und in der Tat kommt der Mann, der heute zurückgezogen im Allgäu lebt, rüber wie ein Schamane. Das ist kein Zufall, sondern das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Wanderschaft.
Geboren wurden Wolf-Dieter Storl im zerbombten Nachkriegsdeutschland. Seine Jugend verbrachte er in den 60ern und 70ern in den USA, nachdem die Eltern aus der noch jungen Bundesrepublik ausgewandert waren.
Storl sog die amerikanische Kultur wie ein Schwamm auf. Er lebte und erlebte die unterschiedlichsten Facetten sogenannter Amerikaner, die vor allem eines gemeinsam hatten, ihre enorme Unterschiedlichkeit.
US-Amerika, so erkannte Storl früh, ist wie ein Flickenteppich, bei dem die zusammengenähten Fetzen oft nichts miteinander zu tun haben.
Storl lebte wie ein Hobo mit Hippies, Konservativen, Religiösen und Indianern. Er probierte synthetische und natürliche Drogen aus und verfiel immer wieder der Faszination des anderen Geschlechts.
Über all die Jahre lernte er vor allem die unberührte Natur kennen. Vor allem Pflanzen haben es ihm angetan. Welche sind essbar? Welche verfügen über spezielle heilende Eigenschaften? Storl eignete sich über Jahre Wissen an, das man nicht in Büchern findet, sondern das einem von Ureinwohnern verraten wird.
KenFM besuchte den Wissenschaftler, der optisch eher einer Figur aus Herr der Ringe ähnelt, in seinem steinalten Bauernhof im Allgäu. Es ergab sich ein faszinierendes Gespräch über Gott und die Welt. Der Nicht-Esoteriker Wolf-Dieter Storl lebt nicht in der Vergangenheit oder einer Fantasiewelt. Im Gegenteil. Er ist ganz weit vorn im Hier und Jetzt.
Sein aktuelles Buch „Mein amerikanischer Kulturschock: Meine Jugend unter Hillbillies, Blumenkindern und Rednecks“, das Anlass für den Besuch dieses Mannes war, kann einerseits helfen, das Phänomen Storl zumindest schemenhaft zu erfassen, andererseits versteht der Leser aber in jedem Fall, wie es Donald Trump ins Weiße Haus schaffen konnte. Storl gelingt es, dessen Wähler zu dekodieren und die leben im amerikanischen Hinterland und ticken völlig anders, als in den intellektuellen Hochburgen der USA.
Weitere Informationen zu Wolf-Dieter Storl gibt es auf seiner Website:
Das Buch „Mein amerikanischer Kulturschock: Meine Jugend unter Hillbillies, Blumenkindern und Rednecks“ ist hier bestellbar:
0:00:06 Wolf-Dieter Storl – Von Sachsen über Amerika in das Allgäu
0:27:07 Nahrungsmittelengpässe in der Ostzone als Wegweiser in die Botanik
0:42:19 Fügungen des Schicksals – das Studium der Anthropologie
0:47:25 Die grüne Revolution und kulturelle Vielfalt
1:12:30 Drogen als Kulturfaktor
1:35:18 Die amerikanischen Ureinwohner
1:51:10 Heimkehr nach Europa über Umwege
2:19:26 Ethnobotanik – Die Rückführung des Menschen zu seinen Wurzeln
2:25:43 Gartentour – Was ist eigentlich Permakultur?
KenFM jetzt auch als kostenlose App für Android- und iOS-Geräte verfügbar! Über unsere Homepage kommt Ihr zu den Stores von Apple und Google. Hier der Link:
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Abbey Rodeo - Harpersfield Winery, Harpersfield, Ohio - 8/27/2011 - You're Going to Lose that Girl
Abbey Rodeo playing at the beautiful Harpersfield Winery, in Harpersfield, Ohio, on August 27th, 2011. A great night, clear, full moon, great wine, good friends, couldn't get any better. They played a full three hour show - just a snippet here of their Beatles expertise.
DAYTON DISNEYANA TRAVEL DAY 2019 | Ontario to Ohio Road Trip | Our Didnee Side
It's Cheryl's 4th year at Dayton Disneyana! This year she statyed with Steve and Lori from Disney in Ohio! Lots of fun and shenanigans were had, so keep watching!
Want to be a part of the fun? Follow us on all of our social media!
We are a couple of best friends from Ontario, Canada. And we are both OBSESSED with all things Disney. Come along with us on our adventures! Both big and small!
We also have Solo Channels! Check them out here!
Thanks for watching!
Madison Seminary (with Evidence) - Paranormal History Profile
Madison Seminary - With Evidence
On June 15, 2018 we traveled to Madison, Ohio and the Madison Seminary. While we were there we participated in an all night paranormal investigation with several other investigators. This video will highlight our experiences and provide you and interesting look into paranormal investigating and what we found when we were at the location.
This video is also a collaboration with PSPR Paranormal Pursuit. Please check out their channel at: They have also been posting videos from the investigation that took place that evening.
Established in 1847, Madison Seminary was a small frame building that was intended to provide the men and women of Lake County with a higher education. In 1859, an additional structure was added to the original building and served as a boarding hall for the 150 students that were enrolled there. This building continued to serve an educational purpose up until it was purchased by the Women’s Relief Corps in 1891.
The sprawling four-story brick building sits quietly on Middle Ridge Road, seemingly unnoticed, surrounded by trees and many well-kept flowers gardens and ornamental shrubs.
The building's exterior offers up no hint of its rich history or the range of emotions from its occupants, who once called it home. The dated interior hints that time stopped decades ago, as the hallways lead to empty rooms harboring the secrets of its residents during its 160-year history. If the walls could talk, there would be one man willing to listen.
Hearing children playing, women in conversation and footsteps is just one of the claims made by several people who have been inside the Ohio Cottage building. Claims that the building is haunted go back many decades.
PANICd Paranormal History Profile - Our Haunted Travels is a series of Paranormal History Profile that we provide the history of the location, the ghost stories and folklore, the paranormal claims, our personal experiences, and why we believe the location could be haunted. Be sure to follow along with our adventures where we feature a new location we have visited each week at:
Ghost Stories and Folklore are Paranormal History Profile that will cover the paranormal claims at the particular locations. On occasion, we may deviate from a location and provide some sort of creepy pasta or urban legend video. These videos are narrated by our mascot Boris to add that special creepy effect to the videos. So sit back, listen, and enjoy. You can see the complete catalog of Ghost Stories and Folklore Videos we have at:
#haunted #exploring #history #pararnormalvideos
???? Check our PSPR's Channel at:
???? Find out more about Madison Seminary at:
???? Find out more about Elizabeth Stiles at:
???? Watch our Live Stream when we went live when we were on location at:
???? For the Ghost Stories and Folklore, check out:
???? Visit our on-line database of paranormal locations throughout the United States at:
???? Take a look at some of our paranormal related articles at:
???? Check out Resident Undead on YouTube:
???? Check out Madison Seminary's Facebook Page:
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Thanks for watching, and happy hunting!
History of women in the United States | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
History of women in the United States
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
This is a piece on history of women in the United States since 1776, and of the Thirteen Colonies before that. The study of women's history has been a major scholarly and popular field, with many scholarly books and articles, museum exhibits, and courses in schools and universities. The roles of women were long ignored in textbooks and popular histories. By the 1960s, women were being presented as successful as male roles. An early feminist approach underscored their victimization and inferior status at the hands of men. In the 21st century writers have emphasized the distinctive strengths displayed inside the community of women, with special concern for minorities among women.
ch 23) The Clinton Presidency and the Crisis of Democracy
chapter 23: A People's History (Of The United States) Howard Zinn.
Chapter 23, The Coming Revolt of the Guards, covers Zinn's theory on a possible future radical movement against inequality in America. Zinn argues that there will eventually be a movement made up not only of groups previously involved in radical change (such as labor organizers, black radicals, Native Americans, feminists), but also members of the middle class who are starting to become discontented with the state of the nation. Zinn expects this movement to use demonstrations, marches, civil disobedience; strikes and boycotts and general strikes; direct action to redistribute wealth, to reconstruct institutions, to revamp relationships. [p.639-640]
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Clickable SVG Map HTML & CSS
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New York State Senate Session - 05/06/14
New York State Senate Session - 05/06/14
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Our weekly women's Magic the Gathering EDH event!
AIR Dibrugarh Online Radio Live Stream
M.W 529.1m/KHz.567 F.M. 101.30 MHz
TRANSMISSION III (3.28 PM to 10.30 PM)
3.28 AIR Signature Tune/Opening Announcement:
3.30 Mishing Song: Artist: Minati Panging
3.45 Programme in Mijumishimi
4.05 Programme in Khampti
4.25 Programme in Wancho
4.45 News in Hindi
4.55 News in English
5.00 Programme Idu
5.20 Programme in Tangsa
5.40 Programme in Nocte
6.00 Anchalik Batori
6.05 Programme Summary & Highlight
6.10 Vrindagaan:
6.15 GANYA RAIJOR ANUSTHAN/ Interview on “Bibhinna Jator Aloor Rog Niramoy Aru Niyantran” With Dr. Mitul Saikia
6.45 Sandhiyar Anchalik Batori
6.55 Aajir Prasanga:
7.00 News in Hindi
7.05 News in Assamese
7.15 Yuvavani: Discussion in Assamese Topic: “Raajneeti Aru Chatra Samaj” Pts: Gagan Jyoti Deka, Abhijit Nath & Kailash Kutum
7.45 Adhunik Geet: Artist: Dulal Gogoi
8.00 Time & Metre Reading:/ Quotation DRAMA: “Shanto Shishto Hrishto Pushto Moha Dushto” Written by Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia Produced by Nilu Chakravarty
8.30 TALK IN ASSAMESE: Talk on “Asomiya Shishu Sahitya” By Dr. Kutubuddin Ahmed
8.40 Programme Highlight
8.42 Commercial Spot
8.45 Samachar Sandhaya
9.00 News at Nine:
9.15 Commercial Spot:
9.16 Assembly Review
9.25 Nikhar Anchalik Batori
10.00 Report on Khelo India Fit India 2020 Held at Guwahati
10.30 Close Down.
TRANSMISSION I (05.28 AM to 9.35 AM)
5.28 AIR Signature Tune:
5.30 Vandemataram/Opening Announcement Mangal Vadya/Programme Announcement
5.35 Bhaktigeeti: 1.Artist: Pinky Kalita (Borgeet-Madhabdev) 2. Artist: Binu Gogoi & Pty (DihaNaam) 3.Artist: Dharani Kalita (Lokageet) 4. Artist: Banashree Sarkar (Bhajan-Meera) 5.Artist: Jiten Mohan & Pty (Tokarigeet)
6.00 News in Hindi:
6.05 Gandhi Chinta & Programme Summary:
6.10 Swasthya Charcha: Interview on “Migraine” With Dr. Narayan Upadhayay Part: VIII
6.15 Classical Music: (Sitar) Artist:Pt. Ravi Shankar Rag: Ananda Bhairava
6.30 Bhajan:Artist: Anita Kour
6.40 Employment News:
6.45 Folk Music: (Tokarigeet) Artist: Gopal Kalita & Pty
7.05 News in Assamese:
7.15“AjirDinto” (Morning Information Service)/
7.30 GEETANJALI: 1.Artist: Anima Choudhury Lyc: Mrinal Kr. Choudhury, Sopun Herai… 2. Artist: Anoop Sarmah Lyc: Surya Kr. Raja, Sandhya Akashot… 3. Artist: Afroza Begum Lyc: Nurul Haque, Mon Jilike… 4. Artist: Anjali Bhagawati Lyc: Hiren Gohain Rod Jilmil… 5. Artist: Arati Mahela Lyc: Dwijendra Mohan Sarmah, Moi Nodi…
7.55 Commercial Spot
8.00 Samachar Prabhat:
8.15 Morning News:
8.30 North East News Bulletin in English:
8.35 SURAR PANCHOI (Composite) (Assamese Film Song)
8.50 Puwar Anchalik Batori:
9.00 Jilar Rehrup
9.05 ANTARA (Composite) Hindi Film Songs
9.35 Close Down.
TRANSMISSION II (11.28 AM to 3.30 PM)
11.58 AIR Signature Tune /Opening Announcement
12.00 News in English
12.05 Folk Music: (Naam) Artist: Durga Nath Buragohain & Pty
12.30 “GEETIMANJARI” /Artist: Kalpana Bordoloi, Karunadhar Sharma, Kula Baruah, Lakhyaheera Das Madhumati Goswami, Manisha Hazarika
1.00 News in English
1.05 News in Hindi
1.10 Troops Programme
1.40 News in Assamese:
1.50 Adhunik Geet: Artist: Dipa Goswami
2.00 SingphoSongs
2.10 Vrindagaan
2.15 DopaharSamachar
2.30 Western Music:
3.00 Close Down.
TRANSMISSION III (3.28 PM to 10.30 PM)
3.28 AIR Signature Tune/Opening Announcement
3.30 Mishing Geet: Artist: Indreswar Doley& Pty
3.45 Programme in Mijumishimi
4.05 Programme in Khampti
4.25 Programme in Wancho
4.45 News in Hindi
4.55 News in English
5.00 Programme in Idu
5.20 Programme in Tangsa
5.40 Programme in Nocte
6.00 Anchalik Batori
6.05 Programme Summary
6.10 Vrindagaan:
6.15 GANYA RAIJOR ANUSTHAN (Rural Programme)/ Interview on “ChahKhetir Logot Koribo Pora Krishi Kormo” With Supriya Sonowal
6.45 Sandhiyar Anchalik Batori
6.55 Ajir Prasanga
7.00 News in Hindi
7.05 News in Assamese
7.15 CHAH SRAMIKOR ASOR: /(T.G. Programme)/Tushu Geet by Sabita Rajowar & Pty.
7.45 Adhunik Geet: Artist: Dipa Goswami
8.00 Time & Meter Reading Bijnan Jeuti (Science Programme) 1. Talk on “Nanoprojuktibidya Aaru Eyar Prayog” By Dr.Dilip Kalita 2. Bijnan Barta by Sailendra Mohan Das
8.20 Hindi Film Song Film: Talaash, Tere Mere Sapne, Toilet, Kya Kehna
8.40 Programme Highlight
8.42Commercial Spot:
8.45 Samachar Sandhya:
9.00 News at Nine:
9.15 Commercial Spot:
9.16 Bare Rahania: (Bihu Geet) Artist: Khagen Mahanta & Archana Mahanta
9.25 Nishar Ancholik Batori:
9.30 Geet Ghazal Artist: Talat Aziz
10.00 Report on Khelo India Fit India 2020Held at Guwahati
10.30 Close Down.
مشاهدة مباراة الهلال وفلامينغو اليوم في نصف نهائي كأس العالم للأندية قطر 2020
لمشاهدة مباراة الهلال بصورة كاملة :
لمشاهدة مباراة ليفربول وأستون فيلا بصورة كاملة:
لمشاهدة مباراة الهلال وفلامينغو بصورة كاملة
مباراة الهلال وفلامينغو اليوم في دور نصف نهائي بطولة كأس العالم للأندية قطر 2020، يلتقي اليوم بطل أسيا الهلال السعودي اليوم مع فريق فلامينغو علي ملعب استاد خليفة الدولي، ومن أكثر مباريات الأسبوع إهتمام من قبل الجماهير السعودي، حيث يرغب كل جماهير الهلال من مواصلة مشوار بطولة كأس العالم للأندية في قطر، ومن المقرر بدأ مباراة الهلال اليوم الثلاثاء في تمام الساعة الثامنه والنصف بتوقيت مكة المكرمة.
مباراة الهلال وفلامينغو اليوم
فلامينغو البرازيل في مباراة قوية مع بطل أسيا اليوم، يسعي كل من فلامينغو البرازيل والهلال السعودي من الفوز بمباراة اليوم للتأهل إلي نهائي كأس العالم للأندية، وسوف يشاهد جماهير الهلال السعودي مباراة نصف نهائي كأس العالم لأندية في شوق لفوز الهلال بطل دوري أبطال أسيا 2019، وقد بدأ فريق الهلال أول مباراة له في كأس العالم للأندية أمام فريق الترجي التونسي، وقد إنتهت مباراة الهلال والترجي بنتيجة (1:0).
مباراة الهلال اليوم
بدأ فريق الهلال السعودي مشواره في كأس العالم للأندية بالعلامة الكاملة، ويرغب فريق الهلال من مواصلة مشوار بطولة كأس العالم من أجل إسعاد جماهير الهلال، وقد تفوق فريق الهلال علي الترجي التونسي في دور ربع النهائي ويرغب في مواصل التفوق بالفوز علي فريق فلامينغو البرازيل في دور نصف النهائي والتأهل إلي نهائي كأس العالم للأندية النسخة الحالية.
تشكيلة الهلال ضد فلامينغو اليوم
حراسة المرمي : عبدالله المعيوف.
خط الدفاع : ياسر الشهراني -علي ال بليهي – جانغ – محمد البريك.
خط الوسط الدفاعي : عبدالله عطيف – محمد كنو – سالم الدوسري – كارلوس ادواردو – كاريلو.
خط الهجوم : جوميز.
موعد مباراة الهلال وفلامينغو نصف نهائي كأس العالم للأندية
ويلعب الهلال اليوم مباراة قوية وتاريخية بالنسبة للهلال السعودي وسوف تبدأ مباراة اليوم في تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت السعودية ، تمام الساعة 7:30 مساءاً بتوقيت مصر ، تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت فلسطين ، تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت الأردن ، تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت سوريا ، تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت لبنان ،تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت العراق ، تمام الساعة 7:30 مساءاً بتوقيت السودان ، تمام الساعة 8:30 مساءاً بتوقيت اليمن ، تمام الساعة 7:30 مساءاً بتوقيت ليبيا ، تمام الساعة 6:30 مساءاً بتوقيت تونس.
القناة الناقلة لمباراة الهلال اليوم
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