Maioliche Originali Deruta
Processo di lavorazione della ceramica all'interno dell'azienda mod-derutaitaly. I manufatti vengono realizzati interamente a mano partendo dall'argilla, materia prima, fino ad arrivare al prodotto finito passando per una decina di passaggi differenti.
Live streaming di Mod-Deruta Italy
Handcrafted ceramic manufacturing process with hand-made painting in live streaming of the company MOD-Maioliche Originali-Deruta.
Live streaming di Mod-Deruta Italy
Handcrafted ceramic manufacturing process with hand-made painting in live streaming of the company MOD-Maioliche Originali-Deruta.
Live streaming di Mod-Deruta Italy
Handcrafted ceramic manufacturing process with hand-made painting in live streaming of the company MOD-Maioliche Originali-Deruta.
Deruta nel Mondo - MOD Maioliche Originali Deruta (eng sub)
Inaugurata lo mostra Back to Deruta: tornano le ceramiche del Rinascimento
A Deruta torna una preziosissima collezione di maioliche realizzate nel rinascimento. L’occasione è la mostra “Back to Deruta”.
Live streaming di Mod-Deruta Italy
Handcrafted ceramic manufacturing process with hand-made painting in live streaming of the company MOD-Maioliche Originali-Deruta.
Orologio Ricco Deruta
Orologio dipinto a mano con un decoro della tradizione Derutese dal nome Ricco Deruta.
L'azienda produttrice si chiama MOD-Maioliche Originali Deruta.
Italian ceramics table handpainted by MOD
Processing of a beautiful stone table decorated by hand by the company Maioliche Originali Deruta!
The next step will then be baking in the oven at a temperature of about 1000 degrees!
Bolo raffaellesco
Pittura di boli prodotti da Mod-Maioliche Originali Deruta con il raffaellesco, uno dei decori più classici e rappresentativi del paese Derutese.
Ceramic Guitar in Deruta Italy
these unique ceramic guitars can only be found here, in Deruta. Patent pending!
Ceramic processing in real time. Ricco Deruta Stone Table
Through our LiveStreaming ceramic channel, you can watch our pieces live.
If you like the piece of ceramic you can proceed with the order through the website and the piece you have seen will be sent to you. This is an absolute novelty in the world of ceramics introduced by the Maioliche Originali Deruta company that will evolve and that will enhance every piece purchased.
Le maioliche - Maiolica
Making Maiolica..
Ceramic processing in real time.
Through our LiveStreaming ceramic channel, you can watch our pieces live.
If you like the piece of ceramic you can proceed with the order through the website and the piece you have seen will be sent to you. This is an absolute novelty in the world of ceramics introduced by the Maioliche Originali Deruta company that will evolve and that will enhance every piece purchased.
Ceramic processing in real time.
Through our LiveStreaming ceramic channel, you can watch our pieces live.
If you like the piece of ceramic you can proceed with the order through the website and the piece you have seen will be sent to you. This is an absolute novelty in the world of ceramics introduced by the Maioliche Originali Deruta company that will evolve and that will enhance every piece purchased.
M. VIGNOLA: Maiolica italiana nel Quattrocento -
Associazione Culturale IMAGO ANTIQUA
CONFERENZA/WORKSHOP - Sabato 20 Febbraio 2016
La storia tra le dita. Manufatti originali e repliche del XV secolo a confronto
Cinema Teatro Tiberio, Chiesa di S. Giuliano Martire - Borgo S. Giuliano di Rimini; evento organizzato dall’Associazione Culturale IMAGO ANTIQUA, con il patrocinio del Comune di Rimini.
Intervento dal titolo Una ciotola di Santa Maria della Scala (Siena) nel panorama della maiolica italiana del Quattrocento.
Relatore: MARCO VIGNOLA, Archeologo
Ceramic processing in real time.
Through our LiveStreaming ceramic channel, you can watch our pieces live.
If you like the piece of ceramic you can proceed with the order through the website and the piece you have seen will be sent to you. This is an absolute novelty in the world of ceramics introduced by the Maioliche Originali Deruta company that will evolve and that will enhance every piece purchased.
Deruta nel Mondo Ceramiche Pinturicchio (eng sub)
Video di presentazione delle Ceramiche Pinturicchio, Deruta