Africa Safari in HD in Tanzania
Join us in Africa
Shutter Tours and and Maasai Magic Safaris guests took a trip to Tanzania in November of 2015.
Locations visited included:
Arusha National Park
Tarangire National Park
Ngorongoro Crater
Olduvai Gorge
Lodging locations included on trip:
Lake Duluti Serena Hotel
Tarangire Sopa Lodge
Kitela African Spa Lodge
Ngorongoro Serena Safari Lodge
Kati Kati Luxury Tented Camp
Mbuzi Mawe Permanent Luxury Tented Camp
For information on upcoming safaris, please see
Music: Youssou N'Dour - Africa Calling available at
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Bumba Crossing - Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
Video shot with GoPro 3+, Sony A6000 and iPhone 5
Expeditions Maasai Safaris :2 days Masai Mara
#TembeaKenya The best bargain Mega Roadtrip & Overland Truck Camping Safari to Masai Mara 2 days safari package.
join & create magical experience in the Mara
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Offers #ExpeditionsAdvantage #TwendeMasaiMara #ExpeditionsMaasaiSafaris
Music belongs to the respective owners.
Gate 1 Discovery Tours Kenya & Tanzania
Gate 1 Travel offers affordable guided tours everywhere around the world.
Follow the link below for more information about all of our exclusive Discovery Tours
Expeditions Maasai Safaris : 2 days Masai Mara offer
#TembeaKenya The best bargain Mega Roadtrip & Overland Truck Camping Safari to Masai Mara 2 days safari package.
join & create magical experience in the Mara
+254 20 4402616 +254714318944 +254731521789
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Offers #ExpeditionsAdvantage #TwendeMasaiMara #ExpeditionsMaasaiSafaris
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Music belongs to the respective owners.
Marino On Tour #18: HOTELCHECK: TANSANIA - Africa Amini Maasai Lodge
Alle Infos zum Gewinnspiel:
Mein nächster Stop ist ein ganz besonderer für mich. Ich war in der Africa Amini Maasai Lodge in Tansania. Für euch hab ich mir diese traumhafte Lodge und die Maasai Kultur genau angesehen. Natürlich gibt es auch wieder einen Lösungsbuchstaben für mein Weltreise-Gewinnspiel.
Alle Reiseberichte von Marino:
Günstige Tansania-Angebote findest du auf
Bleib auf dem Laufenden und verpasse nie mehr einen Deal!
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Music By Ehrling
Tanzania - enjoying safari
Karibu Tanzania! Impressions of the wildlife in the national parks of Tanzania: Ngorongoro, Serengeti, Tarangire and Lake Manyara. Elephants, lions, leopards, giraffes and all the other wild animals you can imagine.
Moto taxi drive in Arusha, Tanzania
One of our favorite modes of transportation in Africa is moto taxis! They are fun, adventure and the best way to witness how locals live.
Here is a video of our two rides in Arusha, Tanzania.
Serengeti National Park Tanzania See the Magic of the Park
Serengeti National Park Tanzania See the Magic of the Park
The Serengeti Four Seasons - An unforgettable Safari!
A personal vlog of my unforgettable trip to The Four Seasons Serengeti. This trip was fully paid for by us so isn't biased in any way, I can't recommend the hotel more and the holiday was fully booked with the help of the travel experts at TrailFinders - They arranged our flights and transfers for us as well as the hotel booking.
For more information about this trip visit my blog for the full itinerary details:
Thank-you so much for watching! If you want to see more from me please follow me on my social channels:
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Maasai woriors at eunoto ceremony.
Serengeti National Park | The Great Migration Tour 1 | Kiliedu Travel & Tours
Serengeti National Park is number 1 for the Great Migration Safari in the world and no any other park with this wild animals magic’s
Africa Safari, Tanzania: Tarangire - Ngorongoro - Lake Manyara
In 2013 I went to Tanzania Safari with my wife. We stayed at the city of Arusha. From there we took a trip to Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Conservation Area (a crater) and Lake Manyara National Park. We saw many animal species: lions, elephants, zebras, hyaenas, giraffes etc. We also visited a traditional Maasai village.
Tanzania Safari is a great way to experience African atmosphere. There are several tour operators for Tanzania Safari that you can choose from. Tarangire, Ngorongoro and Lake Manyara give you an opportunity to see a thru Africa Safari without a need to travel very long distances. Definitely a recommendable Africa Safari!!
0:13 - ARUSHA
1:06 - Elephants
1:16 - Giraffes
1:32 - Birds
2:09 - Different animals
2:25 - Lions
2:35 - Zebras
2:45 - Hyaena etc.
3:09 - Maasai village
3:46 - Different animals
3:57 - Hippos
4:02 - Driving on different locations
Carnival of Rust - Poets of the Fall (a great Finnish band!)
Arusha to Manyara Park, Tanzania 1
Tanzania - Kilimanjaro | Safari
Hey there,
I'ts been a long time since I have uploaded a video, this is because all content on my Hard Drive were deleted. But fortunatly all the files are back.
I'm back with a new video for you guys, It is my last summer holiday in Tanzania! I have spent much time to make this video and I Hope you guys enjoy the video.
Check my preview video's!!
Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more video's
All my video's are edited wit Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 or iMovie.
Rivertrees Country Inn - May 2017
Usa River, outside of Arusha, Tanzania
Nairobi Ke to Arusha Tz - 2 day Raod trip by Kenya Outdoors
A two day road trip to Arusha Tz by Kimotho Jackson of Kenya Outdoors.
탄자니아 여행-아루샤 [Tanzania Travel-Arusha] 쳄카 온천/Arusha Clock Tower/Chemka Hot Springs/Safari
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- Arusha Clock Tower
- Chemka Hot Springs Campsite
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아프리카 동부, 인도양 연안에 위치한 탄자니아는 1964년 탕가니카와 잔지바르가 통합해 생긴 나라다. 탄자니아에서 두 번째로 높은 메루산 아래 위치한 아루샤는 아루샤 주의 주도로 이 나라에서 세 번째로 큰 도시다. 아루샤는 탄자니아 북부 통상과 교역의 중심지로 동아프리카에서 가장 빠르게 발전하고 있는 도시다. 이 시계탑의 위치가 아프리카 대륙의 중간지점이다. 적도 근처에 있지만 연평균 25도의 비교적 온화한 기후인데 그 이유는 이곳이 해발 1400미터에 위치한 고원이기 때문이다. 이곳은 아프리카 관광의 중심지 중 하나로 세렝게티, 타랑기레, 응고롱고로 등 세계적인 국립공원으로 향하는 관문이다. 그렇기에 아루샤는 대자연을 감상하기 위한 많은 여행자들이 모이는 곳이다. 나도 탄자니아의 국립공원을 둘러보기 위해 현지 여행사를 찾아갔다. 세렝게티를 중심으로 주변 국립공원을 함께 묶은 여행코스가 2박 3일에서 4박 5일까지 다양하게 준비되어 있었다. “세로네라에서 차를 타고 가면 ‘열기구 사파리’ 및 다른 관광명소를 만날 수 있어요. 충분히 둘러보고 관광하기 위해서는 보통 4~5일 정도가 필요해요.” “시간이 충분해야 ‘Big5’(사자, 코끼리, 코뿔소, 물소, 표범)도 보시고 다른 관광명소나 체험도 할 수 있어요.” 출발은 내일이다. “지금 가는 곳은 매우 아름다운 곳입니다.” 삭막한 초원 위에 마른 땅만 가득하다. 흙먼지만 날리는 길인데 대체 어떤 장소를 말하는 것일까? 1시간을 넘게 달린 후, 눈앞에 놀라운 풍경이 펼쳐졌다. 온천이었다. 에메랄드빛의 맑은 물에서 사람들이 물놀이를 하는 광경을 보게 되다니, 아프리카에도 이런 곳이 있었다는 게 믿어지지 않았다. “비행기로 내일 떠날 예정이라 오늘 하루 여유가 있었어요. 여기로 저희를 데려다준 분이 참 좋은 곳이라고 추천을 해줘서 왔습니다.“ “꽤 마음에 드네요. 사실 놀랐어요. 이곳에 도착했을 때는 어디로 가야 할지 몰랐는데 마음에 드네요. 여기는 굉장히 아름다운 곳이고 오게 돼서 다행인 것 같아요.” 이곳에 있는 여행객과 현지인 모두가 정말 행복해 보인다. 쳄카 온천의 물은 땅속에서 방출되는 지열로 데워진다. 그 물이 온천을 둘러싼 나무 밑에서 끊임없이 나와 항상 맑은 물을 유지하고 있었다. “이곳은 쳄카 마을의 특별한 곳이라 우리가 보호해야 할 지역입니다.” 우리가 흔히 닥터피시라고 부르는 물고기들도 사람들의 몸을 청소하며 온천 지킴이 역할을 톡톡히 하고 있었다. 숨은 보물 쳄카 온천은 사파리 여행을 앞두거나 다녀온 사람들에게 오아시스 같은 존재가 되어주었다. “다른 장소보다 좀 먼 곳이지만 아름다워요. 수영도 했는데 물이 따뜻해서 정말 좋았어요. 여러 나라에서 온 사람들도 만났고 여기에 한 두 시간 정도 있었어요. 이곳에서 좋은 시간을 보냈고 재밌었어요.” 참 즐거운 시간이었다.
■클립명: 아프리카062-탄자니아03-01 사파리 여행 전 즐기는 쳄카 온천
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 류상훈 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2019년 9월September
탑,tower,온천/목욕/수영,spa,swimming,아프리카Africa탄자니아Tanzania류상훈20199월아루샤ArushaSeptember걸어서 세계속으로
Lake Manyara National Park - SAFARI TANZANIA 2016
Lake Manyara National Park is a Tanzanian national park located both in Arusha Region and Manyara Region. The majority of the land area of the park is a narrow strip running between the Gregory Rift wall to the west and Lake Manyara, an alkaline or soda-lake, to the east. The park consists of 330 km2 (130 sq mi) of arid land, forest, and a soda-lake which covers as much as 200 km2 (77 sq mi) of land during the wet season but is nearly nonexistent during the dry season. Lake Manyara National Park is known for the flamingos that inhabit the lake. More than 400 species of birds inhabit the park and many remain throughout the year. Leopards, Masai lions, cheetahs, elephants, blue monkeys, dik-dik, gazelles, hippopotami, Masai giraffe, impala, zebras and many more wild animals inhabit this park and many can be seen throughout the year.
Canon 700d - Tamron 70-300
Safari Kenia en Tanzania
In januari 2009 heb ik een safari naar Kenia en Tanzania gemaakt. Dit filmpje is een korte impressie van wat ik allemaal gezien en beleefd heb.
Thorntree River Lodge - A Magical Escape
Thorntree River Lodge - A Magical Escape!
Stay at Thorntree River Lodge to experience a perfect getaway on the banks of the powerful Zambezi River! Drink cocktails on the floating deck or walk with the white rhino in the Mosi-Oa-Tunya National Park. Rhino are guarded 24 hours a day to prevent poaching and preserve the beautiful and gentle species.
Camera: Shaun McMinn