Madara Horseman Shumen, Bulgaria
Madara Horseman is a medieval bas-relief carved on a cliff near the present village of Madara in northeastern Bulgaria declared by UNESCO as a monument of world cultural heritage.
Bulgarian man playing the bagpipe.
Fantastic place
Sights of Bulgaria - Madara Rider, Shumen
In this video you can see some pictures of Madara Rider and found most important information about it. If you like this please click the like button and don't forget to subscribe with the bell on!
Madara Rider - UNESCO World Heritage Site
The Madara Rider is a fascinating and unusual UNESCO World Heritage site in Bulgaria. It's a life-sized rock carving that depicts Khan Tervel, first king of Bulgaria, triumphantly defeating a lion and founding the first Bulgarian kingdom. It's a beautiful spot, though definitely one of the smallest World Heritage sites we've ever visited! I just wish we could get a bit closer.
For more Bulgarian World Heritage sites:
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Rock Art of Alta:
Rock Carvings in Tanum:
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Music: - Happiness
Descend of Madara Rider Hill Unesco Bulgaria
Madara Horseman of Bulgaria
The Madara Rider or Horseman. Historical rock carving from early Bulgarian kingdom with my gudie Penka Borisova.
Excursion in Bulgaria Complex Madara - Madara Horseman Bulgaria /Der Reiter von Madara Bulgarien
Complex Madara is a large and varied archaeological complex, which is located near of the town of Madara, Shumen, Pliska and Preslav.
Within the complex you can see a variety of historical sights of Bulgaria, of different epochs.
Here are the most interesting ones.
The cave in which prehistoric people lived about 9000 years ago.
Granary with huge ceramic jars.
Thracian and ancient - Bulgarian sanctuary.
The world-famous Madara Horseman or the Madara Rider.
And fortress Madara whech was built at the top of the hill.
From fortress Madara there is a veiw of the town of Pliska and the ancient fortress Pliska - the first Bulgarian capital and fortress Shumen, which is also located right on the top over the town of Shumen.
Also not far away is also located the fortress of Preslav - the second capital of Bulgaria.
Complex Madara includes a beautiful nature and it is a very powerful place. The most famous sights in the complex Madara its carved into the rock barelef Madara Horseman or Madara RIder.
We organize individual excursions in Bulgaria and an individual tours in complex Madara.
Our contacts:
Tel: +359898654320 - ther is a Viber and Whats app
skype: constantius-vsp
More information on our website.
Komplex Madara ist eine große und vielfältige archäologische Komplex, der in der Nähe der Stadt Madara, Shumen, Pliska und Preslav befindet.
Innerhalb des Komplexes können Sie sehen, eine Vielzahl von historischen Sehenswürdigkeiten von Bulgarien, der verschiedenen Epochen.
Hier sind die interessantesten.
Die Höhle, in der prähistorische Menschen lebten vor etwa 9000 Jahren.
Getreidespeicher mit großen keramischen Gläsern.
Thrakischen und antiken - bulgarischen Heiligtum.
Der weltberühmte Reiter von Madara.
Und die Festung Madara Whech wurde an der Spitze des Hügels gebaut.
Von der Festung Madara gibt es einen Vogel der Stadt Pliska und die alte Festung Pliska - die erste bulgarische Hauptstadt und Festung Shumen, die auch direkt über der Stadt Shumen liegt.
Auch nicht weit entfernt befindet sich auch die Festung von Preslav - die zweite Hauptstadt von Bulgarien.
Komplex Madara umfasst eine wunderschöne Natur und es ist ein sehr mächtiger Ort. Die berühmtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten in der komplexen Madara seine in den Felsen barelef Reiter von Madara geschnitzt.
Wir organisieren individuelle Ausflüge in Bulgarien und individuelle Besichtigungen in Madara.
Mehr Informationen in unsere Website.
Madara Rider
The Madara Rider, representing the figure of a knight triumphing over a lion, is carved into a 100-meter-high cliff near the village of Madara in north-eastern Bulgaria. Madara was the principal sacred place of the First Bulgarian Empire, before Bulgaria’s conversion to Christianity in the 9th century. The inscriptions beside the sculpture tell of events that occurred between A.D. 705 and 801.
Madara Rider
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The Madara Rider or Madara Horseman is an early medieval large rock relief carved on the Madara Plateau east of Shumen in northeastern Bulgaria, near the village of Madara.The monument is dated in the very late 7th, or more often very early 8th century, during the reign of Bulgar Khan Tervel.In 1979 became enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
About the author(s): Bulgaria_location_map.svg: NordNordWest derivative work: Виктор В (talk)
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Author(s): NordNordWest (
Виктор В (
talk (
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Image source in video
Bagpipes at Zandana Cave entrance Madara Rider
Bagpipes at Zandana Cave entrance Madara Rider
Madara Rider and Castle
Madara Rider is an early medieval large rock relief carved on the Madara Plateau east of Shumen in northeastern Bulgaria, near the village of Madara. The monument is dated in the very late 7th century.
България отвисоко - Шуменска крепост
Видео филм от поредицата България отвисоко, показващ най-старата българска крепост - Шуменската.
Крепостта Овеч, Провадия (част 1)
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Видео предоставено от Кристиян Мицов:
Овеч е средновековна крепост, намираща се източно от днешния град Провадия. Разположена е върху плато над града, носещо името 'Калето'.
Крепостта е изградена от византийците и функционира от 4-ти до началото на 7-ми век, след това близо век не е активна. Обитаването ѝ повторно започва от 11-ти век и завършва в края на 17-ти век. Въпреки това преди основаването на крепостта е доказано и тракийско присъствие. Най-голям разцвет претърпява по време на Второто българско царство. Византийците наричат крепостта Проватон, българите – Овеч, а турците – Таш Хисар (каменна крепост). В историческите хроники от 12-ти век крепостта се споменава и с името Бурфанта.
Днес от крепостта са останали напълно обновеното мостово съоръжение между крепостта и платото Табиите, множество кладенци за събиране на вода, щерни за зърно, стражеви кули, каменна северна порта, затвори на благородници и на провинили се граждани и военнопленници, както и мраморни колони на Омуртаг.
Cool Madara Bulgaria
High elevations stimulates you vocal abilities =)
The Madara Archelogical Reserve
The Madara Archelogical Reserve (02)
The Magical Caves of Madara in Bulgaria
A walk round the ancient site of Madara with its mythology, caves and gigantic open cave which was used for pagan rituals and later converted into a Christian monastary, with my guide Penka Borisova.
The Madara Rider
The Madara Rider, representing the figure of a knight triumphing over a lion, is carved into a 100-m-high cliff near the village of Madara in north-east Bulgaria. Madara was the principal sacred place of the First Bulgarian Empire before Bulgaria's conversion to Christianity in the 9th century. The inscriptions beside the sculpture tell of events that occurred between AD 705 and 801.
Любителски филм за гр. Мадара Шуменско 1933 г.
Първият любителски филм в България. Филм за гр.Мадара и Мадарския конник сниман 1933 г. на 16 мм от Ростислав Бакалов
дигитализиран през 2019 с финансовата подкрепа на национален фонд Култура от екип с ръководител Детелина Палазова и членове Д-р Александър Донев, инж.Радослав Марков Борислав Константинов.
First amateur movie in Bulgaria 1933. 16мм. Its about Madara, Shumen district and Madara Rider filmed by Rostislav Bakalov. Digitized in 2019 By Detelina Palazova, Alexander Donev Ph.D., dipl.eng. Radoslav Markov, Borislav Konstantinov with financial support by National Fund Culture.
Пирин Pirin mountain
Филм на киноклуб Мадарски конник гр. Шумен. Представя разходка из Пирин планина. Без звук.