Viesu māja Jānis, Madona, Latvia, HD Review
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Situated in the centre of the town Madona, Viesu māja Jānis offers accommodation with free private parking and numerous shops and cafes in the area. The popular Madona City Museum is 0.6 miles away.
The rooms at Viesu māja Jānis are bright and feature wooden furniture. There is a private bathroom with a shower and a flat-screen TV in each of them. Some also come with a balcony.
Guests can relax in a sauna. Free private parking and Wi-Fi are available.
Līgas Purmales personālizstāde Atskats
Rīgas Galerijā atklāta Līgas Purmales personālizstāde Flashback/Atskats. Pie jaunās izstādes māksliniece Līga Purmale ir strādājusi jau kopš 2009. gada, radot vienpadsmit daudzfigūru kompozīcijas. VIDEO: Katrīna Krīgere
The Truth About The Illuminati Revealed
Who were the original Illuminati? Are the Illuminati real? Is there a secret organization or society running the governments or is it all just a conspiracy theory? Find out in this SPECIAL episode of The Infographics Show: The Truth About The Illuminati Revealed
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Rīgas Svētki 2014 Parade RETRO Парад Part 2
16.08.2014 Rīga Latvija
Linna Karstna Helme Holdre Kirikukula Torva Ohne jogi Keskvaljak Estland 7.8.2014
Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.
Alexander Vasiljev Museum
Wellness Day Citywalk in Kungsträdgården, Stockholm.
If you're in town, come to the show and learn the dance and meet the winner of the Wellness competition!
See the instruction video and listen to the song Touch the sky here
Āraišu forums 17 - 18 aprīlis 2015
18.aprīlī Amatas novada domē noslēdzās divas dienas ilgušais Āraišu forums, kura mērķis – veicināt teritorijas attīstību, iedzīvotāju līdzdalību, kā arī izvērtēt Āraišu arheoloģiskā muzejparka turpmāko apsaimniekošanas modeli. Forumā aktīvi iesaistījās ne tikai dažādu institūciju pārstāvji un pašvaldības speciālisti, bet arī apkārtnes iedzīvotāji.
Tika uzsvērta arheoloģiskā muzejparka – Ezerpils unikalitāte ne tikai Latvijas, bet arī Eiropas mērogā. Tā tika salīdzināta ar citu laikmetu, bet tik pat slavenām celtnēm – Turaidas pili un Rundāles pili. Diskusijās tika uzsvērts, ka Āraišu arheoloģiskais muzejparks ir viena apbrīnojama cilvēka – arheologa Jāņa Apala iecere un realizācija. Ideju par Ezerpils rekonstrukciju un muzeju J.Apals izteicis jau 1966.gadā, intervijā Cēsu laikrakstam.
Diskusijās tika apspriesti muzeja īpašumtiesību un apsaimniekošanas modeļi. Tika izvērtēti ieguvumi un zaudējumi, ja Ezerpils piederētu valstij, pašvaldībai, vai privātīpašumā. Jonas Buchel no Urbānā institūta piedāvāja vēl vienu variantu – kopperatīvu jeb aģentūru, kur par muzeja uzturēšanu rūpētos vairāki partneri: valsts, pašvaldība, uzņēmēji un nevalstiskās organizācijas.
Foruma otrajā dienā diskusijas un prezentācijas tika veltītas Āraišu iedzīvotājiem, iepazīstinot sanākušos ar kultūras, sporta un tūrisma aktivitātēm, dabas vērtībām un sabiedriskajai dzīvei. Foruma dalībnieki apliecināja, ka āraišnieki pamazām sāk apzināties piederību ainaviskajam apvidum ar senu vēsturi, nozīmīgām dažādu laikmetu liecībām, ar lielu attīstības potenciālu tūrismā, kultūrā un sabiedrības izglītošanā. Problēmu sarakstā tika iekļauti svarīgi infrastruktūras objekti, kuru Āraišos jau daudzus gadus trūkst – ēdināšanas iestāde, peldētava, atbilstoša publiskā tualete, kā arī norādes zīmes uz tūrisma objektiem.
Par Āraišu kopienas kartes veidošanu, kura vēl arvien turpinās, iezīmējot jaunus objektus un papildinot esošos, stāstīja Elīna Kalniņa. Āraišu mācītājs Ainis Ozoliņš atklāja problēmas baznīcas īpašumu apsaimniekošanā, rūpes par remontiem un senās celtnes restaurāciju. Augustā Āraišu baznīcai svinēsim 790 gadu jubileju.
Par dabas vērtībām – augiem ezera apkārtnes pļavās, ainaviskajām alejām, kukaiņiem vecajos kokos, stārķiem pagalmos un sikspārņiem māju bēniņos stāstīja Ilze Čakare, vides eksperte. Ar sezonas sporta aktivitātēm iepazīstināja Ēriks Bauers.
Foruma otrās dienas noslēgumā dalībnieki devās ekskursijā uz Amatu māju Drabešu muižā, saimnieces Ineses Rozes vadībā apskatot darbnīcas un nelielu ekspres-izstādi.
Foruma organizētāja, Amatas novada domes tūrisma un sabiedrisko attiecību nodaļas vadītāja Eva Staltmane atzina, ka abas foruma dienas bijušas ražīgas. Pirmās dienas ieguvums – Āraišu arheoloģiskā muzejparka turpmākās attīstības modeļi, kuri tiks izstrādāti detalizētāk un risināta atbilstošākā varianta ieviešana dzīvē. Otrās dienas ieguvums – iedzīvotāju lielāka interese par Āraišiem, saviem kaimiņiem, norisēm, iespējām lemt un rīkoties, kā arī piederības apzināšanās kopienai.
The Painting
Before the WW2... This Painting by Old Duch Master Pieter de Grebber was in possession of Antiques dealer Abe Gutnajer, who tragically lost his life later in Warsaw Ghetto during the time of Nazi Holocaust in 1942 (this hellish accident with Abe Gutnajer in Warsaw Ghetto was mentioned recently in Roman Polanski Oscar winner film The Pianist) and this Painting at the end has been confiscated. Later in 80's, at the time of Soviet era, this Portrait has been found again by an restorer, but in a poor condition in a cellar in a building of a Riga Castl where at this time was based Latvian Museum of Foreign Art., and possibly this man has find some courage and capablities to go out and bring up this Portrait to the Light..
Aerovideo - Ērgļi 25.07.2014.
Aerovideo filmēja: Arnis Leitāns, video montēja: Mana Filmu Studija.
Ep 14 Riga to Ventspils, Latvia
Prime riding conditions, stunning sunset, ants in your pants, cold Baltic sea and a damaged bike crank.
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【K】Lithuania Travel-Vilnius[리투아니아 여행-빌뉴스]구시가지, 새벽의 문/Gates of Dawn/Ausros Vartai/Town/Statue/Virgin
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
처음 찾은 곳은 빌뉴스의 상징인 게디미나스성. 빌뉴스로 수도를 옮긴 게디미나스 공작이 처음으로 지었다는 성이다. 이곳에서 보는 구시가지의 전경은 아름답기로 이름나있는데, 구시가지는 세계문화유산으로도 지정돼 있다. 구시가지 탐험은 새벽의 문에서 시작된다. 16세기 르네상스양식으로 지어진 이 건물은 원래는 도시를 지키는 성의 일부분이었다고 한다. 2층은 작은 성당으로 아름다운 성모마리아상이 있는데 1671년 가져다 놓은 것이라고 한다. 이 마리아상은 기적을 행하는 성화로 알려져 있어 새벽의 문은 리투아니아에서 성지로 손꼽히는 곳이다.
[English: Google Translator]
First place is a symbol found in Minas Gedi of the Vilnius. Vilnius moved the capital to Minas Duke Gedi is the first jieotdaneun Castle. This is seen in the foreground of the old town there is beautiful or group name, and also the old town which was designated as a World Heritage Site. Explore the Old Town begins at the gates of dawn. This 16th century building was originally built in Renaissance style and was part of the castle to protect the city. The second floor is beautiful differs from that of the Virgin Mary there took place in 1671 as a small cathedral. It is known as the Mary statue torch performing miracles is the dawn of a door leading to the holy places in Lithuania.
[Lithuanian: Google Translator]
Pirma vieta yra simbolis randamas Minas Gedi iš Vilniaus. Vilniaus persikėlė į Minas kunigaikščio Gedi kapitalas yra pirmasis jieotdaneun pilis. Tai matyti iš senamiestyje pirmame plane yra gražus ar grupė, taip pat senamiestis, kuri buvo paskirta kaip Pasaulio paveldo sąrašą. Naršyti Senamiestis prasideda Aušros Vartų. Tai 16 amžiaus pastatas buvo pastatytas renesanso stiliumi ir buvo dalis pilies apsaugoti miestą.Antrame aukšte yra gražus skiriasi nuo Mergelės Marijos ten vyko 1671 kaip mažas katedra. Jis yra žinomas kaip Marija statula žibintuvėlis stebuklai yra durų, vedančio į šventųjų vietų Lietuvoje aušros.
■클립명: 유럽085-리투아니아01-01 구시가지, 새벽의 문/Gates of Dawn/Ausros Vartai/Old Town/Statue of the Virgin Mary
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이연식 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2009년 6월 June
,유럽,Europe,,리투아니아,Lithuania,Lietuva,Lietuvos Respublika,이연식,2009,6월 June,,,,
Polkupyörillä Riiassa // Riga by Bike ½
Ajetaan pyörillä pois Vanhastakaupungista tarkastamaan, mitä Riian kulttuurikortteleissa oikein tapahtuu. Olutta ja ruokaa ei tässäkään jaksossa unohdeta.
Tilaa // Subscribe
Tero H. Savolainen: Sankarimatkailija Latvian maakunnissa -matkaopas kannattaa ottaa mukaan pyöräretkelle Latviaan.
Matkaajat: Tero H. Savolainen ja Ivanda Jansone
Leikkaaja: Jani Sorsa
Tuottaja/ohjaaja: Tero H. Savolainen
Grandad Harold's Budapest insider - Europe's most spectacular tram line
Hi, this time I'm going to introduce you Europe's most spectacular trolley ride, Budapest's line 2. The north terminus is at Margaret bridge, right beside the office building of the Representatives.
Our first stop is Kossuth square, the governmental centre of the country. Here you find the visitor's centre of the Parliament, which is the largest and perhaps the most beautiful building in the country. Opposite to the Parliament you can see the Museum of Ethnography and the Department of Agriculture. The names might not sound interesting, they're both magnificent buildings! Both were featured in the Alan Parker movie Evita: the first in some interior scenes, the latter acted as the balcony where Madonna sings Don't cry for me Argentina.
The following section provides a nice backdrop with the Chain Bridge, the Castle District and the Buda Hills.
Shortly we arrive at Szechenyi square, named after the greatest Hungarian. He was the one who started to raise money for the Academy of Sciences, he came up with the idea of the Chain Bridge, and he also brought the first steamboat to the city at the beginning of the 19th century.
Some nice buildings can be found around here as well, like the Academy of Sciences, the Gresham Palace and the former Department of Interior.
Our next stop is Vigado square, with a concert hall in romantic style and a nice promenade.
The ride continues until Petofi square, named after a famous Hungarian poet. Here the Inner-city Parish Church might be interesting due to its long history mixing many architectural styles over the centuries.
An underground station follows, called Fovam square. From here you can visit the Central Market Hall and the building of the Corvinus University.
From the next stop, you can see how the old warehouses have been converted into a modern event centre.
After its form, local residents call this cultural centre “The Whale”.
At Boráros square the line passes under Petofi Bridge where the Grand Boulevard ends. From here you can return to your starting point by boat as well. An insider's tip: if you have only a few hours in Budapest, this is your best option to discover the city.
If you decide to stay on your trolley, your next stop is at the Palace of Arts and the National theatre.
The tram line ends after passing the new Rákóczi bridge, where once the old slaughter-houses stood.
Turkish forces hand over control of airport to Portuguese troops
1. Wide shot of Portuguese soldiers at Kabul International Airport
2. Portuguese soldiers signing national anthem
3. Wide shot multinational staff standing to attention at airport
4. Various of Portuguese soldiers saluting to national anthem with ISAF (International Security Assistance Force) soldiers also saluting
5. Turkish soldiers singing Turkish anthem
6. Flag being handed over from outgoing Turkish commander colonel Kazim Ondul to ISAF commander Lieutenant General Ethem Erdagi
7. Close-up of KAIA (Kabul International Airport) Multinational Force sign
8. Flag being handed over from ISAF commander Lieutenant General Ethem Erdagi to the incoming Portuguese commander Colonel Luis Ruivo
9. Wide shot news conference
10. SOUNDBITE (English) Luis Ruivo, Colonel, Portuguese Airforce and incoming KAIA Commander:
I am very happy to be here today, I know the importance of this airport. This is, I could say, vital for the development of Afghanistan and it is as well important for KAIA and to support to the ISAF mission
11. Cutaway Ruivo and with colonel Kazim Ondul, outgoing Turkish ISAF commander
12. SOUNDBITE (English) Colonel Kazim Ondul, outgoing Turkish ISAF commander:
We focus on the flight safety, ground safety, to improve the quality of life and also the coordination and cooperation with Afghan authorities. Flight safety, now we have a radar, we are the most, I would say the best (inaudible) run service in central Asia.
13. Wide shot of airport
Turkish military officials handed over command of Kabul International Airport (KAIA) led by the International Security Force (ISAF) to Portuguese troops on Monday.
The handover took place during a ceremony at the airport attended by multinational forces.
Outgoing Turkish ISAF commander, Colonel Kazim Ondul handed over command of KAIA to Portuguese Colonel Luis Ruivo.
Incoming commander Ruivo acknowledged the importance of the airport and said it is vital for the development of Afghanistan.
ISAF's mission in Afghanistan is to assist the country in creating a stable and secure environment in Kabul and its vicinity, to assist in the reconstruction of a new Afghanistan.
It also conducts patrols throughout the various police districts in cooperation with the Kabul City Police.
Ondul called KAIA the the best run service in central Asia and said that it plays an important part in improving the quality of life and the coordination and cooperation with Afghan authorities.
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Lithuania #5. Vilnius City tour and Video guide.
1. Central market. Vilnius, GPS 54.674088, 25.285699
2. EGG. Vilnius, GPS 54.675472,25.282910
3. Ausros Vartu street. Vilnius, GPS 54.674485,25.289460
4. Ostrabrama. Vilnius, GPS 54.674485, 25.289460
5. St. Teresa church. Vilnius, GPS 54.675143,25.289438
6. Museum & shop of amber on the Ausros Vartu street. Vilnius, GPS 54.675500,25.288988
7. St.Teresa church. Vilnius, GPS 54.675500,25.288988
8. Basillian church of the Holy Trinity and the monastery of Basilians. Vilnius, GPS 54.675900,25.288467
9. Dome of St.kazimir church. Vilnius, GPS 54.675900,25.288467
10. Square before town hall. Vilnius, GPS 54.678688,25.287212
11. Didzioji gatve street. Vilnius, GPS 54.677823,25.287523
12. Town hall. Vilnius, GPS 54.678276,25.287035
13. Square before town hall. Vilnius, GPS 54.678276,25.287035
14. St.Nicholas' churh. Vilnius, GPS 54.679932,25.288419
15. St.Jono Bazilica. Vilnius, GPS 54.682385,25.288875
16. Vilnus university.Vilnius, GPS 54.682577,25.287690
17. St.Jono church. Vilnius, GPS 54.682385,25.288875
18. Streets of town. Vilnius, GPS 54.681631,25.286461
19. Presidential palace. Vilnius, GPS 54.683607,25.286332
20. Pilies gatve street. Vilnius, GPS 54.684342, 25.289519
21. Cathedral square. Vilnius, GPS 54.685055,25.288789
22. Belltower. Vilnius, GPS 54.685539,25.286568
23. St. Stanislav and Vladislav Cathedral. Vilnius, GPS 54.685539,25.86568
24. Monument to prince Gediminus. Vilnius, GPS 54.685539,25.286568
25. Gedimino prospectus. Vilnius, GPS 54.686196,25.284916
26. Church of All Saints. Vilnius, GPS 54.675996,25.284063
27. St.Mykolo's church. Vilnius, GPS 54.683129,25.292185
28. Sventos Onos baznycia. Vilnius, GPS 54.683052,25.292882
29. Sventos Onos baznycia / St.Anna Cathedral. Vilnius, GPS 54.683052,25.292882
30. Orthodox church. Vilnius, GPS 54.681293,25.291970
31. Park near to the river Vilnia. Vilnius, GPS 54.685148,25.292925
32. Mountain of Three Crosses. Vilnius, GPS 54.686686,25.297582
33. Gedimin's tower on mountain. Vilnius, GPS 54.687092,25.291611
34. Panorama of city from Gedimin's tower. Vilnius, GPS 54.686686,25.290838
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Izstāžu pavasaris Jūrmalas muzejā
Divas formā un izteiksmes līdzekļos atšķirīgas izstādes durvis ver Jūrmalas pilsētas muzejā. Turp var doties aplūkot mākslinieces Ērikas Kumerovas personālizstādi “Intuitīvā pieredze” un tēlnieces Vijas Dzintares tēlniecības darbu ekspozīciju. Ar abām māksliniecēm Jūrmalā tikās Līga Gaigala.
Pisa & Florence | Italy - Sisters Trip
We took this trip to Pisa and Florence in June of 2017, and I finally got around to editing it! :) Good memories!
We visited the Tower of Pisa, Piazza dei Cavalieri, Murale Tuttomondo di Keith Haring.
During our visit to Florence, we visited the Ponte Vecchio, Uffizi Gallery, the Florence Cathedral, Palazzo Vecchio, among many others.
Leaving Neverland: The Aftermath FULL DOCUMENTARY
The definitive look into the Documentary 'Leaving Neverland'. The Aftermath of all the facts and stories come to light post airing of the series on HBO.
4 hours of the original documentary compressed and researched.
This documentary was self funded, from hosting the documentary at the Theater to travel costs etc. I would greatly appreciate any kind of donation to re-coupe my investment and for future advertising. This is and was a passion project for the truth. I am currently planning on working on a version which I can possibly give to a distributor (there are certain rules to do this of course).
*TCL Chinese Theater ver THEATRICAL CUT:
*Scott Ross is a Private Investigator for Michael Jackson's Attorney in 2005*
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