Maharani Zoo & Goa Tempat Rekreasi di Lamongan
Maharani Zoo & Goa Tempat Rekreasi di Lamongan
Address: JL. Raya Paciran, Paciran, Kabupaten Lamongan, Jawa Timur 62264, Indonesia
Province: East Java
Phone: +62 322 666555
Maharani Cave Lamongan - East Java
Maharani Cave, is located in Tanjung Kodok sea tourism area, Paciran district Lamongan regency, about 200 m from Tanjung Kodok gateway fringe the roadway to east. About 50 m in the south of the street, there is stone that its soil is tire to form the bank that has downwards. Here, some labourers had mine the coral soil, phosphate material and dolomite fertilizer that had sold out of Paciran region. On this area, is a countryside road, which is the footpath, and every day passed by non irrigated dry field farmers, the stone mineworker workers, also once in a while is crowded passed the boy scouts who performing a camp around the area. This Maharani Cave found by 4 labourers who being led by Mr. Sugeng. This cave had found on 6 Augusts 1992. The name of this cave had selected by the situation of the beautiful cave like a palace from a beautiful queen. Before the invention, one of the members, had dream, she had met with a beautiful woman who had a beautiful as the property of a queen that called Maharani. The queen seems to be a head time door of the cave that had found. The name of this empress has specified by the fact of this cave condition. In platform of the cave named Paseban Maharani, there is stone which has crown form, the property of a queen, which named Selo Mahkota Maharani. This beautiful cave room also alike an empire palace of subterranean that is full of graven pillar and roof. The situation of the nature cave of Maharani Palace is stay at 200 m from Java seashore residing in Tanjung Kodok area, Paciran district, Lamongan regency. This cave is easily to visit and fluent to obtain the transportation towards to the location.
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Liburan di Wisata Bahari Lamongan & Maharani Zoo and Cave
Liburan di Wisata Bahari Lamongan dan Maharani Zoo & Goa (Jatim Park Group) Kabupaten Lamongan Jawa Timur.
Maharani Cave/Goa Maharani Wisata Bahari Lamongan
Goa Maharani Wisata Bahari Lamongan
Maharani Cave/Goa Maharani Wisata Bahari Lamongan
Maharani Cave, is one of the tourist attractions of cave located in the village of frog cape, districts paciran, lamongan district, east Java province, Indonesia. Maharani Cave, is a tourist spot that crowded tourists on weekdays as well as on weekand or holidays.
The place is very beautiful and can provide an atmosphere that entertain the saturation of our daily activities. The price of admission to Goa Maharani Tour Lamongan, somewhat very cheap, but do not misjudge the charm of the beauty of the tour by Goa Maharani Lamongan, is not cheap. Very in pity if you are in the city of lamongan not mengunjungjungi cave tour that has a charm of beauty that is second to none.
Goa Maharani Tour Lamongan, very suitable to fill your holiday activities, especially during long holidays such as national holidays, Lebaran holidays, Independence Day, Nyepi holidays, Idul Adha holidays, Idul Fitri holidays, New Year holidays, Beauty Tourism Goa Maharani Lamongan is very suitable for all of you who are in the near or in the distance to dock menggunjungi Goa Tour Maharani Lamongan in the city of lamongan
is one of the tourist destinations with the african-style concept in Lamongan, East Java.
Feel your unforgettable experience by enjoying a wildlife park, music, and the beautiful scenery of a cave.
See an exotic animals around the world !
Lets join to great experience in MAHARANI ZOO & GOA
Office : Jl. Raya Paciran Lamongan
Jawa Timur Indonesia
Email :
Telp : 0322 - 666555
Fax : 0322 - 665444
Maharani Cave - Lamongan - East Java
Maharani Cave, is located in Tanjung Kodok sea tourism area, Paciran district Lamongan regency, about 200 m from Tanjung Kodok gateway fringe the roadway to east. About 50 m in the south of the street, there is stone that its soil is tire to form the bank that has downwards. Here, some labourers had mine the coral soil, phosphate material and dolomite fertilizer that had sold out of Paciran region. On this area, is a countryside road, which is the footpath, and every day passed by non irrigated dry field farmers, the stone mineworker workers, also once in a while is crowded passed the boy scouts who performing a camp around the area.
This Maharani Cave found by 4 labourers who being led by Mr. Sugeng. This cave had found on 6 Augusts 1992. The name of this cave had selected by the situation of the beautiful cave like a palace from a beautiful queen. Before the invention, one of the members, had dream, she had met with a beautiful woman who had a beautiful as the property of a queen that called Maharani. The queen seems to be a head time door of the cave that had found. The name of this empress has specified by the fact of this cave condition. In platform of the cave named Paseban Maharani, there is stone which has crown form, the property of a queen, which named Selo Mahkota Maharani. This beautiful cave room also alike an empire palace of subterranean that is full of graven pillar and roof.
The situation of the nature cave of Maharani Palace is stay at 200 m from Java seashore residing in Tanjung Kodok area, Paciran district, Lamongan regency. This cave is easily to visit and fluent to obtain the transportation towards to the location.
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Maharani Zoo, kebun Binatang di Kompleks wisata Gua Maharani
About Maharani Zoo
Maharani Zoo berdiri sejak 25 Mei 2008 dan menyajikan wahana konservasi dan edukasi serta budaya yang terangkum dalam nuansa etnik Afrika. Wisata yang bisa ditempuh sejauh 1.5 jam perjalanan dari Surabaya ini juga menghadirkan pemandangan pesisir pantai utara. Sejumlah fasilitas yang ditawarkan meliputi taman satwa atau kebun binatang yang dilengkapi dengan koleksi berbagai binatang, seperti orang utan, beruang madu, wallaby, jerapah, singa putih dan harimau putih serta masih banyak koleksi yang lainnya.
About The video
Direkam menggunakan SJ cam 5000X tanpa stabilizer. Pengambilan gambar Walk trhu. Diedit menggunakan Video pad.
Music provided by Youtube
Goa Maharani - Lamongan - East Java
Maharani Cave, is located in Tanjung Kodok sea tourism area, Paciran district Lamongan regency, about 200 m from Tanjung Kodok gateway fringe the roadway to east. About 50 m in the south of the street, there is stone that its soil is tire to form the bank that has downwards. Here, some labourers had mine the coral soil, phosphate material and dolomite fertilizer that had sold out of Paciran region. On this area, is a countryside road, which is the footpath, and every day passed by non irrigated dry field farmers, the stone mineworker workers, also once in a while is crowded passed the boy scouts who performing a camp around the area.
This Maharani Cave found by 4 labourers who being led by Mr. Sugeng. This cave had found on 6 Augusts 1992. The name of this cave had selected by the situation of the beautiful cave like a palace from a beautiful queen. Before the invention, one of the members, had dream, she had met with a beautiful woman who had a beautiful as the property of a queen that called Maharani. The queen seems to be a head time door of the cave that had found. The name of this empress has specified by the fact of this cave condition. In platform of the cave named Paseban Maharani, there is stone which has crown form, the property of a queen, which named Selo Mahkota Maharani. This beautiful cave room also alike an empire palace of subterranean that is full of graven pillar and roof.
The situation of the nature cave of Maharani Palace is stay at 200 m from Java seashore residing in Tanjung Kodok area, Paciran district, Lamongan regency. This cave is easily to visit and fluent to obtain the transportation towards to the location.
For More Details:
Wisata Bahari Lamongan, A Marine Tourism Park in Lamongan - East Java
WBL or Wisata Bahari Lamongan is an amusement natural park with combination of cultures, nature with unique architecture. It balancing towards some tourism sites that have exist before like Tanjung Kodok and Maharani cave. It is located in north coast of Java, in Paciran, Lamongan regency, East Java. It lies on 17 hectares field and supported by some facilities, which are ready to please the guest with one stop service concept.
More info visit:
Maharani Zoo, 12 Maret 2013
Afifa sekeluarga lagi jalan-jalan di kebun binatang maharani(maharani zoo).
Family Time 25/07/2015: Maharani Zoo & Cave
Jalan-jalan untuk mengisi libur lebaran 2015.
Maharani Zoo and Goa
Maharani Zoo and Goa
Satu-satunya kebun binatang di Lamongan, dan Goa maharani dengan stalagtit dan stalagmit yang masih aktif alami.
Jl. Raya Paciran Lamongan
T. +62 322 666555
F. +62 322 665444
Member of jawa timur park group
Goa maharani lamongan #traveling
Objek wisata Maharani Zoo menjadi tempat wisata yang memiliki peran ganda. Selain sebagai tempat rekreasi, Pengunjung yang datang ke tempat ini juga dapat belajar sambil bermain. Seluas 3,5 hektar, Maharani Zoo menyediakan berbagai fasilitas menarik yang dapat anda nikmati. Diantaranya, terdapat taman satwa yang berisi beraneka macam hewan, koleksi binatang langka seperti orang utan, wallaby, jerapah, beruang madu, harimau putih dan singa putih.
Selain taman satwa, di tempat wisata Maharani Zoo juga terdapat Museum dan Galery Satwa, di mana keduanya memiliki bangunan yang indah dan khas, di Museum ini terdapat berbagai koleksi fosil dari hewan yang hampir punah seperti ikan paus dan beruang putih. Tidak hanya itu, di sini juga terdapat Exotic Albino, di mana tempat ini berisi berbagai binatang albino seperti ular, tikus, dan kanguru.
Sebagai pelengkap di taman wisata Maharani Zoo terdapat pula taman burung yang memiliki koleksi jenis burung yang diambil dari berbagai negara di penjuru dunia. Nah, bagi anda pecinta burung, jangan tinggalkan moment indah ini, di mana anda dapat melihat secara langsung macam-macam burung serta mendengarkan merdunya bunyi kicauan para burung.
Ada hal menarik lagi nich, tenyata di depan Taman satwa pada area Maharani Zoo terdapat Goa Maharani. Goa ini memiliki keindahan yang sangat eksotis, bentuk goanya yang khas dan unik sehingga terlihat seperti Istana. Bahkan banyak orang mengungkapakan keindahan goa maharani sebanding dengan goa Mamonth yang berada di America Serikat serta goa Calsbad di Perancis. Semoga bermanfaat jgan lupa like n subcriber y kak biar tahu vidio2 terbaru dari chanel AY..________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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#icha #jalanjalan #lucu
wisata bahari lamongan and maharani zoo
Wisata unggulan jawa timur, indonesia, salah satunya yaitu wisata bahari lamongan, terletak di kapubaten lamongan. WBL merupakan wisata favorit di indonesia
Gua Maharani Yang Indah di Lamongan
Gua Maharani adalah sebuah wisata gua yang sangat indah di daerah Paciran - Lamongan, Jawa Timur - Indonesia.
Lokasi wisata ini berada dalam kawasan wisata Goa Maharani dan Zoo yang berseberangan lokasinya dengan Wisata Bahari Lamongan ( WBL ).
Walau tidak terlalu besar dan luas, tetapi Gua Maharani memiliki batu stalaktit dan stalakmit yang sangat indah dalam berbagai bentuknya. Ada yang berbentuk gigi raksasa, bunga, mahkota, katak dan sebagainya.
Beberapa di antaranya tampak berkilauan bila terkena cahaya.Ada pula yang senantiasa basah karena tetesan air yang senantiasa mengalir.
Berdekatan dengan Gua Maharani ini terdapat Galeri Batu Permata ( Gem Stone Gallery ) yang menyimpan aneka jenis bebatuan yang indah.
Istana BONEKA Wisata Bahari Lamongan | Serasa di Kotanya Aladin
Istana BONEKA Wisata Bahari Lamongan | Serasa di Kotanya Aladin