7 Comuni - Scopri Introd
Introd è un paese di media montagna e occupa la parte inferiore delle valli di Rhêmes e di Valsavarenche, all’imbocco del Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso. La posizione geografica del suo capoluogo (880 m s.l.m.), tra la Dora di Rhêmes e del torrente Savara, è all’origine del toponimo “Introd” (“entre‐eaux”: tra le acque).
Il capoluogo di Introd è formato dai villaggi a valle, collegati da due ponti costruiti sulla dora di Rhêmes: Lo pon noù (il ponte nuovo), vero capolavoro di architettura che fu realizzato nel corso della Prima Guerra Mondiale su un baratro di più di 80 m, e Lo pon vioù (il ponte vecchio), realizzato tra gli anni 1827‐28, che fino al 1916 rappresentò l’unica via di accesso al capoluogo, alla Valsavarenche e alla Val di Rhêmes.
Il Castello di Introd fu costruito dal nobile Pierre Sarriod d’Introd verso il 1260, e i suoi discendenti l’abitarono fino al 1910. Il primo nucleo risale probabilmente al XII secolo e all’origine consisteva in un mastio quadrato circondato da una cinta di mura. Pierre Sarriod ampliò il castello primitivo che, in seguito alle modifiche del XV secolo, assumerà la forma poligonale quasi arrotondata che tuttora lo distingue dagli altri castelli valdostani.
Vicino al castello si trova un magnifico complesso in pietra e legno, utilizzato un tempo dai Sarriod d’Introd come granaio. Realizzato verso la metà del XV secolo, rappresenta uno dei rari esempi di costruzioni interamente in legno tipiche dell’architettura del basso Medioevo valdostano. Le due porte sono dotate di serrature in ferro battuto, entrambe databili all’epoca della costruzione, una delle quali, di particolare bellezza, rappresenta un castello.
L’Ôla è una costruzione molto antica che è stata utilizzata per molti secoli come stalla, scuderia e fienile dai Signori d’Introd. Per la sua originalità, questa costruzione ha influenzato l’architettura delle case dei notabili di tutta la Valle d’Aosta.
Vicino al parco del castello s'innalza la cappella del Santo‐Sudario (lo Sèn‐Chouéo), una delle più antiche cappelle della Valle d’Aosta.
Maison Bruil di Introd è uno dei maggiori esempi dell’architettura rurale del territorio del Gran Paradiso ed ospita l’esposizione Conserver le souvenir...se souvenir pour conserver. La visita permette di ripercorrere le tecniche che i nostri antenati hanno sviluppato nel corso dei secoli per migliorare ed implementare l’utilizzo dei prodotti alimentari presenti nel proprio territorio e, nel contempo, contribuire a “conservare” un bene immateriale di inestimabile valore: la memoria.
Il paese di Introd è conosciuto per essere un luogo amato dai Pontefici. Papa Beato Giovanni Paolo II e Papa Benedetto XVI hanno scelto il villaggio di Les Combes per trascorrere le proprie vacanze, alternando rilassanti escursioni in montagna a intensi momenti di preghiera, di lettura e di riflessione, favoriti dalla quiete e dalla bellezza del luogo.
La Maison Musée Jean-Paul II nasce per rendere omaggio al Beato Giovanni Paolo II e accoglie un'esposizione di oggetti appartenuti al Papa, arricchita da numerose fotografie scattate nei momenti più intensi del Suo lungo Pontificato.
Introd non offre molto solo dal punto di vista culturale: la posizione ai piedi del Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso fa sì che, nella stagione estiva, da Introd si snodi una rete di sentieri ottima per il trekking o per gite in mountain‐bike. Nel periodo invernale Introd propone degli itinerari per passeggiate con le “ciaspole” ed è in una posizione centrale rispetto alle principali stazioni di sci alpino e nordico della Valle d’Aosta.
Alla Sala Tre del Teatro Franco Parenti di Milano debutta, dall'8 al 19 febbraio 2017, in prima nazionale, Stefano Annoni, attore acclamatissimo, solo poche stagioni fa, ne “La scena” di Cristina Comencini, che ora ha scritto con Paolo Trotti, regista anche della pièce, “La nebbiosa”, uno spettacolo liberamente ispirato alla sceneggiatura dell’omonimo film di Pier Paolo Pasolini, mai realizzato. Annoni, in scena con Diego Paul Galtieri, si trova, su un palco arredato soltanto da un telo bianco e da una batteria, al centro di un noir disperato e violento ambientato nella Milano degli anni ’50 tra locali notturni, grattacieli, motociclette, blue jeans, orge, botte e rivoltelle.
Videoripresa e montaggio di Antonio Garbisa
Il Castello di Introd e il Ponte Centenario!
Un video strepitoso sul Castello di Introd e sul ponte centenario.
Video di Hexasky Alpes
Musé du vatican - Rome - Italie
Les musées du Vatican font partie de l'état du Vatican, l'accès se faisant depuis la Viale Vaticano.
Cette exceptionnelle collection a été constituée au fil des siècles par les Papes, souvent mécènes et collectionneurs d'art et d'antiquité. Les différents musées du Vatican présentent une immense collection, ne comptez pas tout découvrir en une seule fois. Nous vous conseillons, pour une première visite, de vous consacrer aux oeuvres majeures. Les principales sections du musée sont les suivantes :
Musée Chiaramonti :
Vous y retrouverez de très nombreuses statues de l'époque impériale (environ un millier), alignées le long de la galerie. L'identification des statues se fait par 2 numérotations, la première en chiffre romain désigne les sections (un côté pair et un côté impair) et la seconde numérotation en chiffre arabe désigne l'oeuvre elle-même.
Musée Pio Clementino :
Cette section des musées du Vatican abrite de nombreux chefs d'oeuvres. Elle est consacrée à la statuaire grecque et romaine et comprend certaines des œuvres les plus célèbres du Vatican telles que l'Apollon du Belvédère, le groupe du Laocoon ou encore les spectaculaires sarcophages en porphyre. Nous vous conseillons de prendre le temps d'admirer ces œuvres majeures.
Le groupe du Laocoon, situé dans la cour du belvédère, représente un épisode de l'Enéide, dans lequel le prêtre troyen Laocoon et ses deux fils se battent contre deux serpents venimeux envoyés par Athéna qui veut le punir d'avoir mis en garde les Troyens contre le cheval laissé par les Grecs. La statue a été retrouvée dans la Domus Auréa de Néron.
PPS de Hanahismis en vidéo par Jean Marc Coquelle
20 Things to do in Florence, Italy Travel Guide
Come join us as we visit Florence, Italy in this travel guide covering the best things to do, eat and experience in the city. Quite possibly the most beautiful city in Italy features stunning architecture, cathedrals and artwork along with great food and markets worth visiting. Overall, no trip to Italy is really complete without a visiting Florence.
20 Things to do in Florence City Tour | Italy Travel Guide: (FIRENZE ITALIA)
Intro - 00:01
1) Florence Cathedral (Il Duomo di Firenze) / 5 Attractions Pass: - 00:35
2) Bell Tower of Florence (Giotto's Campanile) - 01:32
3) Florence Baptistery (Battistero di San Giovanni) - 02:16
4) Museum of the Works of the Cathedral (Museo dell’Opera del Duomo) - 02:41
5) Crypt of Santa Reparata - 03:00
6) Filippo Brunelleschi’s Dome of Florence Cathedral - 03:19
7) Gelato Grom - 03:42
8) Uffizi Gallery (Galleria degli Uffizi) - 04:27
9) Pizzeria Toto for Italian pizza- 06:09
10) Piazza della Signoria - 07:05
11) Palazzo Vecchio -07:19
12) Loggia dei Lanzi - 07:23
13) Galleria dell'Accademia di Firenze / Gallery of the Academy of Florence - 08:07
14) Ponte Vecchio - 09:19
15) Piazzale Michelangelo - 10:18
16) Sunset Views of Florence - 10:20
17) Food at the Central Market in Florence- 10:47
18) Central Market Florence for grocery shopping - 12:00
19) Cooking Pasta at Home - 12:12
20) Florence at Night - 13:37
Outro - 13:40
Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
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Our visit Florence travel guide covers some of the top attractions including a food guide to local Italian food, top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day and by night including visiting cathedrals, pizzerias, ruins, parks, the coliseum and the Vatican City. We cover activities you won't find in a typical Florence tourism brochure, Florence itinerary or Florence, Italy city tour also known as Firenze Italia.
20 Things to do in Florence, Italy Travel Guide Video Transcript: (FIRENZE)
Florence: when it comes to Renaissance art, there’s probably no better city in the world to soak it all in!
Our time here was spent viewing works by Italian masters both in museums and public spaces, marvelling at the architecture - in particular Florence Cathedral and its massive dome, going in search of the best lookout points, and eating plenty of pizza & gelato sharing the best things to do in Florence on your visit.
We paid 15 Euros for a ticket that gave us access to 5 attractions associated with Florence Cathedral. Giotto’s Campanile, the bell tower stands 84.7 metres with 414 steps.
We made our way over to our next attraction: the Baptistry. Known as both the Florence Baptistry and the Baptistry of Saint John.
We continued to Museo dell’Opera del Duomo, which is a museum dedicated to conserving artworks relating to Florence Cathedral.
It was time to climb the dome of Florence Cathedral. We ate our gelato at Grom and it was delicious.
The Uffizi Gallery is considered one of the best museums in the world focusing on the Italian Renaissance. Most of the art collection you see today was gifted to the city of Florence by Anna Maria Luisa, the last Medici heiress.
From Uffizi Gallery you get some pretty cool views of Ponte Vecchio and the Arno River from a higher vantage point.
We visited in Florence was Piazza della Signoria, an L-shaped square right in the heart of the city. A landmark in this square is Palazzo Vecchio or the Town Hall. And to the right of this building, you have the Loggia dei Lanzi.
Speaking of David, we did find him, over at Galleria dell’Accademia. Michelangelo’s David depicts the Biblical David carved out of a single block of marble.
Ponte Vecchia during the 16th century that one of the Medici ordered for the butcher shops to be replaced with jewellers.
When it comes to sunset in Florence, there are no better views than from Piazzale Michelangelo overlooking the historic center on the other side of the Arno River.
This indoor market is foodie central with the second floor of the market is filled with eateries. Central Market is a great place to pick up ingredients to bring back to your kitchen.
We hope you enjoyed this Florence travel guide and that it gave you ideas of things to do.
This is part of our Travel in Italy video series showcasing Italian food, Italian culture and Italian cuisine.
Music by Joakim Karud:
MAXXI ROMA, l'art contemporain en Europe.
Editions des musées et de la culture (EDMC) Antoine Antolini © 2012. Le MAXXI, Musée national des arts du XXI ème siècle, Rome. Documentaire d'actualités culturelles. Une mise en relief de la nouvelle muséologie contemporaine. A travers le Musée MAXXI de Rome, c'est une rencontre entre l'art et l'architecture innovante, qui permet une évolution internationale des conceptions de l'esthétique, ainsi que la présentation au public de nouvelles scénographies muséales. Un merveilleux outil techno-artistique pour une médiation optimale, entre ateliers des meilleurs artistes et grand public international. Sur les parcours de découverte de l'art contemporain dans le monde, Rome est devenue plus que jamais, avec son musée le MAXXI, une capitale incontournable pour voir et apprécier l'art d'aujourd'hui. Un grand rendez-vous européen des arts... artisticmuseography.com
Sabine Hahnloser Tschopp: Modell von Balthus
Sabine Hahnloser Tschopp, Modell von Balthus
#BeyelerBalthus #FondationBeyeler
L'Essonne en Auteurs - Napoléon et les Arts, Jean-Michel Leniaud, Château de Fontainebleau
En cette année de bicentenaire de la fin du 1e Empire, L'Essonne en Auteurs a souhaité évoquer un aspect moins connu du règne de Napoléon 1e, à savoir son rapport aux arts. Pour ce faire, Emmanuel Couly reçoit Jean-Michel Leniaud, Historien de l'Art et Directeur de l'Ecole des Chartes, au Château de Fontainebleau, pour son ouvrage, Napoléon et les Arts, publié aux Editions Citadelles et Mazenod.
Ferrari F40 LM, Maranello, Modena, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, Europe
The Ferrari F40 is a mid-engine, rear-wheel drive, two-door coupé sports car built from 1987 to 1992. The successor to the Ferrari 288 GTO, it was designed to celebrate Ferrari's 40th anniversary and was the last Ferrari automobile personally approved by Enzo Ferrari. At the time it was the fastest, most powerful, and most expensive car that Ferrari sold to the public. The car debuted with a factory suggested retail price of approximately US$400,000 in 1987 ($830,000 today), although some buyers were reported to have paid as much as US$1.6 million. 1,311 F40s were manufactured in total. As early as 1984, the Maranello factory had begun development of an evolution model of the 288 GTO intended to compete against the Porsche 959 in FIA Group B. However, when the FIA brought an end to the Group B category for the 1986 season, Enzo Ferrari was left with five 288 GTO Evoluzione development cars, and no series in which to campaign them. Enzo's desire to leave a legacy in his final supercar allowed the Evoluzione program to be further developed to produce a car exclusively for road use. The factory never intended to race the F40, but the car saw competition as early as 1989 when it debuted in the Laguna Seca Raceway round of the IMSA, appearing in the GTO category, with a LM evolution model driven by Jean Alesi, finishing third to the two faster spaceframed four wheel drive Audi 90 and beating a host of other factory backed spaceframe specials that dominated the races. Despite lack of factory backing, the car would soon have another successful season there under a host of guest drivers such as Jean-Pierre Jabouille, Jacques Laffite and Hurley Haywood taking a total of three second places and one third. Although the F40 would not return to IMSA for the following season, it would later be a popular choice by privateers to compete in numerous domestic GT series including JGTC. In 1994, the car made its debut in international competitions, with one car campaigned in the BPR Global GT Series by Strandell, winning at the 4 Hours of Vallelunga. In 1995, the number of F40s climbed to four, developed independently by Pilot-Aldix Racing (F40 LM) and Strandell (F40 GTE, racing under the Ferrari Club Italia banner), winning the 4 Hours of Anderstorp. No longer competitive against the McLaren F1 GTR, the Ferrari F40 returned for another year in 1996, managing to repeat the previous year's Anderstorp win, and from then on it was no longer seen in GT racing. The F40 Competizione is a non-sponsored, more powerful version of the F40 LM cars that were being raced, which was the result of consumer requests following the order of a French importer who wanted to enter one in the 24 Hours of Le Mans. 10 examples were built, the first two being called F40 LM's, and the remaining 8 being F40 Competizione, as Ferrari felt that the LM tag was too restrictive. A F40 Competizione can be found today in the Automobile Museum of Turin. The F40's light weight of 1,100 kg (2,425 lb) and high power output of 478 PS (352 kW; 471 hp) at 7000 rpm gave the vehicle tremendous performance potential. Road tests have produced 0–100 km/h (0–62 mph) times as low as 3.8 seconds (while the track only version came in at 2.99 seconds), with 0–160 km/h (0–99 mph) in 7.5 seconds and 0–200 km/h (0–124 mph) in 10 seconds matching the Porsche 959, its primary competitor at the time. The F40 was the first road legal production car to break the 200 mph (320 km/h) barrier. From its introduction in 1987 until 1989, with its only competitors being the Porsche 959 and the 1988 Lamborghini Countach, it held the record as the world's fastest production car, with a top speed of 201.4 mph (324 km/h). During the 2006 Bonneville Speed Week, Amir Rosenbaum of Spectre Performance managed to take his F40 with small boost and air intake modifications to 226 miles per hour (364 km/h).
Dupas Jean 約翰度魄 (1882-1964) Art Nouveau Art Deco French
Jean Theodore Dupas 約翰度魄 (21 February 1882 – 1964) was a French painter, artist, designer, poster artist, and decorator whose work is considered the utmost example of Art Nouveau and Art Deco visual arts.
Dupas was born in Bordeaux. He won the prix de Rome in 1910. His personal style ranges from academic and/or neoclassicism. Dupas has worked in various exponents of the Nouveau and Deco areas, such as the fashion magazine Vogue and Harper's Bazaar. In 1925 at the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris, he showed Les Perruches, one of his most famous oil on canvas. In 1927, with the aide of the famous French printing house Draeger, he conceived one of the masterpieces of printed advertising, a catalogue for the fur company Max.
In the 1930s, Dupas was commissioned by Frank Pick to produce the artwork for a series of posters for the underground network of London Transport.
Dupas expressed his predilection for large-scale projects: "The greater is my work, the happy I am." Thus his collaboration in the decor of famous steamships during the 1930s, emphasizing the Art Deco mode of the time. Among these works, the SS Île-de-France and the SS Liberté were among the first. But in 1935, with the help of glass master Champigneulle, he decorated the grand salon of the Normandie, in more than 400 square meters of painted and frosted glass.
He became a member of the Academie des Beaux-Arts in 1941.
Jean Theodore Dupas 約翰度魄 One of the leading artists of the Art Deco period, Jean Theodore Dupas was the son of a merchant marine captain and began his adult life as a merchant seaman. Poor health meant that he had to abandon this career and he enrolled in art school instead, first in his native Bordeaux and later in Paris. He won the Prix de Rome in the category of painting in 1910 and studied at the Académie de France in Rome, from where he sent several paintings to the Paris Salons, although his studies were interrupted by the outbreak of war. Dupas’s work came to public prominence on the occasion of the seminal Exposition des Arts Décoratifs in Paris in 1925. He was chosen by the furniture designer Jacques-Emile Ruhlmann to provide paintings for the latter’s Maison d’un collectionneur, alongside furniture by Ruhlmann and objects by many of the leading Art Deco craftsmen of the day, while other paintings by Dupas were also displayed to great effect elsewhere in the Exposition.
In the late 1920’s and 1930’s Dupas won a number of important and prestigious commissions. In 1926 he worked alongside Ruhlmann and the sculptor Alfred Jeanniot on the decoration of the tearoom of the ocean liner Ile-de-France; the first of the grand transatlantic ships to be built in France after the First World War. By this time Dupas had firmly established his reputation. Writing in 1927, his fellow artist George Barbier could already note that ‘Few artists have at such an early age attained such a degree of success, or gathered around them such swarms of imitators and disciples.’
Dupas reached the height of his fame in the mid 1930’s, and in 1934 he received his most important commission to date; a series of large glass murals for the Grand Salon of the new French ocean liner, the Normandie. He was also commissioned to provide murals to decorate the Salon de l’Argenterie in the Royal Palace in Bucharest, but the work was only partly completed, and the outbreak of World War II meant that it was never installed. In 1940 Dupas was named curator of the Musée Marmottan in Paris, and the following year was admitted to the Académie des Beaux-Arts and appointed a professor of painting at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts. He ended his career as the Director of the Musée Marmottan.
As Edward Lucie-Smith has noted of Dupas and such fellow Art Deco artists as Robert Pougheon and Raphael Delorme, who were known collectively as the School of Bordeaux, ‘During the 1920s and 1930s their work had a particular appeal to the patrons who were also enthusiasts for the more extreme manifestations of the style in the applied arts…the style they practised, though apparently coherent, has roots in many different places. For example, Dupas and his colleagues can be thought of as the last descendants of early nineteenth-century neo-classicism…Another, quite different, influence upon the Art Deco painting of the Bordeaux School is to be found in Italian Mannerism.’ Dupas was also strongly influenced by contemporary sculpture, and in particular that of Antoine-Emile Bourdelle and, as Lucie-Smith points out, ‘A number of monochrome works by Dupas have the air of being either designs for, or imitations of, relief sculpture.’
Paris, la soirée à remonter le temps - audiovisuel d'introduction
Paris - Place de l'hôtel de ville - 90 m d'images en 9 écrans
Musique originale : sébastien Peronnet - Mise en scène : philippe Cieutat & C105 - spectacle conté par Jean-Marc Leri - Directeur photo : daniel Meyer - watchout : Aquila audiovisuel - videoprojection : 2AVI - extraits du film paris la ville à remonter le temps de Xavier Lefebvre - Réalisation : régis Sirvent - Production : C105
Les Nuits de l'incertitude #7 - L'esprit de la forêt - 2
L'esprit de la forêt - 2
En présence de nombreux artistes de l'exposition Histoires de voir, Show and Tell :
Ibã (chamane, Brésil) ; Jean-Baptiste Jean Joseph (artiste, Haïti) ; Ariel Kuaray Poty Ortega (cinéaste mbya guarani, Brésil) ; Amilton Pelegrino de Mattos (professeur d'art, Brésil) ; Mamadou Cissé (peintre, France)...
Histoires de voir est née de la curiosité d'aller voir et de comprendre en quoi consiste l'art dit « naïf », « autodidacte » ou « primitif », de partir à la rencontre d'artistes empruntant d'autres chemins que ceux imposés par les codes visuels dominants, de revisiter les relations entre art contemporain et art populaire, entre art et artisanat. L'exposition répond au désir de libérer le regard et de regarder autrement, de donner la parole à des artistes et des communautés d'artistes qui portent sur le monde un regard émerveillé. Elle fait connaître des femmes et des hommes pour qui l'art est « en lien étroit avec l'hypersensibilité du cœur » et dont les œuvres sont « un document de vie », selon les mots d'Alessandro Mendini, designer et architecte italien qui scénographie l'exposition.
Show and Tell arose from a desire to explore the meaning of the terms naïve primitive and self-taught art, to meet artists who pursue paths outside the norm of conventional visual codes, and to examine the relationships between contemporary art and folk art, artist and artisan. This exhibition strives to free up the eye, to view from another angle, to give voice to artists and communities of artists who look upon the world with wonder. It is of and by women and men for whom art has close ties with the hypersensitivity of the heart and whose works are living documents, in the words of Alessandro Mendini, the Italian architect and designer who curated the exhibition.
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20 Things to do in Rome, Italy Travel Guide
Join us as visit Rome, Italy in this travel guide covering the best things to do in the city including top attractions and foods worth trying. Given the amount of travel we've done in Europe it is hard to believe that it took us this long to properly visit Rome (Roma). However, the wait was certainly worth it as the city has so much to offer visitors. Let's find out why all roads lead to Rome!
20 Things to do in Rome City Tour | Italy Travel Guide: (ROMA ITALIA)
Intro - 00:01
1) Piazza Navona - 00:24
2) Campo de' Fiori Street Market - 01:12
3) Pizza at Roscioli - 02:03
4) Largo di Torre Argentina - 04:53
5) Pantheon - 05:40
6) Gelato at Giolitti - 06:24
7) Trevi Fountain (Fontana di Trevi) - 07:42
8) Palatine Hill (Palatino) visiting Palace of Domitian - 08:07
9) Roman Forum (Foro Romano) - 08:53
10) Colosseum / Coliseum (Colosseo) - 09:13
11) Italian Lunch eating pasta - 10:09
12) Vatican City (Città del Vaticano) - 10:57
13) Vatican Museum (Musei Vaticani) - 11:13
14) St. Peter’s Basilica (Basilica San Pietro in Vaticano) for views of Rome - 12:10
15) Villa Borghese Gardens - 14:50
16) Piazza del Popolo - 15:12
17) Mausoleum of Hadrian (Castel Sant’Angelo) - 15:26
18) Spanish Steps (Scalinata di Trinità dei Monti) - 15:43
19) Tiber River walk at night (Tevere) - 16:19
20) Rome by night + Outro - 16:30
Panasonic GH5:
Canon G7X ii:
Our visit Rome travel guide covers some of the top attractions including a food guide to local Italian food, top sightseeing tourist attractions and the city by day and by night including visiting cathedrals, pizzerias, ruins, parks, the coliseum and the Vatican City. We cover activities you won't find in a typical Rome tourism brochure, Rome itinerary or Rome, Italy city tour also known as Roma Italia.
20 Things to do in Rome, Italy Travel Guide Video Transcript: (ROMA)
Rome, the Eternal City. After several trips to Italy, we finally managed to visit our biggest oversight: the capital! From wandering through Roman ruins to devouring pizza, and climbing up lookout points to feasting on gelato, in this travel guide, we’re going to share with you 20 things to do in Rome, Italy:
We reached Roscioli which was the best pizza in Rome. Pizzas are served by the weight and we sampled 7 different pizza slices.
We stopped at Largo di Torre Argentina an archaeological site home to four different temples containing parts of the portico of Pompey.
It was a short walk to the Pantheon, a former Roman temple turned church, which dates back to the year 125 AD. The Pantheon boasted the world’s largest cupola up until the 15th century, and it is still the largest unreinforced concrete dome in existence to this day making it one of the greatest architectural achievements by the ancient Romans.
If you want to find the best gelato, look for colours that are muted with small batches.
One of the many things to do in Rome, was to visit the Trevi Fountain. This is the largest Baroque fountain in the city.
Rome’s most famed attraction is the Colosseum and its surrounding ruins. We started our visit on Palatine Hill, the most central of Rome's seven hills. What visitors see today are the ruins of the Palace of Domitian, a 1st-century complex, which served as the main imperial palace for 300 years. We continued to the Roman Forum. This square was the centre of ancient Roman life, with government buildings, temples, and markets. We reached the Colosseum, which was the largest amphitheatre ever built and could hold an estimated 50,000 and 80,000 spectators.
Walking through the Vatican Museum was more overwhelming than enjoyable. We visited Vatican City to climb St. Peter’s Basilica for views of Rome.
Castel Sant’Angelo was commissioned by the Roman Emperor Hadrian as a mausoleum for himself and his family.
Villa Borghese is the 3rd largest public park in Rome with gardens, villas, and ponds with views of the city overlooking Piazza del PO-polo, the people’s square.
That concludes our tour of Rome showcasing the many things to do in Rome on your own trip.
This is part of our Travel in Italy video series showcasing Italian food, Italian culture and Italian cuisine.
Music by DJ Quads:
73 Questions With Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue
Kim Kardashian West invites Vogue into her sprawling home in Hidden Hills, California, and answers 73 intriguing questions. While surrounded by her husband, Kanye West, and their three children (Saint, North and Chicago), Kim talks about motherhood, studying law, and their upcoming addition to the family.
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73 Questions With Kim Kardashian West (ft. Kanye West) | Vogue
Directed by Joe Sabia
Producer: Marina Cukeric
DP: Jess Dunlap
PM: Josh Young
Edit and Color: Ryan Powell
Post Sound: Bang World
Styling: Taylor Angino
6. Jean Le Moal vu par sa fille
Reportage réalisé par Bastien Enard, de Radio Méga. Interview d'Anne Le Moal, la fille de l'artiste.
LES ARTS DE VIVRE - Adaptations olfactives
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Musée de la Dame aux Camélias
Place du Château
61230 Gacé
02 33 67 08 59
4 rue de Castiglione
75001 Paris
01 40 20 06 19
68 Avenue des Champs-Elysées
75008 Paris
01 45 62 52 57
In the Ere
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Boris Brejcha @ Château de Fontainebleau for Cercle
Boris Brejcha @ Château de Fontainebleau for Cercle
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☞ Boris Brejcha
Big thanks to the Château de Fontainebleau for their warm welcome!
And to our partners Greenroom & Le Bonbon (
Video credits:
Artist: Boris Brejcha
Produced by Cercle
Executive producers: Philippe Tuchmann & Derek Barbolla
Directed by: Derek Barbolla & Pol Souchier
Assisted by: Quentin Eynaud
Sound Engineer: Aurélien Moisan
Directors of photography: Jérémie Tridard & Anatole Vaillant
Live Editor: Agathe Faccendini
Drone footage: Dronevolt (Alexis Olas)
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1. Intro (The Awakenings) - unreleased
2. The Awakenings - unreleased
3. Space Diver - unreleased
4. Gravity - unreleased
5. Black Unicorn - unreleased
6. LS* Waterpipe - unreleased
7. The Troublemakerz - unreleased
8. Nothing Seems To Be - unreleased
9. Never Look Back - unreleased
10. Kittys Journey - unreleased
11. Turn Over
12. Night Owl
13. Killing Me
14. Hashtag
15. Purple Noise
16. Outro
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Située en Vénétie au nord de l’Italie, Vérone est une destination touristique internationale. Ses arènes accueillent chaque été un festival d’art lyrique connu mondialement et c’est à Vérone où se trouve la maison de Juliette et son célèbre balcon. Vérone est une charmante ville médiévale avec de splendides églises historiques, des palais et des places pittoresques. Construite sur les rives de l’Adige, Vérone est la ville rêvée pour un séjour romantique à seulement une heure de Venise.
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