Italien - Venedig - Lido di Venezia - Malamocco
Der zweitgrößte Ort des Lido heißt Malamocco, der schon allein wegen seiner Geschichte eine herausragende Bedeutung für Venedig und für die Insel Lido hat. Malamocco ist eine Ortschaft im südlichen Teil der Insel Lido di Venezia und besitzt etwa 1100 Einwohner. Dieser Ort war in der Frühzeit der Insel die erste Siedlung auf dem Lido. Hier in Malamocco residierte einst der Doge von Venedig....
MALAMOCCO (Venezia) 2011
il fascino di un Borgo in un lembo di terra fra la Laguna di Venezia e il mare
Venezia Mose. Il sistema di varo dei cassoni a Malamocco per la posa della barriera di difesa
Per la difesa di Venezia e della sua laguna dalle acque alte viene realizzato il sistema Mose, ultimo e fondamentale tassello di un ampio piano di interventi attuato per la salvaguardia fisica e ambientale del territorio lagunare dal Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Trasporti -- Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia attraverso il Consorzio Venezia Nuova.
Il Mose, oggi completato per oltre l'80%, consiste in un sistema di barriere mobili poste alle bocche di porto di Lido, Malamocco e Chioggia e rappresenta la soluzione definitiva in grado di coniugare la difesa dalle acque alte con la tutela dell'ambiente.
Drone flight over Malamocco, Lido, Venice
Flight with my P4pro over Malamocco, Lido, Venice
Le altre Venezie: 2. Malamocco
Lido faces Venice
Short film about the Lido island near Venice. The Lido island is home to three settlements. The Lido itself, in the north, is home to the Film Festival, the Grand Hotel des Bains, the Venice Casino and the Grand Hotel Excelsior. Malamocco, in the centre, was the first and, for a long time, the only settlement. It was at one time home to the Doge of Venice. Alberoni at the southern end is home to the golf course.
At least half the Adriatic side of the island is a sandy beach, much of it belonging to the various hotels that house the summer tourists. These include the renowned Excelsior and the Des Bains, setting for Thomas Mann's classic novel Death in Venice. These beaches are private, though towards the northern and southern ends of the island there are two enormous public beaches. The Adriatic Sea is fairly clean and warm, ideal for children, with only the occasional jellyfish to disturb swimming.
The heart of the island is the Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta, a wide street approximately 700 m long that leads from the lagoon and vaporetto (water bus) stop on one side across to the sea on the other. It houses hotels, shops, and tourist-centric restaurants.[
Lido di Venezia, Italy 2019
The Lido, or Venice Lido (Lido di Venezia), is an 11-kilometre-long (7-mile) sandbar in Venice, northern Italy; it is home to about 20,000 residents. The Venice Film Festival takes place at the Lido every September.
The island is home to three settlements. The Lido itself, in the north, is home to the Film Festival, the Grand Hotel des Bains, the Venice Casino and the Hotel Excelsior Venice Lido. Malamocco, in the centre, was the first and, for a long time, the only settlement. It was at one time home to the Doge of Venice. Alberoni at the southern end is home to the golf course. Frequent public buses run the length of the island along the main street.
At least half the Adriatic side of the island is a sandy beach, much of it belonging to the various hotels that house the summer tourists. These include the renowned Hotel Excelsior and the Grand Hotel des Bains, setting for Thomas Mann's classic novel Death in Venice, currently undergoing major renovation. These beaches are private, though towards the northern and southern ends of the island there are two enormous public beaches. The Adriatic Sea is fairly clean and warm, ideal for children, with only the occasional jellyfish to disturb swimming.
The heart of the island is the Gran Viale Santa Maria Elisabetta, a wide street approximately 700 m long that leads from the lagoon and vaporetto (water bus) stop on one side across to the sea on the other. It houses hotels, shops, and tourist-centric restaurants.
The Venice Lido and The Island of Pellestrina
The body of water in front of San Marco is bounded by the Venice lido and a bit more to the south by the Island of Pellestrina.
The Venice Lido is reachable thanks to the ACTV Transportation Service. From the dry land, the island is reachable through the ferry-boat service. The ride is amazing either way.
The Venice Lido is the beach where the Venetians usually relax and there are both private and public bathing establishments. The island offers a beautiful golf course containing 18 holes and on the opposite side there is also an airfield called Aeroporto Nicelli. The entire island can be explored thanks to the Public Transportation Service.
The Lido is perfect for those who are looking forward to see Liberty Style Mansions and villages like Malamocco and San Pietro in Volta or for those who want to know the engineering mechanisms tied to the protection of the sea.
Thanks to its many available spaces The Lido helds many important conferences and assemblies.
The Island of Pellestrina, on the other hand, preserves its trait of being a small community of fishermen and it's an important culinary destination thanks to its seafood restaurants.
Guarda il servizio in italiano nel portale di Love in Venice:
The video offers an up-to-date view on the Mose, an integrated defense system consisting of rows of mobile gates able to isolate the Venetian Lagoon from the Adriatic Sea to prevent floods due to exceptionally high tides. Work on the project has been under way since 2003 at the three lagoon inlets of Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia, and it is now under completion.
Directed by Hangar Design Group.
Malamocco è una piccola località del comune di Venezia, situata nella parte meridionale dell'isola del Lido di Venezia, alla cui municipalità appartiene, ed erede dell'antica Metamaucum. È circondata da uno stretto canale, che la separa dal resto del Lido, ma con cui costituisce di fatto un tutt'uno, residuo dell'antico porto che qui si trovava.
Ca` del Moro, Venice, Italy
Ca` del Moro, Venice, Italy
Via Malamocco 83, Venice, VE, 30126, Italy
Suburban inn in Lido of Venice with restaurant, pool bar
Free buffet breakfast, free WiFi, and free parking
Malamocco (Venezia) ... sorpresi dal temporale in laguna
venice - lido - pellestrina - caroman
Mose. Timelapse sollevamento barriera di Lido nord. 26 maggio 2016
Murano to Lido, waterbus-vaporetto use, Venice Italy
The company servicing all stations around Venice and the islands is called ACTV. The company servicing all stations to and from the airport is called Alilaguna. This video covers transportation from Murano to Lido islands and stations in between.
Giro in barca tra Venezia e Malamocco!
Buona visione!
#venice #boat #vlog
►INSCRIVITI al canale per non perderti la seconda parte del video!
G.I. HOLDING at the Mose in Venice
Mose is one of the greatest engineering projects in the World. It is a system of mobile barriers for the defence of Venice and its lagoon from tides.
G.I. Industrial Holding SpA provided the units for air conditioning and dehumidification of underwater galleries and technological systems of Mose, in partnership with the multinational Company SIRAM SpA – VEOLIA Group, responsible for design and execution of the whole HVAC system.
The units provided under CLINT and NOVAIR brands are: 83 Heat Pumps and 60 Fan Coil units, 9.000 kW total cooling power; 115 Air Handling Units, 700.000 m3/h total air flow.
All units feature special technical solutions and dedicated materials, specifically developed for long resistance in salty environment.
The works, managed by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – Consorzio Venezia Nuova, are now at the final stages.
MOSE is an integrated system consisting of rows of mobile gates installed at the Lido, Malamocco and Chioggia inlets that are able to isolate the Venetian Lagoon temporarily from the Adriatic Sea during high tides.
The mobile barriers are connected to the concrete housing structures with hinges that constrain the gates to the housing structures and allow them to move. They are located below sea level, lying on the seabed.
The installation is completed with a net of submarine tunnels, service rooms and technological systems for the management of barriers opening and of the whole project overall, that need to be kept at controlled levels of temperature and humidity for their right functioning and protection from salt corrosion.
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Alberoni - Venezia Lido - Spiaggia di dune
L'area naturale dell'Oasi delle Dune degli Alberoni, all'estremità sud del Lido di Venezia, è un sito di grande interesse ambientale, per la presenza di specie di flora, fauna e di habitat unici nel contesto dell'ecosistema della Laguna di Venezia e del litorale veneziano.
Il toponimo deriva dai grandi alberi che costituivano una sorta di bosco ben visibile per chi arrivava dal mare e che segnalavano l'ingresso del porto-canale
Alle spalle della spiaggia, lunga ben 2 km, si trova uno dei più estesi e meglio conservati sistemi di dune delle coste dell'Alto Adriatico. Si tratta di un biotopo di notevole importanza e relativamente giovane di formazione, legato a dinamismo litoraneo susseguente alla realizzazione della diga alla bocca di porto di Malamocco.
Da Venezia a Chioggia percorrendo la laguna lungo i litorali di Malamocco e Pellestrina.
In motonave, da Venezia a Chioggia (la piccola Venezia), percorrendo la laguna lungo i litorali di Malamocco San Pietro in Volta e Pellestrina, ammirando le coloratissime case di pescatori ed ex pescatori.
Italian Engineering Countering Rising Sea Levels in Venice
Video Produced by Consorzio Venezia Nuova MOSE.