Mall of Berlin - 300 Shops shopping centre & food court
The Mall of Berlin is the second largest shopping centre in Germany's capital city. You can find over 300 national & international brand stores and a large foodcourt. Bring enough change for the toilet because it's not for free to use the rest rooms.
#mall #berlin #shopping
Berlin, Germany | ft. Mall of Berlin | Part 1 of Berlin Adventure
Welcome to Berlin. Glad to share with you my first experience with Berlin. I had an appointment with the Phippine Embassy and that we did some side trip.
Berlin travel is my far most favorite travel since i have been here in Germany. We first went to Berlin Mall, a mall like hotel. We had our lunch there and thus, i took the chance to take video of the mall for me to share with all of you...
Hope you will like our Berlin travel Part 1 of ...
Mall of Berlin - Imagefilm
Einblick in die Fashion-Welt der Mall of Berlin.
Sneaking inside the Mall of Berlins fashion world.
MALL OF BERLIN | SHOPPING | Leipziger Platz | Hollister | Шоппинг в крупном ТЦ Берлина
Огромный торговый центр в Берлине под названием MALL OF BERLIN! Хочу поделиться с вами видео-обзором брендов и магазинов внутри здания, интересных гастрономических лавочек и многим другим. Большое внимание мы уделили съёмке магазина Hollister. Также вы можете прочесть нашу статью на Там мы описываем как можно добраться к ТЦ на общественном транспорте или где оставить машину если вы на авто, указаны также стоимость парковки и часы работы. Вообщем приятного просмотра и чтения!
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Visit to Mall of Berlin | Germany
My visit to Mall of Berlin
Mall of Berlin in 4K [ Germany 10 2014 ]
(A ) Mall of Berlin ,die ultimative Shoppingmeile Tag der Eröffnung 25.9.2014
Umfassendes Video für den ersten Eindruck
Mall of Berlin ,Leipziger Platz Tag der Eröffnung 25.september 2014
Eine Shoppingmeile die alles in den Schatten stellt. Rundherum gelungen.das ganze . Alles was Rang und Namen hat ist hier vertreten,sogar Karl Lagerfeld. Kommt mit auf einen Ausflug ins MALL of BERLIN mit mir hier in diesem Video. viel Spaß
und zum Schluß , leider habe ich im Filmtitel einen Druckfehler Ich bitte um Entschuldigung
Einblick in die Mall of Berlin
Mit unserer neuen Steadycam haben für euch in der vergangenen Woche die Mall of Berlin besichtigt. Am 25.9. könnt ihr selbst auf Entdeckungsreise gehen :)
Kamera & Schnitt: Steffen Ostermaier
Places to see in ( Berlin - Germany ) Mall of Berlin
Places to see in ( Berlin - Germany ) Mall of Berlin
In September 2014, the Mall of Berlin on Leipziger Platz opened its doors. Covering 76,000 m2 and offering 270 stores, this is the second largest shopping centre in Berlin and offers visitors a wide range of clothing, electronics, entertainment and gastronomy.
In addition, the new city district arising on the once war-ravaged Leipziger Platz is home to a fitness centre owned by Madonna, a hotel, an underground car park, and numerous commercial and residential buildings. The LP12 Mall of Berlin, or simply Mall of Berlin, is a shopping mall in Berlin, Germany.
The shopping area at the Mall of Berlin covers 76,000 square metres and is home to about 270 fashion, shoe and consumer electronic retailers, but also gift shops, a large food court and a supermarket. The building complex also includes places of entertainment, restaurants, a hotel, offices and apartments.
In the basement of the mall, visitors can shop for gifts, cosmetics and convenience goods. While the ground floor accommodates upmarket fashion labels and fashion accessories, the shops on the first floor offer a selection of less pricey everyday fashion, footwear and jewellery. Stores on the second floor sell children's clothes. The food court is located on the second floor as well.
Architectural highlight of the building is the piazza at the centre of the shopping mall. Situated under a vast curved glass roof, it offers views of the House of Lords of Prussia (seat of the German Federal Council) and protects shoppers from the elements. With more than 1,000 spaces, the underground car park provides ample parking opportunities.
( Berlin - Germany ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Berlin . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Berlin - Germany
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Mall of Berlin - Hauptstadtburger
Essen in der Mall of Berlin ..NOv.2015
German Historical Museum, Berlin Cathedral and Mall of Berlin
Visited German Historical Museum | the Berlin Cathedral | roaming around the Mall of Berlin and passed by the Humboldt University
Our day 3- highlight of this day: to visit the Berlin Cathedral and the Mall of Berlin.
After having breakfast, we headed to the metro station and took the metro to Friedrichstraße Bahnhof, and from there its 15 min. walking to the Cathedral, but for us it took us almost an hour because there are nice shops along the way. ???? We made several stops in some nice shops like Lush- i bought some bubble bath bombs, and we stopped by at Starbucks to get some cappuccino because unfortunately it was a bit cold that day and a cup of warm cappuccino would help us get through the day. We shopped at Zara- Anna’s favorite shop and we scored some stuffs ????
We continued walking along Unter den Linden, and i ran into a “Disney” mascot, i did not know that i have to pay for a photo, he/she showed me a €10 bill and made a sign that i should pay- well, i even did not ask for a photo so i did not give any money, but glad the mascot immediately walked away. From the same street, we visited ????Neue Wache (New Guardhouse) and in the middle of the room is a sculpture of a “Mother with her Dead Son and the oculus”. (See video) We also passed by ????Humboldt University- it is said that Albert Einstein was a professor of the said university. Few meters away is the ????German Historical Museum, a must visit also, after so many stops, we finally arrived at the Cathedral! We only stayed outside, and because it was late and we were cold so we decided to take a bus to Mall of Berlin, that was 15 min. by bus. We arrived at the mall at 3:00 pm, exhausted and thirsty ???? but there, we were able to get something to drink in one of the restaurants... we stayed there until 6:00 pm. And took the metro again back to our hotel... tired but mission accomplished!
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Song: Girl Like You
Mall of Berlin, Shopping paradise
The Mall of Berlin at Leipziger Platz offers high-quality shopping pleasure in around 300 shops, plus numerous snack bars, restaurants and leisure facilities.
Mall of Berlin
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#Berlin #ShoppingMall
Mall of Berlin - Berlins neue Shoppingmeile
Mall of Berlin noch wird dran gearbeitet (Tag der Eröffnung in einem anderen Video )
Im Link gehts zur Eröffung
Mit dem Bau der Gropiuspassagen in Neukölln fing er in den 1990er-Jahren in Diensten einer Fondsgesellschaft an, dann folgte der Bau des Einkaufszentrums Das Schloss in Steglitz. In dieser Woche eröffnet der Unternehmer Harald G. Huth mit der Mall of Berlin am Leipziger Platz nun sein bislang spektakulärstes Projekt. An der Stelle, wo einst das legendäre Kaufhaus Wertheim stand, hat der 44-Jährige für fast eine Milliarde Euro ein neues Shoppingcenter mit rund 76.000 Quadratmetern Verkaufsfläche errichtet – realisiert durch die eigene Firma High Gain House Investments (HGHI).
Die Mall of Berlin ist eines der größten Einkaufszentren Berlins. Nur die Gropiuspassagen sind noch etwas größer. Am Mittwochabend wird die Eröffnung der Mall of Berlin mit geladenen Gästen gefeiert, am Donnerstagmorgen öffnen um 10 Uhr die Türen für das Publikum.
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#Bestfriends #Urlaub #Berlin
Berlin, Germany : the Luxurious Eastside and Westside Mall of Berlin
Shopping in Berlin, Cheapest store PRIMARK
Berlin Germany. SHOPPING. PRIMARK - must visit everyone. Cheap shopping. There is no lower price.
In English: Shopping in Berlin, Cheapest store PRIMARK
Proceed right away from the most exciting - sales. Usually they are held in summer and winter. Summer begins on the last Monday of July, winter - on the last Monday of January, and any of them lasts for 2 weeks. Naturally, bonuses in almost all shopping centers are visited not only during the usual sales period, but as if they have the importance of directing interest to shop windows. The “Reduziert” signs, and the classic “%” badges and the inscriptions “Sale” tell about reduced prices for products. Summer sale - probably Sommerschlussverkauf, and winter sale - Wintersclussverkauf. The prices in Berlin are higher than in the recognized fashion centers, but all the same are even lower than the Russians, because the opportunity to spend much more than planned is quite high.
#Shopping #Berlin #ShoppingInBerlin
Mall of Berlin - East & West side Mall (Shopping in Berlin)
The Mall of Berlin is one of the best shopping locations in the city centre. See here of this mall looks like that is separated into 2 buildings: west side and east side
#mall #berlin #shopping #sightseeing