Malta Falconry Centre - Is-Siġġiewi - Malta
Malta - Urlaub
April 2018 - Tag 03 - Film 37
Malta Falconry Centre - Is-Siġġiewi - Malta
Malta Falconry Centre
A family run venture with a passion for anything with wings, the Malta Falconry Centre was set up to reintroduce the ancient art of falconry in Malta. It is in fact the first Bird of Prey centre on the islands and has an important educational role to play for both locals and foreigners to appreciate these beautiful creatures. With free flying displays of well trained birds and a number of captive birds on view, there is also great entertainment value.
The Malta Falconry Centre is set out on vast and very well kept grounds with private parking, open spaces fully accessible for the visitors and a coffee shop. The experienced falconers put on a captivating and interesting show, and proudly demonstrate the majestic sight of these birds in free flight. They also offer falconry experiences and bird handling sessions.
Find out more:
Malta falconry centre
Malta falconry centre
Il-Falkunerija f'Malta (Malta Falconry centre)
Tgħidulna x'għandu x'jaqsam l-agrikoltura mal-falkunerija. Ta' min wieħed jibda billi japrezza iktar il-ħlejjaq li jeżistu fis-selvaġġ u li kull ħlejqa tifforma parti mill-biodiversita sew direttament kif ukoll indirettament. Ma ninsewx li l-falkuni jiffurmaw parti mill-istorja ta' pajjiżna ukoll meta l-Kavallieri kienu jibagħtu falkun fis-sena u allura ta' min wieħed jsir jaf iktar fuq dawn it-tjur u iċ-ċirku tagħhom fil-ħolqa tal-ambjent tal-madwar.
L-isqra kienu jintużaw biex jikkaċjaw bihom anke f'Malta.
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