Manasija (Resava) Monastery, Despotovac, Serbia
Manasija (Resava) Monastery, Despotovac, Serbia. DJI Phantom 4 Drone video.
Manastir Manasija / Manasija Monastery, Despotovac, Serbia
Post available at the link:
MANASIJA MONASTERY - Virtual Tour - Medieval Serbia
Go on a virtual tour through one of the most significant medieval constructions in Serbia: the Manasija Monastery, built by despot Stefan Lazarević in the beginning of the 15th century.
For more information about Serbia in English, like my blog's Facebook page:
Faça um tour virtual por uma das mais significativas construções medievais da Sérvia: o mosteiro Manasija, construído pelo déspota Stefan Lazarević no início do século XV.
Para mais informações sobre a Sérvia, visite o blog Bem-vindo à Sérvia:
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Идите на виртуелну туру једно од најзначајнијих здања средњевековне Србије: манастир Манасија, изграђен од стране деспота Стефана Лазаревића почетком 15. века.
Да подржите промоцију Србије у Бразилу, лајкујте страницу блога Добродошли у Србију на Фејсбуку:
4K - Manasija Monastery
English : Manasija Monastery (Манасија in cyrillic) was built in 1406 and founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević. The Manasija Monastery is located 2km from town of Despotovac in Central Serbia.
Every year the Just Out festival, the largest knighty festival ( is organised at this place.
If you visit centrral Serbia, it's one of the major touristic sites to visit.
A new version of the video, with better colors and contrasts is available on the following link :
Français : Le monastère de Manasija (Манасија en cyrillique) a été construit en 1406 et fondé par Despot Stefan Lazarević. Le monastère de Manasija est situé à 2km de la ville de Despotovac en Serbie centrale.
Chaque année, le festival Just Out, le plus grand festival de chevalerie ( est organisé à cet endroit.
Si vous visitez la Serbie centrale, c'est l'un des principaux sites touristiques à visiter.
Une nouvelle version de la vidéo, avec de meilleures couleurs et contrastes est disponible sur le lien suivant :
Srpski / Ex-Yu : Manastir Manasija (Манастир Манасија) izgrađen je 1406. godine i osnovao ga je Despot Stefan Lazarević. Manastir Manasija nalazi se 2km od grada Despotovca u centralnoj Srbiji.
Svake godine na ovom mjestu se organizuje festival Just Out, najveći viteški festival (
Ako posetite centralnu Srbiju, to je jedna od glavnih turističkih atrakcija koje treba posjetiti.
Nova verzija videa, sa boljim bojama i kontrastima, dostupna je na sledeći link :
Drone footage / Filmé par drone / Snimljeno dronom.
Safety : The drone is equiped with a parachute system in case of defect.
Monastery Manasija, Despotovac, Serbia
Manastir Manasija - Monastery Manasija and Fortress, Serbia
Manasija is a Serbian Orthodoxmonastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the Morava school. The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. Immediately following its foundation, the monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its School of Resava was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, even after the fall of the Despotate to the Ottoman Turks. Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia, and monastery have entered a UNESCO Tentative List Process in 2010.
Orthodox monastery Manasija, Serbia - Pravoslavni manastir Manasija, Srbija
Manasija (Манасија), also known as Resava (Ресава), is a Serbian Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the Morava school. The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. The monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its School of Resava was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries.
Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979.
Music: Saying Farewell to the Year - Teknoaxe
Classical Guitar/Background -- Royalty Free Music
08 Serbia - Manasija monastery (Resava)
Manasija monastery, Despotovac - klasztor Manasija to jeden z ważniejszych klasztorów w Serbii. Wybudowany jest w dolinie rzeki Resavy, w stylu szkoły morawskiej. Jest to monastyr obronny, otoczony murami i wieżycami, które służyły obronie przed Turkami. Niestety mimo swych zabezpieczeń był wielokrotnie niszczony. W XII w. żupani Raszki odzyskali przewagę nad osłabioną Zetą. W sojuszu z Węgrami podjęli walkę z cesarstwem bizantyjskim. Pod koniec XII w. wielki żupan Raszki i założyciel dynastii Nemaniczów Stefan Nemania zjednoczył ziemie serbskie i uniezależnił się od Bizancjum. W 1217 roku jego syn Stefan Nemanić koronował się. Wraz z bratem Sawą w 1219 roku ustanowił arcybiskupstwo serbskie w Žičy. Kraj został spustoszony przez Tatarów w latach 1241–1242. Za panowania Stefana Duszana (1331–1346) Serbia zajęła Macedonię, Epir i Tesalię. Państwo było wówczas u szczytu potęgi i miało największy w swej historii zasięg terytorialny. W 1346 roku w Peci ustanowił patriarchat i koronował się na cara Serbów i Romejów (Greków). Stefan Duszan zmarł podczas przygotowań do wyprawy po tron w Konstantynopolu. Po śmierci cara Serbia rozpadła się. W 1371 roku w wyniku śmierci Urosza I (syna Stefana Duszana) wygasła dynastia Nemaniczów. Klasztor Manasija (zwany także monastyrem Resava) to prawdopodobnie najstarszy klasztor w Serbii. Został założony przez despota Stefana Lazarevicia, znanego także jako Stefan Wysoki; władcy Serbii i zarazem jednego z najwybitniejszych twórców literatury serbskiego średniowiecza. Jemu nazwę zawdzięcza także pobliskie miasteczko Despotovac. Powstał w latach 1407 – 1418r. na zlecenie Stefana Lazarevica (który po śmierci został tu pochowany). Stefan IV Lazarević (ur. ok. 1377, zm. 19 lipca 1427) - władca serbski od 1389 roku. Był synem i następcą księcia Łazarza, serbskim despotą (bizantyjski tytuł z 1402 roku) oraz wasalem tureckim. Dzięki swoim umiejętnościom dyplomatycznym skonsolidował i umocnił państwo oraz zapewnił mu rozwój gospodarczy. Był również mecenasem i organizatorem życia kulturalnego w swoim kraju. Sam również tworzył dzieła literackie, z których najbardziej znany jest poemat prozą Słowo miłości (powstały w 1404 lub 1409 r.). Przypisuje mu się też autorstwo liryczno-epickiego panegiryku ku czci ojca - Napis na słupie kosowskim. Stefan Lazarević był także tłumaczem literatury greckiej. W 1927 został kanonizowany z przydomkiem Wysoki. W pierwszej połowie XVw. monastyr był ośrodkiem kultury i sztuki serbskiej, znanym również poza granicami kraju (przepisywano tu księgi). Klasztor stał się domem dla pisarzy i artystów – emigrantów z prowincji już zajętych przez Turków. Najbardziej znanym z nich był Konstantyn Filozof, biograf Stefana. Ostatecznie Turcy przejęli kontrolę nad klasztorem. Klasztor wybudowany jest w dolinie rzeki Resavy, w stylu szkoły morawskiej. Klasztor otaczają potężne mury obronne z najeżonymi blankami 11 wieżami, upodabniającymi cały kompleks do średniowiecznej twierdzy. Te olbrzymie fortyfikacje powstały z obawy przed tureckim atakiem – było to już 20 lat po bitwie na Kosowym Polu.
Manasija monastery
Manasija (Serbian pronunciation: [manǎsija]), also known as Resava ([rɛ̌saʋa]) (Serbian Cyrillic: Манасија, Ресава), is a Serb Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the Morava school. The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. Immediately following its foundation, the monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its Resava school was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, even after the fall of the Despotate to the Ottoman Turks. Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia, and monastery have entered a UNESCO Tentative List Process in 2010.
The founding charter of the monastery has, unfortunately, not been preserved. The Manasija Monastery, also known as Resava, was built two kilometres northwest from the town of Despotovac, in the picturesque ravine. Construction of the monumental mausoleum and the fortified town lasted about a decade, with breaks. During this period, a church, large refectory, lodgings, adjacent buildings, towers and walls, fortifications with protective walls and trenches were constructed.
…across hills and fields and deserts he went looking for a place on which to build the desired family, the silent home. Having found the most suitable and the best site to build the home and having said a prayer, he approached the task and laid the foundations in the name of the Holy Trinity, universal Divinity… (Constantine the Philosopher, 1433)
Monastery founder Despot Stefan built Manasija to serve as his mausoleum; in its grandeur, his resting place surpassed everything ever built in the Pomoravlje. The monumental and imposing Church of Manasija, together with the contemporary monuments (Ravanica, Ljubostinja, Kalenić, Gornjak, Pavlica…), bear witness to the last great artistic achievement of Morava's Serbia.
The refectory was built parallel to the church, and is one of the largest known structures in medieval Serbia, which was completely covered in frescoes. The monastery compound was encircled and protected by strong walls with eleven towers and trenches.
Muzika: Stevan Hristic - Opelo (Requiem)
Orthodox monastery Manasija, Serbia - Pravoslavni manastir Manasija, Srbija - Photo Tour
Manasija (Манасија), also known as Resava (Ресава), is a Serbian Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the Morava school. The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. The monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its School of Resava was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries.
Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979.
Preaching to the Choir -- Acapella -- Royalty Free Music
This track is Royalty Free and is free for anyone to use in YouTube videos or other projects, whether monetized or not.**
Legal notice: The publisher of this video is the original source for the music track being presented in this video, which is entitled Preaching to the Choir.
No one entity, person or organization may take legal action against other entity, person or organization due to use or distribution of this track or modified portions of this music track.
License Creative Commons Attribution license (reuse allowed)
manasija monastery
Prezentacija za Engleski Jezik, Manastir Manasija. Autor i vlasnik Aleksa Pesic.
Serbia Beocin Monastery Virtual Tour Ennio 2018
Despotovac danas i sutra - emisija 05 - Manastir Manasija -(TV KCN)
Label and copyright: TV KCN
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Manasija Monastery - Serbia
Manasija monastery - Despotovac (Marko Burazor)
Manastir Manasija
4K - Manasija Monastery - Better colors
Newer version with better colors and contrast.
Original version :
Manasija Monastery (Манасија in cyrillic) was built in 1406 and founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević. Manasija is located 2km from city of Despotovac in Central Serbia.
Safety : The drone is equiped with a parachute system in case of defect.
Manasija monastery
filmed 24 August 2017 / снято 24 августа 2017
Moravska Srbija: Šest vekova Manasije
Povodom jubileja 600 godina od izgradnje manastira Manasije, Redakcija za kulturu i umetnost Kulturno-umetničkog programa prikazuje emisiju posvećenu ovom veličanstvenom spomeniku i poslednjoj vladarskoj zadužbini srednjovekovne Srbije. Manastir je podigao despot Stefan Lazarević, sin kneza Lazara i kneginje Milice koji danas počiva u svojoj zadužbini. Emisija pod nazivom Šest vekova Manasije deo je serijala Moravska Srbija, posvećenog vladavini Lazarevića i Brankovića u periodu od 1371. do 1459. godine. Zašto je Manasija jedinstvena među srpskim srednjovekovnim manastirima, koliko je dugo trajala gradnja impozantnog utvrđenja sa hramom, odakle je dovlačen kamen i drugi materijal za zidanje utvrđenog manastira, zašto je crkva Svete Trojice biser srednjovekovne arhitekture, ko su bili majstori freskoslikari, gde je radila čuvena Resavska škola i ko je zaista bio despot Stefan Lazarević?
Ovo su samo neka pitanja na koja će u emisiji odgovore dati stručnjaci: mr Gordana Simić, dr Danica Popović, prof. dr Zoran Ranković, dr Branislav Cvetković, dr Tatjana Starodubcev, prof. dr Irena Špadijer, dr Vladan Trijić, mr Marko Aleksić, Smiljana Dodić i Vuk Obradović.Ulogu naratora-profesora tumači dramski umetnik Milan Caci Mihailović. U emisiji su statirali: studenti i predstvanici viteških grupa iz Kruševca, Stalaća, Smedereva i Beograda.
Glavni i odgovorni urednik KUP: Nebojša Bradić
Urednik i scenarista: Svetlana Ilić
Izvršni producent: Svetlana Bandić
Glavni organizator: Srđan Boljević
Majstori zvuka: Miljan Đukić, Dragan Ušendić
Dizajner zvuka: Aleksandar Zoričić
Dron operater: Dobrivoje Kaitović
Direktor fotografije: Periša Đinđić
Montažer i grafički dizajner: Bojan Filipović
Reditelj: Filip Čolović
Label and copyright: Radio-televizija Srbije
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Manasija monastery 4K - DJI Mavic 2 pro
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Manasija monastery 4K - DJI Mavic 2 pro
Manasija (Serbian Cyrillic: Манасија), also known as Resava (Ресава, is a Serbian Orthodox monastery near Despotovac, Serbia, founded by Despot Stefan Lazarević between 1406 and 1418. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It is one of the most significant monuments of medieval Serbian culture and it belongs to the Morava school. The monastery is surrounded by massive walls and towers. Immediately following its foundation, the monastery became the cultural centre of the Serbian Despotate. Its School of Resava was well known for its manuscripts and translations throughout the 15th and 16th centuries, even after the fall of the Despotate to the Ottoman Turks. Manasija complex was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia, and monastery have entered a UNESCO Tentative List Process in 2010.
Music - Epic Dark Adventure -
Srednjevekovni manastiri u Srbiji, 1940. Manastir Manasija (poznat i kao Resava), zadužbina despota Stefana Lazarevića, posvećena Svetoj Trojici, podignuta u periodu 1406–1418. Spoljni i unutrašnji izgled manastira poznatog po čuvenom živopisu i „Resavskoj školi“ u kojoj su prepisivane i prevođene knjige.
Medieval monasteries in Serbia, 1940. The Manasija Monastery (known as Resava), an endowment of Despot Stefan Lazarevic and dedicated to the Holy Trinity was built in the period from 1406 to 1418. Exterior and interior of the monastery famous for its well-known frescoes and “Resava School“ where books were copied and translated.