Armasari pur sange arab din herghelia Mangalia-bucurie si extaz
Supranumit si printul hergheliilor,calul pur sange arab impresioneaza prin gratie,talie,miscari si tinuta.
Este un cal bland,energic si rapid.
Marile herghelii ale domnitorilor moldoveni aveau ca reproducatori armasari pur sange adusi din Orient.
Herghelia de la Mangalia a fost infintata in 1928 cu scopul de a creste si ameliora materialul genetic pentru rasa pur sange arab si a fost populata cu cai de la herghelia din Radauti.Herghelia Mangalia detine astazi circa 300 decai pur sange arab si ofera consultanta de specialitate privind reproducerea de de cabaline in vederea ameliorarii raselor din sectorul privat si tot in acest scop herghelia inchiriaza gratuit primariilor,armasari pentru monta.
Acesti cai superbi pe care ii puteti admira in acest material sunt chiar armasari de monta publica.Primul cal iesit la recrere este Mudar,care are acum zece ani si face parte din linia Gazal.
Dar herghelia de la Mangalia este un excelent centru de agrement si atractie turistica.Aici se organizeaza cursuri de initiere in calarie,cursuri de echitatie pana la nivel de avansati si excursii cu trasuri pe distante mai scurte sau mai lungi,iar la hipodromul care se intinde pe o suprafata de 19 ha,au loc periodic curse de trap,galop si de atelaje si concursuri hipice de obstacole.
Excelent cal de curse,pur sangele arab poate alerga cu o viteza de 40 km/h.
Herghelia de la Mangalia este cea mai mare din SE Europei,iar acesti cai superbi merita toata atentia dumneavoastra.
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mangalia to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Mangalia to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Kaby Lake, Core i7 7700K 4.20GHz
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4
HDD: WD Black 4TB SATA-III 7200RPM 128MB
Graphics card: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8GB DDR5X 256-bit
Power Corsair HXi Series HX850i
Case: NZXT Noctis 450 Black
Operating System: Windows 10
Monitor: ASUS VN247H-P 23.6
Game Information:
Road to the Black Sea brings three new European regions. Drivers will be able to expand their company and deliver to the countries of Romania, known for the forested region of Transylvania and the surrounding Carpathian Mountain range, Bulgaria with its diverse terrain and Black Sea coastline, and the Trakya region of Turkey which is the gateway to Europe's largest city, Istanbul.
A significant parts of Road to the Black Sea map are composed of dense urban areas. From large cities to small humble villages found in the countrysides, truckers will also be able to drive on roads which lead to scenic coastlines alongside the Black Sea.
These regions offer a large variety of industries for players to deliver to and from; including farms, logistics companies, mining and steel industries.
Key Features
Romania, Bulgaria, and the European part of Turkey to explore
Border crossings - including feature-rich border controls
River ferry over the Danube (Dunaj)
20 new major populated cities with garages
Europe's largest city, Istanbul
Multitude of smaller towns and settlements
Over 10,000 kilometers of roads to drive on
22 new companies to drive for
11 new local company docks and industries
Most famous landmarks and recognizable places
Detailed characteristic Balkan architecture
Wide range of brand new unique 3D-assets
Lush typical regional vegetation
Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
Horse carts - for Bulgarian and Romanian countrysides
Black Sea region achievements to unlock
Pet Sense Holiday Edition #01 / Sâmbăta de Jos Stud Farm (Romania)
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Today I am going to present you a lipizzaner stud farm in Romania. Thank you all for watching!
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Depozitul de Armăsari - DUMBRAVA - Stallion Depot (Neamt County, Moldova, Romania)
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The Stallion Depot is located in the area of Dumbrava village (Timisesti commune, Neamt County), 9 km east of the city of Târgu Neamţ. According to the legend, here were the royal stables where stayed, in time of peace, the Catalan, the magic battle horse of the renowned ruler Stephen the Great. The depot was built between 1900 and 1904 as remount farm for the army. Built by Italian craftsmen, the main buildings, namely the manege and 6 stables, remain unchanged until today. The activity of the Depot has two main directions: the improvement of Moldova's horses and sports and tourism-recreation activities. The horse farm of Dumbrava has about 75 stallions brought from the most famous stud farms in the country. Here are stallions belonging to 8 breeds: English Thoroughbred, Pure Arabian, Gidran, Romanian Sport Horse, Lipizzaner, Romanian Half Heavy Horse, Hutsul and Troffer. The Dumbrava Stallion Depot can be visited all the time and offers the opportunity to practice equestrian tourism. Riding lessons address to all categories of people, from children to the elderly and from novice to advanced.
”Depozitul de armăsari” este situat în zona satului Dumbrava (comuna Timișești, jud. Neamț), la 9 km est de orașul Târgu Neamț. Conform legendei, aici au fost grajdurile domnești unde pe timp de pace stătea Catalan, calul năzdrăvan de luptă al vestitului domnitor Ștefan cel Mare. Depozitul de armăsari a fost construit în perioada 1900-1904, având denumirea de Depozitul de Remontă al Armatei. Construite de meșteri italieni, principalele clădiri și anume manejul și cele 6 grajduri se păstrează nemodificate până astăzi. Activitatea Depozitului are două direcții principale: îmbunătățirea efectivelor cabaline din Moldova și activități sportive și de turism-recreere. Efectivul de cabaline de la Dumbrava este de circa 75 de armăsari aduși de la cele mai vestite herghelii din țară. Aici se găsesc armăsari aparținând la 8 rase: Pur Sânge Englez, Pur Sânge Arab, Gidran, Cal de Sport Românesc, Lipițan, Semigreu Românesc, Huțul și Trăpaș. Depozitul Dumbrava poate fi vizitat tot timpul și oferă posibilitatea de practicare a turismului ecvestru. Lecțiile de călărie se adresează tuturor categoriilor de persoane, de la copii la vârstnici și de la novici la avansați.
DESCALECATI IN CARPATI / Editia 02, Sezon 03/ 2019 IAN 13
Lăsați politica și economia! Priviți armonia!
Cei mai puri și blazonați lipițani din Europa sunt prăsiți și îngrijiți la Herghelia Sâmbăta de Jos. In fiecare an viitorul rasei este desemnat în urma probei de clasificare. Hipologii români le studiază eleganța la pas și trap, dacă au constituție turbo și dacă răspund cu docilitate la comenzile omului cu căpastru. Dintre zecile de „speranțe” cu vârsta de trei ani se vor alege ecvideele care vor conserva sau îmbunătăți caracteristicile acestei rase. A-drona-lină în vene simțim când din cer spre România privim. Planăm peste Conacul Miclescu, fostă casă de piatră a boierilor lui Ștefan cel Mare, survolăm Castelul Magna Culia din Deva și luăm altitudine deasupra Cetății Alma Vii. La rubrica „Trunchi și suflet” ne interesează nu doar să vedem cum se reîmpădurește Harghita, ci și cum prelucrătorii de masă lemnoasă verifică prin mijloace proprii, nu doar prin cele impuse de lege, dacă materia primă care ajunge în fabrică este recoltată legal.
Kassai school demonstration at romanian shaghya national farm
this is a demonstration made by romanian representative of Kassai Horsebackarchery school for promoting this martial art in Romania
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Calarasi to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Calarasi to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Kaby Lake, Core i7 7700K 4.20GHz
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4
HDD: WD Black 4TB SATA-III 7200RPM 128MB
Graphics card: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8GB DDR5X 256-bit
Power Corsair HXi Series HX850i
Case: NZXT Noctis 450 Black
Operating System: Windows 10
Monitor: ASUS VN247H-P 23.6
Game Information:
Road to the Black Sea brings three new European regions. Drivers will be able to expand their company and deliver to the countries of Romania, known for the forested region of Transylvania and the surrounding Carpathian Mountain range, Bulgaria with its diverse terrain and Black Sea coastline, and the Trakya region of Turkey which is the gateway to Europe's largest city, Istanbul.
A significant parts of Road to the Black Sea map are composed of dense urban areas. From large cities to small humble villages found in the countrysides, truckers will also be able to drive on roads which lead to scenic coastlines alongside the Black Sea.
These regions offer a large variety of industries for players to deliver to and from; including farms, logistics companies, mining and steel industries.
Key Features
Romania, Bulgaria, and the European part of Turkey to explore
Border crossings - including feature-rich border controls
River ferry over the Danube (Dunaj)
20 new major populated cities with garages
Europe's largest city, Istanbul
Multitude of smaller towns and settlements
Over 10,000 kilometers of roads to drive on
22 new companies to drive for
11 new local company docks and industries
Most famous landmarks and recognizable places
Detailed characteristic Balkan architecture
Wide range of brand new unique 3D-assets
Lush typical regional vegetation
Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
Horse carts - for Bulgarian and Romanian countrysides
Black Sea region achievements to unlock
Calul Hutul - The Hutsul Horse, Herghelia LUCINA Stud (Bucovina, Romania)
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Also called the Hucul, Huculska, Huzul, Gutsul, Guculs and Guzuls, the Hutsul horse is a traditional, authentic Carpathian (Bucovinian) breed. These animals are named according to a small ethnic group called the Hutsuls, although the horse breed is older than the people. In 1856, at Lucina, in the top of mountains (1200-1500 m altitude) the first stud farm was established in Bucovina (in Romania) by Austrian army and animals were carefully bred to preserve the pure bloodlines. This small waist horse breed was very appreciated because of exceptional abilities to climb on mountain paths, on the edge of the precipice but also because the ability to carry heavy weights, not demanding special conditions of feeding, showing a great degree of strength and exceptional adaptability.
Calul Huțul este o rasă de cai de munte, singura rasă de cai autohtonă din România. Aceste animale sunt numite după grupul etnic al huțulilor, oamenii liberi, mândri și ”sălbatici” ai pădurilor bucovinene. În 1856, la Lucina (în Bucovina), în vârful munților (la 1200-1500 m altitudine), a fost creată de armata austriacă prima herghelie de cai huțuli. Această rasă de cai de talie mică a fost foarte apreciată datorită abilităților excepționale de a urca pe cărări de munte, pe marginea prăpăstiilor, transportând greutăți mari. Caii huțuli nu sunt pretențioși în privința hranei, sunt deosebit de rezistenți, calmi, docili și prezintă o adaptabilitate excepțională.
Spectacol ecvestru la Herghelia Sâmbăta
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pitesti to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Pitesti to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Kaby Lake, Core i7 7700K 4.20GHz
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4
HDD: WD Black 4TB SATA-III 7200RPM 128MB
Graphics card: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8GB DDR5X 256-bit
Power Corsair HXi Series HX850i
Case: NZXT Noctis 450 Black
Operating System: Windows 10
Monitor: ASUS VN247H-P 23.6
Game Information:
Road to the Black Sea brings three new European regions. Drivers will be able to expand their company and deliver to the countries of Romania, known for the forested region of Transylvania and the surrounding Carpathian Mountain range, Bulgaria with its diverse terrain and Black Sea coastline, and the Trakya region of Turkey which is the gateway to Europe's largest city, Istanbul.
A significant parts of Road to the Black Sea map are composed of dense urban areas. From large cities to small humble villages found in the countrysides, truckers will also be able to drive on roads which lead to scenic coastlines alongside the Black Sea.
These regions offer a large variety of industries for players to deliver to and from; including farms, logistics companies, mining and steel industries.
Key Features
Romania, Bulgaria, and the European part of Turkey to explore
Border crossings - including feature-rich border controls
River ferry over the Danube (Dunaj)
20 new major populated cities with garages
Europe's largest city, Istanbul
Multitude of smaller towns and settlements
Over 10,000 kilometers of roads to drive on
22 new companies to drive for
11 new local company docks and industries
Most famous landmarks and recognizable places
Detailed characteristic Balkan architecture
Wide range of brand new unique 3D-assets
Lush typical regional vegetation
Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
Horse carts - for Bulgarian and Romanian countrysides
Black Sea region achievements to unlock
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Constanta to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay HD
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Constanta to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Kaby Lake, Core i7 7700K 4.20GHz
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4
HDD: WD Black 4TB SATA-III 7200RPM 128MB
Graphics card: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8GB DDR5X 256-bit
Power Corsair HXi Series HX850i
Case: NZXT Noctis 450 Black
Operating System: Windows 10
Monitor: ASUS VN247H-P 23.6
Game Information:
Road to the Black Sea brings three new European regions. Drivers will be able to expand their company and deliver to the countries of Romania, known for the forested region of Transylvania and the surrounding Carpathian Mountain range, Bulgaria with its diverse terrain and Black Sea coastline, and the Trakya region of Turkey which is the gateway to Europe's largest city, Istanbul.
A significant parts of Road to the Black Sea map are composed of dense urban areas. From large cities to small humble villages found in the countrysides, truckers will also be able to drive on roads which lead to scenic coastlines alongside the Black Sea.
These regions offer a large variety of industries for players to deliver to and from; including farms, logistics companies, mining and steel industries.
Key Features
Romania, Bulgaria, and the European part of Turkey to explore
Border crossings - including feature-rich border controls
River ferry over the Danube (Dunaj)
20 new major populated cities with garages
Europe's largest city, Istanbul
Multitude of smaller towns and settlements
Over 10,000 kilometers of roads to drive on
22 new companies to drive for
11 new local company docks and industries
Most famous landmarks and recognizable places
Detailed characteristic Balkan architecture
Wide range of brand new unique 3D-assets
Lush typical regional vegetation
Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
Horse carts - for Bulgarian and Romanian countrysides
Black Sea region achievements to unlock
Lucina plaiul cailor hutuli 30.07.2012
Hay Day Ep1 Facem curse cu cai
Sper sa va placa
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Galati to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Galati to Bucuresti - Road to the Black Sea Gameplay (PC HD) [1080p60FPS]
PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Kaby Lake, Core i7 7700K 4.20GHz
Motherboard: MSI Z270 GAMING PRO
Memory: Corsair Vengeance LPX Black 32GB DDR4
HDD: WD Black 4TB SATA-III 7200RPM 128MB
Graphics card: MSI GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8GB DDR5X 256-bit
Power Corsair HXi Series HX850i
Case: NZXT Noctis 450 Black
Operating System: Windows 10
Monitor: ASUS VN247H-P 23.6
Game Information:
Road to the Black Sea brings three new European regions. Drivers will be able to expand their company and deliver to the countries of Romania, known for the forested region of Transylvania and the surrounding Carpathian Mountain range, Bulgaria with its diverse terrain and Black Sea coastline, and the Trakya region of Turkey which is the gateway to Europe's largest city, Istanbul.
A significant parts of Road to the Black Sea map are composed of dense urban areas. From large cities to small humble villages found in the countrysides, truckers will also be able to drive on roads which lead to scenic coastlines alongside the Black Sea.
These regions offer a large variety of industries for players to deliver to and from; including farms, logistics companies, mining and steel industries.
Key Features
Romania, Bulgaria, and the European part of Turkey to explore
Border crossings - including feature-rich border controls
River ferry over the Danube (Dunaj)
20 new major populated cities with garages
Europe's largest city, Istanbul
Multitude of smaller towns and settlements
Over 10,000 kilometers of roads to drive on
22 new companies to drive for
11 new local company docks and industries
Most famous landmarks and recognizable places
Detailed characteristic Balkan architecture
Wide range of brand new unique 3D-assets
Lush typical regional vegetation
Local AI trains, trams, and traffic cars
Horse carts - for Bulgarian and Romanian countrysides
Black Sea region achievements to unlock
Fotbal și oi | Andrei Baciu | Farm of Hope Iași România
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Vimeo: FarmOfHopeIasiRomania
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